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A teenager presented with chronic cough for the past 7 months.

Was diagnosed with cough

variant asthma on inhaled fluticasone and albutarol. Cough was disturbing him during sleep
and wakes up feeling a dry throat. What will you add to the patient management?
A) Inhaled LABA
B) Nocturnal Antitussive Therapy
C) Adding a Proton Pump Inhibitor
D) Repeat Methacholine Challange Test
Answer: A or C ?

A 1 year old boy was brought to clinic and Hb was 10.5g/dL and mother started ferrous
sulphate drops and after 3 months was assessed and his Hb was 10.3g/dL. The mother
decided to continue giving the patient ferrous sulphate drops and despite this measure the
hemoglobin level is still low. A CBC was requested and showed Low Hb and Low MCV.
What additional tests would you require?
A) Serum Iron and Ferritin Level
B) Serum Hb Electrophoresis
C) Bone Marrow Aspiration
D) Serum Folate and Vitamin B12 Level
Answer: B

An 8 years old boy has loose motion during the morning but during the night stool is normal
with no episodes of loose motion. What fits this description?
A) Toddler’s Diarrhea
(Couldn’t Remember the Other Options)

A patient with recurrent chest infections and foul smelling diarrhea came to the clinic for
assessment. What other findings would you expect to find in this patient?
A) Nasal Polyp
B) Inguinal Hernia
Answer: A

pediatric pat k/c of Asthma since age 2 years he is now asymptomatic with rare uses of
albuterol inhalers, he came for counseling, he had contact sport participation, what is best
question to ask to know his response:
A- Are keeping up with your freind
B- How frequent do use inhaler
C- presence night symptoms (cough)
Answer: C safdar

Female patient just delivered a baby weighing 3000g. Which of the following is a risk factor
for developing postpartum hemorrhage?
A) Fetal Macrosomia ( this baby has a normal weight)
B) Precipitous labour
C) Grand parity

The lady was G2 P1, her labor was 2 hours long (baby came out before she barely made it to
the hospital). Baby’s weight was 3000. She started bleeding after delivery of the placenta.
Question asking about the cause of PPH.
1 Baby’s weight
2 Prolonged labor
3 Precipitous labor ✅
4 Large multigravida
Answer: 3

A female patient went to obesity clinic for advice regarding surgical methods of weight loss.
After full explanation by the surgeon, which of the following is the most efficient/effective
way of weight reduction?
A) Intensive Exercise
B) Lifestyle Modifications
C) Orlistat

A 28 year old female presented following radiation of neck with neck swelling. Ultrasound
showed swelling in the left lobe of the thyroid of 3x4cm of papillary thyroid cancer. Which
of the following is the best management?
A) Left Lobectomy
B) Left Lobectomy with Isthmusectomy
C) Subtotal Thyroidectomy
D) Total Thyroidectomy
Answer: d

Paracetamol toxicity 3h initial:

A) active charcoal
B) n acetilesystine
C) gastric lavage

Case of Pyloric Stenosis and Asks About Electrolyte Disturbance: Hypokalemic Metabolic

Patient COPD with Odema Reaching Ankle and Knee. Saturation 86%. Important Therapy:
A) Furosomide
B) Oxygen Therapy

Case malignancy cause:

A: Exodate pulmonary infusion
B: Tansudate polmonary infusion

One of the goals for Saudi Arabia in 2030 vision is to improve the health by decreasing the
preventable causes of death under age of 5 years group, this will be conducted through
A. Specialized hospitals
B. Education
C. Immunization
Answer: C

Neonate found to have ambiguous genitalia with high 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, where is the
21 hydroxylase deficiency
Type of inheritance: AR

RBBB associated with???

Perforated peptic ulcer management?

9 year Sca have spleenomegaly due to which crisis:

A: Aplastc
B: Anemic
C: Vasooclusive

A: serum createnin
B: Ultrasound
C: X_ray

Pregnant in 30g whith recurant uti:

A: Ct
B: Ultrasund
C: Culture

Father 179 cm, mother 155, the boy is 10 years old how tall he will be ?

8 years old Female pt brought by her mother to the emergency department with nausea and
vomiting after ingestion of 2 packages of paracetamol, each package contains 20 tables, this
is happened before 24 hours after fight with her mother.
On examination pt looks jaundiced has right hypochondrial tenderness, Bp=90/60mmhg
HR=86, no labs provided.

What is the stage of paracetamol toxicity?

Answer: B
Pregnant 15 w what will be change?
1.increase hematocrit 20%
2.decrease hematocrit 40%
3.increse plasma volume 40%
Answer: 3

Women came vaginal pain test show flagellated cells what’s the cause ?
A- bacterial vaginosis
B- candida infection
C- trichomanonas vaginalis
Answer: C

A 27-year-old female with placenta previa had severe bleeding. What is the most likely
outcome post delivery?
a) Galactorrhea
b) Diabetes
c) Absence of menstrual cycle
d) Cushing syndrome
Answer: C

○ Best for IPF(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis) diagnosis is HRCT


unilateral testicular painful swelling since 1 day, on exploration red scrotum

viable but cord edematous:
A: Torsion
B: Incarcerated inguinal hernia
C: Appendicular torsion
newborn have hernia what to do?
A: observe
B: laparoscopic repair
C: open with mesh

female want to conceive get to clinic she is SLE on Plaquenil what to do?
A: keep using it
B: stop it
C: refer to Rheumatologist to stop it

most common side of Fibroid?

A: submucosal
B: intramural

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