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Plasma Halogen Risk ratio (logarithmic scale) Risk ratio Summary risk ratio (logarithmic scale) Summary risk

Risk ratio Summary risk ratio (logarithmic scale) Summary risk ratio
Events Non-events Sample size Events Non-events Sample size Y v w Yw RR Lower Upper M VM Lower Upper RR Lower Upper
Cacciafesta, 2004 21 279 300 12 288 300 0.56 0.12 8.05 4.50 1.75 0.88 3.49 -0.09 0.02 -0.36 0.17 0.91 0.70 1.19
Manzo, 2004 12 292 304 12 292 304 0.00 0.16 6.25 0.00 1.00 0.46 2.19
Pettermerides, 2004 12 164 176 13 163 176 -0.08 0.15 6.72 -0.54 0.92 0.43 1.97
Russell, 2008 22 305 327 31 296 327 -0.34 0.07 13.97 -4.79 0.71 0.42 1.20
Sfodrini, 2004 31 686 717 39 678 717 -0.23 0.06 18.15 -4.17 0.79 0.50 1.26
Total - - 53.12 -4.99

Y within-study log risk ratio
v within-study variance of log risk ratio
w weight (defined as the inverse of the variance)
Yw sum of the product of Y with w
RR risk ratio
Lower lower bound of 95% confidence interval
Upper upper bound of 95% confidence interval
M meta-analysis log risk ratio
VM variance of meta-analysis log risk ratio

*Note that any differences with the results presented in the article are due to rounding error.
Damon Conventional
Mean Std. dev. Sample size Mean Std. dev. Sample size SDwithin
Scott, 2008 1.41 1.41 32 1.68 0.66 28 1.12
Ong, 2010 1.46 0.65 44 1.57 0.59 40 0.62
Pandis, 2011 1.98 0.9 25 2.22 0.96 25 0.93
Miles, 2006 0.51 0.66 29 0.6 0.75 29 0.71
Pandis, 2007 1.81 0.71 27 1.41 0.63 27 0.67
Wahab, 2012 2.16 1.08 14 3.15 1.17 15 1.13
Total -


*Note that any differences with the results presented in the article are due to rounding error.
Standardized mean difference Summary standardized m
SMD VSMD J Y v w Yw Lower Upper M
-0.24 0.07 0.99 -0.24 0.07 15.23 -3.61 -0.74 0.27 -0.13
-0.18 0.05 0.99 -0.18 0.05 21.26 -3.72 -0.60 0.25
-0.26 0.08 0.98 -0.25 0.08 12.80 -3.25 -0.80 0.29
-0.13 0.07 0.99 -0.13 0.07 14.88 -1.87 -0.63 0.38
0.60 0.08 0.99 0.59 0.08 13.32 7.82 0.05 1.12
-0.88 0.15 0.97 -0.85 0.14 7.01 -5.97 -1.59 -0.11
- - - - - 84.50 -10.60

within-groups standard deviation
within-study standardized mean difference
within-study variance of standardized mean difference
correction factor
within-study Hedges’g
within-study variance of Hedges’g
weight (defined as the inverse of the variance)
sum of the product of Y with w
lower bound of 95% confidence interval
upper bound of 95% confidence interval
meta-analysis standardized mean difference
variance of meta-analysis standardized mean difference
Summary standardized mean difference
VM Lower Upper
0.01 -0.34 0.09

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