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Before we start, I want to ask you, how many people here have fear for talking or standing

in front of a crowd? So how do you try to overcome your problem? Or you just avoid tasks
related to addressing, quibbling that you’re too busy for these stuff, or even being
straightforward that you can’t speak to a crowd?
If all that I’ve mentioned are true, in all likelihood, you’re negatively affected by your own
comfort zone.
So, what is a “comfort zone”? As Wikipedia defines, a comfort zone is a psychological state
in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and in control of their
environment. This zone is where our uncertainty, scarcity and vulnerability are minimized.
The essence of comfort zone is not destructive as it plays an essential role in relieving us
when troubles come. Everyone’s comfort zone is different. For instance, home is children’s
comfort zone and that they leave home for kindergarten means they step out of the zone and
face challenges of adapting. But imagine what would happen if children never go to
schools ///
It’s vital to aware of the zone surrounding you to overcome it. “Overcome” to me doesn’t
only mean “step out”, but also “widen your comfort zone”. In fact, we all know that it’s not a
simple task, there will always be obstacles that discourage us to change. However, those
hardships are just a drop in an ocean comparing to the benefits we will gain.
Once you step out of the comfort zone, you’ll get more experiences, knowledge and other
relationship beside your default bonds. Thus, the world around you will gradually change,
maybe it won’t be as rosy as your comfort zone, but it’s worth trying. This assists a lot in
improving yourself as when you accept challenges and go through harships, you grow more
mature. And only when you change yourself for the better that’s when you understand and
love yourself in the right way.
I won’t be rambling about the importance of breaking out of your comfort zone, because
obviously, it’s already been mentioned in self-help books.
Theoretically, we are told to step out, but no one tells us how to do that. And all that we can
do is wondering without any certainty.
So my advice is, whenever you find an exit, just step forward, stop asking and trembling. We
are all afraid of making mistakes and want to be appreciated, but sometimes we need to dare
to be hated. It’s good to have a direction of where to go. But if you don’t, still don’t worry
and take a deep breath. Not having a map doesn’t mean that you will fail tragically due to
getting into the wrong way. It does mean that, because there was no specific way from the
beginning, you can go to anywhere. While walking on a path without being directed, the most
important thing to do is to be honest to yourself. Don’t ever compare youself to the others
since their ways are just for reference. Do
There’s one thing I have to say, that I used to wallow in my own comfort zone. When I was
in secondary school, my friends love me, they always made me feel safe by consoling and
defending me whenever I was scolded and censured. I felt like I got the world on my side,
and the voice inside me slowly faded . But the more mature I grow, the more I realize that
that wasn’t true safety, it must be I that fight for myself, it must be I that take the initiative to
grasp at the opportunities. And it must be right now that I step out of this comfort zone and be
sincere to myself. That’s the reason why I’m standing here, regardless my fear of standing in
front of a crowd. And I can, so why you can’t? Don’t be reluctant, don’t hesitate, listen to
yourself and take action, else you will face a burdensome punishment. It’s regret.
Remind yourself that, everything is never as scared as it looks, you’re stronger than you
thought and just move forward, because life begins at the end of the comfort zone. Thank

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