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PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE                            Vo l .14 , No .

11 , November 2004


Bioremediation :A review of applications and

problems to be resolved
ZHOU Qixing and H UA T ao
(Key Laborat ory of Terrestrial Ecological Process , Instit ute of A pplied Ecology , Chinese Academy of S ciences , S henyang 110016 ,

Received A pril 2 , 2004

   Abstract  This review art icle describes the factors af fecting bioremediation processes including :goals of bioremediat ion and t he op-
t imal ecological condi tions required ;i noculation of microorganisms ;co-metabolism ;bioavailabilit y and i ts improvement ;biological evolu-
t ion and its utilization ;monitoring and cont rol of bioremediat ion processes ;ident ification of bioremediation eff ectiveness and ecological re-
mediation and it s key element s.The cu rrent progress i n bioremediation techniques is summarized .T he di recti on of f uture development ,
research and applicat ions is also examined.

  Keywords : polluted environment, bioremediation, ecological process , new research progress.

  Bio remediation is a fo rm of biotechnology having termined by many factors , and in particular , the fol-
the characteristics of low energy consumption , hig h low ing technical parameters should be considered .
eff iciency and high envi ronmental safety , w hich can
deg rade and remove environment al pollut ants by the (1)Microorganisms : Miracle microorganisms
phy sical metabolism of t he bacteria , fungi , higher w ith special activities should be screened .T hese mir-
plants and cellular f ree enzymes.In a broad sense , acle microo rganisms should have the ability to deg rade
bio remediation consist s of three main cat egories , pollutants f rom an initial high concentratio n t o a level
namely :the microbial remediation , the phyto reme- low er t han the stipulated standard value wit hout t he
diation and the cellular free enzy me remediation .As a generation of any toxic metabolites at a reasonable rate .
challenging leading edge technology [ 1] , bioremedia- (2)T reatment sites[ 3] :On-site chemical pollu-
tion has moved into a flourishing era .It is anticipated t ants and their concentrations should not inhibit
that bioremediation w ill be one of t he key develop- degradable act ivities of specific microo rganisms and
ment areas in environmental technology during the enzymes , and t he absorpt ion of hy peraccum ulative
early 21st century .In order to enhance the research plant s.Otherw ise , the dilution should be consid-
on bioremediation in China , ensure its proper devel- ered[ 4] .Chemical pollutant s should be bioavailable
opment , and t ransform research findings into success- and condit ions in an on-si te reactor should be sui table
f ul commercial applicat ions , g reat at tention must be fo r organisms to live .T heref ore some know ledge
g iven to the key issues that are reviewed in t he fol- about t reatment sites and treatment processes as w ell
lowing sections . as required ecological condit ions should be necessary .
(3)Moist ure :M any dat a show that moist ure is
1  Goals and optimal ecological conditions re- one of key f actors to regulate and control living activi-
quired for bioremediation ties of microorganism s, plants and cellular f ree en-
zymes[ 3, 5] , since moisture is t he medium t hrough
T he goal of bioremediation is to reduce pollut ants w hich nut rient s and organic constit uents diffuse into
in soils , ground o r surface w ater to a level lower t han living cells and metaboli tes are discharged f rom living
the standard value f or envi ronmental safety [ 2] .As a organism s.Moisture has a great im pact o n the bio re-
bio technical measure , successful bio remediation is de- mediation of cont aminated soils and g round w ater by
* Supported by the N at ional Fund for Disti nguished Young Scholars (G rant N o.20225722)and Chinese A cademy of Sciences (G rant N o.K ZC X2-
S W-416)
** To w hom correspondence should be addressed .E-mail :z houq @mail . sy .ln .
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aff ecting t he soil permeability , characteristics and tion of different ecological conditions w ill be a main
quantity of soluble materials , the osmotic pressure , research trend in the future .
the pH v alue of the soil solut ion and the hy draulic (6)Rhizosphere ef fects :In view of phy toreme-
conductivity rate of unsaturated soils.Some stud- diation , rhizosphere plays a signif icant role[ 11 , 12] .
[ 3, 6]
ies have shown that 25 % ~ 85 % of the water- T he activity of rhizospheric microorganisms , total
holding capacity o r -0 . 01 MP a may be the optimal biomass, phy sical sizes such as the ratio of root to
level fo r the soil moisture validit y . stem and t he ratio of root surf ace area to root volume
(4)Nut rients :T he grow th of special org anisms and development conditions of plant root sy stem s have
w ill be inhibited w hen the concent ration of N , P o r a direct relationship w ith pollutant deg radation and
o ther nut rients is no t high enough .T he suf ficiency of accumulation rates .Different types of plant s and dif-
nutrition supply , the co-oxidatio n substrate and other ferent rhizosphere functions have dif ferent deg rada-
parameters (including delivery methods , timing and tion capabilities.Studies[ 12 , 13] showed t hat vi rgate
doses)w hich can facilit ate the g row th of microorgan- acrogenous roo ts of most monocoty ledonous plants are
isms and plant s will be anot her limiti ng f actor f or the delicately t hin , usually less than 100 μm , and have a
bio remediation .Wit h reg ard to optimal ecological larger surface area than t hat of dicoty ledonous plant s.
conditions, many researchers[ 3, 7] pointed out t hat the For example , the average diameter of w heat roo ts is
optimal concentrat ion ratio of C∶N∶P is 100∶10∶1 . 0. 1 m m , w hile its average coverage area is bigger
T he remediation of surface soils w ill be easier to t han 6 m .Those monocoty ledonous plants w ith fine
achieve in terms of t he easiness of nut rition supply roots can flourish even in impoverished low nut rit ion
and cont rol .How ever , surf ace remediation does not soils.Dicotyledonous plants have t hick and st rong
necessarily mean t he success of bioremediation pro- roots , norm ally 0 . 6~ 1. 0 mm in diameter , w hich are
cesses, and maybe subsurf ace remediation or even suit able f or the g row th in tig ht soils .When compared
deep layer medium remediation does .Therefore the t o dicoty ledonous plants , monoco tyledonous plant s
regulation and cont rol technique of the subst ratum , have a higher rate of pollut ant degradation or accumu-
namely t he technique of necessary materials required lation in soils .F urthermore , there are m any oxidase
for bioremediation which are injected to t he subst ra- systems in the rhizosphere of monocotyledonous
tum , is an important component of bioremediation plant s, w hich have some special deg radation capabili-
process cont rol .At present , commonly used dosing ties fo r org anic pollutant s and can promo te deg rada-
sy stem s include gravity or hydraulic feeding devices tion processes of organic pollutant s.In view of t he
and orifice sy stems , w hile circulat ing pumps , radius significant role of t he rhizosphere in phytoremediation ,
borers and the hydraulics f racturing systems for the this will be an important researching field to undertake ,
low permeable zone are still under development[ 8 , 9] . both on the combined action of microorganisms and plants
(5)Oxygen and elect ro n acceptors :Suf ficient and on the relationship between the microorganism activi-
o xygen supply is a key factor in bioremediation pro- [ 14]
[ 9]
ty and the healthy root g row th .
cesses .In the phy toremediation , for the respi ration (7) Soil chemical and phy sical f actors[ 15 , 16] :
of plant s , a cert ain minimum amount of ox ygen is re- Bioremediation processes are also af fected by soil
qui red .In microbial remediation , the deg radation chemical and phy sical fact ors including the co ntent of
speed of org anic pollutant s is more often than not de- organic material and clay particles , cationic exchange-
termined by the supply rate of terminal elect ron ac- able capaci ty ( CEC)and pH value , soil tem perature
cept ors .Most of soil microo rganism populations t ake and clim ate changes w hich can affect soil tem perature
o xygen as t he terminal elect ro n acceptor .T he oxida- and bioavailabilit y of phosphate and calcium fertiliz-
tion-reduction potential also has some ef fects on ers .St udies
[ 3, 12]
have show n that the opt im al pH is
met abolic processes of microorganism populations in betw een 5 . 5 and 8 . 5 and the optimal tem perature
[ 5 , 9 , 10]
subsurface soils.Many researchers pointed out range is betw een 15 ℃ and 45 ℃ for bioremediat ion
that the optimal DO level and t he low est air-filled processes .With reg ard to other factors , the optimal
pore volume for the aerobic metabolism are higher ranges are still not available , and further studies need to
than 0 . 2 mg/ L and 10 %, respectively , under single be carried out to determine these important parameters .
factor conditions .F or anaerobic metabolisms , the op-
timal DO level is less than 1 % (aerobic and facult a- 2  Inoculation of microorganisms
tive anaerobic org anisms >50 mV , anaerobic organ-
isms <50 mV).Invest ig ations into the combined ac- A number of microorganisms have some unique
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o r obligate metabolism f unctions and are correlated plying the biomass of inoculums , pollutant s can be re-
w it h indigenous microorganism community .The in- moved more rapidly .In contrast wit h t he biomass of
oculation of microorganisms means to int roduce t hose separated inoculum s, special chemicals are mo re ready
microorganisms into treatment sites .T his is a key t o integrate w ith t he environment al medium .Af ter
step in microbial remediation processes .T he efficien- t he subst rate is co nsumed by inoculum s or removed
cy of microbial remediation processes can be assessed f rom supply , a large amount of microorganism popu-
by the f ollowing criteria :t he increase of microorgan- lation will utilize t arget pollutants as their carbon
ism biomass , the im provement of pollutant bioavail- sources[ 21] .
abilit y , the opt imization of microbial community [ 3 , 21]
structures and the f avorable cont rol of deg radation Data have show n that peat moss may be t he
processes , the enhancement of the activity of indige- ideal carrier fo r the inoculation of rhizobia .Only
nous microorganism communities , especially sig nifi- bran , saw dust , infert ile soils and clay have been test-
cant impact s of inoculated microorg anism on eco- ed as t he biom ass carrier so far .More studies and ap-
chemical behavior , and the final concent ration of pol- plications on this issue are still greatly needed .
[ 17 , 18]
lutants .
3  Co-metabolizable mechanisms
T he unavailability of substrates for microorgan-
ism g row th , the competition of indigenous microor- Generally speaking , co-met abolism in bioremedi-
g anism communities, the presence of antibio tic sub- ation means pollutant s in environment undertake some
st ances , and the inhibition of predators all have great metabolic t ransfo rmations while microorg anism popu-
impacts on the g row th and reproductio n of introduced lations are utilizing some ot her chemicals as their car-
microorganisms.T he biomass of big inoculums can bon o r energy source .During t his process , the re-
solve this problem to some ex tent , yet the basic appli- moval and detoxification of pollutants are all indirect
cation equipment w hich can produce and disperse or incidental events .
large quant ities of bacteria biomass is required[ 9] .T he
important fact or is that w hen inoculums are mixed Nowaday s, t his special action has become one of
w it h onsite environmental medium , only t he consis- t he most import ant components fo r t he bio remedia-
tency bet ween original living conditions and onsite tion st rategy .Unfortunately , the o nsite regulat ion
ones can ensure t he avoidance of a large impact on the and cont rol of t his process has met wi th g reat difficul-
cell grow th rate of inoculums caused by ecological ties, and research ex penditure has been f airly consid-
conditions that differ f rom cultivatio n conditions and erable . The successful bioremediation of phenan-
the identification of t he misused microorg anism dur- t hrene (PAH)is considered to be involved in this ex-
ing the cultivation of inoculums .When returned o r pensive co-metabolism process.Studies[ 23] show ed
applied to onsite t reat ment sites , those microorgan- t hat some enzymes w hich can be used by some special
isms acqui red by the labo ratory sif ting w ith hig h bacteria to degrade PAHs can o xidise other PAH s.
g row t h rate and hig h metabolism rate are prone to Some researchers[ 22 , 23] seg regated t he bacteria out of
compete wit h indigenous microorganisms .T he future Pseudomonas pauci moblis , w hile taking f luoranthene
development w ill be sif ting to the domestication of as the only carbon and energy source .T hey can make
living microorganism s under laboratory conditions to some biotransformatio ns to PAHs including naphtha-
enhance their degradat ion abilities under low substrate lene , fluorine , acenaphthene , phenanthrene , an-
and low inorganic nut rition conditions , and to their a- t hracene , 2-methylnaphthalene , 2 , 6- dimet hylnaph-
bilities of being adso rbed t o the surf ace w ith many t halene , benzo [ b] fluorine , biphenyl , and benzo [ a]
[ 3, 24]
pollutants , their abilities of mig ration or chemot axis py rene .Data show ed t hat the degradation of
and their ability to maintain a hig h survival rate under DDT is a co-met abolism process under anaerobic con-
different ecological conditions .It is also hoped t hat ditions .In addi tion , t he co-metabolit e can be degrad-
more po tential inoculums can be obtained[ 9 , 20] . ed by the aerobic microorg anisms .

T he addition of chemicals t hat can promo te the A notable fact or is t hat under the predefined eco-
removal or deg radation of pollut ants can increase the logical set tings which are supposed to promote t he
ratio of successful inoculat ion of microorgan- degradation of PAHs by indigenous microorganism s,
isms[ 21, 22] .Special chemicals can facili tate t he g row t h co-metabolism could never be maximized .T herefo re
of onsite inoculums , and thus by sig nificant ly multi- t here are some risks associated w ith reducing PAHs to
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a level low er than t he cleaning level by the co- used to undertake toxicity tests of pure chemicals[ 30] .
met abolism [ 23] alone .No rmally i t is unknow n w hich With t he development of research on environmental
PAHs exactly are serving as the main carbon and en- problems and increasing demand for the ecological
ergy source .It is impossible to keep the concent ration qualit y of the environment , these methods have been
of the right PAHs which is acting as the carbo n and applied to t he evaluation of waste dumps , environ-
energy source at the optimum level at w hich t he co- mental pollution sites and the evaluation of the co-
met abolism is supposed to be optimized .Sometimes metabolism in bio remediation of contaminated soils
the addi tion of low concent ration of PAH s can stimu- and groundw ater , etc .
late the microo rganism com munit y to degrade hig h
molecular w eight PAHs to an even lower level 4  Bioavailability and its improvement
throug h the co-metabolism .
Even under the optimal ecological conditions,
It is also import ant to identify induced products immediate contact s bet ween specific microorganism s,
by t he co-metabolism . Laborato ry studies[ 25 , 26] enzymes , plant s and pollutants are often reduced ow-
showed that t he strain cultivated by biphenyls can co- ing to adsorption and immobilization of pollut ants in
met abolize dibenzofuran .The oxidation of butane can environmental medium such as soil , sediment s , and
cause the co-met abolism of chlorinated solvent s.Field lithometeor .T herefore the biodegradabili ty of pollu-
experiments[ 27] showed t hat t he introduction of some t ants and the availabili ty of nut rients for specif ic mi-
subst rates into a t reatment site can promote t he en- croorg anisms , enzymes and plants are de-
richment of microo rganism communities w hich can creased[ 31 , 32] .In this sense , the observed bio-concen-
deg rade methane and phenol , and trichloroethene t ration of chemical pollutant s in environmental sy s-
(TCE)can be deg raded by a co-metabolism bypass . tems could be defined as the effectiveness of
Some calculations showed that during t he deg radation biodeg radability during bioremediation .
of methane , 30 % of TCE can be deg raded , w hile
90 % of TCE can be removed during the deg radation T w o f actors are of ten ignored when bioavailabili-
of phenol .If ecological conditions in an onsite t reat- ty is considered .One factor is that in many cases , es-
ment site can be carefully controlled , the complete re- pecially at microbial remediation level , the effective
moval of target pollutants can be achieved .Studies[ 24] concent rations based o n individual cells are norm ally
of Sun et al .demonst rated t hat isoprenoid-alkyl , quite low , which to a large extent owe much to t he
alkyl pheny l group and amino oxidation bacteria can combinat ion of pollutant s wit h special surface and t he
[ 18]
also co-met abolize TCE . separation of bacteria from biological membranes .
Until now bioremediation processes and t heir onsite
T he bioremediation of many pollutant s such as applications have not taken this key issue into ac-
pet roleum hydrocarbons and organic dyestuf fs can count .In some cases , the application of surf actant s to
produce some chemicals much more to xic than t hei r bioremediation can improve the bioavailability and t he
mat ri xes due t o the co-metabolism [ 28 , 29] .In other rate of biodeg radation processes .Loeser et al .provid-
w ords , alt hough concentrations of original pollut ants ed evidence[ 33] that the improvement in bioavailability
are reduced , converted products can exert much more can increase the biodeg radation rate and the biological
toxicity acting on ecosystems .Additionally , some ox- exploi tability .Researches
[ 28, 33]
on using surfactant s
idation end-products by t he co-metabolism tend not to t o biodeg rade pet roleum hydrocarbon and PAHs re-
be deg raded by indigenous microorganisms .F rom the vealed that t here w as some unknow n biodeg radability
toxicolog ical point of view , biological evaluations by soil microorganism communities .F or example ,
about biodegradable processes are necessary .P resent- w hen bacteria using f luo rant hene as t he only carbon
ly the existing methods in use are :the higher plant e- and energy source were applied to the remediation of
co toxicological methods (such as inhibition test of pet roleum-cont aminated soils , they show ed an ability
plant root elongation , test of seed germination , the t o att ack ot her PAHs .
test of the early stage seedling g row th and the toxic
test of horsebean root t ips), t he acute toxicity tests of Surfact ants w ill play a significant role in the fu-
earthw orms, t he subacute toxicity and t he chronic ture bioremediation engineering [ 34, 35] .In particular ,
toxicity , the protozoan ecotoxicological methods , the t he development of biosurfact ants can signif icantly re-
fish embryo indication test , the Ames mut agenesis e- duce treatment expenses .T herefore in the future ,
valuation met hod .Init ially t hese test s were mostly studies o n surfact ants promoted biodegradation pro-
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cesses and the mechanism involved , and the engineer- plant s w ith even stronger biodegradability and bioac-
ing policy of using surfact ants or ot her approaches cumulation characterist ics throug h the intentional ,
that can improve t ransferring characterist ic must be long term breeding w it h respect to biological evolut ion
carried out .T he removal of chemicals that can en- as w ell as by applying those biological evolution mech-
hance bioavailability should also be considered to avoid anisms[ 37 , 38] including the modulation and utilizat ion
neg ative ef fects caused by onsite distribution of pollu- of t ranscriptio nal facto rs .On the o ther hand , t he
tants , for ex ample , the inf iltration of pollutant s into purposeful cont rol of int roduced specific microorg an-
a non-polluted area and impacts of secondary pollu- ism s should be t aken under the principle of biological
tion . evolut ion , including the decrease in introduced mi-
croorg anism population wit h the disappearance of pol-
F or hy drophobic o rganic pollutants , althoug h lutants and the met hod of ex t racting specif ic microor-
the total concentrat ion is fai rly hig h , inhabited bacte- ganisms to apply to some polluted spot s elsew here .
ria populat ion in a water-droplet interface is fai rly
sm all due t o the hydrophobic characterist ics .Wastes With t he globalization of environmental pollut ion
from petroleum product s , kreosote , coal tar and and t he long term exposure of many o rganisms to con-
PCBs belong to this category .So f ar t here is no re- t aminated environment , the tolerance of living com-
search on how t he bacteria can envelop and consume ponent s in an ecosystem to pollutant s is generally en-
hydrophobic pollutants , althoug h some data[ 3] hanced .Meanw hile the ecosy stem has evolved it-
showed that bacteria can generate emulsif iers .When self[ 39] .F rom the viewpoint of eco nomic benefits and
added into an onsi te t reatment site , t hese emulsifiers resources saving , w hen enacting judging standards of
can f acilitate the biodegradation of hy drophobic pollu- bioremediation ef fectiveness , one should take biologi-
tants .T he application of t hose bioemulsifiers includ- cal evolution into account , and some pertinent re-
ing their application in bioreacto rs may also improve searches on biological evolution under bioremediat ion
the bioavailability of hy drophobic pollut ants and lead conditions should be undertaken .
to a final biodegradation .Unfortunately , bioemulsi-
f iers are pro ne to be biodegraded themselves .In other 6  Monitoring and control of bioremediation
w ords, they cannot be t he substi tute of chemosy n-
thetic surf actants in bio remediation processes in a cer- How can t he effectiveness of contaminated soil
tain period .T herefo re , the main task of the applica- bioremediation be evaluated ? Chemical analyses are
tion of bioremediation processes w ill be to determine t he tradit ional method , and they alone , can only per-
how to prevent bioemulsifiers from being biodeg raded form either qualit at ive or quantit ative t racing on tar-
themselves. get pollut ants .It is difficult to give a correct evalua-
tion on metabolite pollutants and their ecological to xi-
5  Biological evolution and its utilization
city t hat are generated during bio remediation process-
Contaminated envi ronments can result in a toler- es .Ecoto xicological methods including the st ruct ure-
ance to organism s.I t w ill be easy t o screen some mi- t oxicity co rrelation analy sis of pollut ants can be used
croorganism s or plant s wi th high degradability or hy- t o complement the chemical analy ses .With these new
peraccumulative characteristic of some pollu- methods it is also possible to predict t he progress of
tants[ 12 , 20, 36] .Conversely , in a clean enviro nment , it special bioremediation and to reveal underlying prob-
w ill always be dif ficult to obtain miracle microorgan- lems .T hese fact ors are helpf ul to enable some engi-
isms or the hyperaccumulative plant s needed in biore- neering reconstruction to be undert aken to improve
mediation processes .With regard to t he identification bioremediation processes .
of specific microorganisms and hyperaccumulative
plants, f rom t he view point of biological evolution , In recent years biotechnology has been widely
cont aminated environment has some positive ef fects . applied to the mo nitoring of bio remediation[ 40~ 42] .
T he method using the nucleic acid probe can detect
On t he one hand the need is t o identify biodeg ra- specific microo rganisms wit h biodeg radability based
dation and bioaccumulation processes in t he cont ami- on the cloned requisite gene , for example , t he nucleic
nated envi ronment .At the same time it is import ant acid probes identifying monooxy genase and dio xyge-
to lay t he foundation f or the technical perfection of nase genes which can initially oxidize aromatics have
bio remediation by developing microo rganisms o r been developed ;the method of gene expression can
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establish the correlation between the disappearance of count the successful application of bioremediation pro-
[ 5, 9]
a certain pollutant and environmental expression of a cesses.Some ex periments have show n that t he
cert ain gene responsible for t he initial met abolism of optimization of ecological conditions has some nega-
pollutants by virtue of separating the special gene tive impacts on specific microo rganisms .Fo r exam-
[ 45]
probe f rom m arked RNA , such as the gene expression ple , although the application of microorganism in-
of mo noo xygenases and dioxygenases w hich are re- oculums in kreoso te-cont aminated soil remediat ion
sponsible fo r the initial met abolism ;t he method of seems very successful , t he nutrients w eaken deg rada-
stressing the activation of start-up genes can induce tion of pollutant s by inoculums because the nut rient s
special met abolism bypass to deg rade some pollut ants w hich are added along w ith specific microorganism
by environmental act ivation of start-up genes, such as inoculum s have stro nger stimulations on the g row th
the st art-up gene activated by t he low nutrition level and the reproduction of indigenous microorganisms than
o r different temperature ;in combination wi th the that of the specific microorganism inoculum itself .
spectrophotomet ry , the method of stable isotope can
determine f luxes of organic or inorganic pollut ants af- T he sho rt remediation time and the correspond-
f ected by bioremediation processes ;by using the st a- ing affordable expenditure should also be considered as
ble isotope met hod of carbon and nitrogen , degrada- t he component of evaluating eff ectiveness of bioreme-
tion product s of some pollutants such as CO2 can be diation .T he low deg radatio n rate of high molecular
traced .So far the biotechnological methods w hich can weight PAHs , t he decrease in the act ivity of microor-
be applied to this kind of monit oring also include the ganisms , and the concent ration determination of mix-
biological diversity identification , the immunological test , ture pollutants are main limi ting f actors for the appli-
[ 9 , 46]
the informative gene and the chemical species design . cations of bioremediation .Bioremediat ion pro-
cesses are bound to f ail if the costs of reinoculat ion
T he applicat ion of bio technology enables a bet ter and the addition of nutrients are not aff ordable .
understanding of many microbiological and bo tanic e- T heref ore the successful applicat ion of bioremediat ion
cological issues.Most of bioremediatio n st udies are has an im mediate relationship w ith t he remediat ion
focused on research and development of new ecological t ime and t he expenditure co nt rol .
processes;and so f ar there are f ew concerns about
process cont rol and long-term bioavailabili ty of biore- Alt hough we can accurately identify pollutant s
mediation processes .It is anticipated that molecular w hich are heterogeneously dist ributed in environ-
biology and biotechnology w ill f inally be t he most ef- ment , it is still possible to underestimate the hetero-
f icient , the cheapest and the most sensit ive met hod geneity in many cases.In t he case of in sit u bioreme-
for t he process monito ring and cont rol[ 41] . diation applications , developing proper sampling and
analy tical methods to identify loading of pollutants in
7  Evaluation of bioremediation effectiveness environment[ 47] is more impo rt ant than bio remedia-
It is dif ficult t o tell w hether a bioremediation tion it self .Less adv anced sampling and analytical
[ 43] methods may lead to incorrect evaluation of the envi-
process application is successful o r no t .Generally
ronmental complexity and finally may lead to the f ail-
speaking , if concent rations of target pollut ants are re-
ure of bioremediation processes .For example , in t he
duced to a low er level t han the expected one , it can
bioremediation of soil contaminated w ith pet roleum
be said that it is a successful or ef ficient application .
Nevert heless one thing t hat must be pointed out is hy drocarbons , the degradation of hydrocarbons is en-
that it must be biodegradation instead of volatilization hanced by the addition of manure , oxygen and biolog-
o r dilution that causes the reduction in concent rations ical materials deg rading hydrocarbons .It is no t possi-
of pollutants .In some cases volatilizatio n , dilution ble to judge the success of bio remediation according to
and redist ribution of pollut ants are far mo re eff ective t he degradation of hydrocarbons because w e cannot
than biodegradation
[ 9, 44]
, and more often than not determine the degradat ion rate of PAHs using outdat-
these mechanisms are mist aken for biodegradation . ed detection methods.Simulation studies on their
chemical behavior and t heir migration and t ransf or-
M any methods and steps can st rengt hen biore- mations in dif ferent envi ronmental mediums[ 48] to sci-
mediation of contaminated soils and its application to entifically evaluat e the success of bioremediation ap-
cont aminated sites .How ever , t he streng thened t reat- plication w ill be an import ant part of future researches
ment may cause potential ecological risks w hich dis- and applications of bioremediation .
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It is not dif ficult to understand that the success metabolisms ;(3)the rhizosphere can provide a good
of bioremediation technology under laborato ry condi- habit at fo r microo rganism populations to deg rade pol-
tions does not necessarily lead to the success of the lutants ;(4)some plants can transfer o xygen to t he
[ 9 , 43]
onsi te applications .Similarly t he successful ap- rhizosphere , w hich can f acilitate aerobic degradat ion
plication at one si te cannot automatically lead to suc- processes .
cess at another site .Wit h the applicat ion of biodeg ra-
dation-enhanced processes , the issue of the relation- T he main advantage of the joint plant-microor-
ship betw een the “amplification scale” and the effec- ganism remediation approach is that no soil excava-
tiveness of bio remediation arises . tions are required , w hich reduces the exposure ex tent
and the exposure time of pollutants .With regard to
8  Ecological remediation and its elements large area soil cleanup projects , t his approach may be
more practicable than o thers .Nevert heless some pol-
F or bioremediation of combined pollution , indi- lutants may be toxic t o plants , and sometimes redis-
vidual remediation methods normally do not w ork . posal of hyperaccumulative plants may be required .
T he effect ive combination of various cleanup met h- Meanwhile the cleanup cycling t ime is relat ively
ods , namely ecological remediation , can degrade and long[ 12] .
remove pollutants more ef ficiently[ 49] .In order to im-
prove t he efficiency of remediat ion processes during In a w ord , the goal of bio remediation processes
the consolidated remediation , several remediation is to use biosystems to eff iciently clean up pollutant s
technologies can be used simultaneously or respective- caused by human act ivit ies .Successful bioremediat ion
ly in different stages .At present the combination of applications need t he cooperation of many disciplines
miracle microorganisms w ith special plants is a rela- including pollution ecology , molecular biology ,
tively mature bio remediation technology[ 14] . T he biotechnology , soil chemistry , botany , microbiology
cont ribution of special plant s to bioremediation pro- and environmental engineering .One facto r t hat must
cesses can be summarized as tw o aspects :(1)the ab- be em phasised is that deep understanding of biotech-
sorption and accumulation of pollutants by a hy perac- nology microbial principles will benefit the further de-
cumulative plant itself[ 50] ;(2)the promo tion of de- velopment of bioremediation technology , and f acili-
g rading pollut ants by w ay of improving ecological t ate mo re eff icient and a g reater number of bioremedi-
conditions favo rable to mi racle microorganisms[ 51] . ation applicat ions .By assimilating , referencing and
learning f rom bo th successf ul and unsuccessful bio re-
T he abso rption and accumulation of pollutants by mediation applications , the bioremediation of contam-
a plant itself are af fected by many ecological and inated soil , groundw ater and surf ace w ater w ill enter
chemical conditions such as air temperat ure , precipi- a new era .
tation , medium pH , soil clay , CEC , organic mat ter
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