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T.a 2020/2021

Supporting Lecturer:
Ns.Yelmi Reni Putri, S.Kep.,MAN

Arranged By:
Sandra Dewi (1814201073)



Praise the presence of Allah SWT for giving us The grace and guidance so I can finish This
Paper entitled “personal hygiene for young women during menstruation” for complete my
English task.

The writer realize that this paper isn’t perfect, so I hope the reader can give me the suggestions
and cricits for the better paper.

The Writer would like to say Thankyou for all the parties, especially for the English supporting
lecturer “Ns.Yelmi Reni Putri,S.Kep.,MAN” who guided me on writing this paper.

I hope this paper can useful for nurse student and the reader.

Pekanbaru, September 20, 2020

Sandra Dewi


Adolescence includes a period of transition from children to adulthood where
adolescents are experiencing changes both physically and psychologically (Eswi, 2012,
quoted from Gustina&Djannah, 2015). Adolescence is a time of rapid growth with
dramatic changes in body size and proportion (Kyle & Susan 2014).
The speed and magnitude of adolescent development follows the stages after passing the
growing period of infants and children. One of the very first things that are known when
teenage girls have reached puberty is the arrival of menstruation. The first menstruation
can make the teenager panic, this is due to lack of or wrong information about
The period of menstruation is usually around 3-5 days, but in normal women
menstruation can occur for 1 day to 8 days (Indiarti, 2007). The menstrual cycle is an
early part of reproductive health in young women. The problem that often arises related
to reproductive health in adolescents is that they cannot apply how to care for
reproductive parts, especially during menstruation (Rohan &Siyoto, 2013).
According to BKKBN (2011), the lack of knowledge about reproductive health
will allow women not to behave hygiene during menstruation which can endanger their
own reproductive health. The habit of maintaining cleanliness, especially in the
reproductive part, is the beginning of efforts to maintain health. Where during
menstruation, the blood vessels in the uterus are open so that it is very susceptible to
Personal hygiene during menstruation can be done by changing sanitary napkins
every 2 hours or 3 to 4 times a day. Bandages should not be used for more than six hours
or must be changed as often as possible when menstrual blood is full to avoid infection
(Diana, 2009).

B. Formulation of Theproblem
1. what is menstruation that occurs in young women ?
2. what are the factors that will beinfluence behavior in guardinghealth including
personal hygiene
3. What are the health impacts of not maintaining personal hygiene during
4. How to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation ?

C. Purpose

1. Audience to find out what menstruation occurs in young women ?

2. explain what are the factors to be influence behavior in guarding health including
personal hygiene during menstruation
3. Audience to find out What are the health impacts of not maintaining personal
hygiene during menstruation?
4. Audience to find out how to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation ?


The origin of the word personal hygiene from Greek, personal means individual
or someone and hygiene has the meaning of being clean or healthy (Mubarak and
Chayaning, 2008). The meaning of these two words is the effort of every human being
that must be carried out in everyday life in order to maintain personal hygiene and health,
both physically and psychologically. Thus, the treatment of the body must be accustomed
to at least bathing twice a day. Maintaining perineal health is also important, especially
when menstruating. This is necessary because during menstruation, germs and bacteria
can easily enter and can infect the vital organs of women.

Adolescence begins at the age of 12 to 24 years (WHO). The Regulation of the

Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2014 explains that
adolescents are the population in the age range 10-18 years. Meanwhile, according to the
BKKBN, 10–24 years are classified as adolescents with the status of having not yet
married. Teens will go through many events in the development and growth stages. As
for this incident, namely the emergence of several secondary genital characteristics
including the proliferation of hair in the female area and underarm hair, widening hips,
experiencing menstruation, tightening breast size, skin feeling smoother, and more
emotional. A young woman will menstruate if the reproductive system and various
hormonal components in the body are prime. Proverawati (2009) emphasized that
menstruation is bleeding in the uterus that occurs gradually and regularly. In addition, it
can be accompanied by a release process in the endometrium. Menstruation that occurs in
conjunction with the ovulation phase mostly occurs around the age of 17 to 18 years.
Manuaba (2009) revealed that menstruation that occurs is said to be normal with a range
between 26 to 32 days. Based on the two arguments above, it can be concluded that
menstruation is the discharge of blood in the uterus which is common for women every
month and is accompanied by a process of shedding on the uterine wall. Young women
are prone to reproductive organ infections. This happens because of a lack of behavior in
caring for personal hygiene, especially when experiencing menstruation. Young women
have levels low attention to reproductive health. According to the results of research
conducted by Wulandari in 2012, it was found that the knowledge received by young
women aged 13 to 16 about the care of external reproductive organs during menstruation
was mostly sufficient, namely 63 percent. In addition, the majority of the frequency in
carrying out care for external reproductive organs is 48 percent. This problem is caused
by the relatively low education and having a relatively young age, it is assumed that they
do not have an enabling factor for contracting a disease that can attack the reproductive
organs (Sari, 2012). Meanwhile, Lely in 2012 revealed that the increase in the incidence
of infection in the reproductive organs can be affected by the era of globalization,
manifested by the swift and fast flow of information. Based on data compiled from the
Central Statistics Agency and the National Development Planning Agency in 2010, 63
million adolescents in Indonesia are at risk of engaging in unhealthy behavior. For
example, a lack of action to maintain the cleanliness of the reproductive organs when
menstruating The incidence rate of infectious diseases that occur in the reproductive tract
in adolescents (10-18 years), namely 35 to 42 percent and young adults (18-22 years) is
27 to 33 percent. Rahmatika (2010) in his research revealed that the triggers for ISR cases
include 10 percent low immunity, 30 percent inadequate behavior in maintaining hygiene
during menstruation, a bad environment and 50 percent of the procedures for using
inappropriate sanitary napkins when menstruating.

1. Topic: Personal hygiene of young women during menstruation
2. Target: Lecturers and Students
3. Method: Lecture, Discussion, Practice, and Question and Answer
4. Media: Laptops, leaflets, and videos
5. Time and Place:
a. Day :Thursday
b. Date : 01 October 2020
c. Hours :
d. Time : 60 Minutes
6. Place settings

1. Responsible
a. Moderator:
Sandra Dewi
b. Presentator:
Sandra Dewi
c. Observer:
Sandra Dewi
d. Facilitator:
Sandra Dewi

2. Job Description:
a. Moderator
The role of moderator at the beginning of counseling
1) Open extension
2) Introducing yourself
3) Classification of time and place contracts
4) Creating a language contract
5) Delivering outreach objectives
6) Delivering information systematics
The role of moderator at the end of the counseling
1) Re-evaluate the client's knowledge of the material
2) given (ask each point that has been explained)
3) Convey Conclusions
4) Close counseling
b. Presentator
1) Fostering a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere during the presentation
2) Exploring the audience's knowledge about the material points to be explained
3) Providing positive reinforcement on the audience's answer (does not mean
justifying wrong answers)
4) Explain the material in easy to understand language
c. Observer
1) Observing the course of counseling
2) Documenting the course of extension
3) Points documented related to structure evaluation, process evaluation, final
d. Facilitator
1) Maintain smooth education
2) Facilitating the audience to ask questions
3) Maintaining calm during outreach


Number Outreach Activities Participant Activities Time

1 Orientation Phase 10 minutes

1. Greeting and introducing
yourself 1. Answer greetings
2. . Explain the topic health 2. Listen and pay attention
promotion 3. Listening and interpreting.
3. Explain the purpose of health

2 Work Phase 1. Answer greetings 40 minutes

1. Exploring audience knowledge
about the meaning of
menstruation in young women
2. Provide reinforecement about
the meaning of menstruation to
young women
3. Explain to the audience about
the understanding of 2. Listen and pay attention
menstruation in young women
4. Explore audience knowledge
about what factors will
influence behavior in 3. Listening and interpreting
maintaining health, including
personal hygiene during
5. Provide reinforecement on 4. Answer greetings
what factors will influence
behavior in maintaining health,
including personal hygiene
during menstruation
6. Explain what factors will
influence behavior in
maintaining health, including
personal hygiene during 5. Listen and pay attention
7. Exploring audience knowledge
about what the health impacts
are if you don't maintain
personal hygiene during
6. Listening and interpreting
8. Provide reinforecement on
what the health impacts are if
you do not maintain personal
hygiene during menstruation
9. Explain what the health
impacts are if you don't
maintain personal hygiene
during menstruation 7. Answer greetings
10. Explore the audience's
knowledge on how to maintain
personal hygiene during
11. Give reinforecement on how to
maintain personal hygiene
during menstruation 8. Listen and pay attention

12. Explain how to maintain

personal hygiene during

9. Listening and interpreting

10. Answer greetings

11. Listen and pay attention

12. Listening and interpreting

3. Closing 1. Delivering responses 10 minutes

1. Re-evaluate the material that

during activities.
has been given.
2. Provide positive reinforcement
2. Receive reinforcement.
to participants.
3. Provide opportunities for
3. Ask questions
extension participants to ask
4. Listen carefully
4. Summing up the extension
5. Responding to greetings
5. Closing the meeting and giving


1.Structure Evaluation:
a. Readiness of Students to Provide Extension Materials
b. Media And Tools Adequate.
c. Settings In Accordance With Activities.
d. Quiet atmosphere and nothing downstream
2.Process Evaluation:
a. During the Extension Process, it is expected that the audience can attend all
b. During the Extension Activities, Active Audiences are expected.
3.Evaluation of Results:
a. 60% of participants were able to answer the questions suggested by the moderator
during the evaluation.
b. 40% of participants were able to mention again about:
1) Knowing the meaning of menstruation that occurs in young women
2) Know what factors influence behavior in maintaining health, including personal
hygiene during menstruation
3) Knowing what are the health effects of not maintaining personal hygiene during
4) Know how to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation


The origin of the word personal hygiene from Greek, personal means individual
or someone and hygiene has the meaning of being clean or healthy (Mubarak and
Chayaning, 2008). The meaning of these two words is the effort of every human being
that must be carried out in everyday life in order to maintain personal hygiene and health,
both physically and psychologically. Thus, the treatment of the body must be accustomed
to at least bathing twice a day. Maintaining perineal health is also important, especially
when menstruating. This is necessary because during menstruation, germs and bacteria
can easily enter and can infect the vital organs of women.
Adolescence begins at the age of 12 to 24 years (WHO). The Regulation of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2014 explains that
adolescents are the population in the age range 10-18 years. Meanwhile, according to the
BKKBN, 10–24 years are classified as adolescents with the status of having not yet
married. Teens will go through many events in the development and growth stages. As
for this incident, namely the emergence of several secondary genital characteristics
including the proliferation of hair in the female area and underarm hair, widening hips,
experiencing menstruation, tightening breast size, skin feeling smoother, and more
emotional. A young woman will menstruate if the reproductive system and various
hormonal components in the body are prime. Proverawati (2009) emphasized that
menstruation is bleeding in the uterus that occurs gradually and regularly. In addition, it
can be accompanied by a release process in the endometrium. Menstruation that occurs in
conjunction with the ovulation phase mostly occurs around the age of 17 to 18 years.
Manuaba (2009) revealed that menstruation that occurs is said to be normal with a range
between 26 to 32 days. Based on the two arguments above, it can be concluded that
menstruation is the discharge of blood in the uterus which is common for women every
month and is accompanied by a process of shedding on the uterine wall. Young women
are prone to reproductive organ infections. This happens because of a lack of behavior in
caring for personal hygiene, especially when experiencing menstruation.

Reproductive problems in adolescents need to be seriously addressed because these

problems occur mostly in developing countries and tropical climates such as Indonesia
due to lack of information, attitudes, intentions, etc. as well as the level of climate
humidity. This was proven because several studies stated that many factors had an effect
on hygiene behavior during menstruation (Maria, 2016).
several factors that influence the following:
1.Cultural factors on personal hygiene, namely some areas in Indonesia generally have
certain cultures related to the arrival of the first menstruation in young women, one of
which is not allowed to wash their hair during menstruation because it can cause
anemia. This is a myth circulating in people outside Java (Rejaningsih 2014). This
myth is not true because women who are menstruating are obliged to maintain their
own hygiene, including cleaning their hair, because during menstruation the scalp is
more oily and sweaty, making it easier for dandruff and other microorganisms to
2.Parents 'income factor is that the children's facilities and infrastructure needs to be
fulfilled to perform personal hygiene if the parents' income is sufficient.
3. information source factors remember information is one of the things that can increase
knowledge and awareness of the importance of personal hygiene behavior, one of
which is during menstruation. Knowledge can be obtained through one's own
experience or other people's experiences, knowledge (cognitive) is a very important
dominant factor for the formation of one's actions .
4.individual habit factors during menstruation which should replace the maximum
sanitary napkin 2 times a day, but there are still many people who ignore it, even
though if it is ignored it will result in the development of bacteria and fungi.


personal hygiene during menstruationis an action to maintain healthand cleanliness in
the feminine area onduring menstruation and that plays a roleimportant in determining
health status,especially avoiding infection of the toolsreproduction. Hence at the
momentmenstruation women should really be able to maintain clean organsreproduction
is extra especially onpart of the vagina, because if not guardedcleanliness, will
causemicroorganisms such as bacteria, fungi andexcess virus so it caninterfere with the
function of the reproductive organs(Indriastuti, 2010).Bad behavior in guardinggenital
hygiene, such as washing withdirty water, use a rinseexcessive, wearing pants that are
notabsorb sweat, rarely change pantsdeep, not often changing sanitary napkinscan trigger
the onset of infection.Hygiene behavior during menstruation is not
will just happen, but it isa process that is learned becausethe individual understands the positive
impact ornegativity a behavior associated withmenstrual conditions (Indriastuti,
2010).Reproductive problems in adolescents are necessarygot serious treatment because of the
problemoccurs most frequently in the countrydeveloping and tropical climate like Indonesia
due to lack of information, attitudes, and intentionsothers and the humidity level of the climate.


1. Maintenancepersonal hygiene. To keep cleanand health, ideally the use of pads
during menstruation must be replaced regularlyregularly 2 to 3 times a day or every 4
hoursonce, if there's a lot of it.
2. After bathing or urinating, the vagina shoulddried with a tissue or towel in ordernot
3. Besides wearing pantsthe inside should be the material it is made ofwhich easily
absorbs sweat, sowhen used during menstruation morecomfortable (Indriastuti, 2010). toolsgenitalia before changing sanitary napkins. According toRatnasari (2017)
before replacingsanitary napkins with new ones firstclean the vagina with a clean
cloth,It is not recommended to use soapvaginal cleanser. Because the soap cankill the
good bacteria in the vagina. Sorecommended to wash the vaginal areawith clean
water. lean the area onaround the affected area.

Self-care for young women during menstruation by maintaining cleanliness both inside
and outside, one of which is by changing sanitary napkins regularly to avoid bacteria,
fungi or other viruses that can damage the intimate organs and there are several factors
that affect personal hygiene during menstruation starting from culture, habit, knowledge
or lack of information as well as regarding income, one of which is parents' income.

To readers, both lecturers and friends, if there is a word to explain or convey the
material, the author apologizes because the author is not free from mistakes because
perfection belongs only to Allah

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