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Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week for us Christians. A day that commemorates an event in
Christian Scripture in which Jesus rode on a donkey, as he entered Jerusalem, he was joyfully greeted by
people waving palm branches in front of him. For us Christians, this is a reminder of how we welcomed
Jesus into our hearts and show how willing we are to follow him. Celebrating this day by going into the
Palm Sunday service where we read the Gospel connected with Jesus’ passion and sing a song to express
our joy and appreciation to Him. Continuing to celebrate at home by saving the “Palaspas” or blessed
palm from the service. Displaying the palm in our house to remember Jesus' importance and placing it
above a doorway where we can see it to remember his sacrifices for us.

Holy Monday is the day when we attend a church service and begin reading John's narrative of Jesus'
final week. We read and pray about Jesus being anointed at Bethany when Mary pours perfume on his
head. We read and pray through Jesus' prediction of his death on Holy Tuesday, and we read and pray
through Jesus' prediction of his betrayal on Holy Wednesday. Maundy Thursday is the fifth day we
commemorate the Last Supper. Attending the Last Supper Mass in the church to celebrate the
inauguration of the Easter Triduum and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus and Him washing the
feet of his apostles. In the church, praying on all of the fourteen Stations of the Cross to fully experience
Jesus’ final walk. Good Friday commemorates Jesus' death by crucifixion. This is why we solemnly
commemorate the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. Black Saturday is a quiet day for us where we mourn
Jesus' death and reflect on his great sacrifice while we sit and wait for his return. Lastly, on Easter Sunday
where we go to church and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ with a special procession called salubong.

Holy Week allows me to reflect and offer myself to God. This allows me to communicate and reconcile
with God, as well as reflect on my actions, through sacrament and prayer. This makes me accept my
mistakes and forgive those who have wronged me. This week taught me so many things like we must be
forgiving and always trust the Lord as he will give the desires of our hearts at the right time. This also
reminds me to always remember how our Savior gave His life to free us from our sins.

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