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Work Passion

Renata Silva and William Fonseca 11B

How Important is it to Love
Your Job and why?
Nowadays, people are just trying to find work to
pay the bills, etc…, and that makes us think that,
most people don’t love their work. Many like it,
some tolerate it, but it is a minority who find
work they love that also supports their lifestyle.
Does that mean that everyone else is left to live
in frustration, desperately seeking that perfect
job they can be passionate about? Not at all.
Being happy at work and loving what you do is
an overall productivity booster and enhances
performance. People who enjoy their jobs are
more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn
faster, make fewer mistakes, and make better
business decisions.
Once you take on a task with a positive mindset and
think of the benefits you can reap from completing
this project, your work is more likely to happen in a
steady, concentrated flow. Being in this state of mind
means you will be highly focused and fully absorbed in
the task at hand, just as you would be while doing
something you really enjoy. Being able to fully devote
yourself to a task and give it your all will make you
more productive and knowledgeable, leading you
towards success at work.
The ability to complete work you don’t enjoy with enthusiasm is hard
enough, let alone being the best at it. Without the passion or drive it just
doesn’t come naturally. People are more confident at tasks that are more
natural and seem to flow. This pertains to anything from writing emails,
speaking to large groups, or even creating a presentation. Use a positive
mindset to find your drive and build confidence in yourself. If you feel
confident and secure with the work you are producing, you will be able to
complete it to your fullest potential. Without this overall positive mindset,
confidence is lacking and can lead to second-guessing yourself and becoming

Passion not only drives you to enjoy your work, but helps in overcoming
obstacles in the workplace as well. Anytime you hit a bump in the road or
begin to doubt your abilities, remember the positive effects of the work you
are doing. This persistence will lead to quality work that elevates you and
brings you that much closer to your next goal. Use that drive and motivation
as fuel towards your next checkpoint to success.
How to Do
What You
1. What Is Your Passion?
If you’re already very clear about what you want to do in life, you can skip
ahead to the next section. But for many of us, the question of passion isn't
so clear-cut. This could be because:
● You know what you don’t like, but it’s not so clear about what you do
want to do.
● You’re torn between lots of different interests.
● You've got a passion for something that seems impossible to make a
living from.
● You’ve spent so many years convincing yourself to be practical that
your true passion has become completely buried.
● You've got an interest, but don’t feel strongly enough about it to call it
a “passion”.
Before you can pursue your passion, you need to first understand what it is.
Define Passion
OK, so let’s untangle some of that. First, let’s be clear about exactly
what we mean by “passion”. The word can be quite daunting because
of its associations with love and romance. If you've got a passion for
something, does that mean you need to be consumed by it day and
night, unable to sleep or to think about anything else?
In a word, no. Forget Romeo and Juliet—in the context of a career,
“passion” simply means a strong interest or enthusiasm for a particular
subject or activity. So don't overthink it or expect too much—if you
enjoy doing something and would love to do it as a career, then that's
your passion, even if it doesn't make your pulse race or your heart skip
a beat.
Forget Practicality (Just for
It’s really important to forget practicality for a while. That’s
because many of us have been schooled to believe that certain
careers (example: art or writing) are “impractical” and others
(example: medicine or accountancy) are “practical”. That can lead
us to discard certain possibilities without considering them
So we need to detach ourselves from preconceptions and be free
to brainstorm without any constraints. Later on, we’ll get to the
practicalities of making money and finding jobs. But at this stage,
pretend that you just won the lottery and don’t have to worry
about money. Then what would you do?
Ask Yourself Specific Questions
If the question “What's your passion?” leaves you coming up blank, maybe
you simply need to ask different questions. The answer is in there
somewhere, but it may be buried in your subconscious, or perhaps you simply
don’t relate to the terminology.
Ask yourself things like:
● What did you enjoy doing as a kid?
● What did you secretly dream of doing when you grew up?
● What aspects of your current job or life give you the most pleasure?
● What would you do if you didn’t have to be so responsible all the
● List five crazy things you’d like to try doing one day.
When you’ve finished answering the questions, look for patterns in your
responses. Is there a particular type of activity or work that keeps recurring?
Again, don’t judge your answers or discount anything. Even if your passion
seems impractical as a career, just write it down for now. It's all part of the
process of answering the question, "what do I love?"
After finding what you love, you need to research
the possibilities, draw a map of the course you
need to make and ask for help if needed.
The mindset you choose to take on when working
is very important. Be conscious of the benefits you
are creating for yourself and think positively. In turn,
work will become more enjoyable and easier to
master on the road to success.

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