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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter August 30 2011

Pastors Notes What a great weekend!!!!! I truly saw the evidence of the church being the church. Saturday morning, a group of children and workers met to prepare and bag 300 sandwich bags to take out into the community to help feed the hungry. I saw adults and children working side by side, doing Kingdom work. Thanks to Donna Burdette and all her staff of workers and children that are opening the hand and being a blessing to others. Also on Saturday morning, ACTS Student Ministries met in their worship facility to have a time of leadership training. A great time of praise & worship led by Tyler Batts and band and the Word being delivered by Scotty Hager, Pastor of North Walhalla Church of God. They then went to the Home for Children in Mauldin to open the hand and do ministry there. Sunday morning, I saw hundreds of people come forward and bring their tithes and offerings to the Lord in an act of worship. Sunday night, 2 people followed the Lord in believers baptism. Im telling you, IM EXCITED ABOUT WHAT GOD IS DOING!!!!! Am I satisfied? NO!!!! There is more we should do, can do and must do. There are still souls lost and dying without Christ. There are still areas of ministry that we need to get into. There are present ministries that we need to move to the next level. If we ever get satisfied with where we are, we cease to be an effective church. Woodruff Church of God is MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!! I just wanted to take a moment and thank ALL tithers and givers to our church. Your faithful and consistent giving is the only way this church can continue to function. Your giving not only sustains the ministries of this church, but continues to help us save and put aside for the future relocation of our church. In a few days, we hope to be able to have a meeting to present the financial information for the past year. God has been good!!! I ask you to pray that between now and then, we get favorable information that would allow us to present some other information to you as well PRAY FOR THE FAVOR OF GOD!!!!
SEPTEMBER 11th - MINISTRY FAIR What is a ministry fair? Well, Id say its similar to a job fair. Its a place where all the ministries of our church, clubs, groups will be able to display what their ministry is all about, have the leaders present to talk with and answer any questions concerning those ministries. For those of us that have been at Woodruff COG a long time, we know about the

ministries and who is in charge of them. We may even know how to get involved in them. BUT EVERYONE DOESNT!!! Id even be so bold as to say that a lot of us that have been here a long time dont know about every ministry either. I want our church people to have the opportunity to find out about the ministries and also an opportunity to sign up. As I stated in an email I sent out, we dont hope that ministries participate, WE EXPECT YOU TO!!!!! There will be some refreshments served and a time to mill around and see what our church has to offer.

COMMUNITY REVIVALSeptember 18th - 21st. The Sunday evening service will be held outside on main street. What a great way to start off the meeting by coming together as a community on main street. It also gives us a greater opportunity to have an evangelistic service to reach the lost. That service will begin at 6:00 PM. Then Monday through Wednesday, the meeting will be held at Woodruff First Baptist church at 7:00 PM. Todd & Vickie Porter will be leading the music, Donna Burdette will be involved with the childrens ministry, William & Judy Hayes are leading the prayer meetings.WE ARE INVOLVED!!!!! Make your plans to attend each night as we seek to have Revival in Woodruff!!!!! Speakers are: Bill Thomason, Josh Bradley, Dough Huntsinger, Lawerence Meadows.

If you werent here Sunday or you left too early, be sure and pick up one of our new devotional books. This is something we are investigating using for our congregations benefit as well as an outreach tool. Please take time to read through it and give us your feedback as to whether this is beneficial to you. Thanks in advance for your feedback.!

Dont forget to go by the Ladies Ministries Office and pick up a Missions Bag. This is a 6 month project we are doing to help raise monies to build a church or whatever is needed in another country. Well be asking you to bring you bag with money/check in it one Sunday in February. The bags will be collected and stuffed with something that will be taken to a Childrens Ministry in Honduras. We are going to leave a little Woodruff in Honduras. Please take part in this project. Great project for Sunday Schools classes and ministry groups too!

One last service with Pastor Shealy bringing the Word. Dont miss this Wednesday, August 31st. It has been great! See you here!

Welcome to our new members, Chris & Gina Roberson!!!! Welcome to the family! Were so glad you have joined with us. Help make them welcome!



Our focus is going to be a little different this year. Our primary focus has been to try and raise funds for the building fund. Our secondary purpose was to remind us and others that one day we are going to have a church there. Weve always felt it was important to periodically have something out there to remind us of our future. This year we really feel like its important to focus on our families and to make the weekend a WORSHIP time. We want praise & worship to fill the air and to anoint the land!!!!! There will still be food to eat, bargains to find, silent auction to dicker with the bounceys for the kids will be FREE. Some singing and drama throughout the day, BUT HERES THE BIG CHANGE.ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?????? AT 4:00 PM, Aaron & Amanda Crabb will be with us for a time of worship on the grounds! Most of you are well acquainted with the Crabb Family, so you know the anointing with which they sing. Aaron & Amanda are anointed singers and are coming to lift us Jesus. What a great time this is going to be. Make your plans to be here.invited your friends.bring a lawn chair and lets have CHURCH!!!!!! There will be a love offering received. Then on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM, we will have another worship experience. It wont be a singing as in the past, but will include singing as well as other expressions of worship. ITS GOING TO BE GREAT!!!!!!!
In just a few days/weeks, our church secretary Andrea Hyman, will be going on maternity leave. We congratulate Andrea & Ray on the pending birth of Colt Timothy Hyman!!!!! During her leave, Lisa Terry will be doing the basic secretarial duties and will be in the office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Sis. Faye Arnold will be in the office on Wednesdays. Just wanted to know you might hear some different voices for awhile. Thanks for your understanding!!! Prayer List: Lucy Polson, Mertice Whitmore, James Wesley Owens, Doris Hoyt, Larry Trotter, William Cantrell,, Don Prosser, Tracy Grant, Candace Jackson, Debra Childress, Carey Brown, Andrea Lane, Allen Killough, Dan Tate, Randy Greene, Etta Mitchell, Dot Rains, Anne Gosa, Danny Lanford, Keith Adams, Wayne Lyda, Pam Strickland, Joni Sullivan White, Patty Tweed, Shannon Jones, James Green, Jim Henson, Brenda Crocker, Derrick Cooper, Tom Owens, Nikki Stanton, Tish York, Curt Ellison, Deb Smith, Vernelle Simmons, Shut Ins and Those in Nursing Homes

Looking for a Sunday School Class??? If you are a young-married, middle agemarried or an older single, then we have the class for you. The "LIFE MATTERS" Sunday School class ( previously known as "Vision's Class) is welcoming you to join us. We will be sharing God's Word, each others victories, as well as, the concerns of life. Your "life" matters to God. The "matters of your life" matter to God. We will have breakfast each Sunday as we study God's Word. Come check us out. Our room has a new look and our study has a new format. We are presently studying "When God's Spirit Moves".

JOY CLUB MEETING SEPT. 22: Our Meeting this month will feature the talents of our SAM Club members. If you play an instrument, sing(solo,trio, quartet etc) or if you have any other talent that you would like to put on display such as crafts, woodwork, knife making, writing, painting, drawing, sculpture, tight rope walking(well maybe not), I think you get the point, we want to you participate. If you want to be involved please go to the sign-up table in the lobby. Betty Ball will be there to assist you. Our meal Sept. 22 will consist of soups, salads, drinks and deserts and everyone is asked to bring at least two of these items. We will have our devotions, go through the line to get our food and we will eat while the talent is taking place. We are excited about this night and hope to have a record breaking attendance. One final note: We hope to have a reunion band made up of members of our group who used to play in the church band. We'll talk more about this later.

The F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Addiction Support Groups will hold their 4th Anniversary Celebration OPEN MEETING on Tues, 9/6/11 in the Youth Building. Snacks and beverages will be served at 6pm followed by the meeting at 6:30pm. Pastor Terry will be speaking on "BREAKING THE CYCLE," as well as anyone from the group who wants to share. Kerri McAlister will be ministering in song. If you have been addicted or someone close to you is an addict, we invite you to attend this meeting which is open to everyone. Help is available! If you want to know more about this program, please contact John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.

Upcoming Band of Brothers Events Sept. 1 Monthly Band of Brothers meeting 6 pm in the dining room of the CLC. Sept. 17 Service Projects Day. More details to be announced. Oct. 6 - Monthly Band of Brothers meeting 6 pm in the dining room of the CLC. Oct. 15 Community Mens Breakfast 8 am at West End Baptist Church in Woodruff.

Ladies, we will be starting a Fundraiser next week. 1.You will be given Southern Home Flavoring and Rada knives brochures. 2.You can sell these wonderful products to your family and friends. This way all the money will not come from within the church. 3.You will need to collect the money when the order is placed. 4.Orders will be placed every 3 weeks from now until December. 5.The fundraiser will end in December. 6.As the holidays approach, flavoring and knives will come in handy. Rada has many specialty items and gift sets that would make perfect gifts. 7.The individual who sells the most by Dec.10, will receive a $50 Walmart card. 8.The funds raised in this project will be saved to purchase some beautiful furniture and furnishings for OUR NEW CHURCH. KEEP THE TOYS COMING. God gave the greatest gift, His Son. We give because He gave. Think of the smiling children on Christmas morning. We have enough footballs and Barbies, so please check the list for other items needed. This weeks featured toy to purchase is: Baby Dolls--any kind Music Notes: The choir will wear choir robes this week. Community Choir rehearsal will be Sept. 10th at 10 am in the sanctuary. There will be a luncheon for all music, media and sound volunteers on Sept. 10th at 12:00 noon. Any that can't attend on the 10th will need to plan to attend a makeup session on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 11th.

We would like to thank each of you for all the donations for the food delivery on Saturday. We have started a clothes closet at the church if any has clothes they would like to donate please see Alysia Hayes or Donna Burdette. No Drama or Praise and Worship Practice this week. Up coming Events: September 10 Extreme Kidz Funday Frankies Fun Park and Lunch.

ACTS Student Ministries will be going to Carowinds on October 1 for Christian Music Day. The cost will be $30. Please have your student sign up if they intend to go. Greeters - Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee- Ryan Ballard and Bobby Brown Usher Team #3-- Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe, Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons, Houston Cobb Wednesday Night Bus: Garren Burdette and Clint Letourneau Van 1: Tim & June Vassey Van 2: Deanna Burgess & Craig Blackwell Kiddie Church 2-6 yr old: Ramona & Clint Letourneau Kiddie Church 7-12 yr old: Donna & Garren Burdette Nursery Wednesday : Pam Strickland AM: Ann Knight & Carrie Wallace PM: Betty Ball Music - Wednesday - Choir Sunday AM - Praise Team Sunday PM - The Arnold Trio Praise Team - Maroon **Additional copies of the mail-out bulletin are available in the church lobby.**

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