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Introduction (Deiward):

I'm nervous. Are you nervous? Do you ever get nervous? Nervous that you aren't doing enough, that you
aren't good enough, that maybe you should lose weight, be taller, and stand braver. Well, in all honesty,
you shouldn't feel that way. You should feel like you're enough and you shouldn't force yourself to
impress others. All that comes from accepting and loving yourself.

Loving yourself may seem like a daunting task but that's what makes it so fulfilling when you can finally
let go and love yourself for what you are. To help with that, my colleagues and I are here to help through
the what's, the how's, and the why's of self-love, they are Jiasmin Tiqui, Lian Dhei Bautista, and I am
Deiward Ocampo, and we are students of X-Faith, hoping to make an impact to move your life towards
the right direction.

First Speech (Jiasmin):

Self-love is fundamental to personal growth and a concept too many people do not realize. Numerous
people desperately love others without having or giving love to themselves. Many of them place the
needs of others before their own. Who among you experienced that? Sacrificing your own happiness in
sake of your love ones? Loving someone who can't love you back? Having a person that made you
experienced that spark or what we called "kilig", but one day, he ghosted you? Oh, come on! I know
there are many of you, but all I can say is that, if you do not understand how to love and appreciate your
worth, then how do you expect others to? By experiencing these situations, I think, today, not tomorrow
but today, is the right moment where you must start prioritizing yourself as well as giving yourself the
love that you deserve.

Now, let us know what self-love really means. Well, a lot of people mistakenly believe that it is just about
being selfish or egotistical. When in fact, it is not. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-
being and happiness. Moreover, taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to
please others are also the essence of self-love. Furthermore, it is about accepting yourself as you are and
that includes your weaknesses and flaws. Lastly, it is also about knowing you are worth it, not because
of what you look like or what others think of you, but because love is your birthright no matter what.

Again, I am Jiasmin Claire Tiqui, wanting you to remember that, in this entire universe, you, yourself, are
the only one who's more deserving of your love and affection.

Second Speech (Lian Dhei):

Life is a voyage of self discovery. To me, to be enlightened is to go within and to know who and what we
really are, and to know that we have the ability to change for the better by loving and taking care of
ourselves. Self-love is the most crucial aspect of one's life. If you do not understand how to appreciate
yourself and your worth, how do you expect others to? In order for you to find a practical road that takes
you to more love than you have in your life today, you need to work on yourself first. It means having a
healthy regard for yourself knowing that you are a worthy human being. You have to discover what
makes you unique, and work on being the best you. We do too much for people, so we tend to stretch
ourselves too thin and commit to everything we can, that's why we have to learn how to say "no" to
others. Saying no is one of the best things you can done for yourself, you won’t feel trapped, resentful,
and guilty anymore, instead you will feel free and empowered.

Know your value, in my age I’ve already learned that if you live your life depending on other people’s
approval, you will never feel free and truly happy. It’s okay to make mistakes- everybody does things that
they regret; this is what makes us human. We have to overcome the negative beliefs about ourselves,
avoid perfectionism, celebrate and give yourself a reward, or do things that can make you feel good. Stop
comparing yourself to anyone, you are special, no one else in this world can offer what you can. Also, it is
important to remind ourselves that no one is perfect. Be your favorite kind of man. Don't let anyone else
take that job.

Third Speech (Deiward):

Again, I am Deiward Ocampo of X-Faith. I'm here today to tell you something so great. To tell why you
should love yourself and not hate. After all, your outlook in life can decide your fate.

Do you ever look and check yourself out in the mirror? Has it ever happened that you stared at yourself
in horror? Ever feel like you bring your family dishonor?

You shouldn't because you could stand up and bring great honor.

Loving yourself makes your life so much easier. You do what you want without seeking permission. You
are free to do whatever you want. You don't have to live in fear. Fear of judgement and scrutiny because
all that really matters is to show yourself and grow yourself into what you really want to be. May they be
damned for expecting you to follow everything they want you to do. Don't let yourself go with the flow
and not be challenged. Life doesn't get better if you don't like confrontation. Face your fears and do what
it takes to beat them to finally let go of what keeps you back.

Loving yourself makes you free. Free to decide what's best for you. If you ever find out that what you
thought was right for you doesn't work out, don't panic. Let go, be thankful because of the experience
and learn your lesson. The last thing you want to feel is complacency and feel satisfied even if you can
achieve so much more. Let yourself fail, because that's how life goes. Failure is one of the vital steps in
the process of learning and succeeding. Watch yourself fail and they'll watch you soar up to the sky.

Stand tall, accept yourself, and do things you've never thought of before. Do what it takes to discover
yourself to be more. Love yourself to find your worth. You don't need others' approval to feel important.
Sometimes all it takes is for you to feel happy with what you have.

A last piece of advice, don't throw away your shot, rise up, size up, oh well, time's up.

Now that you've learned the what's, how's and why's of self-love. We want you to remember that loving
yourself will allow you to be the person that you want to be rather than the person that was told you to
be. Self-love is a choice and a choice only you get to make. It is you who's going to make your own
happiness and the only one who can define yourself. The moment that you decide to love yourself,
you've got to let go those negativity. I know it is hard but anything is possible. It is never too late. Don't
be afraid of judgments and take pride in who you are. Their opinion doesn't matter because it is you,
your acceptance and your happiness, which matter the most. So fly high and don't let them to bring you
down. Life is too short so enjoy and start loving yourself. Again, thank you for listening. We hope that you
learned a lot from us.

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