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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

August 31, 2010

Pastor’s Notes

Today marks the last day of

the church year 2009-2010.
WOW! Where has the time gone? I can hardly
believe that we’re just about to start a new
church year and that Christmas is just a little
over 100 days from now. But we must not
allow ourselves to get so awestruck by the fast
pace of life and forget the task that is before us. Sunday night I preached about the coming of the
Lord. Truly, we are as close as we’ve ever been. He could come at any moment. I asked those
in attendance that if they weren’t ready should the Lord come, to GET READY. I also
challenged those who said they were ready to STAY READY. One of the best ways to do that is
REVIVAL!!! We need a fresh newness in our walk and relationship with God. I saw a church
sign recently that said church members needed to “Refocus, Recommit, Re-fire”. I agree!!!!! In
these last days, let us all refocus our eyes on the Lord and His calling on our lives. Let’s
recommit to be totally committed to Him and His directive for our lives. Lastly, let’s RE-FIRE!
If we were off target, let’s focus our eyes again and ….ready……aim…….FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!

We would like to welcome two new members to WCOG.

Rev. Leon Parker and his lovely wife Brenda. Bro. & Sis.
Parker recently retired from pastoring and have stated that
Woodruff feels like home. We are so honored and blessed
that they have chosen to join with us. Please make sure that
you make the Parker’s feel at home. WELCOME!!!

Sign up has begun for our 1st “FOR YOUR MARRIAGE” Conference. There is a small table
right in the middle of the foyer with the sign-up sheet and with some brochures that contain the
schedule and the titles of the sessions. Please sign up and plan to be part of this wonderful time.
The Friday night of the conference will feature a
romantic candlelight dinner, followed by a
session. Then on Saturday morning, there
will be a continental breakfast followed by 2
more sessions. These sessions are being led by
marriage counselor Jim Harbin. I’m so excited
about this opportunity for our church and for our
couples. Please, if your marriage is important to you, make plans to take part. There is a
minimal cost of $10 per couple (this is just to offset some of the food cost). Our hope is that
maybe next year this can be done off the church campus in more of a “retreat” setting. We’re
going to have a blast!!!! We’re just waiting on you to sign up!

The Sunday marks the beginning of a new quarter in Sunday School. We are excited to
announce the restructuring of one of our classes. It is to be a class open to any and all people.
The class name will be “RE-connect”. It’s purpose is to RE-affirm the power of the Word of
God….to RE-connect the Word of God in
the daily lives of believers… RE-evaluate
God’s plan for our lives as believers and how
to best set that plan into motion…..If you are
looking for just a little something different in
a Sunday School class, THIS MAY BE IT.
Come into the church lobby, take a right and
go down the hall through the double doors,
take a right, then left and the room will be on
the right (JUST FOLLOW THE SIGNS!!!).
We hope to outgrow that room FAST so
come be part of this new adventure. We’ll
look for you this Sunday.

Sunday morning is also PROMOTION DAY! It is the time for the children and youth to move
up into their new class should they meet the class criteria. This year, we have structured our
Sunday School and Wednesday night classes a little differently. Some classes went by age and
some went by grades. This caused some confusion at times because some children were with one
group on Sunday but another group on Wednesday. To alleviate this, all classes will be going by
grades. The classes are as follows: Nursery (up to 2 years of age), Preschool (ages 2 & 3), 4K (4
year old), 5K & 1st grade, 2 & 3 grades, 4 & 5 grades
6-8 grades, 9-12 grades. Donna Burdette and the
teachers in the children’s department will be glad to
assist your children in getting to the right class.

We are asking every Sunday School Class,

Wednesday night Class, Ministry Groups, etc. to
help us with a FallFest project. This year, we are
asking that each class to a “themed basket” that will be
auctioned off. For instance, one basket might
be a “Christmas Basket”. It would have things in it
like Christmas lights, ornaments, gift cards,
Christmas Cards, tickets to Hollywild Zoo to see the
lights, etc. Another basket could be a “Lake
Themed” basket. Instead of a basket, use a ice cooler.
In it would be a 6 pack of pepsi, sunglasses, word-search books, sun screen, sun tan lotion, slim
jims, crackers, etc. Do you get the point? We want these to be unique. We are putting together
a list of possible baskets and will be coming by your rooms to give you the opportunity to
choose. We are working on a couple of baskets now so that we can show you what they will
look like. We need everyone to help so that we can make FallFest a financial success in raising
money for the Building Fund.

Beginning this Wednesday night, our Pastor Emeritus,

James H. Shealy will be starting a 4 week Bible Study
entitled “The Doctrine of Christ: Earth’s Greatest
Man”. We are so excited to hear what the Lord has
spoken to Pastor Shealy. You cannot afford to miss
this great teaching. If you have not been a Wednesday
night attender, why not start the new church year off
right and join with us for a great study from the Word of
God. We’ll look for you Wednesday nights at 7:00 in the Sanctuary.

Christian Education Appreciation Meal is planned for Tuesday, September 7th. This is for
all teachers, assistants and workers, both for this past year and for the coming year. The time is
7:00 and will be held in the CLC Dining Room. There will be child
care provided down at the Youth Building (pizza will be served to
them). We do need to know who is coming (spouses are welcomed!),
so please RSVP the number of adults and children that will be
attending. Send the RSVP to or call the
church office between 9 and 2 at 864-476-2977. In advance, let me say
“thank you” for your service. Our theme is “SERVING IN HIS


The dates this year are September 26 - 29. It will be held at
Woodruff First Baptist Church and will begin nightly at 7:00 PM.
Todd & Vickie Porter are in charge of the music again this year.
With the attacks and threats that have been made this year against
our city’s seal and prayer, we need to stand together!!!! This year’s
theme is “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS”. Don’t let anything
keep you from joining together with us!
We’ve also been working on a logo to us to describe our united
This is what I’ve come up with…..I’d like some feed back:
There’s a story about a principal at
an elementary school who had two
boys sent to him for fighting on the
playground. The principal knew the
two boys were friends, so she
asked what happened.

One boy said, “Well, Johnny and I are friends, and he was sad when he came to school. I tried to
cheer him up by making him laugh. I tried and tried and tried. But he didn’t cheer up, so I
choked him.” His intentions were good, but not his actions.

Then there’s the story about two neighbors. One man came to his neighbor and asked if he could
borrow his hammer. The owner of the hammer said “I cannot--I am painting a wall with my
hammer.” The neighbor said, “I did not know you could paint with a hammer.” To which the
owner replied, “It’s amazing how many things you can do with a hammer when you don’t want
to lend it.”

There are always excuses available when we don’t choose to do the right thing. If people don’t
want to give an offering, there’s no limit to the number of excuses that can be found. On the
other hand, if people want to give above their tithes to God’s work, there’s no limit to the reasons
to be encouraged to do so.

“Do not withhold good….when it is in the power of your hand to do so. Do not say to your
neighbor, “Go and come back, tomorrow I will give it,” when you have it with you (Proverbs
3:27-28)In Luke 6:30-31, Jesus instructs us to, “Give to everyone who asks of you. And from
him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. And just as you want men to do to you,
you also do to them likewise.”
Kathy Simmons Larry Laster
Wayne Arnold Linda Johnson
David Hoyt Debbie Waddell
Houston Cobb Denise Manley
Brandon O’Shields Marshall Murphy
Michelle Johnson Larry Trotter
Judy Smith Andy O’Shields
Ellison Family York Family
Loyd Family Smith Family
Stanton Family Shut Ins
Those in Nursing Homes

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your cards, calls, visits, and most of all prayers during my recent illness. God has
truly been good to me and is helping me each day. I love you all.


SCHOOL BASH Saturday, September 4, from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. in the CLC.
Children’s Dept. is selling Carolina Girl t-shirts. See Donna Burdette to order yours. Also, they are still
collecting ink cartridges and cell phones. Help all you can with their fundraisers.
KIDZ KAFE` is coming Sunday, September 12 th, from 9 - 9:30 A.M. Menu will be grits, cheese toast,
and a drink free to all kids who attend church. (If you can help or will donate supplies please see Betty
Ball. Also, if anyone has a white refrigerator/freezer you would donate to the Kidz Kafe` contact Betty
Ball (476-3551).
Children are also sponsoring CANNED FOOD DRIVE. Look and listen for details.


Include Greeting Cards (Christmas, All occasion, Birthday, and Sympathy) and cost is $7 - $10
per box. ALSO, a new shipment of flavoring and knives has arrived, just in time for all that
holiday baking ladies enjoy.

L.M. now has a FACEBOOK PAGE ! Type in “Ladies Ministries of Woodruff Church of God.
You’ll find pictures of our last three banquets, a weekly Tea Time Devotion, and a “Laughter is
The Best Medicine” joke. There is also a tribute to all the ladies who came before us. A price
list of all items available in the LM Office is also included. Check it out !

LADIES’ BREAKFAST is September 8 th at 9:00 A.M. at Turtle Parfait. Any lady who wishes
to join us for this Dutch treat meal is welcome to attend.
rd th
F.R.E.E.D. Celebrates 3 Anniversary ! ! Tuesday, September 7 , is the special date. This is open to
anyone who would like to show support for these groups. This meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M. with snacks, then the
regular meeting.
We are made up of two groups: One is a support group for people with addictions, and the other is for family or
friends who have been affected by the addiction. If you have a loved one who is bound and you feel alone, sad,
angry, helpless, or ashamed, then the Family Group is for YOU. The meeting will consist of “Popcorn Testimonies”
from people sharing what God has done over the last three years. Please join us.

Greeters - Janet Sloan and June Grubbs

Usher Team # 2 - Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam
Garrett, John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, and Phillip Pruitt
Spotlights: Honoring our F.R.E.E.D. Ministry, from
John and Jeanne Nemitz
Nursery: Wednesday - Annette Richards
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Sarah Johnson
P.M. - Betty Ball
Kiddie Church - Garren and Donna Burdette
Wednesday Van Drivers: Tim Vassey and Garren Burdette
Music: Wednesday - Jason Hayes
Sunday A.M. - Pam Garrett
P.M. - Jeanne nemitz
Praise Team: Maroon

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