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A few months back, while lazily scrolling through Instagram, I suddenly

stopped my thumb. Among the usual crush of baby pictures and sunsets,
I saw a black-and-white photograph of a page in a book:

the rules.

respect her mind

feed her soul

protect her peace

guard her heart

A friend had tagged the author of the verse, Reuben Holmes, who goes
by the pen name r.H. Sin. (“Sin” is a nod to the Mesopotamian god of
the moon; Holmes likes to write late at night.) I started following him,
and quickly my Instagram feed flooded with pithy bits of fourth-wave
feminism: “a man who actually gives a fuck about you will never be too
busy”; “the women with their guard up are the women who love the
hardest”; “sleep, he’s not worth it.” Most of the posts weren’t photos;
they were screenshots of text composed in Apple’s Pages app. The
phrases were suggestive, ripe for reposting and printing on T-shirts. I
later learned that Holmes has a line of clothing emblazoned with his

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