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Implementation of Society 5.0 in Education Policies and Strategies
in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Aditya Zulmi Rahmawan

Disaster Management master program of postgraduate school Airlangga University

The covid-19 pandemic caused problems in various sectors. The most vulnerable sector in this situation is social
sector, especially in education. Problems such as the learning process make the sustainability of education reap
concern. This is a challenge for the people in the era of society 5.0 in the hope that they can overcome the
problems that arise due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Utilization of big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet
of things is an alternative effort to help deal with the impact of a pandemic in accordance with the conditions in
this disruptive era. This study aims to determine the society 5.0 policies and strategies in the learning process as
an effort to handle the impact of a pandemic. This study uses a literature review research method of literature
published by scientific journals in the period January 2010 to May 2020. The data used comes from journals that
have been published relating to the topics studied and from various electronic media. The results of the study
can find out the strategy in the learning process in the implementation of society 5.0 on education policies in an
effort to deal with the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Covid-19, Education, Policies, Society 5.0, Strategies

Pandemi covid-19 memberikan permasalahan di berbagai sektor. Sektor yang paling rentan dalam situasi ini adalah
sektor sosial terutama pada pendidikan. Permasalahan seperti proses pembelajaran membuat keberlangsungan
pendidikan menuai kekhawatiran. Hal ini menjadi sebuah tantangan bagi masyarakat di era society 5.0 dengan
harapan dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul akibat pandemi Covid-19. Pemanfaatan big data, artificial
intelligent, dan internet of things menjadi upaya alternatif dalam membantu menangani dampak pandemi yang
sesuai dengan keadaan di era disruptif ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan dan strategi society
5.0 dalam proses pembelajaran sebagai upaya penanganan dampak pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
penelitian tinjauan sistematis terhadap literatur yang diterbitkan oleh jurnal ilmiah pada periode Januari tahun 2010
hingga Mei 2020. Data-data yang digunakan berasal dari jurnal-jurnal yang sudah dipublikasikan terkait dengan
topik yang dikaji dan dari berbagai media elektronik. Hasil penelitian dapat mengetahui strategi dalam proses
pembelajaran dalam implementasi society 5.0 pada kebijakan di bidang pendidikan sebagai upaya menghadapi
dampak pandemi covid-19.

Kata kunci: Covid-19, Pendidikan, Kebijakan, Society 5.0, Strategi

At the end of January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has widely
announced the Corona Virus Diseases 19 (Covid-19) as PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of
International Concern). This means that this outbreak is a global public health problem that
requires coordinated and international cooperation where all countries need to report any
incidents that have the potential to cause casualties according to the provisions of WHO (Jee,
On March 11, 2020, WHO announced this outbreak as a pandemic because it has
spread to nearly 180 countries. While the statistics regarding infected people, it is very
difficult to put an exact number because the casualties change rapidly over time, As of 2 June
2020, there were a lot more than 30,000 deaths reported, while more than 23,000 people were
in critical condition globally. More than 650,000 people affected (Muhyiddin, 2020).
In Indonesia, the virus was detected on March 3, 2020, since the beginning of the case,
the Indonesian government has immediately followed up on it. One of the government's
actions is to implement social distancing for 14 days to minimize the spread of the virus.
Social Distancing is staying away from associations, avoiding mass gatherings, and
maintaining distance between people. Social restrictions / maintaining distance are taken to
prevent transmission of COVID-19 so that it does not spread widely in the State of Indonesia.
Social distancing is very influential in preventing the spread of COVID-19. The impact of the
COVID-19 caused the economy in Indonesia to decline, dropped the rupiah exchange rate, the
price of goods rose, especially medical equipment and also had an impact on the sustainability
of education in Indonesia. )
The policy of the minister of education is that all learning activities both in schools
and colleges are carried out in their respective homes through the available application. The
Minister of Education issued Circular Number 3 Year 2O2O concerning the Prevention of
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-l9in the Education Unit which stated that schools and colleges
were closed. (Kemdikbud RI, 2020). This is done to break the chain of spreading COVID-19,
instead learning activities are carried out online for all levels of education. The impact of this
pandemic has indirectly forced the world of education in Indonesia to accelerate the era of the
industrial revolution 4.0 by implementing the concept of society 5.0 which is marked by
increased connectivity, interaction and development of digital, artificial intelligence, and
virtual systems. With the increasingly convergent boundaries between humans, machines and
other resources, information and communication technology will certainly have an impact on
various sectors of life.
The change in this era cannot be avoided by anyone, so it requires the preparation of
adequate human resources (HR) to be ready to adjust and be able to compete on a global
scale. Improving the quality of human resources through education from primary and
secondary education to tertiary institutions is the key to being able to keep up with the
development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
The success of a country in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution is also determined by
the quality of educators such as teachers. Teachers are required to master skills, the ability to
adapt to new technology. In this situation, each educational institution prepares a new
orientation and literacy in the field of education. Old literacy that relies on reading, writing
and mathematics must be strengthened by preparing new literacy, namely literacy for data,
technology and human resources. Data literacy is the ability to read, analyze and use
information from data in the digital world. Then, technological literacy is the ability to
understand mechanical and technological systems in the world of work. Meanwhile, human
resource literacy is the ability to interact well, is not rigid, and has character.
Globally, based on UNESCO data dated March 19, 2020, 112 countries have
implemented learning from home policies, including Malaysia, Thailand, Germany, Austria,
Mexico, South Africa, Yemen and Zambia. Of these 112 countries, 101 countries implement a
nationwide learning from home policy. Meanwhile, 11 other countries, including Indonesia,
are implementing learning at home in certain areas (Mas'udi, 2020). The journey to
Community 5.0 has gone through several stages of social life and by entering Society 5.0,
information has become more open and accessible to users' wishes, so that the social life stage
enters the era of automation and intelligence from technology to solve problems in human
life. This goal is in line with the initiation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) so that in the future, Community 5. 0 can synergize with the SDGs to bring society to
the benefit of sustainable humans.
This article was generated from the narrative of existing ideas, both from the results of
research studies, awareness of the idea of society 5.0 in the current pandemic state. This
article is described with the aim of providing an overview of Indonesia's readiness and the
implementation of society 5.0 in the field of education in a research dimension study.
This research is a literature study, namely by gathering information that is relevant to
the topic or problem being discussed. The technique of collecting data is by conducting study
studies on books, literature, notes, and reports that have to do with the problem being solved.
Efforts to collect this information can be obtained from scientific books, research reports,
scientific essays, theses and dissertations, regulations, statutes, yearbooks, encyclopedias and
other written and electronic sources.
The data analysis technique uses the content analysis method, namely in obtaining
clear characteristics of the discourse in the form of the theories and concepts being studied,
the authors use this analysis technique to make inferences that can be replicated (imitated) and
validate the data by paying attention to the context.
COVID-19 has given birth to a governance crisis and pandemic management policies
in various countries. Almost all countries, regardless of the status of economic and
technological progress, and sector reliability health services, facing uncertainty and
uncertainty in dealing with COVID-19. The standard crisis management system seems to have
lost its relevance, forcing governments in various countries to adopt policies that tend to be
trial and error in nature. COVID-19 creates challenges in managing an authentic pandemic
crisis in a global context (Mas'udi, 2020).
According to Yuliana (2020) the characteristics of Covid-19 are as follows:
 High spread rate: Within three months the virus has spread globally and is considered a
global pandemic. The rate of spread is high, which occurs due to the higher mobility of
people in an interconnected world. It can be said that the person-to-person transmission
rate is very high.
 Older people and low immunity are more susceptible: Data shows that aged population
and people with low immunity (with diabetes or other chronic diseases) are more
susceptible to this virus.
 Rate of recovery differential: While the global average recovery rate is relatively low
(such as 28 to 30%), various countries have differential recovery rates. While China,
Korea, Japan have relatively high recovery rates, Europe, Iran, the US show relatively
lower recovery rates. Of course, this is constantly changing, and hopefully getting better
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Education
The purpose of education is a process of change in the cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects of a person or group and efforts to mature humans through teaching and
training efforts. Education is a process of interaction and training between two or more
people, between teachers and students which results in a change in attitude and behavior
towards the better. School closures are a response to the COVID-19 pandemic which affects
access to education, hundreds of thousands of children and adolescents are not learning due to
temporary or unlimited closures, including in Indonesia as an effort to break the chain of the
spread of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation of
higher education management and learning practices, which have been discussed singly as a
result of the demands of advances in digital information technology. On the other hand, the
advancement of digital information technology has become a “helper god” for higher
education, whose conventional practice was forced to stop due to the pandemic attack. So, the
disruption caused by the pandemic cannot be read outside the context of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0. On the other hand, an understanding of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 cannot
be limited only to the process of technological disruption. There is a non-technological aspect
in this case the COVID-19 pandemic which also plays a decisive role in the revolutionary
transformation process of higher education. The current paradigm shift for higher education is
the interface between the encouragement of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the direct
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Mas'udi, 2020).
Society 5.0
Era of society 5.0. or community era 5.0, is an era, where people live in the industrial
era 4.0. The industrial era 4.0 is an era in which people's activities are connected to each other
by internet or satellite networks, so that a paradigm emerges, an era of very sophisticated
human life. The era of society 5.0 is an era that is human-centered and technology-based, that
is, an era in which artificial intelligence will be fully dedicated to improving human ability to
find and open up various opportunities that are owned by human. According to Cahyadiana
(2019) this era requires human resources needed in the era of society 5.0, including: 1)
leadership, 2) language, 3) IT Literacy, and 4) writing skills. So, the era of society 5.0
demands qualified human resources, that is, to have the ability in their scientific fields and
apply them in their activities while maintaining the noble values they adhere to.
According to the UGM Center for Innovation and Academic Studies (2019), society
5.0 (Society 5.0) is a community structure centered on harmonizing human needs effectively
and efficiently, which can balance economic progress with the resolution of various social
problems, by utilizing a system that connects cyber space and physical space (physical space)
in an integrated manner. This concept aims to create a society that can solve various social
problems and challenges by utilizing innovations from the 4th industrial revolution. These
innovations include technology:
 Big Data,
 Artificial Intelligence
 Internet of Things (IoT), etc.
Big Data
The term "big data" refers to a collection of data that is so large and so complex that
conventional applications are insufficient to process it. This term also refers to the tools and
technology used to handle "Big Data". Examples of big data include the amount of data that
is shared on the internet every day, YouTube videos, twitter feeds and data graphic position
systems and so on (Agustini, 2017).
The development of the type and volume of data which continues to increase many
times over in cyberspace is a fact that cannot be denied. The era of Information and
Communication Technology will continue to develop in accordance with current
technological developments. According to Gartner in Santos (2015), big data has three
attributes, namely volume, variety, and velocity. Furthermore, based on research conducted
by IBM, the three components of big data are added with the components of veracity and
According to Sin and Muthu (2015), big data techniques can be used in various ways
in analyzing learning such as;
a. Performance Prediction: student performance can be predicted through the analysis of
student interactions and student interactions with teachers in their learning environment.
b. Attrition Risk Detection: by analyzing student behavior, the risk of students dropping out
of learning can be detected and measured, carried out at the beginning of learning so as to
minimize the risk of dropping out.
c. Data Visualization: reports on educational data in size will continue to grow and become
complex. Data can be visualized using visualization techniques to make it easier to
identify trends in data and the relationship between data just by looking at the
visualization of the report.
d. Intelligent Feedback: the learning system provides intelligent feedback that responds
immediately to student input which will improve interaction and performance.
e. Course Recommendation: a new course can be recommended based on students' interests,
which are identified by analyzing their activities. This ensures students will not get lost in
choosing their preferred field of study.
f. Student Skill Estimation: To estimate the achievement of student skills
g. Behavior Detection: detects student behavior in their environment based on activities and
game models that help students develop themselves.
h. Grouping & collaboration of Student, Social Network Analysis, Developing concept
maps, Constructing courseware, and Planning and scheduling.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part of computer science that studies the design of a
computer system in a system that shows the characteristics of human behavior, such as
understanding a language, studying, considering and solving a problem (Fitrajaya, 2010).
When the cost of education continued to increase and teachers began to apply simple
technology from 6502-based microcomputers to their conventional curriculum. Artificial
Intelligence as a part of technology that is being developed continues to be researched
because of its need for machines that are very good and expensive but can have a positive
impact on learning both now and in the future.
AI which is the basis for the development of machines that can help humans solve
several (artificial) problems that explore the human cognitive side, memory systems and
character in solving problems (intelligent) have given birth to a discovery that has
implications for the educational process. AI based on instructional programs known as
intelligent tutors or intelligent coaches, continues to be developed in several parts of the
school curriculum, especially mathematics.
After more than a quarter century of research and development, only a few AI
applications in education were produced and developed during the laboratory research.
However, this situation turned out to be a trigger for new development, after finally some
important points were identified, namely the connection between design and expert systems,
the representation of human abilities in using computer programs and human perception itself.
Significant progress has been made in the development of intelligent computer-assisted
instruction (ICAI).
AI techniques are currently used to complete various tasks such as promblem-solving,
natural language processing, perception and pattern recognition, information storage and
retrieval, control of robots, game playing, aotumatic programming, and computational logic.
The ICAI system has the ability to handle these fields. With tutorial-based ICAI, there are
several steps to explain and solve problems, store and process data, play games, diagnose
student misconceptions, and provide facilities for naturallanguage dialogue with students.
Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) is all activities that the perpetrators interact with and are
carried out using the internet. In its use, the Internet of Thing is often found in various
activities, for example: the number of online transportation, e-commerce, online ticket
ordering, live streaming, e-learning and others, even tools to help in certain fields such as
remote temperature sensors. , GPS tracking, etc. that use the internet or network as a medium
to do so. in the field of education, IoT is very much needed to carry out all activities using a
system and an organized and proper filing system (Meutia, 2015).
In the field of education, IoT is indispensable for the process of learning with all
activities using a controlled system so as to produce document output for well-ordered
archiving. Problems that can be solved using computers and internet networks. These
problems include KRS which is still manual, learning is still traditional in nature, lack of
interaction with other campuses in holding educational Tridharma cooperation. To support all
activities in the world of education, it can be completed with the Internet of Thinks which will
have reliable capabilities if integrated with cloud computing. In the world of education, to
form a person who has an educated character, the right and smart way is needed. Modern
education requires internet technology in operations and the learning process. Implementation
of a smart campus with Internet of Thinks technology can solve problems in the learning
process and have high reliability if integrated with cloud computing (Cordiaz, 2018)
Policies and Strategies
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian education system already had two
major problems that had to be faced. First, internally, the Indonesian nation is facing a
multidimensional crisis, stretching national unity, democratization in all aspects of life,
decentralization of government management, and the quality of education that has not shown
competitive capability. Second, externally, the Indonesian people face the challenges of the
global market, technological advances that require competitive and innovative education, and
unlimited networking.
The multidimensional crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 had a tremendous impact on the
quality of Indonesia's human resources (HR) and also on the quality of education in
Indonesia. This can be seen from the macro indicators, namely the achievement of the Human
Development Index (HDI) and micro indicators, such as the ability to read and write.
The implementation of society 5.0 in the current pandemic state is the right strategy
for the sustainability of education in Indonesia. This is because our education experiences
sustainability. Given that the quality of education in Indonesia tends to decline when faced
with a crisis. Seeing the situation of the country which is hit by crisis after crisis, makes all
parties who take part in the world of education to feel concerned about what will happen to
the nation's future generations in the future.
The 21st century is the century of openness or globalization. Therefore, the learning
content is expected to be able to fulfill century skills, namely 1) learning and innovation skills
including mastery of diverse knowledge and skills, learning and innovation, critical thinking
and problem solving, communication and collaboration, and creativity and innovation, 2)
literacy skills. digital includes information literacy, media literacy, and ICT literacy, 3) career
and life skills including flexibility and adaptability, initiative, social and cultural interactions,
productivity and accountability, and leadership and responsibility.
Generation Z are people born in the period from 1995 to 2010. This generation has a
high intensity of use of information and communication technology. They need to be
equipped with critical thinking skills, innovative thinking, problem solving and social
interaction. Currently, individuals aged 18 and 23 are living on advances in technology. This
generation has learning preferences whereby they are fully involved in the learning process.
They take on challenges and enjoy group discussions and a highly interactive learning
environment. For them learning is limitless; they can study anywhere and anytime and have
unlimited access to new information. They pay attention to learning that involves active
collaboration with team members and learning somewhere other than the classroom. In
addition, the use of digital tools and online forums is becoming more preferable, they prefer to
be integrated in their learning process. Because Gen Z students love digital tools so much,
they expect them to be available whenever they need them with less barriers to access. These
Gen Z students need to be prepared to thrive in the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
The policy regarding learning from home is also the right step to properly reduce the
risk of transmitting this outbreak. Mass control is needed because the state of public health is
a major concern in times like this. The use of technology appropriately is the main strategy
that can be implemented as a solution to learning problems. Current circumstances, almost no
country is completely immune from COVID-19, including Indonesia. The government
through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has made various learning
adjustments that do not burden teachers and students, but are full of character strengthening
values along with the development of the Covid-19 emergency status.
These adjustments are contained in Circular Number 2 of 2020 concerning Prevention
and Handling of Covid-19 within the Ministry of Education and Culture and Circular Number
3 of 2020 concerning Prevention of Covid-19 in the Education Unit. A series of other policies
were issued in response to the development of the spread of Covid-19, such as the
cancellation of the national exam (UN), adjustment of school exams, implementation of
distance learning, and an online approach to the student registration process in accordance
with Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Education Policies in
Emergency Times Spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19). In addition, there is a policy
to adjust the use of school operational assistance (BOS) and flexible BOP to meet school
needs during the pandemic.

Society 5.0 in Education During Pandemi

Health and safety in the

community during a pandemic

Student and Learning

teacher from home
 Finance
 Collaboration
Society 5.0  Academic
 Human Resources
 Infrastructure

Big data Internet of things

 Predictions of student Artificial Intelligence  Communication
development.  Variations of learning network
 Processing student  Gap problem solving  Digital learning
evaluation scores  Smart classroom  Classroom
 Data visualization management

Sustainable Education

Figure 1. Scheme Education During Pandemi

Figure 1 shows the scheme for implementing society 5.0 in education during the
pandemic. The basic principle of this policy is regarding public health and safety during a
pandemic by carrying out educational activities carried out from home by utilizing digital
means. This is done so that education can run in a sustainable manner. The implementation of
society 5.0 certainly requires several aspects that support it to run well. These aspects help
improve the quality of a system to be effective and efficient. The first aspect, namely finance.
This aspect has an influence so that programs are in accordance with the available budget
funds with operational expenditures in the running system.
The second is academic. A good learning process occurs because of the existence of
educators and students who are active in teaching and learning activities to achieve maximum
educational goals. Third, namely collaboration. This aspect connects all stakeholders in
education to coordinate with each other in the dynamics of learning that occur during the
Fourth, namely human resources. The quality of human resources in implementing
society 5.0 is the key to implementing teaching and learning activities. This is related to the
human centered principle that exists in this system. Fifth, namely infrastructure. In this aspect,
the management of the availability of facilities and infrastructure can facilitate the activities of
the programs to be carried out.

Table 1. Opportunities and Challenges of Society 5.0 in Education

Opportunites Challenges
 Developing middle social class  Human resource capabilities
 Alpha generation familiar with digital  Digital literacy skills
technology  Understanding of the concept in the
 Expectations on the development of community
technology  Collaboration between sectors
 The establishment of technology  Technology risks: privacy and data
forums and communities security
 Increased data volume  Policies in digital technology
 Investments in technology  Government alignment and synergy
 Development of startups  Equitable digital infrastructure
 Increased internet penetration  Provision of guidelines and
 Increase in smartphone users mechanisms
 Curriculum integration with the digital
Source: Processed data

In table 1. it can be seen the opportunities and challenges faced in society 5.0 during
the pandemic period so that some alternatives in strategies in the development of education in
this pandemic era can be identified which are related to society 5.0, namely as follows:
1. Increase the ability of human resources, in this case educators, by utilizing
technological developments with the dynamic capital of information and
communication flows.
2. Collaborating between sectors between the government and related institutions in
terms of a common vision in the field of education to increase public confidence in
facing change.
3. Expanding investment to determine the budget that is carried out in accordance with
programs in the short to long term.
4. Equitable digital infrastructure to increase the use of technology to reach all regions
and various sectors.
5. Compiling regulations that do not hinder the development of the digital industry
related to investment, service providers and users.
6. Developing a curriculum that integrates learning with the use of digital technology.
The education system in Indonesia develops dynamically following the times.
Education becomes an urgent aspect in a crisis. The crisis in the Covid-19 pandemic provides
lessons, by adding a row of important reasons that current technology is a solution to the
problem of limited space and time.
The integration of education and technology has now been developed in the concept of
Society 5.0, where this era has changed to address the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which aims
to improve the quality of graduates in soft skills, digital technology competencies and their
use in the learning process at all levels of education, as well as becoming lifelong learner.
Through Education 4.0, learners are expected to have the attitudes, knowledge and skills
needed during life, especially to anticipate changes in society, live and benefit society, by
utilizing innovations from the industrial revolution.
One of the initiatives that can be implemented immediately is the implementation of
integrated education with a synthesis of research thinking and community service. Achieving
the right competencies will answer the challenges of the times. Graduates will be able to work
based on IT managing the wave of the industrial revolution towards ideals and life

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