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Name : Syafa Annisa Janah

NRP : 2004161
Class : Social Worker 1H
English Assignment 2


Hi everyone, on this occasion I want to tell about my habits and my family every year.
My family has a tradition of gathering with three elders in the family, namely Grandpa Prayitno,
Grandma Susihni and Grandpa Purwokerto. Each year there is a schedule of gathering in turns
every year. The sequence is from Grandpa Prayitno in Klaten, Grandma Susihni in Klaten as
well and Grandpa Purwokerto in Purwokerto, and so on. In this digital era, friendship is made
easier with video conferencing, but the meaning of friendship cannot be replaced for my family.
This gathering was scheduled to get to know each other between families and continue to create
a harmonious atmosphere in the extended family. This gathering has become an annual agenda
that must be held.
Every gathering has an unforgettable and meaningful event, but when we visit our
grandfather's house in Purwokerto, we have an unforgettable experience because we can all
experience going home on Eid al Fitr. Starting with gathering together at Grandpa Prayitno's
house then we went together, we could feel what it was like to be stuck, and it was really tiring.
However, this fatigue can pay off when passing through the cool area, namely Wonosobo. There
we can feel the cool air and see mountains and ramps that make us even more impressed. What
made it even more memorable was that after arriving at Grandpa's house, we were served a glass
of hot tea and a plate of warm Purwokerto mendoan. Grandma's made was delicious. The
moments of togetherness, starting from enjoying the scenery and enjoying the dishes provided by
grandmother are unforgettable. However, in 2020, the gathering to coincide at Grandpa and
Grandma's house in Purwokerto cannot be carried out due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a
photo of our togetherness on Eid al-Fitr but not all family members participate in this photo

It is hoped that the friendship that has been going on for decades will not be interrupted
even though it has been changed from generation to generation. Gathering cannot be replaced by
technology because in every meeting there are meanings and messages that can be conveyed that
can strengthen brotherhood and build harmony in the family. My hope is that in 2021, this
friendship can be held again and my family can visit Grandpa and Grandma's house in
Purwokerto. I hope that my friends and readers can stay in touch face to face and be invincible
with technology in this Globalization Era. Thank you for reading, love you all !!!

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