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Comparing Electric and Magnetic Fields

Comparing Fields

We have seen that the characteristics of gravitational and electric fields have some similarities and differences.

Gravitational Fields Electric Fields

Force is between Masses Charges
Constant of 1
proportionality 4 0
Gm1m2 1 Q1Q2
F  F
r2 4 0 r 2
Equation for force
Newton (N) Newtons (N)
Vector Vector
Like charges repel
Nature of force Attractive only
Different charges attract
Definition of field
Force per unit mass Force per unit charge
g E
Field strength in r2 4 0 r 2
radial field Newtons per kilogram (N/kg) Newtons per Coulomb (N/C)
Vector Vector
Definition of The work done in bringing a unit mass The work done in bringing a unit charge
potential from infinity to the point in the field from infinity to the point in the field
V  V
Potential r 4 0 r
Joules per kilogram (J/kg) Joules per Coulomb (J/C)
Scalar Scalar
Potential at
0 0
Work done W  QV
W  mV
moving between
Joules (J) Joules (J)
points of different
Scalar Scalar
Gradient of
potential against Field strength Field strength
distance graph

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