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➢ Climate Change ➢ Water (in the form of vapor) – from all the
• Refers to the change in the state of bodies of water, plants (via transpiration),
the climate that can be identified and animals (via perspiration and direct
(e.g. using statistical tests) by evaporation)
changes in the mean and/or the ➢ Carbon Dioxide – natural decay of organic
variability of its properties, and the matter, bodies of water, natural disasters
persists for an extended period, (volcanic eruptions, forest fires)
typically decades or longer (IPCC, ➢ Methane – evaporation form wetlands and
2013) oceans
• Much broader in Scope ➢ Nitrous Oxide – oceanic and soil
• Is a broader term that refers long- evaporation
term changes in climate, including ➢ Ozone – from the reconstitution of broken
average temperature and down molecular in the atmosphere.
precipitation. ➢ Chlorofluorocarbons – waste gas from
➢ Global Warming refrigerators, aerosols and air conditioning
• The overall increase in earth’s units.
temperature due to heat-trapping ➢ Methane – byproduct of the decay of
gases (AAA Global Climate Change agricultural, industrial and suburban waste.
Task Force, 2014) ➢ Nitrous Oxide – released from tilling of
➢ The shift in climate in the last 50 years of agricultural soil and burning of fossil fuels.
mankind’s existence
➢ The build-up of greenhouse gases causes
heat from the sun to accumulate in the
atmosphere, causing an increase in surface
temperature (Global Warming)
➢ This increase, then, leads to a progressive
shift in climate that disrupts the natural
order, causing more violent weather
patterns and erratic seasonal turnover
cycles (Climate Change)
➢ A layer of greenhouse gases- primarily
water vapor, and including much smaller
amounts of carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide – acts as a thermal blanket for
the Earth, absorbing heat and warming the
surface to a life-supporting average of 59
degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius)

TEN EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE AS • Impacts by large meteors
DEFINED BY THE IPCC • Human activities (There is more
than 95 percent probability that
warming of the planet over the past
50 years s largely related to human
activities. – Climate Change 2014:
Synthesis Report, IPCC)
▪ Deforestation
▪ Increasing industrial activity
▪ Waste management
CHANGE IN SEA LEVEL ▪ Intensive use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides.
➢ Sea level rise is caused primarily by two
▪ Vehicle emission.
factors related to global warming:
• The added water from melting ice WHAT’S DRIVING CLIMATE CHANGE?
➢ Four of the most important drivers of
• The expansion of seawater as it
climate change:
• Consumption
➢ Arctic sea ice minimum – the day in a
• Land Use
given year when Arctic ice sea reaches its • Energy
smallest extent. • Population
➢ September Arctic Sea ice is now declining
at a rate of 13.2 percent per decade, relative IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE
to the 1981 to 2010 average. ➢ In the Philippines, there are already trends
➢ Satellite data reveal how the new record of increasing number of hot days and warm
low Arctic Sea ice extent, from Sept. 16, nights but decreasing number of cold days
2012, compared to the average minimum and cool nights. Both maximum and
extent over the past 30 years. minimum temperatures are generally
CARBON DIOXIDE getting warmer.
➢ Increased number and intensity of
➢ Carbon dioxide is a very good heat- typhoons
trapping molecule. ➢ Agriculture and food security
➢ From 2005 up to present, there is an • Added heat stress, shifting
increasing trend in the concentration of monsoons, drier soils and water
atmosphere CO2 shortages as a result of higher
CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE temperatures will affect livestock
and crop production patterns with
➢ Studies show that natural contributors to
expanded range of weeds, insects
climate change have little participation in
and disease which may reduce
the current climate warming trends
global food supplies and contribute
• Volcanic emissions
to higher food prices.
• Changes in the reflectivity of the
➢ Health
Earth’s surface
• Increase in health problems and
• Ocean currents
deaths due to greater frequency
• Variations in sun’s energy reaching
and severity of heat waves and
other extreme weather events.
• Will largely affect those suffering • Developing drought – tolerant
from respiratory and cardiovascular crops
disorders as they have lesser coping • Choosing tree species and forestry
capacity. practices that are less vulnerable to
• Potential impacts on health due to storms and fires
sea level rise • Community – based disaster risk
▪ Death and injury due to the reduction
flooding • Seasonal climate forecasting
▪ Reduced availability of • Rainwater harvesting
freshwater due to saltwater • Capacity building for shoreline
intrusion. defense system design.
➢ Forests and Wildlife ➢ Man has not yet woven the web of life he is
• Species migration; shift in feeding merely a part of it whatever he does to the
point and disruption in flight web he does it to himself! – Chief Seattle
patterns for migratory birds.
• Extinction of some plants and
• Portage Glacier ➢ Kyoto Protocol of 1997
• Melting Ice Caps • Formed by the 19th UN Conference
of Parties in December 11, 1997 in
Kyoto, Japan.
• Agreement that all signing nations
➢ Mitigation refers to an anthropogenic must reduce their carbon emissions
intervention to reduce the sources or by 5.2%
enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases • What happened after?
(IPCC, 2001) ▪ Agreement did not come to
• Reducing fossil fuel use fruition until February 2005,
• Promoting the use of renewable when it was finally ratified
energy resources like geothermal by 55 countries.
energy, wind, and solar energy ➢ The Paris Agreement of 2016
• Reducing deforestation • Attended by 55 parties in 21st
• Using more sustainable agriculture conference of Parties convened by
and forestry UNFCCC October 4, 2016
• Putting a price on greenhouse gas • Currently ratified by 144 signing
emissions parties
• Slowing population growth • Goal: Amendment to the Kyoto
• Focusing research and Protocol of 1997
development on innovations that • Agreement that greenhouse gas
lower the cost of clean energy emissions would just be enough to
alternatives limit temperature rise to below the
➢ Adaptation refers to an adjustment in threshold of 1.5 Celsius
natural or human systems in response to
actual or expected climatic stimuli or their
effects, which moderates harm or exploits ➢ Drive less
beneficial opportunities (IPCC, 2001) ➢ Replace all the light bulbs
• Using scarce water resources more ➢ Choose energy – efficient appliances
efficiently ➢ Decrease your air travel
➢ Cut down on your garbage
➢ Unplug electronics when they are not in use
➢ Plant a tree
➢ Buy recycled paper products and recycle as
much of your waste as possible and use
paper bags when shopping.
➢ Use nontoxic cleaning products
➢ Keep your car tune up, and check tire
pressure often to save gas
➢ Spread the word.


2nd SEMESTER | S.Y. 2021-2022


INTRODUCTION ➢ There is growing concern about the health

➢ Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: consequences of biodiversity loss and
the different plants, animals and micro- change.
organisms, their genes, and the ecosystems ➢ Direct drivers of biodiversity loss include
of which they are a part. land-use change, habitat loss,
➢ Term Biological diversity – Raymond F. overexploitation, pollution, and climate
Dasmann in 1968. change.
➢ Biodiversity – W.G. Rosen in 1985 ➢ Many of these drivers affect human health
➢ Biodiversity underpins life on Earth, and directly and through their impacts on
refers to the variety found in biota from biodiversity.
genetic make up of plants and animals to WORLD SCENARIO OF BIODIVERSITY
cultural diversity (WHO)
➢ Approximately 1.9 million species have
➢ Biological diversity (biodiversity) is the
been identified.
“variability among living organisms from al
➢ Many scientists have estimated the total
sources including, inter alia, terrestrial,
number of species on Earth to be around
marine and other aquatic ecosystems and
15 million.
the ecological complexes of which they are
➢ The rate of extinction has been estimated
part; this includes diversity within species,
at one species per million species each
between species and of ecosystems (CBD)
year, so that for 15 million species, 25
➢ Types of Biodiversity
extinctions would occur each year.
• Genetic diversity – each member
➢ Human activity has accelerated this natural
of any animal or plant species
extinction rate many folds, so that for some
differs widely from other individuals
groups of organisms the rate is 100 times
in its genetic makeup.
baseline levels, and for others, it is 1000
• Species diversity – the number of
times and even more.
species of plants and animals that
➢ Scientists say we have now entered “the
are present in a region constitutes
sixth great extinction event”, the fifth
its species diversity.
having occurred sixty-five million years
• Ecosystem diversity – large variety
ago, when dinosaurs and many other
of different ecosystems on earth,
organisms were extinct.
which have their own complement
➢ According to IUCN, the World Conservation
of distinctive inter linked species
Union, the monetary value of goods and
based on the differences in the
services provided by ecosystems is
habitat. E.g., forest, desert, etc.
estimated to amount to US$33 trillion per
➢ Human health ultimately depends upon
ecosystem products and services (such as
➢ About 100 million metric tons of aquatic
availability of fresh water, food and fuel
life, including fish, mollusks, and
sources) which are requisite for good
crustaceans are taken from the wild every
human health and productive livelihoods.

INDIAN SCENARIO • Developing countries are more
reliant on biodiversity and
ecosystem services than developed
ones, and their health systems are
usually less prepared to protect the
health of their populations, which
leads to greater negative health
impacts of biodiversity change.
• E.g., over 1 billion people, mainly in
developing countries, rely on
fisheries as their primary source of
animal protein.
➢ Freshwater, biodiversity, and human
BIODIVERSITY AND HEALTH • The immense demand for water
➢ Determinants of health and biodiversity posed by modern industry,
• The social, economic and agriculture, forestry, mining, energy
behavioral aspects of the human generation, and human
condition interact with the consumption combine to
environment, including critical exacerbate pressures on water
elements of biodiversity and quality and quantity.
ecosystem services. • Impaired water quality results in
• Biodiversity and its changes (losses significant social and economic
and gains) are, to a great extent, the costs, and ecosystem degradation is
result of anthropogenic influences. a major cause of decline in water
• Environmental determinants of quality.
health (such as air quality, food • The input of nutrients most
security, water security, etc.) are commonly associated with
interrelated and adversely affected eutrophication – phosphorus (e.g.,
by the reduced ability of degraded in detergents) and nitrogen (e.g.,
ecosystems and biota to adapt to agricultural runoff) into lakes,
the impacts of climate change, air reservoirs, rivers and coastal marine
pollution, natural disasters or water ecosystems, including coral reefs,
scarcity. have been widely recognized as a
• Different socioeconomic groups will major threat to both water
have different experiences of ecosystems and human health.
material conditions, psychosocial • Water pollution from fertilizers,
support and behavioral options, pesticides and herbicides remains a
which make them more or less serious problem.
vulnerable to poor health. • Unsafe water can lead to a number
• Detrimental changes to biodiversity of waterborne diseases.
and the resulting risks and burden ➢ Bioaccumulation: the impact of mining
of human health problems are • Many mining activities discharge
inequitable distributed in specific mercury (Hg) and methyl Hg in
social-ecological settings. aquatic ecosystems thereby
contaminating water.

• It can reach human populations necessities maintenance of high
through fish consumption. biodiversity levels.
• Methyl Hg is neurotoxic and • Nutritional composition between
prenatal exposure can affect brain foods and among varieties of the
development, even at low doses at same food can differ dramatically,
exposure. affecting micronutrient availability
in diet.
• Globalization, poverty, modern
➢ Biodiversity, air quality, and human agricultural practices, and changes
health in dietary patterns have led to a
• Air pollution is a significant problem “nutrition transition”.
in cities across the world. • The nutrition transition is the
• Health effects related to air process by which development,
pollution include its impact on the globalization, poverty and
pulmonary and cardiovascular subsequent changes in lifestyle
systems. have led to excessive dietary energy
• Trees affect air quality through a intakes, poor quality diets, and low
number of means and can be used physical activity.
to improve air quality. • Increased use of fertilizers and
• Bioindicators can be useful for pesticides has a hazardous effect on
monitoring air quality and human health.
indicating environmental health. • It also leads to loss of biodiversity.
• Bioindicators, especially lichens and Adversely effects plant and animal
bryophytes, are widely used for species.
monitoring air quality. • Sustainable Diets are those diets
➢ Food security with low environmental impacts,
• The world’s population has which contribute to food and
increased from roughly 2.5 billion nutrition security and to a healthy
people in 1950 to more than 7 life for present and future
billion today and is anticipated to generations.
exceed 9 billion 2050. ➢ Infectious diseases
• An adequate supply of safe and • Human-caused global changes,
nutritious food is one of the such as deforestation, extractive
cornerstones of human health. industries including logging and
• The increase in food production mining and urban development, are
achieved over the past decades has driving infectious disease
been accompanied by significant emergence and spread.
losses in agricultural biodiversity. • E.g., deforestation has led to a
• The Declaration of the World proliferation of Anopheles darlingi,
Summit on Food Security (FAO a mosquito species that is highly
2009) addresses the issue of effective transmitting malaria. It has
investments in agriculture replaced some twenty other less
highlighting those efforts should effective Anopheles species that
focus more on sustainability/ were present before the forests
➢ Nutritional impact were cut down.
• Healthy local diets, with adequate
average levels of nutrients intake,
• For instance, hantavirus prevalence •Medicinal plants are supplied
is thought to increase when through collection from wild
mammal diversity decreases. populations and cultivation.
• Prevalence of Bartonella increases • The global need and demand for
when large wildlife is removed; and natural products persists for use as
habitat fragmentation increases risk medicinal products.
of Lyme disease. • Biomedical research relies on
• Changes in biodiversity increase the plants, animals and microbes to
risk of cross-species transmission of understand human physiology and
pathogens, which can result in to understand and treat human
zoonotic disease. diseases.
➢ Non communicable disease ➢ Mental Health
• Large increases in the incidences of • Contact with nature may not only
chronic inflammatory disorders be associated with positive mental
such as allergies, autoimmune health benefits but can also
diseases and inflammatory bowel promote physical activity and
diseases. contribute to overall well-being.
• Hygiene hypothesis being replaced • Contribution of biodiversity to the
by Biodiversity hypothesis (von provision and sustenance of a range
Hertzen et. al.,) or the Old Friends of cultural ecosystem services such
mechanism (ROOK et. al.,) as spiritual values and social
• Changing patterns of microbial relations.
exposure, in concert with changing • Little is known about the types of
diets, are contributing to environments that can best support
diminished immunoregulation, and physical activity in the population or
to increased incidences of what types of environments
immunoregulatory disorders. alleviate – or aggravate – psychotic
• The Old infections are rapidly and symptoms.
progressively eliminated by modern • Green spaces in urban settings are
medicine and lifestyles. linked to stress reduction, reduction
• The biodiversity of the microbiotas in crime and violence and a range of
is restricted by the modern lifestyle. other health benefits.
• Reduced gut microbial biodiversity ➢ Climate change
is often found to associate with • Climate change and biodiversity
poor control of inflammation. loss are interconnected.
• Gut microbiota of limited diversity • Direct impact – increase in the
is also characteristic of human number of heat waves, droughts,
inflammation-associated floods, cyclones, and wildfires.
conditions such as inflammatory • Indirect impact – broad and
bowel disease. variable in their etiology, such as
➢ Health research and traditional medicine change in infectious disease vector
• Traditional medicines are estimated distribution and air pollution
to be used by 60% of the world’s interacting with heat waves.
population and in some countries • Tertiary effects – health impacts of
are extensively incorporated into large-scale famine, forced
public health system. migration and human conflict,
which result from the geophysical
and ecological consequences of - Convention on climate change
climate change. and Convention on Biological
• Climate change alone is anticipated Diversity started.
to threaten with extinction ➢ Convention on Biological Diversity, 3
approximately one quarter or more main goals
of all species on land by the year • The conservation of biodiversity
2050. • Sustainable use of the components
➢ Disaster risk reduction of biodiversity
• Urban expansion and infrastructure • Sharing the benefits arising from
development, increasing the commercial and other
population pressures, utilization of genetic resources in a
unsustainable agricultural fair and equitable way.
intensification and climate change, ➢ The Cartagena Protocol
can be significant drivers of • The Cartagena Protocol on
biodiversity loss and ill-health. Biosafety to the Convention on
• Biodiversity – particularly its role in Biological Diversity
underpinning ecosystems services- • International treaty governing the
can play a crucial role in disaster risk movements of living modified
management. organisms (LMOs) resulting from
modern biotechnology from one
country to another.
➢ Why conserve biodiversity? • Adopted on 29 January 2000 as a
• Consumptive use value supplementary agreement to the
• Productive us value Convention on Biological
• Social value Biodiversity and entered into force
• Moral and ethical value on 11 September 2003.
• Aesthetic value ➢ The Nagoya Protocol
• Option value • The Nagoya Protocol on Access and
➢ Types of Conservation Benefit-sharing
• In situ conservation – biodiversity • International agreement which aims
can be best preserved in situ by at sharing the benefits arising from
setting aside an adequate the utilization of genetic resources
representation of wilderness as in a fair ad equitable way.
“Protected Areas”. These should • Entered into force on 12 October
consist of a network of National 2014.
Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. ➢ Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-
• Ex situ conservation – outside its 2020
natural habitat in a carefully • Revised and updated Strategic Plan
controlled situation such as for Biodiversity, including the Aichi
botanical garden for plants or a Biodiversity Targets, for the 2011-
zoological park for animals. 2020 period.
➢ 1972 – UNEP (United Nations Environment • Started on 29 October 2010.
Program) started ▪ At least halve and, where
➢ 1992 – United Nations Conference on feasible, bring close to zero
Environment and Development in Rio de the rate of loss of natural
Janeiro, Brazil. habitats, including forests.

▪ Establish a conservation health and the health of other species or
target at 17% of terrestrial ecosystems.
and inland water areas and ➢ Full economic evaluation of human
10% of marine and coastal management of resources, energy
areas. strategies and potential development
▪ Restore at least 15% of pathways should be based on sound
degraded areas through planning and development policies.
conservation and ➢ Responses that mitigate the impacts of
restoration activities. ecosystem changes on human health often
▪ Make special efforts to involve policies and actions outside the
reduce the pressures faced health sector.
by coral reefs. ➢ Quantifying impacts of biodiversity loss on
quality of life requires careful assessment
where outcomes from interventions that
➢ As global population rises towards nine change biodiversity cannot be readily
billion in 2050, trade-offs between human anticipated.
well-being and competing uses of ➢ Management of biodiversity to benefit
resources and physical space for food human health and well being require
supply and energy production will make it specific policies at appropriate levels (e.g.,
more difficult o maintain functioning levels regional, national, sub-national) that
of biodiversity. address health needs and criteria for good
➢ Much of future global population growth quality of life of the particular cultures that
will occur in areas where human health is at are affected.
greatest risk because of poverty and
natural resource scarcity.
➢ Climate change adds uncertainty, it
becomes more difficult to predict which
biotic resources and ecosystem functions
may be needed for human adaptation to
projected food supply disruptions and
ecosystem alterations.
➢ Conflicts can arise between short-term
benefits versus long term costs.
➢ While there are multiple benefits of
biodiversity, biodiversity can also pose a
risk to human health and quality of life. For
example, in the case of HIV and SARS, there
is evidence pointing to the shift of these
diseases from animal populations to
human beings sparked by increased
hunting and consumption of bush meat.

➢ The EcoHealth, One Health and “one
medicine” approaches are part of a family
of approaches that aim to bridge human


2nd SEMESTER | S.Y. 2021-2022


➢ A Nanometre is a unit of length in the
metric system, equal to one billionth of a
metre (10-9)
➢ Technology is the making, usage, and
knowledge of tools, machines and
techniques, in order to solve a problem or
perform a specific function.
➢ Nanotechnology is the study of
manipulating matter on an atomic scale.
➢ Nanotechnology refers to the
constructing and engineering of the
functional systems at very micro level or we
can say at atomic level.
➢ A Nanometer is one billionth of a meter,
roughly the width of three or four atoms.
The average human hair is about 25,000
nanometers wide.

➢ The first ever concept was presented in
1959 by the famous professor of physics
Dr. Richard P. Feynman. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY
➢ Invention of the scanning tunneling
➢ There are several important modern
microscope in 1981 and the discovery of
fullerene (C60) in 1985 lead to the
• The atomic force microscope
mergence of nanotechnology.
➢ The term “Nano-technology” had been
• The Scanning Tunnelling
coined by Norio Taniguchi in 1974.
Microscope (STM) are scanning
➢ The early 2000’s also saw the beginnings of
probes that launched
commercial applications of
nanotechnology, although these were
➢ Various techniques of nanolithography
limited to bulk application of
such as:
• Optical lithography
➢ Silver nano platform for using silver-
• X-ray lithography
nanoparticles as an antibacterial agent,
• Dip pen nanolithography
nanoparticle-based transparent
• Electron beam lithography (inkjet
sunscreens, and carbon nanotubes for
printer) were also developed.
stain-resistant textiles.
➢ Lithography in MEMS context is typically
the transfer of a pattern into a
photosensitive material by selective They may be synthesized from

exposure to a radiation source such as light. metals or semiconducting
➢ Carbon Nanotube materials.
• Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of • A combination of ligands act as
carbon with a cylindrical shape control agents and bond to
nanostructure. different facets of the nanorod with
• They have length-to-diameter ratio different strengths. This allows
of up to 132,000,000:1 different faces of the nanorod to
• Nanotubes are members of the grow at different rates, producing
fullerene structural family. Their an elongated object.
name is derived from their long, • Uses
hollow structure with the walls ▪ In display technologies,
formed by one-atom-thick sheets because the reflectivity of
of carbon, called graphene. the rods can be changed by
• Properties changing their orientation
▪ Highest strength to weight with an applied electric field.
ratio, helps in creating light ▪ In microelectromechanical
weight spacecrafts. system (MEMS)
▪ Easily penetrate membranes ▪ In cancer therapeutics
such as cell walls. Helps in ➢ Nanobots
cancer treatment. • Close to the scale of 10-9
▪ Electrical resistance • Largely in R&d phase
changes significantly when • Nanobots of 1.5 nanometers across,
other molecules attach capable of counting specific
themselves to the carbon molecules in a chemical sample.
atoms. Helps in developing • Since nanobots would be
sensors that can detect microscopic in size, it would
chemical vapors. probably be necessary for very large
• Applications numbers of them to work together
▪ Easton-Bell Sports, Inc. to perform microscopic and
using CNT in making bicycle macroscopic tasks.
component. • Capable of replication using
▪ Zyvex Technologies using environmental resources.
CNT for manufacturing of • Application
light weight boats. ▪ Detection of toxic
▪ Replacing transistors from components in
the silicon chips as they are environment
small and emit less heat. ▪ In drug delivery
▪ In electric cables and wires. ▪ Biomedical instrumentation.
▪ In solar cells.
▪ In fabrics.
➢ Nanorods (quantum dots)
• Nanorods are one morphology of
nanoscale objects.
• Dimensions range from 1-100 nm.

APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY (NRC) and the University of Cambridge
➢ The Morph will be super hydrophobic
making it extremely dirt repellant.
➢ It will be able to charge itself from
available light sources using photovoltaic
nanowire grass covering its surface.
➢ Nanoscale electronics also allow
stretching. Nokia envisage that a
nanoscale mesh of fibers will allow our
1. Nanotechnology in Drugs (Cancer) mobile devices to be bent, stretched and
➢ Provide new options for drug delivery and folded into any number of conceivable
drug therapies. shapes.
➢ Enable drugs to be delivered to precisely 4. Nanotechnology in Electronics
the right location in the body and release ➢ Electrodes made from nanowires enable
drug doses on a predetermined schedule flat panel displays to be flexible as well as
for optimal treatment. thinner than current flat panel displays.
➢ Attach the drug to a nanosized carrier. • Nanolithography is used for
➢ They become localized at the disease site, fabrication of chips.
i.e., cancer tumor • The transistors are made of
➢ Then they release medicine that kills the nanowires, that are assembled on
tumor glass or thin films of flexible
➢ Current treatment is through radiotherapy plastic
or chemotherapy. • E-paper, displays on sunglasses
➢ Nanobots can clear the blockage in and map on the windshields
arteries. 5. Nanotechnology in computers
2. Nanotechnology in Fabrics ➢ The silicon transistors in your computer
➢ The properties of familiar materials are may be replaced by transistors based on
being changed by manufacturers who are carbon nanotubes
adding nano-sized components to ➢ A carbon nanotube is a molecule in form
conventional materials to improve of a hollow cylinder with a diameter of
performance. around a nanometer which consists of
• For example, some clothing pure carbon.
manufacturers are making water ➢ Nanorods is a upcoming technology in
and stain repellant clothing using the displays techniques due to less
nano-sized whiskers in the fabric consumption of electricity and less heat
that cause water to bead up on the emission.
surface. ➢ Size of the microprocessors are reduced to
• In manufacturing bullet proof greater extend.
jackets. ➢ Researchers at North Carolina State
• Making spill & dirt resistant, University says that growing arrays of
antimicrobial, antibacterial fabrics. magnetic nanoparticles, called nanodots.
3. Nanotechnology in Mobile ➢ Hewett Packard is developing a memory
➢ Morph, a nanotechnology concept device device that uses nanowires coated with
developed by Nokia Research Center titanium dioxide.
➢ One group of these nanowires is deposited
parallel to another group
➢ When a perpendicular nanowire is laid • Aerogels lightest known solid due
over a group of parallel wires, at each to good insulting properties is
intersection a device called a memristor is used in space suits and are
formed proposed to use in space craft.
➢ A memristor can be used as a single-
component memory cell in an integrated
circuit. ➢ Nanotechnology may make it possible to
➢ By reducing the diameter of the nanowires, manufacture lighter, stronger, and
researchers believe memristor memory programmable materials that
chips can achieve higher memory density • require less energy to produce than
than flash memory chips conventional material
➢ Magnetic nanowires made of an alloy of • and that promise greater fuel
iron and nickel are being uses to create efficiency in land transportation,
dense memory devices. ships, aircraft, and space vehicles
➢ Chips produced by Intel before “I” series ➢ The future of nanotechnology could very
processors were between 65nm – 45nm well include the use of nanorobotics
➢ Later with the help of nanotechnology ➢ These nanorobots have the potential to
22nm chips were made which itself is a take on human tasks as well as tasks that
milestone. humans could never complete. The
• Advantages of using carbon rebuilding of the depleted ozone layer
nanotubes could potentially be able to perform.
▪ Faster and smaller – ➢ There would be an entire nano surgical field
carbon nanotubes can be to help cure everything from natural aging
used to produce smaller to diabetes to bone spurs.
and faster components. ➢ There would be almost nothing that
▪ This will also result in couldn’t be repaired (eventually) with the
computers that consume introduction of nano surgery.
less energy.
▪ High speed and high-
capacity memory ➢ Nano-particles can get into the body
▪ Allows circuits to be more through the skin, lungs and digestive
accurate on the atomic system, thus creating free radicals that can
level. cause cell damage.
6. Other uses ➢ Once nano-particles are in the
➢ Cutting tools made of nanocrystalline bloodstream, they will be able to cross the
materials, such as tungsten carbide, blood-brain barrier.
tantalum carbide and titanium carbide, are ➢ The most dangerous Nano-application use
more wear and erosion – resistant and for military purposes is the Nano-bomb
last longer than their conventional that contain engineered self-multiplying
counterparts. deadly viruses that can continue to wipe
➢ Silver nanocrystals have been embedded out a community, country or even a
in bandages to kill bacteria and prevent civilization.
infection. ➢ Nanobots because of their replicating
➢ Nanoparticulate-based synthetic bone behavior can be big threat for GRAY GOO.
• Formed by manipulating calcium
and phosphate at the molecular


2nd SEMESTER | S.Y. 2021-2022

• Physiology
➢ Biotechnology comes from the word
• Biochemistry
“bios” which means life, “techno” which • Immunology
means tools, and “locos” which refers to • Virology
study of. Literally biotechnology • Embryology
pertains to the study of tools from living • Recombinant DNA Technology –
things. genetic manipulation of bacteria,
➢ Biotechnology is branch of science in viruses, fungi plants and animals,
which living things are used to make often for the development of
new products. specific products.
➢ It is the use of living organisms or processes ➢ Applications of Bio-technology
to make products useful for mankind. 1. Health
2. Agriculture
HISTORY 3. Industry
➢ Has been existing since centuries. 4. Environment
➢ Begin with the first action of human on life TYPES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY
for his welfare.
➢ It started when people modified A. Green biotechnology (agricultural
microorganisms to the needs of humanity. applications)
➢ In past biotechnologies used yeast cells to ➢ Agricultural biotechnology – is a
ferment alcoholic drinks and the bacteria to collection of scientific techniques use to
make cheese and yoghurt. improve plants, animals, and
microorganism. Based on an
SCIENCE BULLETIN – BIP understanding of DNA.
➢ Biotechnology Industrial Park (BIP) is a ➢ Scientists have developed solutions to
special form of industrial park specialized • Increase agricultural productivity
in biotechnology. Such industrial park • Enhances breeders’ ability to make
usually hosts a cluster of companies that improvements in crops and
work together as a bio-refinery. A bio- livestock
refinery is a biomass equivalent of an oil • Enables improvements that are not
refinery. These components refine bio possible with traditional crossing of
materials and produce bio-products. related species alone.
➢ Bioengineering is the science upon which ➢ Green Biotechnology
all biotechnological applications are based • Plant Tissue culture
➢ Bio-technology combines disciplines like: • Plant genetic engineering
• Engineering • Bio fertilizers and bio pesticides
• Computer Science • Hybridization
• Cell and Molecular Biology • Fight climate change
• Microbiology ➢ Use of biotechnological techniques in
➢ Vitamin A deficiency is a serious problem • Engineering of genetic defects
and can cause blindness at a young age if through genomic manipulation
left untreated • Use in forensics through DNA
➢ Golden rice was genetically modified to profiling
produce beta-carotene (a precursor of ➢ Examples:
Vitamin A that the body converts to vitamin • Production of human insulin from
A). A diet including golden rice can thus nom-human sources
help to raise vitamin A levels • Production of hormones like
B. White Biotechnology (industrial applications) Interferons, Cytokinin, Steroids, and
➢ It is also called industrial human growth hormones.
biotechnology. It is the designing of an • Gene therapy for prevention and
organism to produce useful chemicals control of diseases like hemophilia
i.e., enzymes cystic fibrosis
➢ Industrial Biotechnology • Development of vaccines and
• Role in beverage industry antibodies for rabies, HIV, etc.
• Medicine (Antibiotics) D. Blue Biotechnology (aquatic applications)
• Development of new vaccines ➢ Blue biotechnology is a term that has been
• Development of new processes used to describe the marine and aquatic
for higher production applications of biotechnology, but its use is
• Role in food processing relatively rare.
• Apply technology to improve
food quality
➢ The use of biological methods to optimize ➢ Environment
industrial processes ➢ Development of medicines
➢ Applied by manufacturers of laundry ➢ Cloning
detergents ➢ Gene Therapy
➢ Includes research for new enzymes ➢ Genetic Testing
(proteins that remove oily and protein- ➢ Agricultural development
based stains) A. Development of Medicine
➢ Enzymes that work under extreme • With the help of biotechnology:
conditions (wash temperatures of 20 ▪ Microorganisms can be
degrees Celsius or 90 degrees Celsius used to make biological
➢ This often entails modifying the enzymes of substances for humans
microorganisms for these processes which are equally effective
C. Red Biotechnology (medical applications) as natural substances
➢ This term is used in medical processes. ▪ Microorganisms such as
It involves the manipulation of bacteria and yeast are used
microorganisms to make products such to make substance (produce
as antibiotics. drugs) like insulin and
➢ It includes: interferon
• Production of medicines and ▪ Treatment of diseases like
pharmaceutical products for hepatitis and arthritis are
treating or diagnosing disorders made possible with the help
• Designing of organisms to of biotechnology
manufacture antibiotics and

a. Drug Production ▪ Carrier Testing: test to
• Insulin: avoid transfer of defective
▪ Human insulin is being gene from parents to child
produced using genetic ▪ Identity Testing
engineering technique ▪ Genetic disorder like
known as Humulin and it is (Sickle cell anemia)
used for the treatment of • Better drugs can be obtained by the
diabetes that is low sugar knowledge of genetics
level in the blood. • Genetic testing can be used to
• Interferon: detect the mutations regarding
▪ Interferon interfere in genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis,
transmission of viral sickle cell anemia, Huntington
genome from one cell to diseases, etc.
another and it also inhibits • Tests are also being developed to
the cell division of abnormal detect various cancers.
cells. D. Environment
▪ Interferon produced using • Biotechnology helps to: Eliminate
the recombinant DNA pollutants and Remove waste from
technology is used to treat environment
cancer patients. E. Cloning
▪ Interferon improved the • Clones are organisms that are exact
quality of life of cancer genetic copies. Every single bit of
patients. their DNA is identical.
• Human Growth Hormone: • Clones can happen naturally –
▪ Since dwarfism is caused by identical twins are just one of many
growth hormone deficiency examples:
so it can be diagnose by ▪ Placing the cell in body of
HGH testing organism
▪ So HGH is used for the ▪ By placing egg cell on the
treatment of dwarfism due Petri dish to make
to hypo pituitary activity embryonic stem cell
B. Gene Therapy F. Agricultural Development
• Replacing a mutated gene that • DNA of plant is modified to:
causes disease with a healthy copy ▪ Enhance protection of
of the gene plants against diseases.
• Inactivating or “knocking out” a ▪ Increase the quality of
mutated gene that is functioning nutritional value of the
improperly plants
• Introducing the new gene that help ▪ Increase the yield of the
fight a disease. plants
C. Genetic Testing
• It involves the direct examination of
DNA molecule of an organism. It is ➢ 1996 – First mammal cloned from adult
used for cells
▪ Newborn Screening: test ➢ 1990’s – First conviction using genetic
for abnormal missing of fingerprinting
gene product.
➢ 1996 – Development of Affymetrix
➢ 1997 – First artificial chromosomes
➢ In December 2004, Dr. Briggitte claimed in
a letter to UN that Clonaid has successfully
cloned 13 children.



2nd SEMESTER | S.Y. 2021-2022

➢ Genetically Modified Organisms -
Intentionally changing a living thing’s
original genes or DNA.
• Genetic: referring to genes or DNA
• Modification: changing from an
• Organism: any living thing including
animals, plants, bacteria, fungi

➢ Non-GMO
• Simple selection
➢ Since we have been choosing plants to
• Selective breeding
domesticate, we have been creating GMOs!
• Interspecies crosses
• 10,000 year ago
• Mutagenesis
➢ We choose the plants with desirable traits,
• Transgenesis
(good DNA/Genes)
• Genome editing
• Produces lots of fruit, survives
➢ These six represent both “Traditional
drought, doesn’t get eaten by
Breeding Techniques” and “Genetic
Engineering Techniques”
➢ We plant those seed with those traits
➢ Clearly some of these techniques have
(others we don’t)
been used long before we knew anything
• Making breeds of plants!
about DNA specifically.
➢ So any plant we choose to domesticate or
➢ We didn’t find out about DNA structure
grow for our own good, is having their
until 1952 and it still took several years
genes changed by us, it’s a GMO!
before we fully understood the importance
➢ Not all of these techniques require the
➢ So many of our most common foodstuffs
same level of technology to achieve.
look nothing like their ancestors.
➢ Since humans have started domesticating
plants for wide spread production we have
chosen the traits we want to see in plants.


➢ Adding a specific , well-characterized gene
to a new organisms to transfer a specific
➢ One Gene vs. Many Genes
• Traditional: Many Genes Changed
➢ One or a few traits!
▪ Simple Selection
➢ Lots of methods to get the new trait into
▪ Selective Breeding
the cell!
▪ Interspecies Crosses
• Gene Gun Particle Accelerator
▪ Mutagenesis
• DNA microinjection
• Genetic Engineering: One Gene
• Retrovirus Insertion
• Restriction Enzyme Insertion
▪ Transgenesis
• Stem Cell Transgenesis
▪ Genome Editing
➢ The key is specifically the number of genes
that are changed at once.
➢ Traditional techniques have the potential
to change thousands or hundreds of
thousands of genes at once. With this type
of breading, you cannot choose to target
one specific gene without possibly
effecting many others. This of it as one
good but thousands of possible bads too….
This process can take a long time, with
many crosses before the desirable
combination of traits occurs, if ever at all!
➢ Genetic Engineering uses technology to
specifically isolate one gene or one small
set of genes to confer the a single desirable
trait. Since only one gene is altered or
inserted you don’t have to worry about any
additional changes to the rest of the

➢ Scientists are not going through the world
and randomly creating transgenic
organisms with whatever they can find.
➢ The process is long, takes millions of
dollars, and can be decades of work by
countless individuals completing rigorous
testing at every possible turn.


➢ This represents all of the transgenic crops

that are present in the US!
➢ Is this smaller than you expected? Do you
see some missing?
➢ All of the medical uses have been omitted
because they are screened under a much
more rigorous standards by the FDA!
➢ All of the fiber transgenics are also
excluded, like spider web goats milk, are
used in industry and not food or crop


➢ Altering the DNA within an organism by
changing the organisms original genome.
➢ Deleting genes that are harmful
➢ Duplicating genes that induce certain
protein productions, additional starch
production in corn
➢ Editing genes to change specific sequences
and change proteins
➢ So… GMO or Not?

➢ Multiple concerns
• Increasing consumer interest in
source of food

▪ Health implications of food ▪ Likely due to improper
production methods farming practices with this
• Will use term “Genetically ▪ Need to use crop rotation,
engineered (GE)” alternate varieties, good
▪ Scientifically accurate term practices
used by FDA • Concerns about corporate control
▪ Genetically modified • Uncertainty of long-term effects,
organisms (GMOs- future research results
synonym) ▪ Know that 20 years of
▪ Transgenic crops or consumption is safe (since
animals- synonym GE introduced), but what
• 37 % of U.S. adults vs. 88% AAAS about longer?
scientists think GM foods are safe- ➢ Concerns about GEs – 2
Pew Research, 2015 • Fear of the unknown
• Many issues tied together ▪ Small number of studies
may show that GE causes
➢ FDA rigorously reviews for: • Companies may not favor GE
• Unintended effects/ toxicity labeling- why not?
• Allergenicity (i.e. nut gene into
other crops)
• Nutritional composition- not
significantly different
➢ Human trials not conducted
• Study of composition better
indicator of safety
➢ USDA and EPA also regulate

➢ President signed federal law on July 29,
➢ “We have reviewed the scientific literature 2016
on GE crop safety for the last 10 years that • Most packaged food products to
catches the scientific consensus matured require label, website/phone #, OR
since GE plants became widely cultivated smartphone readable code w/ GE
worldwide, and we can conclude that the status
scientific research conducted so far has not • USDA (not FDA) to write specific
detected any significant hazard directly rules by July 2018
connected with the use of GM crops.” ➢ Overrules VT and other state GE labeling
➢ Concerns about GEs laws (which may all be different)
• Environmental effects- may lead to • Vermont GE labeling law was in
pesticide resistance (Bt corn or force July 1, 2016
herbicide resistant weeds)

•Required products to be labeled
with GE status
➢ Federal GE labeling law questions
• What is a GE product?
▪ e.g.: corn oil, corn
sweeteners- no DNA or
protein left- are they still
▪ USDA rule making process
will decide
▪ Proponents say a website
can provide more details on
this than a food label
• Penalties for companies not
• Is this enough information for
➢ GE/GMO free options already available
• Certified Organic foods- not
allowed to have GEs
• Products labeled as “GMO free”

➢ Recognize that there are diverse

perspectives, uncertainties
➢ How do we meet current food needs
without compromising food needs of
other countries, future generations around
the world
➢ Need to ensure that information is science
• Also need to respect individual
food sourcing philosophies


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