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surf the wave?

s waves of change go, the imminent staff team changes here, count as a pretty big one! But how will we react as it breaks? Will we run, jump or surf? First the wave... what's coming our way in the next few weeks?

vicar's letter ~ june 2011

expected change...
For three years, weve known that some of this change was coming. Its three years since Charles arrived and even then we knew that Charles curacy would last only until now. Were very sad to be saying Goodbye! to the Hudson family (dont miss the services on June 19th), yet were also delighted that God has called them very clearly on to the next place, where Charles will be Rector of Broxbourne with Wormley. It was also three years ago when Tors (with Adrian and the family, part of All Souls almost since the beginning) began training for ordination. Shes been studying at St Pauls Theological College and half-time on the staff team here since then. Adrian for his part, has headed up our team of worship leaders here. With her college course completed, Tors heads off, with the family, to take up a Curacy in Exeter. Were going to miss them a lot - three years notice doesnt help!

...and unexpected
There may be some people that we know in advance are going to move on, but there are others its easy to assume will be here forever - I suspect many of us just assumed that with Sue! Sue Wing has been Church Administrator here at All Souls since the very beginning. Working initially from the Vicarage and then from the newly created offices, helping the church plant starting up. With Mark and the family, she has been part of All Souls from the very first Sunday and went on to play a highly significant role in helping keep things on track during the tricky between Vicars months a few years later. Sue has been feeling God nudging her into something new for some time and Im delighted for Sue (though sad for us!) that a great job opportunity has come up for her in in a new working context in the centre of London. Sues excited at the prospect and Im convinced (as she is), that its Gods next place for her. Sues will actually finish here on the staff very soon - in fact just the end of next week (June 17th)! Well be saying Thank you to her during our Pentecost service this weekend - and finding a way in the coming weeks to give people the chance to say their own thank yous for all shes given to All Souls. Im going to miss her presence on the staff team tremendously!

run, jump... or surf?!

That's quite a wave of change - and we'd be forgiven for feeling at least uncomfortable and perhaps even a little wary of what's to come. Personally, I like things just the way they are with this rather brilliant staff team!

But like sea waves, we don't have to either run from them or try and jump over them - we have the choice to surf them! It's much more fun - and has a rather better outcome - then any of the alternatives. We use the energy of the wave (that could otherwise knock us flat) to move us up and along at a speed and in a way that we could never do by ourselves. That's got to be the right way for us to view this next few weeks and months - a wave that God can use by His Spirit to move us on into a new phase of All Souls' life. We've had a year of looking back with thankfulness at the first ten years of our life here - praising God for roots put down into our local community and real fruit in terms of growing numbers and lives transformed. Now we set off on our second ten years, with a wave of change moving us along, in a direction and at a speed that I suspect will leave us breathless but joyful by 2020!

looking forward...
So where will this wave of change take us? Practically, and for a start, we get to welcome our new curate, Calum Lindsay to All Souls. More about Calum later this month, but for now suffice to say that Im really excited to be bringing him on to the leadership team of the church - were going to enjoy having him and I think hell love being part of All Souls. Beyond Calum, Sues departure means that well be taking a good look at the way we structure our office and administrative base before we make permanent appointments, aiming to build into our team even more capacity to serve the church as it grows in the coming years. But just as important as new people is the overarching sense of a new chapter in All Souls' life. Lets trust God that hes got all of our future in his hands - and as we pray Charles, Tors, their families and Sue on their way to new possibilities, trust God with the new things well be enjoying in the years to come!

10th June 2011

important dates in the next few weeks:

12th (this Sunday) - Pentecost celebration at 4.30pm 19th (am & pm) - farewell services for Charles, Charlie, Milly & Pippa

2nd (Saturday) - 3pm ordination of Calum Lindsay in St Paul's Cathedral 3rd (am & pm) - Calum's first service :: Picnic in Marble Hill at lunchtime 10th (am & pm) - farewell services for Tors, Adrian, Alfie & Megan 24th onwards - Summer Sundays : am service only until September.

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