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Semester 1, 2022


Learning Activity


Teams A, B, C, D, E, F: Coaching Session 2 (Sunday, 3 April 2022)

Teams G, H, I, J, K: Coaching Session 2 (Saturday, 16 April 2022)


• Access the learning resources in the eLearning course.

• Study all learning resources of Topic 9.
• Respond to the questions / required tasks on the Case Study. Prepare your responses
in PowerPoint slides and Excel spreadsheets, where applicable.
• Present to the class your responses using PowerPoint slides and Excel spreadsheets.
Challenge other students’ responses to facilitate a thorough class discussion .

Case Study
1. Use the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix tool to objectively
identify the appropriate strategic posture (or position) for the company and, in turn,
suggest suitable generic competitive strategy(ies) that the company could take in the
US or North America, going forward from 3 rd Quarter 2022.

2. Use the Internal-External (IE) Matrix and Ansoff Matrix tools to suggest suitable
strategic thrust(s) (encompassing intensive growth strategy(ies) and strategic actions)
that the company could take in the US or North America, going forward from 3 rd Quarter

3. Use the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) tool to objectively evaluate your
suggested generic competitive strategy(ies), intensive growth strategy(ies) and strategic
actions that the company could take in the US or North America, going forward from 3 rd
Quarter 2022. Use the evaluation to propose a new strategic plan that could resolve the
strategic issues for the company going forward from 3 rd Quarter 2022.

4. Augment the proposed new strategic plan with an explanation, supported by compelling
validated critical reasoning, of the changes the company would need to make to its
current* strategic plan (comprising business model, value chain, strategic and financial
objectives, generic competitive strategy, intensive growth strategies, strategic actions)
to strengthen its competitive position, sustain competitive advantage and improve
financial performance in the US or North America, going forward from 3 rd Quarter 2022.

* current = 4 t h Quarter 2021 or 1 s t Quarter 2022

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