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Noor Mayaminiy Maulidah (1784202012)

Mathemathics Education STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo


Education is something that must be fulfilled by every individual. Because the measure of
the quality of each individual is measured by his education and each individual is required to
always increase his / her potential. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected
people's lives, especially in the education sector. Education, which is usually done with face-to-
face learning, has now turned to Distance Education (PJJ) which can be applied through online
learning. All parties are required to always be able to create technological innovations by
following current conditions. But it is very difficult if the education sector is demanded like that.
Because in addition to teachers and students who have an important role in online learning,
parents also have a very important role. Meanwhile, not all parents have much time to guide their
children in online learning. The impact of online learning is that not all learning can be conveyed
easily as in exact learning which requires direct and more detailed explanations. Learning
guidance at this time is a very possible alternative because it can help students to achieve the
goals of the learning, and help parents because they can accompany their children to learn.
Learning guidance that is very interested by students and parents is private tutoring or small
groups and not forgetting to always adhere to health protocols.

Keywords : RI 4.0, Pandemic Covid-19, Online Learning, Learning Guidance

A. Preliminary

Education in life is a need that must be met. According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 1 paragraph 1,
education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the
learning process so that students actively develop their potential that is needed by
themselves, society, nation and state. T megrim measure of the quality of an individual can
be measured by education. At this time, each individual is required to have self-potential and
have spiritual strength, religious self-depth, intelligence, noble character, good personality
and skills by adjusting the conditions in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era (RI) .
When the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) outbreak at the end of 2019, caused the
development of the RI 4.0 era to be tested directly without proper preparation, especially in
the world of education. One of the impacts of Covid-19 is the implementation of distance
education (PJJ). PJJ is teaching students to learn separately from the teacher and using
internet learning resources according to information and communication technology with the
help of the media. As in Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 1 paragraph 15, distance education is
education where students are separated from the teacher and learning uses various learning
sources through communication technology, information and other media. The way this is
done in distance education is by learning online with the help of technology. Online learning
includes the application of the development of the RI 4.0 era.
The impact of online learning is that students find it difficult to get learning from
home, for teachers find it difficult to convey material to students so that it can be accepted
easily by students. Meanwhile, parents find it difficult to guide their children because the
material their children receive now feels more difficult than in their previous school
days. How to overcome this problem, the parents call a tutor from tutoring to his home to
teach anakny a so children can follow the lesson well. So, tutoring during the Covid-19
pandemic is a very promising effort.

B. Discussion
1. Education
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System Article 1 paragraph 1, education is a conscious and planned
effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively
develop their potential that is needed by themselves, the community, the nation and the
state. P Education is something that is very important for human beings, because in addition
to developing the quality of individual human beings may also determine the quality of the
social in the community. So, the measure of the quality of an individual can be measured
from his education.

2. Industrial Revolution Era (RI) 4.0

Development technology which occurred in the era of revolution industry 4.0 coined
in the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2015 by Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel
and Klaus Schwab as the founder of forum are. According to Schwab (2016) revolution the
industry 4.0 already changed the life of society and the performance of man is fundamental.
In the revolution of industry 1.0 is marked by the discovery engine steam to help production,
the revolution industry 2.0 discovery of energy electricity and various technologies,
revolution industry 3.0 is characterized by power machinery industry is more used than the
power of man, revolution industrial 4.0 is marked by the birth of the technology of digital
highly impact on life man in the whole world.
Revolution Industrial 4.0 encourage community that crates innovative technology
that occurred a shift of activity from the world the real become to the world the virtual of
life. Changes have occurred very significant when an outbreak Covid-19 occurs in the
world, because the public demanded to be much do activities through the world maya.

3. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia exposed Covid-

19, the first time reported on the date of 2 March 2020. Based on the data on the Ministry of
Health of Republic of Indonesia on 31 March cases were confirmed amounted to 1,528 cases
and deaths amounted to 136 cases. The impact of pandemic Covid-19 caused a setback
economy so that many companies do layoffs on workers, and inhibits the activity of learning
because learning is done by way of learning online (Loviana &Baskara, 2020).

4. Distance Education (PJJ)

Related Mail circular from the Minister of Education No. 3 Year 2020 on the
Preventation of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the Unit of Education is
merumahbelajar’s school and college high or do Education Distance Away (ODL).
Educational distance away that teaches students to learn apart from teachers, and learning to
use a source of learning internet or online with the help of the media are advanced. As the
law No. 20 Year 2003 Article 1 Paragraph 15 provides education distance away is the
education that the students apart from spreading Covid-19 and face to face learning was
replaced with online learning. Learning online is also becoming a problem because of the
lack of preparation for learning, networking internet which is not stable which cause
students tough receive learning with good.

5. Tutoring

Definition of guidance by Crow and Crow (in Prayitno, 2004) that the assistance
given someone, by having a trained and sufficient personality to individuals to help develop
his outlook on life. One of the areas of tutoring is tutoring. According to Oemar Hamalik
(2004), tutoring, namely guidance is aimed at students to get education according to their
needs, interests, talents, abilities also help students find effective and efficient ways to solve
learning problems experienced by students. So tutoring is the process of providing assistance
to students to solve problems faced by students to achieve the expected learning goals

6. Tutoring in the Era of RI 4.0 and the Covid-19 Pandemic

The biggest impact of online learning for students is the limited face-to-face
communication between teachers and students, especially in exact subjects such as
mathematics. Although many instructional videos that can be accessed by students but there
are still many students feel less satisfied with the explanation via video. From the limitations
of direct communication between teachers and students, learning guidance has a very
important role. Tutoring can help provide a solution to overcome the anxiety of parents,
especially for parents who are busy working and unable to accompany their children to
learn. But tutoring at this time, still adheres to health protocols besides that it also teaches
students slowly so they can adapt to online learning (Rohmah, 2020).

C. Conclusion
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic requires people to develop technological
innovations and carry out activities through cyberspace. In the world of education, teachers
are required to make online learning that is innovative and understandable to students, but
students often find it difficult to understand the learning. Tutoring in private and small
groups is a very profitable opportunity to overcome this. Because with private tutoring,
students feel like doing face-to-face learning like in school. Although private tutoring or
small groups must always apply health protocols, because Covid-19 can easily attack

D. Bibliography
Hamalik, O. (2004). Proses Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Indonesia, K. K. (2020). Retrieved from Info Infeksi Emerging Kementrian Kesehatan


Loviana, S., & Baskara, W. N. (2020). Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 pada Kesiapan
Pembelajaran Tadris Matematika IAIN Metro Lampung. Epsilon Vol. 2 No. 1, 61-62.

Prayitno. (2004). Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok dan Konseling Kelompok. Padang:

Universitas Negeri Padang.

Rohmah, Z. F. (2020). Peran Bimbingan Belajar di Era Pandemi Covid-19. Retrieved

from Neutron Yogyakarta:

Schwab. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Switzerland: Penguin.

Surat Edaran dari Menteri Pendidikan No 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Pencegahan Corona Virus
Disease (Covid-19) pada Satuan Pendidikan
Undang Undang Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan
Nasional Pasal 1 ayat 1
Undang Undang No 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 1 Ayat 15

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