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Listening errors:
- Not focusing on listening: His body language indicates a lack of interest in the
topic of communication. He doesn't really want to listen to the problem that she is
 He only listens to what is said superficially and appears restless.
 He doesn’t make eye contact with the speaker. (You aren’t giving any eye
 He has the act of covering his mouth, yawning, bowing, rubbing the neck as if
fed up with the speaker's story. Therefore, the speaker may lose interest and
carefully notice if you are really listening to them. You may even accidentally
make them feel like they're bothering you.
- Doing other things while communicating: The listener loses patience and uses
his phone to check the message or watch the news while listening. He makes the
speaker uncomfortable and forces her to stop to remind him. (Are you listening to
me? / You seem like you’re very distracted.)
- Fake attention:
 The listener isn’t actually listening and is thinking about something else
deliberately trying to look as though he was listening. For example, the chin-up
position and stare at the speaker when he sees her watching him after a series
of inattentive actions by him. The listener may do so as not to appear rude or
discourteous to the listener. At times, this may lead to disasters in
communication because these actions show a lack of respect for the speaker,
constantly making them feel uncomfortable.
 He repeatedly apologized for his poor listening as well as his listening
attitude. But instead of taking interactive actions of listening, summarizing the
speaker's problem, and giving them problem-solving advice, he's constantly
making those mistakes. As a result, he not only prevents the speaker from
sharing the problem she is experiencing, but makes her mood worse.
Listening skills errors:
- Interrupting the speaker: The listener does not wait for the speaker to finish
what she is saying so that the complete meaning can be determined, but interrupts
often resulting in a break of the speaker’s thought chain and thus hindering the
communication process. (We’re talking about…) Unnecessary interruptions can be
discouraging and uncomfortable for the speaker. (Please can you not interrupt me
until I finish telling the story?)
-    Distracting the speaker when she is talking: He directs her to pay attention to an
unrelated topic (like Sorry is that a spider/ I’ll have to kill that later) instead of
letting them focus on telling their story.
-    Wasting other people's time: when she's really looking for a colleague who can
listen and give advice on her problems (I need your advice…/ I don’t know how to
deal with…), he doesn't seem to care about her story and doesn't listen to the story
fully to offer any useful advice. He made her feel frustrated and annoyed. (I’m just
gonna have to find somebody else who could help me well)

The above are the common mistakes of poor listeners. So what are the causes and how
can we improve these listening skills and listening errors to become a good listener?

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