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Technical Datasheet

Diagnostic Help /resolution failure
Adjustment Procedure/Overall
Technical Bulletin / Information

PLC Reset with FM cards initialization on Universal

16/092009 - Creation - version A
Datasheet release date / version
19/01/2015 – Update template
Author Ahmed RAHALI
Machine concerned Universal
Profile / Level required Level 3 - Customer Specialized Engineer
Estimated intervention duration
Strategy On Demand

1) Goal :

Make a PLC reset with FM card initialization.

2) Introduction
Some faults linked to the FM352 cards and to the encoder can only be solved by make a
complete PLC reset with FM cards initialization.

Example of an Encoder connected to a FM352

card (A500) in the pole 1

In the same way, the PLC RESET can solve some problem with the program loading or
the material configuration after a general power supply cut for example…

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3) PLC equipment presentation:

Power supply card PS407 CPU Card

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Precaution of use before beginning

1- Save the current recipe and the production log.

2- Check that the correct machine serial number is written in ‘machine setting’.
3- Read carefully this whole sheet once before you start the RESET.

FM cards initialization

4 - Drop Q1B:
It is in the main electrical cabinet in the PLC side or in the panel on the right side of the cabinet.

Turn off the power supply

5- Put the CPU switch on ‘stop’

6- Put the switch on the power supply card PS407 on ‘off’ position
7- Remove the EPROM (memory card of the CPU)
8- Turn the 24V off (red button on the electrical cabinet) and, turn the main connector for
400V (Q1) on ‘OFF’ position.

Wait 10 seconds.

Turn on the power supply

9- turn the main connector for 400V (Q1) on ‘ON’ position, and turn on the 24V (green
button on the electrical cabinet)
10 - Trigger Q1B
11 - Put the switch on the power supply card PS407 on ‘ON’ position

Wait 5 seconds

PLC RESET from the CPU

12 - Put the CPU switch on ‘run’ and back on ‘stop’.

13 - Hold the switch on the ‘MRES’ position until the ‘STOP’ LED blinked twice. Release the
switch (which goes back to the stop position) and hold it back to the ‘MRES’ position
within the second! The ‘STOP’ LED might blink quickly. When the LED stop to blink,
release the switch.

If this step is not done correctly, start back to the step 12/.

14 - Put the switch on the power supply card PS407 on ‘OFF’ position
15 - Put the EPROM back in the CPU
16 - Put the switch on the power supply card PS407 on ‘ON’ position
Wait 5 seconds

17 - Put the CPU switch on ‘RUN’ position

After a few seconds, check that all the LED on the CPU and the power supply card PS407 are
If any LED remain not green (fault LED or ‘STOP’ LED still on for example), put the CPU switch
on ‘STOP’ and back on ‘RUN’ once again.

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18 - Check that the communication with the PCC is still working, check that the machine
number is correctly set in the machine setting. If the communication doesn’t work,
restart the PCC application.
19 - In the PCC main page, in the fault frame, you might find the message ‘machine
preconfiguration successful’ (to learn more about preconfiguration, do not hesitate to
consult the technical sheet #112, the SIDEL technical assistance can provide you this
20 - Check the machine options.

For any other information, contact your local or central Technical Support.

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