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Bolyan, Anita, Surprising Consequences of the - Divine Person And No Male

Or female Gods In - And Before - Sumeria And Hungary, 2022.

No Ancient Mother Or Goddess, Only Person

It is clear from the sumerian language that they did not made any
differences between goddess and Gods. Ther are no female or male words in
the Sumerian language.(Sumerian language course, 2014.)

It can explain why en-ki and the 'Godess' Ki can be the same persons and
that a female deity can be the person- 'goddess' - of the war,

In Europe and the English- speaking world where modern science began,
only one language was without genders, the Hungarian language. The rich
Transylvanian gold and silver mines made it possible that the Hungarians
could reserved their independence for a relatively, long time, and, thus,
their language and the main elements of their original culture from the
strong Christian traditions of the differentiation of the genders, from
thecondemnation of the women by Eve's sin. Naturally, Hungary tried to
adjust to the mainstream of Europe, however, it turned out that the
Hungarian culture is very far from the ones originated from the biblical
roots of the near east and the traditions of the indigenous tribes of
Europe.(Bible)The Englishpersonal pronoun, He or she, can be translated
into Hungarian with only one word, ő.

Until the Sumerian Language Was understood and the sources were,
properly,Translated The origin Of religion Had An falsely interpreted -

thanks to the archeological remnants, many scholars concluded that

originally, the human communities respected a female - mother- like -
goddess, akind of 'Venus', and, then, the development of the societies
with armies and political institutions, the ancient Goddes, Venus, was
changed to male god or female godesses.(Bostyn, 2011.)

Sumerian Language Has No Gender

As the linguists have found out, in the first known langugae, the
Sumerian is without any gender. the consequence is that there were no
godesses , but there were divine persons. The new idea is strengthened by
the Hungarian and original Finno-Ugrian lack of gender. Both in the
Hungarian language and the sumerian one speaks about persons and not
about men or women.

After examining the similarities closely, the finnish language, the

personal pronouns, it is not only clear, that the Hungarian and the
finnish languages are related, but the male and female third persons
singuralsof the Finnish Language are imported from other
language.Originally, the Hungarian ő (Eu) can be adjusted in the finnish
personal pronouns as the plural finnish from is eok ( in Hungarian, ők).


One of the most surprising consequences is that the human culture goes
back from its original source by introducing person in the official
communication than developing up something new ideas by giving equal
status to women. It is clear that that was the original case before the
male-female dividions began around 3,500 years by the Accadian culture
and language. It rewrites the ancient history of re-development.

It changes our knowledge about the many deities toward one single God
imahe, as the archeological findings cannot be intpreted as it was
before, dividing the female and male sculptures and other human images of
deities. It can, easily, happen that in the ancient human communities
ther were even hermaphrodites, as the greek mythology stated about Hear,
giving birth to Hephaitos wothout having been pregnant from Zeus.

Genetical Considerations

"... 1.3.5 Hera gave birth to Hephaestus without intercourse with the
other sex,48 but according to Homer he was one of her children by Zeus.49
Him Zeus cast out of heaven, ..."(Apollodoros, transl., 1977.)
Until now, the only focus was made for making lineages and explanations
of different questions from te past-present vonverning genetiists-
however, it is worth examining whether it was biologically true that
there were three different genders, male, female and hermaphrodits or it
was only a misperception of pregnancy, either of not knowing the father
or having the belief that babies were from creatures of the air (girls of
the earth and men of the sky can be interpreted in this way). there is no
real genetical data about it yet.


the origin of religion is not with genders. As we know now, originally,

there were no genders in languages, the first known language, Sumerian
has no male or female pronouns, and there is a language where this
ancient status survived until today (Hungarian), and it is clearly
provable that that was the case with the finnish language.

The consequence is that ine cannot speak about an ancient mother or

female goddess, as the original god, but our ancestors di not make any
differences before the Accadian perception of the two genders (Bible-
Adam and Eve's story).

It is worth considering examining the existence andacceptance of human

hermaphrodites in the past. Nowadays, these hermaphroditical people are
regarded as with medical problems, so this mutation of mankind is
artifically blocked, although, biologists can confirm that it can work,
as in the animal world.It is a strong assumption that the mankind has
already begun to develop towards a more complex societies, concluding
three or, even, four types of human beings, like at some species of
insects.Originally, the human beings were abel to reproduce themselves as
hermaphrodites and these mutations of changing genders can be afurther
step of building up a complex society for stronger base of survival of
the human species.(Bolyan- Letters, 2022.

Conversational Sumerian Lesson 1: Greetings & Introductions
YouTube · Sumerian Lang
2014. febr. 12.
ebben a videóban

Learn Finnish in 4 Hours - ALL the Finnish Basics You
Need › watch
Letters- 2022.
Anita Bolyán - Academia.edu › Ani...
Oldal lefordítása
Anita Bolyán. I am a historianand IR expert graduated from the Pecs
University, Hungary and having M.A. from the Open University, working on
reforming the ..

Bolyán, Anita, RH Negativ - Responsible For Demographic and
... › document › Bolyan-Anita-Rh-N...
Changes - In Memoriam: Dr.Bolyán (Boján) Ferenc, Abstract, 2021. Bolyán,
Anita, Rh negatív - a demográfiai és migrációs változások


Ki (goddess) - Wikipedia › wiki › Ki_(g...

Oldal lefordítása
Ki was the earth goddess in Sumerian religion, chief consort of the sky
god An. ... In some legends Ki and An were brother and sister, being the
offspring of ...
6.Françoise Bostyn , in:
Földanya-szobor került elő Franciaországban - Múlt-korhttps://mult- › 20111213_foldanyaszobor_kerult...
2011. dec. 13. — Francia régészek egy neolitikum kori, kiváló állapotban
fennmaradt földanya-szobrot találtak a Somme partján.

Újkőkorszak - Wikipédia › wiki › Újkőkorszak

Az újkőkor vagy csiszoltkő-kor(szak) (idegen nevén neolitikum) a ...
Ezért neolitikus jellegű kultúráról csak a lelőhelye és kora említésével
lehet beszélni ...

True hermaphroditism: genetic variants and clinical ... -
PubMed › ...· Oldal lefordítása
Írta: CG Hadjiathanasiou · 1994 · Idézetek száma: 117 — We conclude that
true hermaphroditism is a heterogeneous condition in terms of its genetic
background, with a prevalence of the 46,XX karyotype. There may be ...

True hermaphroditism in an XY individual due to a ... -

PubMed › ...· Oldal lefordítása
Írta: EM Maier · 2003 · Idézetek száma: 37 — Furthermore, fewer than 10%
of true hermaphrodites carry an XY karyotype, and so far only two
patients have been documented to carry a mutation in the SRY gene.


APOLLODORUS (Apollodórosz) › html

Oldal lefordítása
APOLLODORUS (Apollodórosz). Mitológia. (Ford.: Horváth Judit.) Bp. 1977.
- the quotation:
"... Héra nász nélkül, önmagától szülte Héphaisztoszt, bár Homérosz azt
állítja, hogy Héphaisztoszt is Zeusz nemzette. Zeusz letaszította a fiút
az égből, amiért a gúzsba kötött Héra segítségére..."

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