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Endocrine System

Ductless glands
Secretes hormones
into blood

2006-2007 1
Father of endocrinology : Thomas Addison
First endocrine disease reported : Addison’s disease
First hormone discovered: secretin
First hormone synthesized in lab : insulin
Hormone is also known as primary messenger/ chemical messenger
The tissue on which the hormone acts is known as Target tissue.
Which was the first hormone

Which was the first hormone

synthesized in lab?
Hormones travel via the
bloodstream to target cells

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Chemical nature of hormones
• Q. hormones are made up of
a) Amines b) Peptides c) Steroid d)all

Dopamine Pituitary gland Sex hormones

Adrenaline Insulin
Nor adrenaline Calcitonin

*catecholamines = dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline

Q. Endocrine glands originates from
a) ectoderm b) mesoderm c)endoderm d) all
Ectoderm : pituitary, pineal & adrenal medulla

Mesoderm : Gonads, adrenal cortex, kidneys

Endoderm : Thyroid , Thymus , parathyroid,

Hypothalamus : connecting link between nervous & endocrine
Pituitary gland / Hypophysis
Master endocrine gland

- sits within a small depression( sella turcica )in the sphenoid

Adenohypophysis/Anterior Lobe
- derived from Rathke’s pouch ( surface ectoderm)
Excess Deficiency
child= gigantism dwarfism ( midgets)
adult= acromegaly
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• Ovulation
• Stimulates Leydig cell of testes to secrete testosterone
• Milk production
• Mammotrophic hormone/ Lactogenic hormone
• Leutotrophic hormone

• Excess prolactin= lactational amenorrhoea

• Excess prolactin in male= loss of sexual desire and gyenecomastia
Prolactin disorders
Neurohypophysis/Posterior Lobe
-extension of hypothalamus
- stores oxytocin & ADH hormone (in herring bodies ) synthesized by
Hypothalamus and secretes into blood

Oxytocin(love hormone, birth hormone)

- contracts myometrium ( birth hormone)
- contracts myoepithelials of breast ( milk ejecting hormone)

- formation of less volume of urine( concentration of urine)
• ADH/Vasopressin

• Deficiency=
Pituitary dependent endocrine glands : Thyroid gland, adrenal
cortex & gonads
Thyroid Gland
• Largest endocrine gland
• Endodermal origin
• Butterfly shape
• Bilobed
• C5 to T1
• The gland that can stores is
secretory product in large
quantity is ??
Follicular cell ( endodermal cuboidal epithelium)-Thyroid hormones (T3
& T4)
Functions : BMR
physical and mental growth in children
metamorphosis in tadpole

Parafollicular cell - Calcitonin : lowers blood calcium level

Disorders of Thyroid hormone
child = cretinism
adult man: myxoedema
hasimoto disease = first autoimmune disease
= suicide of thyroid
Hyperthyroidism= ex ophthalmic goiter( graves disease)
• Goitre
What are the following conditions known as????

Simple Goitre Exophthalmic Goitre(Grave’s disease) 36

Parathyroid hormone

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Hypo parathyroidism

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Hyper parathyroidism

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Adrenal glands
Suprarenal glands , 4S 3F glands

Adrenal cortex - mesodermal

Adrenal medulla - ectodermal
( from neural crest cell)
Disorders of adrenal glands

of glucocorticoid

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Disorders of adrenal gland

Addison disease=
deficiency of glucocorticoid
deficiency of mineralocorticoid

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Sex corticoids hypersecretion
Pineal gland
3rd eye/ Epiphysis cerebri

Roof of third ventricle

Melatonin- regulates sleep wake pattern ( circadian rhythm)

- degenerates to form brain sand
Q . Biological clock is
• A. hypothalamus
• B. pineal
• C. pituitary

• A. pineal
• B. Pituitary
• C. Thymus
Pancrease is mixed gland.
Exocrine part secrete
pancreatic juice (digestive
endocrine part is Islets of

Islet of Langerhans

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Pancreatic hormones
• Alpha cell----glucagon----increases blood glucose level
• Beta cell-----insulin--------decreases blood glucose level
• Delta cell----somatostatin- controls alpha and beta cells

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