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This question repeated twice: first asking what to replace (Iron), the second what do u expect to be low (MCV).

Pediatric with decreased appetite and fatigue , she had pallor and splenomegaly, and systolic murmur. Labs
showed only IDA (low MCV, low hg) borderline reticulocytes (1.3), RBC (4). I am not sure it they said iron was
normal or not but I think it wasn’t mentioned. Provided this same exact picture ,what should be replaced?
A. Iron.
B. Folate.
C. VitB12.
D. Erythrocytes SAME PIC :P thalassemia minor

A 20 years old male, with dysphagia to liquid more than solid. First investigation?
A. Upper GI endoscopy.
B. Barium swallow.
C. CT chest.
D. MRI chest.

Baby born 27 weeks after 30 mins started having tachypnea and grunting most common cause?
x-ray chest preterm with signs of respiratory distress. Dx?
C. Meconium aspiration

A question about an infant with RDS presentation and asking what is the initial investigation?

A 53 years old male, known case of RA on NSAIDs. Presented to the ER with severe sudden abdominal pain,
nausea and vomiting. On examination there is generalized tenderness and guarding. Which of the following is the
investigation of choice?
A. Erect CXR.
B. Supine abdominal X-ray.
D. Colonoscopy.

Middle aged man, RTA, history of MVA brought by the ambulance vitally stable, shouting at the nurses that he is
having severe anterior chest pain. Initial investigation?
A. Fast.
B. CT chest
C. Pericardiocentesis

A 12 years old girl, with shortness of breath, cold intolerance and weight (literally written like this, I don’t know if
it is weight loss or gain or what!). Insignificant past and family history. On examination there is a gallop rhythm.
BP 150/90, HR 160, RR 40. Echo done it was unremarkable. What do you want to order next?
C. Measure electrolytes

Child with a history of three infections this year, presented now with pneumonia, his older brother died and had a
similar condition, his sisters 3 and 5 years are normal and well, his work up is significant for low B cell and normal
T cell.
B. X-linked Agammaglobulinemia.
A 50 y/o with vaginal wall prolapse grade 3, on medical treatment for 6 months with no improvement, what to do?
A. Conservative
B. Surgical repair
C. Follow-up with 3 months (No pessary in choices).

A smoker, with HTN and obesity. Asking about the most considerable risk factor for MI?
A. Smoking.

A 35-40 yrs old G4P2012, GA 41+5. She had IOL with prostaglandin 6 hrs ago and now presented to ER with
severe abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding and absent contractions with absent fetal movement. Labs showing
anemia, no vitals given. Most likely diagnosis?
A. Uterine rupture
B. Placental abruption

Case of COPD , diminished gag reflex on severe respiratory distress Ph:7.25 High pCO2 and low O Osat: 83 What
is your next best step:
A. Intubation and ventilation.
B. Non-invasive.

Treatment of Crohn’s, controlled symptoms on steroids and another drug, came with multi-fistula? What to give?
A. Infliximab.
B. Azathioprine.
C. Methotrexate.
D. Budesonide.

A patient with a history of pulmonary embolism 3 years ago wanted contraceptives. What is the best choice?
A. Dermal patch.

Patient with presentation of migraine headache. What medication is used for acute attacks?
A. Triptans.

When to diagnose pedia as hypertension?

A. BP > 120/80.
B. BP > 150.
C. BP > 90% depends age and sex.
D. BP > 95% depends age and sex.

Age of peanut introduction?

A. 10 months.
B. 14 months.
C. 22 months.

Pregnant at 39 weeks now in labor during the delivery you noticed the amniotic fluid is mixed with dark black-
green what is the cause of this color?
A. Meconium aspiration syndrome.
B. Fetal distress.
C. Placenta abruptio.
D. Preterm labour.

At 38wks delivered by CS presented with tachypnea and tachycardia?

Pregnant at 32 week of gestation with renal colic. She states that she has had 2 previous episodes of the same
presentation during this pregnancy. Investigation?
A. Renal US.
B. Cystoscope.
C. Cystogram.

Playtime for the kids per day?

A. 30 min.
B. 60 min.
C. 120 mins.
D. 180 minutes

The World Health Organization (WHO) published the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist in 2008 in order to increase
the safety of patients undergoing surgery. The Checklist consists of three phases of surgical procedure :
A. Before admission , Before skin incision , at discharge from hospital.
B. Before admission , before induction of anaesthesia , at discharge from hospital.
C. Before induction of anaesthesia, Before skin incision, Before patient leaves operating Room.
D. Before admission , Before induction of anaesthesia ,Before patient leaves operating room.

A 54 years old male patient who is diagnosed with severe pancreatitis, CT scan on day 3 showed evidence of
necrosis, the patient is septic and he has been hospitalised for a long period (4 weeks). He is intubated and on
inotropes. What is the expected physiological response in this patient?
A. Increase lipolysis.
B. Increase insulin level.
C. Hypoglycemia.
D. Decrease gluconeogenesis.

Pt heart failure and AFib. What medication to control both HF and AFib ?
A. Digoxin BB
A 42 years old lady with severe menstrual bleeding what to give?
A. Oxytocin.
B. Tranexamic acid. IV estrogen
C. Misoprostol. OCP
Tranexamic acid
Newborn with hx of brother died due to sepsis. Asking about vaccines now?
A. Give BCG.
B. Do not give BCG.
C. Give vaccines according to Saudi national protocol.

Child was playing on the farm suddenly developed miosis, increase salivation and lacrimation. What to give?
A. Atropine.

Infant brought with signs of measles. In the immunisation record, the father said that he refused the vaccination
(or he is against vaccination). What to do?
A. Inform child protection.
B. Educate the father about vaccines.
C. Call the ethics committee.
D. Focus on treating the disease.

End stage cancer , family want to give analgesic → double effect principle

When to screen for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy?

A. 12 weeks
Calculating CHADS2 score for a 64 years old male, who is diabetic, hypertensive and has a history of previous
stroke and now has bilateral pedal edema?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

A patient with seizure was given diazepam with no improvement. What is next?
A. Phenytoin

Child with recurrent arthritis in wrist and knee + morning stiffness improved throughout the day Dx ?
A. Juvenile idiopathic Arthritis.
B. Reactive arthritis.

Patient female elderly with symptoms of Orthopnea SOB PND, JVP, Bilateral basal crackles. S3. what is the
A. Pulmonary edema
B. MI.
C. Mitral regurgitation.
D. Right sided heart failure.

In partial thickness burn, what is responsible for edema?

A. Bradykinin.
B. Prostaglandin.
C. Histamine.

Iron screening for high risk infants at ?

A. 12 month
B. 4 months

Pedia felt from hight, there was ruptured ear drum with intact external ear.?
A. Basal skull fracture.
B. Mastoid fracture.
C. Maxilla fracture.
D. Occipital fracture.

Epidural hematoma. Which artery is affected ?

A. Middle meningeal.
B. Basilar artery.

An 11m old child was introduced to cow milk at 9m after stopping exclusive breast milk. Now he drinks 1 liter of
cow milk every day. He’s presenting with signs of anemia. Labs: all normal (no fever). What is the cause of this
A. Cow milk consumption.
B. Bacterial gastroenteritis.

A female patient with red nipple discharge mammography showed intraductal papilloma, what is the best next
A. Core biopsy
B. Surgical excision.

10 month old child with a 3 days history of fever, vomiting and watery diarrhea with signs of moderate
dehydration. Investigations?
A. Serum antibody.
B. Stool antigen.
C. Serum viral culture.
D. Stool leukocyte.
A 17 year old female, medically free, (athlete) gymnast in her class, breasts later and never menstruated, on
developed examination she is tanner stage 5, but no menstruation, diagnosis?
A. Hypothalamic hypogonadism
B. Transverse vaginal septum
C. Gonadal agenesis
D. Testicular feminization

Female patient complaining of pain before menses and resolved on the third day of menses, how do you diagnose it?
A. Hysteroscopy
B. Abdominal US
C. Clinical symptoms

17 yrs old female came C/O primary dysmenorrhea, How will you manage??
C. Mefenamic acid

Folic acid quantity for a healthy lady wants to conceive and with no prior diseases or disorders
A. 1 mg
B. 5 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 15 mg

Patient with ectopic pregnancy, her husband is in a military mission, she lives 80Km away from hospital, brought
by her neighbor, US showed nonviable fetus, absent heart rate, 4cm fetus, BHCG is 5000,
Her vitals: BP 90/50, HR 110, T 35. What is the absolute contraindication for medical therapy in her condition?
B. Vital Signs
C. Fetal size
D. far away from hospital Or distance

Female 25 years old, presented to the ED with vaginal bleeding, nausea, and right lower abdominal pain and
tenderness. History of open appendectomy due to perforated appendix. Her BP:90/50 HR:120 RR:25 What is the
possible site of bleeding?
A. Cervix
B. Uterus
C. Fallopian Tube

Molar pregnancy follow up of HCG?

A. Weekly until 3 negative
B. Weekly Then Monthly For 6 Month
C. Monthly And Weekly
D. Monthly until negative

What of the following decreases the risk of preeclampsia? (patient had hx of preeclampsia in her previous
A. Antibiotic
B. Aspirin
C. MgSo

Sickle cell anemia patient pregnant, antenatal complication associated with her condition?
A. Low birth weight (IUGR)
B. Chest infection
Pregnant in labor and signs of meconium stain how to manage a baby?
A. Oropharynx suction before deliver the body
B. NICU after delivery
D. Intratracheal suctioning

A 31 female came for a pap smear when to do it?

A. Every 5 years
B. Every 1 year
C. No need
D. If 3 is negative, no need to re-screen again

Newly married 22 years old comes to you for a regular follow-up for her gynecological health. She is medically free
and has a regular 28 day cycle, complaining of mobile breast lumps bilaterally that are painful right before
meneses. Examination was normal. She wants to get pregnant, but she is worried about her breast lump. What is
the screening test to be performed?
A. Bilateral mammogram
B. Papanicolaou test
C. Breast ultrasound

A 18 (or 25 yo) female, worried about cervical cancer, she took her first dose of HPV vaccine 3 months ago. What is
the best thing to do on this visit today?
A. Schedule appointment after 3 months
B. No Need To Do Anything At This Visit
C. Give 2nd Dose At This Visit
D. Repeat 1st dose

Laparotomy with multiple liver laceration management?

A. Perihepatic Packing.
B. Right hepatic resection.
C. Vessel ligation.

Pregnant with DIC and placental abruption with severe bleeding and pain. Most appropriate thing to do?
A. Give her blood transfusions
B. Call a multidisciplinary team.

Patient with long term history of DM type 1 in 12 weeks of gestation. HbA1C 12. Which of the following
complications is most likely to happen?
A. Preeclampsia.
B. Polyhydramnios.
C. Congenital malformation.

Patient after RTA presented with normal urethra & extraperitoneal bladder injury. Management?
A. Suprapubic catheter.
B. Catheter & repair after 2 weeks.
C. Catheter & imaging after 2 weeks.

Patient of MVA 1 hour ago presented with an open segmental tibia fracture (XRay AP + Lateral + puncture
wound) who received antibiotics and tetanus. Most appropriate management?
A. Urgent debridement and IM nailing.
B. Closed reduction and external fixator.
C. Discharge with oral antibiotics for 3 days with follow up appointment.
D. Below knee full case.

What is the most common site of aspiration of foreign body?

A. Trachea.
B. left main bronchus.
C. right main bronchus.
Contraceptive for postpartum 2 week and breastfeeding?
A. combined pills.
B. Progestin only.
C. Vaginal ring.
D. Methoxyprogesterone acetate.

A 5-year-old patient with a history of recurrent pneumonia came today with unilateral fixed wheezing and
difficulty breathing. He has a history of choking 3 hours ago. What is the modality of choice to reach up for
A. Flexible bronchoscopy.
B. Rigid bronchoscopy.

Pregnant vegan wants to only breastfeed her baby. What deficiency would the baby have?
A. Folate.
B. Vitamin D.
C. Vitamin B6.
D. Vitamin B12.

Patient 60 something k/c of dyslipidemia on statin report high blood pressure reading of 150/90 In the clinic Labs
all normal Bp : 145/90 What’s your management?
A. Start amlodipine.
B. lifestyle modification and weight reduction.

ICU + Intubated + Pneumonia + Rx?

atypical pneumonia management azithromycin
A. Moxifloxacin. HAP tazocin
B. Others all abx. Typical pneumonia Fluoroquinolones

A lady had been bleeding 3 weeks after delivery. What is the cause?
A. Early postpartum bleeding.
B. late postpartum bleeding.
C. Antepartum bleeding.
D. Intrapartum bleeding.

Stress incontinence symptoms in a patient who had evidence of urethral detachment, next step?
A. Bonny’s test ( Marshall test ).
B. Urethroscope.
C. Cystoscopy.
D. Q-tip.

Painful Perianal mass developed after hard stool passage 12 h ago, blue/under the perianal skin 1x1 cm. What to do ?
A. Needle aspiration.
B. Conservative management.
C. Rubber band ligation.
D. Lateral sphincterotomy.

Metformin to be stopped → if GFR < 30.

Rx for Toxoplasmosis + HIV → sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine.

Opioid withdrawal treatment (there was a presentation)?

A. Methadone.

A patient presents with a scalp laceration which occurred 6 hours ago. How will you repair this injury?
A. Healing by granulation.
B. Debridement with primary closure.
C. Vacuum assisted closure (VAC).
D. Debridement with secondary graft.
Pregnant at 7 weeks gestation , what suspected her serum lab :
A. Increase blood urea nitrogen.
B. Non affected blood urea nitrogen.
C. Hyponatremia.
D. Low creatinine.

A 55 years male presented with sudden abdominal pain that radiated to the back. The patient has a history of
cardiomyopathy, the patient mentioned that he passed a small amount of loose stool, during the examination there
is exaggerated bowel sound. Labs: Amylase =600. X-ray: Dilated small bowel. Diagnosis?
A. Acute pancreatitis.
B. Mesenteric vascular ischemia.
C. Rupture aneurysm.
D. Acute pancreatitis.

A male patient was planned for exploratory laparotomy due to a perforated peptic ulcer. He is unstable. What is
the best next step?
A. Crystalloid through a peripheral line.
B. Colloids through a central line.
C. Antibiotics.

Case of abdominal pain and diarrhea colonoscopy showed non contagious patches in the terminal ileum and colon
Pathology shows transmural inflammation. What is the diagnosis?
A. Ulcerative colitis.
B. Crohn disease.
C. Pseudomembranous colitis.

A 45 years old male smoker has an adenoma removed from his colon. Pathology report shows a benign lesion.
What advice should you give this patient to prevent him from getting colon cancer?
A. Eat a low-fiber diet.
B. Eat a high-protein diet.
C. Colonoscopy every year.
D. Stop smoking and start exercising.

A man came by ambulance. He had abdominal pain after eating then suddenly collapsed. On examination he was
having a pulsating abdominal mass, vitally he was hypotensive. What is the appropriate management?
A. US.
B. CT abdomen.
C. Diagnostic laparoscopy.
D. Exploratory laparotomy.

Sigmoid resection of a polyp. What is the highest rate of histopathology to be malignant?

A. Villous.
B. Tubovillous.
C. Tubular.
D. Mixed.

A patient presented with a swelling in the upper left arm, MRI shows 5 cm suspicious lesion. What will you do?
A. Excisional biopsy.
B. Incisional biopsy.
C. Core biopsy.
D. Fine needle aspiration.

A patient post operative day 7, has not passed stool and complains of vomiting and nausea. Labs showing
hypokalemia. Next?
A. Stool potassium.
B. Urine potassium.
A patient fell from a height, and came to the ER with chest thigh injury. The patient is conscious and oriented but
his leg is soaked in blood. BP 60/40, So2 88%. What to do next?
A. IV fluid.
B. Give oxygen.
C. Control the bleeding.

A young patient presented complaining of right upper quadrant pain. On examination there is RUQ tenderness
and a palpable mass. Investigation showed Entamoeba histolytica, and there is abscess 12 x 14 cm with septation.
What is your initial next step in management?
A. Percutaneous drainage.
B. Metronidazole.
C. Percutaneous aspiration.
D. Surgical removal.

A 35 years old male has repeated attacks of hematemesis. On examination, he has spider angioma and bilateral
gynecomastia with splenomegaly. Labs showing high liver enzymes. What is the most appropriate next atep after
initial resuscitation with IV fluid?
A. Abdominal X-Ray.
B. Upper GI endoscopy.
C. Nasogastric tube insertion.
D. Give antibiotics.

A patient presented with bilateral inguinal hernia repaired with mesh. Which of the following should you advise
the patient before discharge?
A. Use abdominal binders for 3 months.
B. Avoid lifting heavy objects for 6 months.
C. Use laxatives for 6 months.

A patient with a known case of GERD was on 40mg PPI and discontinued the medication after resolution of
symptoms by his own. Now coming with a recurrence of symptoms again. What should you give ?
A. PPI same dose.
B. PPI full dose.
C. Ranitidine.
D. PPI + Ranitidine.

A young patient presents complaining of recurrent urinary tract infections. What investigation should the doctor
do in order to look for kidney scarring as a complication of recurrent UTIs?
A. US.
B. Cystourethrogram.

A 25 years old man was brought to the ER after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. He opened his eyes
spontaneously and responded appropriately to verbal commands. His respiration wasz shallow and he had a left
chest wall contusion. He was able to shrug his shoulders but unable to move his elbows or lower limbs. BP 80/40,
HR 70, RR 30. Which of the following is the most likely cause of hypotension?
A. Cardiac tamponade.
B. Internal hemorrhage.
C. High spinal cord injury.
D. Tension pneumothorax.
A 67 years old man with a known history of HCV cirrhosis admitted to the ER with a massive hematemesis.
Variceal bleeding is suspected. On examination, he is drowsy with tense ascites. BP 110/70, HR 86, So2 95%. Hb 8,
INR high. Which of the following management options has a great benefit in reducing this patient's mortality?
A. Octreotide.
B. IV Ceftriaxone.
C. Blood transfusion.
D. Pantoprazole infusion.

A 50 years old female with a family history of breast cancer came with a right upper outer mass. Biopsy showed
atypical ductal hyperplasia. What to do?
A. Simple mastectomy.
B. Wide local excision,
C. Radiotherapy.
D. Chemotherapy.

An old man with a 2 hours presentation of a stroke. He has a history of a non-hemorrhagic stroke 2 months ago.
CT shows non-hemorrhagic stroke. What is management?
B. THrombolysis.
C. Heparin.
D. Aspirin.

A patient came with no pulse in the left leg. How will you differentiate between acute and chronic limb ischemia?
A. Past history of claudication.
B. Scar in the left leg suggesting previous ilio-femoral bypass.
C. History of aggressive smoking.
D. Normal pulse in the right leg.

A patient presents with a 2 cm stabbing wound near the umbilicus, the patient is stable with an omentum
protruding from the wound and there is little blood seen. What is your management?
A. Leave the wound open.
B. Close the wound.
C. Exploratory laparotomy.
D. Observation.

An 18 months old child diagnosed with congenital heart disease, presented to the ER with severe cyanosis and
hypercyanotic spells. The mother mentioned that he was irritable and crying inconsolable for the past 1 hour and
the cyanosis is getting worse. On examination, he looks cyanotic centrally with loud harsh ejection systolic
murmur at the left sternal border. BP 100/60, HR 95, RR 28, Temp 37.8, So2 85%. Chest xray showing small heart
with decreased pulmonary vascular marking. WHich of the following is the most appropriate management?
A. Sedation and pain relief.
B. IV diuretics bo;us. TOF
C. Immediate cardiac catheterization,
D. IV antibiotics and total parenteral nutrition.

An 8 years old boy is brought to the clinic by his mother. She is concerned of bed wetting overnight despite toilet
training and compared to his sister when she was in his age with good control. Which of the following pelvic
muscle is affected and possib;le target therapy?
A. Rectus.
B. Detruser.
C. Perianal.
D. Pelvic floor.
A 15 months old child is brought to the emergency department after having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure that
lasted approximately 5 minutes. The parents say that the child had been previously well but developed cough and
rhinorrhea earlier that day with a temperature of 39.2 C. Which of the following is the most appropriate
A. Diazepam.
B. Phenytoin.
C. Head CT scan.
D. Control of the fever.

A young female presents with joint pain and morning stiffness that improves 2 hour after awakening. She also c/o
LBP and pain in the achilles tendon area. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Ankylosing spondylitis.
B. Rheumatoid arthritis.
C. Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.
D. Osteoarthritis.

A female brought her baby to the well baby clinic. Her baby is still formula/breast fed, the doctor advised her to
initiate iron supplement starting 1 month after this appointment. How old is the infant now?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6

A man presents with a kidney stone of 4mm size. What is the best management for him?
A. Conservative.
C. Ureteroscopy.

A 35 years old came to the ER complaining of vague upper abdominal pain. Underwent elective cholecystectomy 7
days ago, on exam revealed jaundice with mild RUQ pain. US showing mild collection in gallbladder fossa, CBD
9mm. What is the cause?
A. CBD injury.
B. Retained CBD stone.
C. Subhepatic abscess.
D. Slipped clips.

A 35 years old man presented with a one day history of anorexia, RLQ pain and tenderness with loe grade fever.
During surgery, the appendix appears normal, however both cecum and terminal ileum appear red and inflamed.
Management consists of which of the following?
A. Right hemicolectomy.
B. Appendectomy.
C. Close without further intervention.
D. Biopsy of cecal and terminal ileum.

A man underwent an operation for a ventral hernia. What will you tell him?
A. Use laxative or stool softeners for 6 months.
B. Do not lift heavy objects for 6 months.
C. Wear a hernia belt for 3 months.

A child with a history of febrile seizures came to the ER complaining of jaundice, vomiting, drowsy in the history
the mother was afraid of the febrile seizure. She gave her child every 4 hours an antipyretic. What is the cause of
the jaundice?
A. Paracetamol toxicity.
B. Aspirin toxicity.
C. Morphine toxicity.
D. Furosemide toxicity.
A patient underwent lef5 lower parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism (adenoma). He presented 4
months later with a depressed mood and fatigability. Both PTH and calcium were high. What is the most common
A. Parathyroid hyperplasia.
B. Missed adenoma.
C. New adenoma.
D. Parathyroid cancer.

A 13 months old girl present with fever of 38, bilateral lung infiltrate. She looks mildly ill. What is ghe most likely
A. Moraxella catarrhalis.
B. Streptococcus pneumoniae.
C. Hib influenza. haemophilus influenza
D. Neisseria.

A child with vesicular lesions in the chest and upper trunk. Which antibody will be positive?
B. HSV1 IgM.
C. HSV2 IgM.

A neonate was found to have a generalized petechial rash and intracranial hemorrhage immediately after
delivery. His Hb is low, platelets count is 4 and all other labs are normal. The mother has a normal platelet count.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
B. Alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT).
C. Congenital thrombocytopenia.
D. Congenital CMV infection.

Parents come with their child male who has recurrent chest infection and they have another boy who died from
one attack of chest infection, he has 2 healthy sisters. Diagnosis?
A. X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
B. Ataxia telangiectasia.
C. Chronic granulomatous disease.
D. Hyper IgE syndrome.

Baby 8 weeks old who was otherwise fine is coming today with fever, wheezy chest, tachypnoea and cough for 4
days. He was otherwise well apart from pansystolic murmur. CXR revealed increased bronchovascular markings
and increased heart size. What’s your immediate action?
A. IV antibiotics.
B. Steroids.
C. Refer to surgery.
D. Medical treatment with diuretics.

Patient presented to the ER with diarrhea, nausea vomiting, salivation, lacrimation and abdominal cramps. What
do you suspect?
A. Organophosphate poisoning.
B. Paracetamol poisoning.
C. Aspirin.
D. Penicillin.

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