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Samonteza, Mary Joy C.

Assessment Task 4
A. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false.
10 Points.
1. TRUE Maximo Viola was hailed as the savior of Noli Me Tangere.
2. FALSE Maximo Viola was a native of Bataan.
3. FALSE Maximo Viola finished his medical course at University of Santo Tomas.
4. TRUE Maximo Viola was actively involved in Propaganda Movement.
5. FALSE Rizal and Violas’ tour in Europe happened in 1886.
6. FALSE Rizal and Viola first met in Madrid.
7. TRUE the novel Noli Me Tangere was inspired by the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
8. TRUE Noli Me Tangere was a vanguard of Filipino nationalism in the form of a novel.
9. TRUE Rizal and Viola had a reunion on the year 1892.
10. FALSE Maximo Viola died on September 3, 1933 at the age of 79.

B. Identification. 10 Points
Note: Write your answer in a single word and start with a capital letter except when the answer is
numeric. If name of person, give only the surname. Carefully follow instructions. Computer
software will check your answers.
1. 1857 The year when Maximo Viola was born.
2. Bulacan The native province of Maximo Viola.
3. Berlin The country where Rizal suffered the most difficult time of his life in the year 1888.
4. Dr. Fresnel the doctor who helped Viola relished from jail.
5. 1887 The year when Viola returns to the Philippines after his trip in Europe with Rizal.
6. 2000 The number of the initial printed copies of Noli MeTangere in Germany.
7. Eulogio DespujolThe governor- general in the Philippines when Rizal return in the Philippines
in 1887.
8. Antonio Regidor the doctor who was exiled due to the Cavite Mutiny.
9. DresdenThe city in Germany where Rizal visited Dr. Adolf B. Meyer.
10 Berlin The city where Rizal was suspected of being a French Spy.
C. Chronologically arrange the following events by writing the corresponding letters
opposite the numbers. Write in capital letters.10 Points
1. C A. Rizal and Viola met in Barcelona.
2. A B. Viola and worked in the Propaganda movement
3. B C. Viola graduated from medical course in Barcelona
4. F D. Viola married Juana Roura.
5. D E. Rizal and Viola were reunited in Manila.
6. E F. Rizal and Viola tour in Europe.
7. I G. Viola was incarcerated (imprisoned) in Manila
8. G H. Viola depended landowners land from British Company.
9. H I. Rizal confer with Governor General Despujol.
10. J J. Viola died on September 3, 1933.

D. Essay. Write a short essay on Ferdinand Blumentritt and his friendship with Jose Rizal.
Limit your answers into two paragraphs and use a single page. (10 Points).

Ferdinand Blumentritt born on September 10, 1953 died on September 20, 1913 in
Leitmeritz Austria Hungary he also Directory of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria. How Rizal knew
about Ferdinand Blumentritt, while continuing his medical studies in Germany, the 25 years old
Rizal heard of an Austrian scholar in Leitmeritz whose historical and ethnographic publications on
the Philippines betrayed his abiding interest in a people and a country be had never even seen
with his own eyes. Blumentritt soon reciprocated with a gift of two books. The two then continued
to exchange letters about their scholarly endeavors. Books, manuscripts, maps were gifted as
well, one to be other.

1:30 pm of May 13, 1887 Rizal and Maximo Viola arrived at the Leitmeritz station in
Bohemia. Blumentritt was carrying a pencil sketch of Rizal which Rizal previously sent to him.
Checked in Hotel at Krebs they stay in Leitmeritz from May 13 to May 16, 1887. Rizal gave
Blumentritts a letter that contain the Aritmetika (arithmetic) bu Rufino Baltazar Hernandez was
published into two languages Spanish and Tagalog published by the University of Santo Tomas
Press in 1868. And when Jose Rizal death Blumentritt continued his ethnographic and historical
studies on the Philippines and remained a loyal advocate of Philippine independence. He
corresponded with a number of Filipino nationalists during the years of the Revolution and the
first decade of the twentieth century. Before Blumentritt passed away in Leitmeritz he said that
“spoke only the Spanish dialect used in the Philippines”

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