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Flortessa E.

Bala DHRT 1 – A

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

How do I know what I think I know? What evidences do I have for what I think I know?
These are fundamental thinking questions that critical thinkers ask themselves. Critical thinking
is the ability to think about one's thinking and problem solving is the result of this. Critical
thinking and problem – solving are core skills that teach every individuals to question or reflect
on their own knowledge and the information presented to them. These are abilities to actively use
reasons, analyze issues, make decisions, and ultimately overcome problems.
We encounter problems from time to time, whether it is simple or complicated,
challenges arise in our daily lives. Yet, it does not mean that these problems need immediate
solutions. What we need is the ability to analyze and assess our own problems for us to be able to
find the best possible solutions. According to Napoleon Hill, “You have a brain and mind of your
own. Use it and reach your own decisions.” Critical thinking and problem – solving provide us
the capacity to think independently which lead us to carry our convictions with courage and to
have faith in our ability to decide what is best for ourselves. It requires effort and work but it also
introduces us to different perspectives that we can learn from. As a citizen, it is my right to vote
for the people whom I think are capable to lead the Filipinos and our country. From the recent
held election, various information and platforms were presented to us, whether these are valid or
not, it is our responsibility as a global citizen to evaluate these people, for us to be able to arrive
with a conclusion that help us make our own decisions. Since our views are important to us, they
also partly define us. I have learned that when having an argument, it is essential to improve our
reasons and not raise our voice. There may be lots of contradicting opinions from the opposite
sides of supporters, and whether they are correct or wrong, we must constantly challenge our
thinking and that of others and come prepared to discussions with a solid bedrock of knowledge
and experience. Critical thinkers are open to the views of others and gives constructive criticisms
instead of engaging oneself to a senseless argument. Critical thinking and problem – solving help
us to utilize information in making reasoned judgement and recognize the legitimacy of
alternative views.
As a college student, one of the frequent challenges that I encounter every day is
managing my time effectively. Other than the school tasks that I need to accomplish, I also have
other things to do at home. Problem-solving can be an efficient and rewarding process, especially
if you are organized and mindful of critical steps and strategies. Through this, I am able to
achieve my daily goals without stressing myself too much. In the future, I will apply this idea to
convince my employer that I am an ideal employee equipped with skills in critical thinking and
problem solving.
The scenario of our present world is becoming more competitive, and to able to become
efficient, equipped with the essential skills to find work or engage with entrepreneurial
endeavors, one must be critical thinker. If you are curious, reflective, knowledge-seeking, open
to change, probing, organized, and ethical, your challenge will be less of a hurdle, and you’ll be
in a good position to find intelligent solutions. In general, critical thinking and problem – solving
not only help individuals to develop thinking beyond knowledge but most importantly, build a

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