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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB

 Do not include any confidential information

 Length: 15-20 pages long (one-side print) with legible font (e.g.: Calibri - title size 14,
text size 12)
 This is a suggestive template, to be customized to your requirements:
o Expand where needed, e.g. business model canvas.
o Omit details not pertinent to you, e.g. balance sheet, if at an idea level.
 Remove all the help text in the template (the one’s in red) before submitting

[Date] Confidential Page 2 of 10

This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................5
1 Company Snapshot.............................................................................................................................6
1.1 Business Description (short enough to fit on a business card).....................................................6
1.2 Vision and/or Mission Statements...............................................................................................6
1.3 Names of Team Members............................................................................................................6
2 TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................6
2.1 Technology Description...............................................................................................................6
2.2 Novelty........................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Current Status..............................................................................................................................6
3 Value Proposition (Product/Service)..................................................................................................7
3.1 Unmet Need................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Proposed Technology/Products/Services....................................................................................7
4 Market.................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Market data.................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Does the product match market definition? If yes, explain why?................................................7
5 Distribution/Sales Channels...............................................................................................................7
5.1 How to get your product/service to reach your market..............................................................7
6 Competition/Substitutes....................................................................................................................8
6.1 Current, Future competitors........................................................................................................8
6.2 USP of Company..........................................................................................................................8
7 Team....................................................................................................................................................8
7.1 Name and background of Co-Founders.......................................................................................8
8 Financials (Prior & Projected).............................................................................................................8
8.1 Income statement........................................................................................................................8
8.2 Balance sheet...............................................................................................................................8
8.3 Cash flow statement....................................................................................................................8
8.4 Projected Head Count for each functional area (Sales & Marketing, R&D, etc)...........................8
9 Risks and Mitigation...........................................................................................................................8
10 Funding............................................................................................................................................9
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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
10.1 Amount already raised and now required...................................................................................9
10.2 Use of Proceeds...........................................................................................................................9
10.3 R&D, Salaries, etc.........................................................................................................................9
10.4 Valuation Asked...........................................................................................................................9
11 Business Model Canvas...................................................................................................................9
12 Appendices....................................................................................................................................10

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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB

[Please make sure that you do not exceed one page for the executive summary. The details can
be expanded in the business plan that follows this executive summary]

Overview: Provide a one sentence summary of this project.

Market Pain: What market problem does your technology solve?

Solution: How does the technology solve this problem?

Budget: Estimated time to

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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
Business description – Describe the main IP Management – Summarize the novelty, IP
business of the company position and strategy

Value proposition – Summarize the USP of the Technical development – Summarize

company and business model development objectives and plan


1.1 Business Description (short enough to fit on a business card)

1.2 Vision and/or Mission Statements

1.3 Names of Team Members

For existing companies:

1. Company History
2. Advisors/Key employees
3. Investors
4. Financials
5. Capital raised
6. Revenue to date

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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB

2.1 Technology Description

[A simple description of the technology (not revealing details) and its proposed application(s) and end

2.2 Novelty
[What is novel about this technology? It is important to be brief and clear]

2.3 Current Status

[What is the current stage of the technology – Idea stage, working prototype etc.]


[Description of the benefits of the proposed end product and how it is differentiated from competitors
(unique selling proposition). It is important to be brief and clear]

3.1 Unmet Need

a) Define problem
b) How the problem is currently addressed?

3.2 Proposed Technology/Products/Services

a) Proposed solution and relevance to problem
b) Development Schedule / Timeline
c) Use cases


4.1 Market data

a) Total market
b) Target segment
c) Historic and Projected data about market size
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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
d) Market trends

4.2 Does the product match market definition? If yes, explain why?


5.1 How to get your product/service to reach your market

Product: Logistics, inventory, partnerships, etc.

Services: Freemium apps, advertising, etc.


6.1 Current, Future competitors

a) Competitive product matrix
b) Points of similarity and differentiation with others

6.2 USP of Company

a) Intellectual Property
b) Market Barriers for others to enter/sustain
c) Self-Sustenance


7.1 Name and background of Co-Founders


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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
8.1 Income statement

8.2 Balance sheet

8.3 Cash flow statement

8.4 Projected Head Count for each functional area (Sales & marketing, R&D, etc)


[Outline current and potential commercial issues or risks that may affect pathways to market and
identify how you will address/manage these risks. Risk can include Commercial, IP and Technical risk]

No: Risk Mitigation



10.1 Amount already raised and now required

10.2 Use of proceeds

10.3 R&D, salaries, etc.

10.4 Valuation asked

7. Activities 3. Channels

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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB
6. Partners 8. Resources 1. Products/ 4. Customer 2. Customers
Services Relationships

9. Costs 5. Revenue model



Other data / expansion of presented data (e.g. Detailed Financials) to further describe the value

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This document is confidential to Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE IITB) and SINE IITB external review committee members
only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior approval of SINE IITB

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