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Micro Project proposal

"Single phase ac parallel circuit”
Submitted by:
Sumit ramesh mulik
Akshay jotindra sarnaik
Vivek ashok mahadik

Course name: Electrical circuits and network (22330)

Subject Teacher : N.N Patil

Department of Electronic and telecommunication engineering Shri swami

Vivekananda shikshan sanstha's Dr. BHAPUJI SALUNKHE INSTITUTE OF

Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute of

Engineering &Technology, Kolhapur

This is to certify that the following students of 3" Semester Year

2020/21 Engineering have completed their Micro-project work on
This is in partial Three phase unblanced circuit,
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in E&TC
Engineering and submitted to the Science & Humanities Engineering
Department of Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Kolhapur work carried out during a period for the
academic year 2020/21 as prescribed the curriculum of MSBTE.
Place:- Kolhapur
Date :-

Ms N.N Patil Mrs S.M.Pawar Mr R.G.Patil

Microproject guide HOD Principal

It's our Pleasure to express Project guidance sincere and heartiest

thanks to our Microproject guide.
Ms N.N Patil for their valuable guidance, encouragement and
Support for the accomplishment of Micro-project.
we are also really thankful to our Principal Prof. Patil Ramchandra G.
and the Head of Department Mrs S.M Pawar for their constant
encouragement and motivation for the accomplishment of the
Micro-Project by expressing their guidelines regarding importance of
Micro-Project in developing our career.
I am thankful to Co-workers of this Micro-Project for their valuable
contribution. We are thankful to all those peoples who directly or
helped us in completion of this Micro-Project.

Name of student
Sumit ramesh mulik
Vivek ashok mahadik
Akshay jotindra sarnaik

Micro-Project Report
Electrical circuits and network (22330)
2020/21 SEM 3
Department of Electronic and telecommunication engineering

1.0 Aim/ Benefits of Micro-Project :

Single phase ac parallel circuit
2.0 Course Outcome Achieved :
Troubleshoot problem releted 1phase circuit.
3.0 Literature Review :
b) unblanced phase circuit skill
4.0 Actual Methodology Followed :
1.We have selected the topic.
2.We have search on websites.
3.Then collect the information about topic.
4.Then we have start working on Microsoft office.
5.We have checked it from our subject teacher we have done needful
6.Finally we have prepare document and submit it to the subject teacher.
5.0 Actual Resource used Name of Specification Quantity Remarks
1 Computer system - - ok

2 Book, college notes - - ok

Parallel RLC Circuit

a parallel circuit consisting of an inductive coil with internal resistance R
ohm and inductance L henry in parallel with capacitor C farads.

The current IC can be resolved into its active and reactive

components. Its active component IL cos and reactive component IL
A parallel circuit is said to be in resonance when the power factor of
the circuit becomes unity. This will happen when the resultant
current I is in phase with the resultant voltage V and hence the phase
angle between them is zero. In the phasor diagram shown, this will
happen when IC = IL sinand I = IL cos.
Resonance frequency

 The behavior of a parallel RLC circuit is quite different than the series
configuration. This is due to the phenomenon of reciprocal exchange
of energy of the L//C circuit called resonance. This phenomenon is
due to the mutual discharges/charges occurring between an
interconnected inductor and capacitor.

Micro-Project proposal
PA Microproject
Electrical circuits and network (22330)
Micro Project Proposal
2020/21 SEM 3
1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project
Single phase ac parallel circuit
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
Troubleshoot problem releted 1phase circuit.
3.0 Proposed Methodology
1.We will select the topic.
2.We will go through some websites and watch some videos.
3.We will refer some books.
4.Then we will collect the information about project.
5.We will check it from our subject teacher and we will do needful corrections.
4.0 Action Plan

Sr.NO Details of Planned Planned Name of

activity Start Date Finish Date Responsible
1 Literature Sumit ,vivek
2 Resource Akshay,sumit
3 Detailed Sumit,akshay,
study Vivek
4 Report Akshay,sumit
Presentation Vivek
5.0 Resource Required
Sr Name of Specification Qty. Remarks
no Resource/material

1. Website 1 Ok

2. Reference book Reference book 1 Ok

Name of student
Sumit ramesh mulik
Akshay jotindra sarnaik
Vivek ashok mahadik

(to be approved by the concerned teacher)


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