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Hey, you should like this quote from the koob "The 5 Second Rule: Transform your

Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage": “nd it’s a kind of superior,
interior urge or impulse that makes us listen to it. This impulse is not as subtle
as you might think.Several times a day, you experience cravings, longings, more or
less passionate attempts to reach something "better," that’s more desirable or more
in line with your aspirations.Most of the time, however, this initial enthusiasm
drops: the change you need to make in your life may seem obvious, and there may be
no doubt in your mind about which direction your life should take, yet you still
have to act accordingly.Cue 5-second rule. Its basic principle is to give these
inner stirrings of the soul the recognition they deserve. They point the way
towards happiness much better than the conscious mind and can drastically change
your life if you’re just willing to listen to them.It goes as follows: You owe it
to your inner wisdom to take action in less than 5 seconds as soon as you feel one
of its prompts. Your action connects you to what your heart is trying to say.Why
less than 5 seconds? 5 seconds is the time you have before the brain formulates
counter- arguments, rationalizing why it is difficult, impossible, uncertain,
risky, to do whatever your first intuition or impulse suggests you do.This state of
mental flux provides you with a short window of opportunity that you must turn to
your advantage by immediately counting down and taking action. Afterwards, it will
be too late—the opportunity will have disappeared forever.It is incredibly basic.
Mind you, simple does not mean easy”.
I read it on Koober, try the app here:
See you!

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