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After the orientation of this subject, what do you think is the importance of this subject to your course?

As an Engineering student who wants to become a successful Electrical Engineer, I should have deep
knowledge and understanding of different materials used in various fields, especially electrical
engineering materials. This knowledge can be acquired by taking this subject (Materials Science and
Engineering). This subject discusses different properties, including electrical properties, processes,
structures, and compositions which can lead us to learn different applications which are very important
in our course. Also, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) combines different elements or subjects
that can help us to solve real-world problems associated with different engineering disciplines. This
subject can enlighten us on the suitable materials that we should use in different fields, especially in the
field of electrical engineering. Any electrical equipment's performance is entirely determined by the
quality of the materials used to construct it. As a result, to develop good and successful electrical
equipment, we must also understand the factors that influence the quality of engineering materials. This
subject plays an important role in the development and success of all engineering technologies. Also, it
can help us to know how to develop new products/systems using existing materials and new techniques
for processing materials. In other words, I can say that a background in Materials Science and
Engineering prepares us for many career tracks. 

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