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Field: Subject: Class: V

English Grammar English Date: 1/11/2021
Topic:  Learning situations:
Verb Tenses: Past, Present, Future  The teacher and the students discuss about
verbs that we use in the past future and
Learning outcomes present times.
1. Learn about these tenses and how to use them  The teacher provides a passage played from
correctly a CD player of a native speaker speaking.
2. Distinguish between present, past, and future tenses
3. list different examples of these tenses
Key words: verb tense, past tense, present tense,
future tense
Coursebook, Workbook, CD player.


 Begin by writing the words Past Present and Future on the black board and by providing examples for each
of them.
Past tense: I cooked yesterday.
Present tense: I am listening t the teacher now.
Future tense: I will do my homework when I get home.

Then the teacher goes on and asks the students to write down on their notebooks other examples of these tenses. The
teacher is going to choose 5 students who are willing to answer.

Pre-listening activity (20 minutes)

 Classwork discussion

Important points

The teacher is going to explain further on the black board by giving other examples.

Future tense: is a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being.
Ex. I will be happy.

Present Tense: verb shows what is happening now.

Ex. Trina reads a book.

Past Tense: a verb showing that something already happened.


Ex. Trina read a book.

The teacher is going to ask two of her students (Maria and Anna) to come and stand in front of the other students in
order to provide a concrete example of these tenses.

Example of present tense verbs:

Today I dance.

Anna dances with Maria.

Anna dances with me.

We all dance together.

Example of past tense verbs: (change from present to past by adding -ed:)
Yesterday I danced.

Maria danced with Anna.

Maria danced with me.

We all danced together.

Example of future tense verbs: (adding will before the root form of the verb)

I will dance tomorrow

Maria will dance with Anna

Maria will dance with me

We will all dance together.

While-listening activity. (20 minutes)

Teacher guided activities:

The teacher is going to play a short listening passage to the students with the help of the CD player. The students are
going to hear a native speaker pointing out actions he did in the past present and future. The students have to write
down these sentences and identify when each action has taken place.

The Tenses Song (Past, Present & Future) - YouTube


Post-listening activity. (20 minutes)

After the students have listened to the short passage, the teacher is going to ask them to write down on their
notebooks some action they can think of from their own daily routine about things they did in the past of some
things they want to do in the future. The teacher is going to choose 5 students who are willing to answer to read out
loud their sentences.

Evaluation based on observations and positive answers.

 ASSIGNMENT: WB exercises.

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