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Read the attached articles THOROUGHLY and explain (summarize) each concept down
below. You also need to indicate on what page and line you found each concept (ex: page 15,
line 4-7).

Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, Bettina Fabos, and Shawn Harmsen. Media
Essentials: A Brief Introduction (Fifth Edition). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020.
Chapter 6

-Radio’s slow development into a mass medium

-Radio as interstate commerce, broadcasting as being for the public good, and the birth of the
-Networks and affiliate stations
-The first networks: CBS and NBC
-The shift to commercial and advertising-based radio
-The Golden Age of Radio and differences between early commercial radio and
contemporary radio
-Ways radio industry responds to the rise of television
-Importance of local advertising and format specialization to contemporary radio
-Music industry influence on contemporary radio and pay-for-play
-Non-profit presence and relative importance of public good in contemporary radio

Solomon, Matthew. “Adapting Radio’s ‘Perfect Script’: ‘Sorry, Wrong Number’ and
Sorry, Wrong Number.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video. 16.1 (1997): 23-40.

-Anthology program format

-Synergistic relationships between radio and film in the Golden Age of Radio
-Distinctions between mimesis and diegesis and “Sorry, Wrong Number” as close to pure
-Reasons and ways film adaption of “Sorry, Wrong Number” relies much more on diegesis
than its radio source material

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