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Name: Daniela W.

Grade & Sec: 9 Score:

School: Teacher: Subject: MUSIC 9
LAS Writer: Pedro Jr. A. Caga
Content Editors: Charito P. Duhino Christian Alprince D. Solon
Lesson Topic: Vocal Music of the Romantic Period Quarter 4 Week 6 LAS #1
Learning Targets: To identify the different vocal ranges and voice types of opera performers MU9OP-IVb-h-4
Reference: Badiola M., Vecino M., Duyan D., Bongcawil A., Mendoza J. et. al., 2014. Learner’s Material for
Music and Arts 9. Quezon City, Philippines. Vibal Group, Inc., pp.113-114

Vocal Ranges and Voice Types
Types of Voice of Singers: It is important to know the different styles of voices used by singers.
This will serve as a guide for the singers in terms of song selection and vocal quality required of a singer or
opera character.

For the Male Voice: For the Female Voice:

1. Contertenor – highest male voice 1. Soprano – highest female voice
2. Tenor – second highest male voice 2. Coloratura – highest soprano voice
3. Baritone – middle male voice, lies between 3. Mezzo-Soprano – a voice pitched between
Bass and Tenor voice types soprano and contralto
4. Bass – lowest male voice 4. Contralto – lowest female voice
5. Alto – second lowest female voice
Opera characters:
Tenor – plays the hero or the lover.
Baritone – usually play the villain or evil prison wardens
Bass – plays priests, kings, fathers and sometimes the devil
Soprano – play heroines and sweet things.
Mezzo-Soprano – plays evil characters, seductress and sometimes teenage boys.
Contralto – portrays maids, mothers or witches.
Fill in the blanks: Write your answer on the space provided.
1. It is the highest female voice.
2. A strong middle female voice.
3. The second highest male voice
4. A middle male voice
5. Lowest female voice
6. Lowest male voice
7. The female voice pitched between soprano and contralto
8. The second lowest female voice
9. The male voice type that lies between tenor and bass.
10. Highest soprano voice
11. It is the highest male voice.
12. Plays the hero or the lover
13. Play heroines and sweet things.
14. Portrays maids, mothers, or witches
15. Plays priests, kings and sometimes devils.

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