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Antonio Fernos Isern

San Lorenzo, P.R

Freedom Writers

Naiomy L Negron Diaz

Sra. Velázquez
I.Summary: (30 pts.) (2nd page)

This film is based on a true story that takes place in Long

Beach in a school where young people study like in any other, the big
difference is that in this school there is a room, number 203, where
the school sends students who seem to be cases. lost or unteachable.
These students must overcome all kinds of circumstances such as:
poverty, poor education, criminal history, drug addiction, parents
and friends in jail and gang members fighting a daily war. One day a
recently graduated teacher named Erin Gruwell decides to enter the
school, a teacher who decides to contribute something to society by
teaching English classes. Arriving at the classroom she finds great
racial tension. The teacher Erin, excited to be able to teach
something to the students, fights for them to put aside their
differences. After a few days of class in the new class, teacher Erin
and her students enter into a debate on racism in which she
compares the caricature of a black student with big lips, drawn by
another student, with the caricatures of the Nazis of Jews. with big
noses. The teacher sends the students ''journals'', so that they take
them as an example and write about past, present or future
experiences, about good times, or bad. When she reads what the
students have written she is left speechless by the depth and feeling
of each one of her writings. She then decides to take her class on a
tour of the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance, to show them the
aftermath of the Holocaust. One of the books the students read is the
Diary of Anne Frank, after which they decide to raise money to invite
Miep Gies to give a lecture on the Holocaust. In addition, the students
meet four Holocaust survivors, some from Auschwitz, at a dinner
hosted by teacher Erin Gruwell. Over time, your students begin to
gain your trust and behave differently and with respect.
II. Choose a character from the movie and
tell me. (25 pts) (3rd page)

Write the name of the person and why did you choose him/her?
(5 sentences)

The character I most identify with in the movie is the teacher Erin Gruwell. I
identify a lot with her in the sense that she is a dedicated woman in everything
she does for herself and tries too hard to meet her goals. She shows so much
passion for everything she does and she loves everyone around her. She is kind
to those around her, her gestures and sweetness when saying and doing things
evidence it. She is calm, respectful, responsible and above all dedicated and
optimistic with her students. Therefore, I can feel identified with the attitudes
and customs of the teacher Erin Gruwell.

Compare and contrast (15 pts)

Picture in the character selected (5 pts)

Teacher Erin Gruwell Similarities Me Naiomy

We love the people around us. Honestly, I don't like

We do what it takes to fulfill our literature at all.
He likes books (literature.)
goals and dreams. I'm still a student.
She is married.
We always see the good in other My thinking about
She is of legal age.
She is an English teacher. education is a little
We put passion and a lot of effort
She is a very brave person. different.
into everything we do.
I still live with my family.
We treat other people as we would
I'm a bit reserved.
like to be treated.
III. Persuasion (25 pts) (4th page) (10 sentences)

Who is persuasion related with the movie? (5 pts)

The film is related to persuasion in different ways. First we see the teacher Erin Gruwell persuade

her students through the days. The way he tried to gain the attention of the students. It made the

students see beyond all that chaos and anguish. Teacher Erin Gruwell made everyone see beyond the

problems that each of them had, somehow made their problems connect with each other's. It was a

great "strategy" on his part. Little by little, each one of them had a better education. He had a strategy

for them to connect with her and her class. Everything I started was worth it. Therefore, we can see how

teacher Erin Gruwell uses persuasion in different ways in this movie.

How does the teacher persuaded students to become better human begins?
What strategies she used? (10 pts)

First I started doing various types of activities. She was talking about the holocaust. The activity of
the questions standing on the line. She took them to activities like excursions. I offer new books and
that were of interest to her. She was playing the music that they liked. She always showed interest in
everything they told her. I never treat them indifferently. Above all changed his way of seeing life. She
used many ways of persuasion.

If you have the opportunity to convince one of the characters from the movie
which one will you persuade and why? (10 pts)

First If I had the opportunity to persuade any of the characters, it would be Eva. Eva is a
girl who has suffered various circumstances that life has presented to her regarding her family,
her father's outburst for revenge at an early age and likewise she was initiated into gang life and
became the third of the gang. generation in which she suffered various blows to her body, for
this reason she takes her courage out on the people around her. She sees the world with courage
and full of injustices since her father is taken from her in an unfair way and that is why she sees
the world aggressively and unwilling to abandon herself to anyone. The world is not to blame,
you just have to accept reality and trust yourself. She would persuade her to see the bright side
in things and not always see the bad side in people. Every situation has a solution. Then I wish I
could change her mind.
IV. Reaction on the movie (15 pts) (5th page)

Did you like the movie? (5 sentences) (5 pts)

I liked this movie in every way. It gives us a great learning. It's a very

entertaining movie, you learn a lot about it.

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