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“Final Demo Preparation”

My final demonstration is fast approaching, I am very stressed out with all the
occurrences this past few weeks. I have a lot in my mind right now that I don’t even know
where to start. The odds may never be in my favor this week. With the preparation coming, I
have experienced my tooth aching for the past few weeks already and today it got worse. I
can’t even sleep a wink because it hurts so bad. We went to the dentist and ask for a
prescription for pain reliever because I cannot risk getting it pulled out because I have my final
demonstration coming next Tuesday. But even the antibiotics didn’t work, the pain keeps
getting back. Despite the hurdles, I continued making my lesson plan, activities and other school
works. But then another problem came, my Critic Teacher have been reminding us to submit
our final lesson plan because she needs to check it. But my partner failed to submit her part on
time due to personal problems. My partner’s part includes the Affective Domain in the lesson
plan, so I had to help her how we can process the smooth transition for the last part. In the end,
we managed to complete the lesson plan. I experienced all sort of stress this week but thank
God, I was able to finish all of them last minute. I also prepared my power point presentation, I
choose to use PPT for my final demo instead of whiteboard and Jamboard. I believe it would fit
best for my final demonstration because there is no need to minimize other application during
the Zoom meeting. I just need to do the right sequence for the demonstration to be successful.
Alongside with the PPT and lesson plan, we also had to do the second test for the students.
Despite all the commotions I experienced this week, I managed to successfully finished my tasks
all on time.

The domains that I can relate to this experience is Domain 4 Curriculum and Planning,
strand 4.2 Learning Outcomes Aligned with Learning Competencies. Throughout my college
years, the only thing that we student teachers should never forget is to always align our
learning outcomes with the learning competencies to have definite goals and outcomes for the
students. For this week example is our affective domain. What we can relate from changing
improper fraction to mixed number is about Equality. Next is the educational learning theory
that I can relate is the Bloom’s Taxonomy. We should always base our learning outcomes
through Bloom’s Taxonomy to target the improvements of the higher-thinking skills of the
students and it applies on the lesson plan we made.

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