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Chapter 8

Tertiary volcanicity

The Centenary of the Netherlands Indies Geological Survey was Their, and earlier, K - A r age determinations are listed in Table
commemorated by the publication of a synthesis of the geology 8.1 and ages dates of plutons, dykes and volcanics are compiled
of Indonesia by van Bemmelen (1949). In his account of the in Table A.4 (Appendix).
geology of Sumatra van Bemmelen (1949) described three Mineral ages from fresh samples give ages younger than the
distinct, but continuous, cycles of volcanic activity during the time of intrusion, but give useful information on the cooling of
Tertiary and Quaternary: Old Neogene (Late Oligocene-Mid- igneous rocks through the c. 500 ~ (hornblende) and the
Miocene); Young Neogene (Mid-Miocene-early in the Quatern- c. 400 ~'C (biotite) isotherms. These age data are also helpful
ary); and Young Quaternary. The first cycle began with the 'Old in distinguishing the effects of thermal and tectonic alteration.
Andesites', and ended with the Mid-Miocene uplift of the Macpherson & Hall (1999, 2002) have drawn attention to the
Barisan Mountains. The second cycle commenced with the erup- problems of the interpretion of K - A r isotope data. The limitations
tion of basic igneous products and concluded with an acidic of the K - A r dating method are due to problems of tectonic and
phase which coincided with a second episode of uplift of the thermal alteration and to tropical weathering, as these processes
Barisan Mountains. may reset the K - A r clock to yield misleading younger ages, or
Subsequently, knowledge of the Tertiary volcanic rocks in add potassium and 4~ to give spurious older ages (Dickin
Sumatra has been refined as the result of programmes of geolo- 1995). In her study of the timing of the alteration of intrusions con-
gical mapping in the early 1970s by the Geological Survey of nected to movement of the Sumatra Fault Zone in southern
Indonesia and the United States Geological Survey, and between Sumatra, Imtihanah (2000) used the 4~ age dating
1975 and the mid-1990s by the Geological Research and Develop- method, which can identify K and Ar mobility in altered rocks.
ment Centre, the Directorate of Mineral Resources and the British
Geological Survey. Exploration by oil and mineral companies has
also provided data concerning the distribution of Tertiary plutonic Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy
rocks in the Pre-Tertiary basement and in the Tertiary sedimentary
basins, of volcanic units interbedded with sediments. Further con- P a l a e o c e n e v o l c a n i c e p i s o d e ( T a b l e 8.2 a n d Fig. 8.2)
tributions to the understanding of Tertiary volcanicity in Sumatra
and its forearc islands have been made by academic researchers The informal term Kikim Volcanics (McCourt et al. 1993) is used
and post-graduate students from the Institute of Technology, here for the Palaeocene volcanics and volcaniclastics which occur
Bandung and the University of London, in collaboration with in southern Sumatra. Previously Gafoer et al. (1992c, 1994), and
the Geological Research and Development Centre, LIPI and the 1"1000 000 geological maps of Southern Sumatra (Gafoer
LEMIGAS, and the British Geological Survey. et al. 1992a, b), used the term 'Kikim Formation' for all volcanic
Most of the Tertiary volcanic and volcaniclastic formations rocks of Palaeocene to Oligocene age in southern Sumatra.
in Sumatra are identified on the Geological Maps published De Coster (1974) suggested that the Kikim Tuffs were of Upper
by the Geological Research and Development Centre and are Cretaceous to Palaeocene age, but no Cretaceous ages have been
described in tables in the Explanatory Notes which accompany obtained from these rocks. The Kikim Tufts, comprising
the maps. A summary of the volcanic units in Northern Sumatra, tuffaceous sandstones, conglomerates, breccias and clays, were
with brief descriptions, were given by Cameron et al. (1980), encountered in boreholes at the base of the Tertiary succession
while Rock et al. (1982) described their petrology and chemistry. in the South Sumatra Basin (Lemat-1, Lemat-2 and Tamiang-2
McCourt et al. (1993) and Kusnama et al. (1993a) summarized wells), in the Laru wells on the Musi Platform and cropping out
the stratigraphy of Southern Sumatra, including the volcanic units. in the Gumai Mountains. The volcanic rocks in the Tamiang-2
Rock et al. (1982) distinguished at least four climaxes of volcan- well were dated at 55 Ma (Palaeocene) by the K - A r method,
ism in the Tertiary of Northern Sumatra: Palaeogene (possibly but details of the analysis are not available. McCourt et al.
Eo-Oligocene); Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; Early Mid- (1993) report that in the Gumai Mountains Gafoer et al. (1992c)
Miocene; and Mid-Late Miocene. In the present account Tertiary found a transition, rather than an unconformity, between
volcanic episodes and phases recognized in the whole of Sumatra the Kikim Formation and the overlying volcaniclastic Lahat
occurred during the Palaeocene; Late Mid-Eocene; Late Eocene- Formation. This underlying unit is now considered to be part of
Late Oligocene (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene and Late Oligocene- the Lahat Formation, confirming the stratigraphic scheme in the
Early Miocene phases); Late Early Miocene-Mid-Miocene (Late Gumai Mountains originally proposed by Musper (1937).
Early Miocene and Mid-Miocene phases); and Late Miocene- A K - A t age date of 63.3 + 1.9 Ma (Palaeocene) was obtained
Pliocene. The relationship between volcanic episodes and phases from an andesitic lava in the Kikim Volcanic Formation ( < 300 m
and the stratigraphic succession in Sumatra is illustrated in of andesites, volcanic breccia and tuft) at Gunung Dempu in
Figure 8.1, which is based on the stratigraphy and terminology the Kotaagung Quadrangle (Amin et al. 1994b). A K - A r age of
proposed by De Smet & Barber in Chapter 7. 60.3 Ma has been obtained from a basalt (location uncertain,
oral communication by Pulunggono in 1985, reported in Gafoer
et al. 1992c) in the Kikim Volcanics to the east of the Garba
Radiometric dating of volcanism and plutonism Mountains which are described by Gafoer et al. (1994) as 'often
in Sumatra being highly tectonized'. In the Garba Mountains the Kikim
Volcanics include volcanic breccias, welded tufts and andesitic
Bellon et al. (2004) report nearly 80 4~176 age dates of the to basaltic lavas with sedimentary intercalations (Gafoer et al.
volcanics and associated intrusives, for the period 6 5 - 0 Ma. 1994).


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Table 8.1. T e r t i a r y v o l c a n i c e p i s o d e s a n d r a d i o m e t r i c a g e s f r o m v o l c a n i c r o c k s in S u m a t r a

Volcanic Type Dating method Age (Ma) Reference


Basalt tufT, Bentaro Volcanic Formation (LM 116A) LK 4~176 51.3 • 1.5 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Lhoong Formation (LM 124) MK 4~176 55.5 • 1.5 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt flow, south-west of Banda Aceh (LM 118) MK 4~176 57.9 • 1.4 Bellon et al, (2004)
Basalt dyke in Bentaro Volcanic Formation 4~176 63.1 • 1.5 Bellon et al. (2004),
Sutanto (1997)
Basalt dyke, Natal area (SU 49) SH 4~176 52.1 • 1.2 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite dyke in Woyla Group, Batang Natal (NL 41) HK 4~176 59.6 _ 1.4 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke, Tambak Baru Volcanics (NL 40) MK 4~176 62.5 ___ 1.4 Bellon et al. (2004)

Gabbro dyke in Silungkang Formation (RDC 1l) MK 4~176 62.9 • 1.5 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt flow, Silungkang Formation (RDC 13A2) LK 4~176 63.1 • 1.5 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt flow, Silungkang Formation (RDC 13A1) LK 4~176 63.7 • 1,5 Bellon et al. (2004)

Andesite, Gunung Dempu K-Ar, whole rock? 63.3 • 1.9 Amin et al. (1994b)
Basalt, Garba Mountains K-Ar, whole rock'? 60.3 Gafoer et al, (1994)
Tuff, Tamiang 2-well K-Ar, whole rock? 55 De Coster (1974)


Andesite dyke, Langsat Volcanic Formation (NL 36) MK 4~176 41.1 • 0.9 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke, Indarung Calcareous Formation (RDC 20) SH 4~176 45.8 _+ 1.1 Bellon et al. (2004)
Shoshonite dyke, Tanjungkarang area (PCE 13) SH 4~176 43.5 • 1 Bellon et al. (2004)


Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Volcanic Phase (c.38-30 Ma)
Basaltic andesite dyke, Blang Pidie, Tapaktuan (TT 148) MK 4~176 31.6 _+ 0.85 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke, Langsat village, Natal area (NL 37) SH 4~176 37.4 • 0.9 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Silungkang Formation (RDC 13) LK 4~176 37.3 • [ Bellon et al. (2004)

Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Volcanic Phase (c.30-24 Ma)

Basalt dyke in Woyla Group north of Tapaktuan (TT 144) MK 4~176 26.9 • 0.72 Bellon et al. (2004)

Basalt flow, Painan Formation (PN 26) SH 4~176 23.7 • 0.55 Bellon et al. (2004)

Andesite dyke in Painan Formation (TP 34) MK 4~176 24.3 • 0.60 Bellon et al. (2004)
Dacite dyke in Painan Formation (TP 33) MK 4~176 25.5 • 0.59 Bellon et al. (2004)


Late Early Miocene Volcanic Phase (c.22-14 Ma)
Basalt block in Indrapuri melange, Banda Aceh (IP 113) LK 4oK _ 4t~Ar 18.8 • 0.49 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Lhoong Formation (LM 126) LK 4OK_ZOAr 14.5 • 1.17 Bellon e t a l . (2004)

Basalt flow, in Calang Volcanic Formation (CL 140) MK 4~176 21.4 • 0.59 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite dyke, Calang area (CL 135C) MK 4~176 21. l _+ 0.60 Beilon et al. (2004)
Andes• dyke, Calang area (GB 15) MK 4~176 18.7 • 0.44 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Tangla Formation (CL 135B) MK 4~176 18.8 • 0.59 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt flow in Calang Volcanic Formation (CL 141A) MK 4~176 [ 8.8 • 0.45 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite dyke in Calang Volcanic Formation (CL 132) MK 4~176 18.3 + 0.44 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt, Sayeung Volcanic Formation K-At, whole rock 17.7 + 0.7 Kallagher (1990)
Andesite dyke in Tangla Formation (CL 136) MK 4"K-4~ 17.5 _+ 0.42 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt, Sayeung Volcanic Formation K-Ar, whole rock 17.1 + 0.9 Kallagher (1990)
Basalt dyke, Sayeung Volcanic Formation K-At, whole rock 16.4 • 0.6 Kallagher (1990)
Basalt, Sayeung Volcanic Formation K-At, whole rock 16. I • 3.9 Kallagher (1990)
Basalt dyke, Sayeung Volcanic Formation K-At, whole rock 15.9 • 1.0 Kallagher (1990)
Basaltic andesite dyke in MK 4~176 15.0 _+ 0.38 Bellon et al. (2004)
Calang Volcanic Formation (CL 131 )
Basalt, Sayeung Volcanic Formation. K-Ar, whole rock 13.7 _+ 2.7 Kallagher (1990)

Andesite dyke in Barus Formation, Sibolga (SB 27B) MK 4~176 19.6 • 0.58 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite flow in Angkola Volcanic Formation (SB 85) MK 4~176 18.2 • 0.45 Bellon et al. (2004)

Andesite dyke in Angkola Volcanic Formation (SB 84) MK 4~176 16.8 • 0.47 Belion et al. (2004)
Andesite dyke in Angkola Volcanic Formation (SB 83) MK 4~176 16.8 • 0.39 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite, P. Musala K-At, whole rock 17.2 • 5 Aspden et al. (1982b)

Basalt meta-tuff, Simpang Gambir, Natal area (NL 42) MK 4~176 19.7 • 0.48 Bellon et al. (2004)
Absarokite in Sikarara Volcanic Formation (NL 34) SH 4~176 18.2 • 0.44 Bellon et al. (2004)


Table 8.1 Continued

Volcanic Type Dating method Age (Ma) Reference

Andes• Sarik Lawas K-Ar, ? 22 _+ 1.5 Koning & Aulia (1985)

Andesite flow in Painan Formation (PN 31) MK 4~176 19.2 ___0.54 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite flow in Painan Formation (PN 22) HK 4~176 19.1 + 0.45 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt flow in Painan Formation (PN 24) HK 4~176 19.0 • 0.45 Bellon et al. (2004)

Basalt lava or tuff?, well N Pekanbaru ?K-Ar 17.5 Eubank & Makki ( 1981 )

Andesite flow in Painan Formation (TP 32) MK 4~176 14.3 _+ 0.34 Bellon et al. (2004)

Andes• flow, Bukit Sulap, Bengkulu (BSU 170) MK 4~176 16.5 • 0.38 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite in Hulusimpang Formation (MN 116) MK 4~176 13.2 • 0.43 Bellon et al. (2004)
Rhyolite dyke in Hulusimpang Formation (MN 118) MK 4~176 12.8 • 0.31 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basaltic andesite dyke in Hulusimpang Formation (MN 117) MK 4~176 12.8 _ 0.38 Bellon et al. (2004)

Rhyolite tuff in (?)Tarahan Formation (TR 33) MK 4~176 19.7 • 0.47 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Sulan batholith (WS 5) MK 4~176 17.1 • 0.44 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite dyke in Hulusimpang Formation (SMK 40) MK 4~176 16.9 • 0.44 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke in Hulusimpang Formation (SMK 39) LK 4~176 15.1 • 0.38 Bellon et al. (2004)
Dacite flow in Sabu Formation (PCE 9A) HK 4~176 14.4 + 0.35 Bellon et al. (2004)

Middle Miocene Volcanic Phase (c. 12-8 Ma)

Basalt, Alem Formation K-Ar, whole rock 11.2 -+- 0.7 Kallagher (1990)
Basalt, Alem Formation. K-Ar, whole rock 10.3 • 0.4 Kallagher (1990)
Basalt dyke, Alem Formation K-At, whole rock 8.74 _+ 0.82 Kallagher (1990)

Basalt dyke in Hulusimpang Formation (SMK 37) MK 4~176 10.9 • 0.43 Bellon et al. (2004)


Andesite flow, Lam Teuba Volcanics (UB 110) MK 4~176 1.76 + 0.06 Bellon et al. 2004)

Diorite dyke in Bohorok Formation (PR 61) HK 4~176 5.66 _+ 0.14 Bellon et al. (2004)
near Parapat, Lake Toba
Andesite flow in Haranggoal Formation (PR 70) HK 4~176 2.88 • 0.07 Bellon et al. 2004)
Andesite flow in Sibayak Complex (BR 104) HK 4~176 2.09 • 0.29 Bellon et al. 2004)
Basalt dyke in Sipiso-piso lava dome (PR 101B) MK 4~176 1.89 + 0,23 Bellon et al. 2004)

Andesite flow in Angkola Formation, Sibolga (SB 28) MK 4~176 5.35 +_ 0.23 Bellon et al. 2004)

Andesite, Suliki K-Ar, ? 5.4 • 0.3 Koning & Aulia (1985)

Basaltic andesite flow, Merapi volcano area (PY 82) MK 4~176 2.99 • 0.08 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite flow, north border of Lake Maninjau (MNJ 55) MK 4~176 1.76 + 0.05 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basaltic andesite flow, south of Padang (PLN 103) HK 4~176 1.35 • 0.1 Bellon et al. (2004)

Basalt flow in Bal Formation east of Bengkulu (BN 111) LK 4~176 6.45 + 0.2 Bellon et al. (2004)
4~176 5.47 _ 0.14 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basalt dyke, boulder in Gumai mountains (LH 173) LK 4~176 5.21 • 0.5 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basaltic andesite flow in Pliocene volcanic MK 4~176 4.23 + 0.15 Bellon et al. (2004)
Formation, northwest of Curup (CR 145)
Andesite dyke in Air Benekat Formation (LH 178) HK 4~176 2.91 • 0.09 Bellon et al. (2004)
Basaltic andesite dyke in Lemau Formation (BS 129) MK 4~176 2.41 + 0.08 Bellon et al. (2004)
Andesite, Gunung Batu K-Ar 4.76 • 0.32 Gafoer et al. (1992c)

Andesite flow in ?Lakitan Formation (PC 16) HK 4~176 4.93 -+_ 0.13 Bellon et al. (2004)

Petrographic types: LK, = Iow-K calc-alkaline; MK, = medium-K calc-alkaline; HK, = high-K calc-alkaline; SH, = shoshonitic (see Bellon et al. 2004 for analytical

B e l l o n e t a l . (2004) d a t e d d y k e s b e t w e e n 62.5 a n d 52 M a in ( I m t i h a n a h 2000), b u t the earliest intrusion:, e x p o s e d in the

the Natal area, basalt flows a n d a d y k e s at c. 63 M a in t h e S o l o k G u g u k q u a r r y o n the w e s t e r n m a r g i n o f the b a t h o l i t h , is a f o l i a t e d
area a n d S W o f A c e h a basaltic d y k e , flow a n d t u f f b e t w e e n m e g a c r y s t i c m e t a d i o r i t e , too w e a t h e r e d to date. T h e f o l i a t e d
63 a n d 51 Ma. m e g a c r y s t i c m e t a d i o r i t e w a s e m p l a c e d in a shear z o n e ( p e r s o n a l
T h e K - A r a g e s o f p l u t o n s a s s o c i a t e d with the P a l a e o c e n e m a g - o b s e r v a t i o n ) that is a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f the M u s i b a s e m e n t fault in
m a t i c e p i s o d e are m o s t l y y o u n g e r t h a n the ages o f the v o l c a n i c the S o u t h S u m a t r a B a c k a r c B a s i n ( P u l u n g g o n o e t a l . 1992). By
r o c k s and m u c h o f the data relate to the c o o l i n g o f p l u t o n s . r e v e r s i n g the p o s t - M i o c e n e m o v e m e n t s a l o n g the S u m a t r a F a u l t
T h e Lass• b a t h o l i t h in W e s t S u m a t r a w a s e m p l a c e d c. 56 M a Z o n e , the M u s i F a u l t links w i t h t h e S i p a k p a h i F a u l t ( A l d i s s

et al. 1983) and the Kluet Fault (Cameron et al. 1982b) to the west In the Natal area the bathyal Si Kumbu Turbidite Formation
of the Sumatran Fault Zone. Several plutons and volcanic outcrops (Rock et al. 1983; Wajzer 1986; Wajzer et al. 1991) crops out
are associated with the Kluet-Musi Fault (Fig. 8.2) which was between the Simpang Gambit Fault and the younger Langsat
active in the Early Eocene, but the amount and sense of displace- volcanics. The Si Kumbu Turbidite Formation is composed of vol-
ment (probably dextral) is not known. caniclastic debris flows and proximal and distal turbidites, with
negligible contents of quartz and K-feldspar. The Si Kumbu
Turbidite Formation is weakly deformed by large-scale open
Late Mid-Late Eocene volcanic episode folds and is slightly metamorphosed (prehnite-pumpellyite
( T a b l e 8.3 a n d Fig. 8.3) facies) with pervasive epidote veining in places. The Si Kumbu
Formation is intruded by andesite dykes, two of which were
Volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic sediments have not been recog- dated using the whole-rock K - A r method, giving minimum
nised within the Palaeogene units which occur beneath Miocene ages of 40.1 ___ 1.6 Ma and 37.6 + 1.3 Ma, which are probably
sediments in boreholes and imaged on seismic profiles in the cooling ages. The andesite dykes are identical in composition
forearc Meulaboh and Singkel basins (Karig et al. 1980). to andesite clasts in the volcaniclastic breccias within the
Nor have they been recognized in the 'Parallel Bedded facies' Si Kumbu Formation and are therefore considered to have been
which occurs beneath the graben sequence in the Bengkulu intruded contemporaneously. If the inferred syn-depositional age
Basin (Hall et al. 1993), or within the newly recognized of the dated andesite intrusions is correct, the Si Kumbu turbidites
Palaeogene Accretionary Wedge (Schluter et al. 2002) in the are mostly of late Mid-Eocene age.
Outer Arc High to the SE of Enggano. The Si Kumbu Turbidite Formation is interpreted by Wajzer
Late M i d - L a t e Eocene volcanic rocks are found along the west et al. (1991) to represent a fault-bounded allochthonous, and
coast of Sumatra, palaeogeographically reconstructed in possibly rotated, submarine-fan deposit derived from the apron
Figure 8.3. The Breueh Volcanic Formation on Pulau Breueh to of an oceanic volcanic arc which lay to the west. There is no
the NW of Aceh, consists of bedded subaerial pyroclastics evidence of an oceanic volcanic arc to the west at this time so
and massive scoriaceous, feldsparphyric and epidotised basaltic that the volcaniclastic debris may have been derived from a
lavas. Volcanic clasts at the base of the Peunasu Formation coastal volcanic centre.
(Late Oligocene-Early Miocene), dated as Late Mid-Eocene, Rashid et al. (1998) and Netherwood (2000) consider the vol-
were derived from the Breueh Volcanic Formation (Bennett caniclastic sequence in the Gumai Mountains as 'about' Middle
et al. 1981a). A N N E - S S W dyke swarm, which appears to
Eocene (47-42 Ma) in age. This is a further estimate for the age
emanate from the Raya Diorite and cuts both the Breueh Volcanic of these undated volcaniclastics which, following McCourt et al.
and the Peunasu Formations, has yielded a K - A r hornblende (1993), are here correlated with the Lahat Formation (Oligocene).
age of 18.9 _+ 1.2 Ma (Early Miocene). According to Rock et al. A shoshonite dyke in the Tanjungkarang area has been dated by
(1982), the Raya stock is a sub-volcanic intrusion and these Bellon et al. (2004) at 43.5 _+ 1 Ma.
dykes were intruded into hot plastic lavas. It is therefore probable At Ciletuh Bay in the western part of the Java, bathyal volcanic
that the Breueh Volcanic Formation also includes a Miocene rocks and submarine fan deposits of the Ciletuh Formation
volcanic unit. (Late Mid-Eocene-Early Oligocene) (Schiller et al. 1991) rest
Volcanic rocks occur in the ?late Mid-Eocene-Early Oligocene unconformable upon the components of an Upper Cretaceous
Meucampali Formation (Bennett et al. 1981a; Cameron et al. Oceanic Accretionary Complex (Citirem Formation, the Pasir
1983) exposed in the Barisan Mountains to the SE of Aceh. Luhur Schist and the Gunung Beas Ultrabasics) that has similar
Local volcanic horizons with amygdaloidal, intermediate to iithologies and a similar age to the Bangkaru Ophiolite Complex
mafic lavas occur within paralic-fluviatile sediments. Altered of the Sumatran forearc islands (Samuel et al. 1997). In the
andesites occur within the Kieme and Semelit formations in Ciletuh Formation volcanic debris is mingled with a submarine
the Takengon Quadrangle (Cameron et al. 1983). Cameron et al. fan; turbidite deposits formed when clastic sediments of continen-
(1980) interpreted the Kieme and Semelit formations as arc and tal origin poured over a narrow continental shelf bounded by the
back-arc basin sequences, associated with faulting. Porphyritic Cimandiri Fault onto a continental slope. The volcaniclastics
andesites in the Sitaban Formation off Tapanuli Bay also probably were deposited in half grabens and were derived from ashfalls
belong to this phase. A microdiorite within these lavas is thought and massive undersea pyroclastic flows. Schiller et al. (1991)
to be a subvolcanic intrusion and has provided a zircon fission suggest that some of the volcaniclastics were derived from the
track age of 43 -t- 3.2 Ma (Mid-Eocene) (Aspden et al. 1982b). erosion of a nearby undersea volcano or volcanic island. The
Bellon et al. (2004) have dated a basalt dyke in the Solok area at description of the Ciletuh Formation is not detailed enough to
46 + i Ma and an andesite dyke in the Natal area at 41 +_ i Ma. demonstrate that a subaquous caldera was present at that time,
although such structures have been shown to occur elsewhere
(White et al. 2004). An alternative source for the volcaniclastics
is the contemporaneous Lower Old Andesites (LOA of Sukarna
Table 8.2. Litholo;,ies in the Kikim Volcanic Unit of'the Palaeocene volcanic et al. 1993) in the Bayah area to the north.

Location Lithologies Late Eocene-Early Miocene volcanic episode

G. Dempuj Andesite-basalt lava, tuff & volcanicbreccia; sulphides Two phases are distinguished in this lengthy episode of volcanism:
with gold.
Garba Mrs2 >250 m andesitic to basaltic compositionlavas,
restricted to the base, welded tuff with flow structure, 1. Late Eocene-mid-Late Oligocene volcanism in Southern
volcanic breccia with angularfragments of andesite- Sumatra.
basalt material in a tuffaceous matrix, sandstone and 2. Late Oligocene-Early Miocene volcanic arc in western
siltstone. Sumatra within the present Barisan Mountains.
Lahat, Lemat Tuffaceous sandstones, conglomerates,breccias and
1 & 2 and clays. K-Ar age date of 55 Ma reported from
Tamiang 2 wells3 Tamiang-2 well. A complete sequence representing this volcanic episode was
recorded in an offshore oil exploration well in the Bengkulu
References: IAminet al. (1994b), 2Gafoer et al. (1994), 3De Coster (1974). Forearc Basin (Hall et al. 1993). Elsewhere in Sumatra different


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_ 6Sibubung .......:,
\ v2.,, \

ssi "-'I

N . Batang Nata ~ Bungo } ;.,,,,.-.~

x---- ' . . . . " ......... '

~:~ " ULT v Tamian

,,~, \~"N~>,~_,~ \ Bukit Raja

Lemat 1&2 (

!"-'"\~)N"-, (N. Laru {

\.. ...... !
"-.% [

Od0~\.. ~"\- V Gunung Dempu Fig. 8.2. Distribution of volcanics and

v)~p. ~ ~ Jatibaru plutons associated with the Palaeocene
Volcanic rocks %.o4\" , , . . ,....
..... ......... ,. volcanic episode. Palaeogeographic outline
% =\.
\-,\.~ f of Sumatra adapted from Figure 14.18a
which compensates for the dextral

0 200km "~ "- / /"J
Piutons "% '~ ~J'-~"""\L
displacement along the Sumatra Fault Zone
and extension within the Forearc. Volcanic
" .
units listed in Table 8.2.

components of the episode can be pieced together from the agglomerates with an elevated alkali content. The estimated age
volcanic formations and units identified and described during of the Langsat Volcanic Formation is between Early and Late Oli-
regional mapping and oil exploration. gocene. The Langsat Volcanic Formation is thought to have been
intruded by the Late Oligocene Air Bangis granite suite (c. 2 8 -
Late Eocene to mid-Late Oligocene Volcanic Phase (Table 8.4 and 29 Ma), but due to poor outcrop and a covering of younger
Fig. 8.4). In northern Sumatra, a dyke in the Calang area has rocks this is not certain. Rock et al. (1983) noted sedimentary
been dated at 32 4-1 Ma ( K - A r method) by Bellon et al. xenoliths in the Banjalarang adamellite at Air Bangis and
(2004). Extrusive volcanic rocks are well developed in the Natal mapped undifferentiated sediments on the shore, but no volcanic
area of the forearc, where Bellon et al. (2004) dated both andesite xenoliths were seen. The outcrop of the Langsat Volcanic For-
and basalt dykes between 41 and 37 Ma. mation is fault-bounded, but the rocks are not internally deformed.
Tufts, assigned to the Lahat Formation (McCourt et al. 1993), The lavas are highly porphyritic, clinopyroxene-rich with minor
are exposed in the Tigapuluh and Gumai Mountains, where they plagioclase. Rock et al. (1982, 1983) noted that the Langsat
constitute the regional Late Eocene-early Late Oligocene sedi- Volcanic Formation differs from the other Tertiary basic lavas
mentary formation in Southern Sumatra. De Coster (1974) in Sumatra and Java in the absence of hypersthene, the rarity of
placed equivalent tufts, found in boreholes drilled during explora- plagioclase, the presence of orthoclase and sometimes of olivine
tion of the South Sumatra Basin, in the Lemat Formation. The age- at low silica percentages, and by high clinopyroxene contents,
equivalent Lemat and Lahat Formations are considered by De leading to elevated values of Mg, Ca, Cr, Ni and to a lesser
Coster (1974) to be basal Eocene to Upper Oligocene in age, extent of Co (Table 8.9). Rock et al. (1982) concluded that the
revised by De Smet & Barber (see Chapter 7) to Late Eocene to Langsat Volcanics were abnormal mafic basaltic rocks, with
early Late Oligocene. Alternatively Netherwood (2000), following affinities to basic shoshonite or absarokite (see Fig. 8.8a).
Rashid et al. (1998) places the Lahat Formation in the Middle Wajzer (1986) found pumpellyite in amygdales and in the
Eocene and the Lemat Formation in the Upper Eocene-Upper groundmass of lavas in the Langsat Volcanic Formation. His
Oligocene. In this account these tufts are described as part of chemical analyses confirmed the high K contents and the low
the Lahat Formation. levels of Zr, Nb, Y and depleted P and Ti values, usually high
The Langsat Volcanic Formation (Wajzer et al. 1991) at the in alkali-rich basic rocks. Wajzer (1986) suggested that the
western end of the Natal River section is composed of poorly initial alkali content was low, and that the high alkali levels
exposed and deeply weathered porphyritic basic lavas and were the result of prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism.

Table 8.3. Lithologies in Late Mid-Eocene-Late Eocene volcanic formations Basin (see Chapter 13). Tuffaceous horizons in the Lahat For-
and units mation in the South Sumatra Basin (Table 8.4) are distributed in
a wide arc around the Bandan volcanic centre and it seems
Volcanic Lithologies
likely that the Bandan caldera structure was a major source for
F m or Unit
these tufts.
Breueh j Bedded pile of subaerial massive to scoriaceous The most northerly reported volcaniclastic sediments of Middle
pyroclastics, feldsparphyric, epidotized, vesicular & Eocene to Upper Oligocene age occur in the lacustrine and basin
amygaloidal basaltic lavas which were hot and plastic margin facies of the Upper Eocene Sangkarewang Formation in
at the time of intrusion by basalt, andesite and the intramontane Ombilin Basin (Howells 1997b). Koesoemadinta
microdiorite dykes with Breueh VF clasts. Clasts of & Matasak (1981) used the term 'Brani Formation' for the basal
the Breueh Volcanic Formation are present in the unit of the Sangkarewang Formation in which they described
base of the Peunasu Formation (Late Oligocene- minor quantities of volcanic debris within polymict conglomer-
Early Miocene). The Raya Diorite (18.9 _+ 1.2 Ma) ates, but did not recognize any tuffs.
may be a subvolcanic intrusion. To the east in the Central Sumatra Basin De Coster (1974)
Meucampli I- 3 Local amygdaloidal intermediate to marie volcanics has described volcaniclastics in the basal Kelesa Formation
within the siltstones & mudstones. ( O l i g o c e n e - E a r l y Miocene), now termed the Pematang Group
Kieme3 Arkoses, carbonaceous & pebbly mudstones, volcanic (Upper E o c e n e - U p p e r Oligocene, see Chapter 7). The Kelesa
wackes & breccio-conglomerates & sandstones; Formation has a localised distribution, forming the initial sedi-
prophylitised andesites. mentary fill in troughs and grabens and contains tufts in the
Semclit3 Arkoses, carbonaceous & pebbly mudstones, volcanic
northern Tigapuluh Mountains (Simunjuntak e t al. 1991). Wain
wackes & breccio-conglomerates & sandstones;
& Jackson (1995) also recognized ruffs in the Brown Shale
prophylitised andesites.
Sitaban4 Facies of the Pematang Group in the Kampur Uplift, NW of
Porphyritic andesites and subvolcanic microdiorites.
Microdiorite dated at 43 + 3.2 Ma (fission track the Tigapuluh Mountains, near the southwestern margin of the
method). Central Basin.
Sibolga4 Amygdaloidal andesite interbedded with paralic- The tufts and volcaniclastic sediments of the Lahat Formation
fluviatile sediments near Barus. are the most widely distributed Upper E o c e n e - O l i g o c e n e
Sikumbu5 Volcaniclastic debris flows and proximal and distal volcanic rocks in Southern Sumatra and Northwest Java.
turbidites with negligible contents of quartz and The Lahat Formation includes terrestial and lacustrine sediments
K-feldspar; represents a submarine fan deposit and volcaniclastics (N.B. De Coster 1974 placed these in
derived from the apron of a volcano. the Lemat Formation) deposited initially on an uneven
Lower Old Basalts and andesitic basalts; interfingers with the topographic surface and later in (listric?) half grabens
Andesites6 Cipageur Member. trending n o r t h - s o u t h and NE-SW, linked by N W - S E - t r e n d i n g
Ciletuh7 Bathyal volcaniclastics banked against fault scarp transfer faults.
derived from ashfalls and massive undersea The basal Lahat Formation is exposed on the southeastern
pyroclastic flows over a narrow continental shelf. The slopes of the Tigapuluh Mountains uplift and contains tufts and
volcaniclastics may have originated from the Lower volcanic debris (Suwarna e t al. 1991). In the type area of the
Old Andesites and the presence of seafloor volcanoes Lahat formation in the Gumai Mountains (Musper 1937; Gafoer
has been suggested. e t al. 1992c, McCourt e t al. 1993) finely laminated tufts occur
References: iBennett et al. ( 1981a), 2Keats et al. ( 1982), 3Cameron et a/. (1983), below the Cawang Member (Lower Kikim Formation of Gafoer
4Aspden et al. (1982b), 5Wajzer et al. (1991), 6Sukarna et al. (1993), e t al. 1992c, pp. 6 6 - 6 7 ) , and andesitic lavas, tufts and tuffaceous
7Schiller et al. ( 1991). claystones occur above the Cawang Member (the Upper Kikim
Formation of Galber et al. 1994), which also contains volcanic
debris. De Coster (1974) described the Lahat Formation resting
on 'Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene' volcaniclastics (his Kikim
Tufts) below the mid-Oligocene unconformity to the east of
Wajzer e t al. (1991) considered that the Langsat Volcanic the Gumai Mountains, in the Kikim, Lemu, Laru, Lahat and
Formation represent primitive tholeiitic volcanics of island arc, Tamiang wells. The Lahat Formation is not represented in
or possibly mid-oceanic ridge affinity, although the results given the Garba Mountains where the volcanic breccias, welded tufts,
by tectonic-setting diagrams were ambiguous. It is concluded andesitic to basaltic lavas with sedimentary intercalations were
here that in spite of the low-grade metamorphism of some assigned to the older Kikim Volcanics by Gafoer et al. (1994).
samples, the Langsat Volcanic Formation are primitive submarine De Coster (1974) described how, towards the end of the Eocene
tholeiitic volcanics erupted in a forearc setting, and resemble the in the South Sumatra sub-basins, the uneven topography of
high-Ti variety shoshonites of the Eocene Kamchatka Arc of basement ridges and hills was deeply eroded to expose granite
Siberia (Kepezhinskas 1995). plutons. The granite wash derived from these plutons was buried
To the NE the outcrop of the Langsat Formation is bounded by a beneath fluviatile continental sediments of the Lahat Formation
fault parallel to the Simpang Gambir Fault (Wajzer et al. 1991) and included tuff, derived partly from intermittent volcanism,
which, by reversing the post-Miocene movements of the but also recycled from earlier tuff deposits.
Sumatra Fault Zone (Fig. 8.4), links the Langsat area with the In the South Palembang Sub-basin Pannetier (1994) figures
contemporary fault-bounded igneous centre of the Bandan For- volcaniclastic sediments of the basal Lahat Formation banked up
mation. The Bandan Formation, composed of ignimbrites and against fault scarps. In the South Palembang Sub-basin, towards
tufts, is up to 500 m thick and outcrops for a distance of 26 km the top of the Lahat Formation, the Benekat Member was depos-
along the strike (Rosidi e t al. 1976; Kusnama e t al. 1993b). The ited in the Benakat Gully graben against the Lematang Fault
pyroclastic rocks are intruded by a graphic granite and Rosidi (Pulunggono 1986), a NW-trending transfer fault that had been
e t al. (1976) suggested that there was evidence of fault-fissure active during the Mesozoic (Pulunggono e t al. 1992). The lacus-
volcanism. The Bandan volcanic centre appears to represent trine Benekat Member is composed of grey-brown shales with
the eroded roots of a caldera complex, and is associated with a some beds of tuffaceous shale, siltstone, sandstone and thin coal
fault zone which extends southeastwards into the Lematang beds. It was dated as late E o c e n e - E a r l y Oligocene on spore-
Fault (Pulunggono 1986), an important link between the graben pollen and K - A r age dates by De Coster (1974), but is currently
fault troughs and highs which make up the South Sumatra considered to be of Late Oligocene age.


BASIN " ~ ~ ,

Me ,~, Semelit ( ,

Breueh~'~. ~" ~
Ts~and- ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~
~~ ~
~ "~
\k BASIN X X -- f'-)
", ^ S/NGKELQ \ /~
"C..,Oe," BASIN ~V~..Sibolcla (,.
p ulau~,.~.+~ Sitaban"9~ ~v'~'"
Simeulue \ ."*oA \\ ~\
~.~z~V Sikumt

~-'/" ", ~ Sungei Toboh

IvI Volcanic rocks " \ BASIN
Pulau" %
~ Fig. 8.3. Distribution of volcanics and
plutons associated with the Late Middle
I o Plutons Enggano ~
Old Andes es V
Eocene Volcanic Episode. Palaeogeographic
outline of Sumatra adapted from Figure
0~ [ ~ 200km ~ "" "- ~ ~ I Ciletuh V, 14.18a. Volcanic units listed in Table 8.4.

Southeast of the Garba Mountains, in the Bandar Jaya Basin, On the NW coast of Java oil and gas are produced from
shales of the Lahat Formation, with a high volcaniclastic fractured tufts in the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Jatibarang
component ( 2 2 0 - 9 0 0 m ) , were deposited in grabens within Volcanic Formation (Arpandi & Patmosukisma 1975) which
cyclic fluvial and lacustrine environments, rich in algae (Williams forms a basal infill in half grabens, over an iixegular topography.
et al. 1995). The greatest thickness of volcanic rocks occurs in a large offshore
On the western side of Teluk Lampung the Palaeogene volcanic syn-rift graben, with a westerly dipping listric master fault
outcrop may not be as extensive as shown on the geological map of (Adnan et al. 1991). This occurrence probably represents a distinct
Tanjungkarang (Andi Mangga et al. 1994a), as according to volcanic centre.
Gasparon & Varne (1995) the volcanic rocks here belong to the In boreholes in the Bengkulu Forearc Basin (South Manna
Pliocene-Pleistocene Lampung Formation. West of Teluk Sub-basin) an unconformity separates Palaeogene 'Parallel
Lampung fluvial breccias and tufts of the Sabu Formation rest Bedded facies' from Upper Eocene-Upper Oligocene graben-fill
unconformably on the Menanga Formation (Cretaceous). On the sediments and volcaniclastics (Hall et al. 1993). At the bottom of
eastern side of Lampung Bay tufts occur in the lower part of the Arwana- 1 well, at the base of Megasequence I, a 60 m sequence
the marine turbiditic Campang Formation. These formations, of (?Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene) massive volcaniclastic sedi-
distributed around Telukbetung and Tanjungkarang, consist of ments is interbedded with tuffaceous clays and organic clays. These
tufts and breccias with tuffite intercalations deposited in a conti- volcaniclastic rocks were deposited in a complex mosaic of seg-
nental environment. The Sabu and Campang formations are corre- mented half-graben depocentres. Megasequence I is imaged on
lated by Andi Mangga et al. ( 1 9 9 4 a ) with the Tarahan Formation, seismic profiles as a c. 2 km thick parallel-bedded sequence, depos-
which consists of tufts and breccias with tuffite intercalations ited as a syn-rift unit within a system of NE-trending half graben,
deposited in a continental environment, and is distributed around which were probably segmented by NW-trending transfer faults.
Telukbetung and Tanjungkarang. The mid-Oligocene unconformity at the top of Megasequence I is

Table 8.4. Lithologies in Late Eoce,e-Mid-Oligocene volcanic formations and units

Volcanic F m or Unit Lithologies

Langsat Volcanic j'2 Purple to blue-black highly porphyryritic volcanics with clinopyroxene phenocrysts, minor plagioclase, and occasional feldspar-phyric red-
purple xenoliths. The groundmass is unusually potassic and consists mainly of orthoclase, but has a sodic rock composition. Chlorite
pseudomorpbs are probably after olivine, and the quantity and alteration of feldspar phenocrysts is variable. The basic lavas and
agglomerates show onion-skin weathering and are occasionally net-veined with quartz and/or epidote, perhaps related to small explosion
vents. Tuffs are present, but are uncommon.
Sangkarawang3 Polymict conglomerates with granitic, metamorphic & minor volcanic clasts.
Kelesa4 Continental environment conglomerates, sands, shales, coals, tuffaceous material. 8 Kampar Uplift 5 Brown Shale facies: Lacustrine
mudstones with clusters of lithic & crystal tufts.
North Tigapuluh Mountains("7: Polymict conglomerates, gravely and pebbly tuffaceous sandstone and tuffaceous siltstone; with
intercalations of fluvio-lacustrine sediments.
Bandan~,9 Monotonous sequence 400-500 m thick of acidic ignimbrites & hybrid tufts intruded by graphic granite body. Outcrop has strike of 26 km
and subcrop is obscured by the Quaternary sediments associated with the D. Kerinci graben. Compacted tuff, volcanic breccia &
conglomeratic tuff composed of fragments of andesite, basaltic tuff & welded tuff and of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Prophylitised &
chloritized with sulphide mineralization. Inferred fissure eruption along fault zone which is interpreted as the eroded root of a giant
Gumai Mts formerly Kikim Formation (see main text), m Finely laminated tufts below (Lower Kikim Formation of Gafoer et al. 1992c), and
andesitic tufts and lavas and tuffaceous ctaystones above the Cawang Member.
Lahat Near Baturaja I I: violet, massive tuff with abundant milky plagioclase and sanidine phenocrysts and rare tiny laths of dark brown altered
South Tigapuluh Mountains: 7 Fluvio-lacustrine sediments with clasts of basalt, andesite, slate, metasediment, marble and quartz. Somewhat
tuffaceous siltstones and claystones.
South Sumatra Basin: 4 Sandstones, clays, rock fragments, breccias, 'granite wash', occasional thin coal beds and tuffs.

Bandar Jaya Basin ~-: basal shales have a high volcaniclastic component (220-900 m thick).

Megasequence I & 2 ]-~ Bengkuht Basin, South Manna Sub-Basin: Volcanic litharenites with clasts of ignimbrite, volcanics & vitriclasts, clay tuff & claystones.

Campang 14 Laml)tmg Basin: 1000-1500 m tuff, breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, clay & shale.
Sabu H Fluvial deposits of ruff, clay-tuff, conglomeratic breccia, sandslonc & claystone (c. 750 m).

Tarahan j4 Relatively massives luffs, poorly sorted breccia with clasts of andesite lava & sediments and tufliles with pymclaslic and detrital material.
Jatibarang 15 Unfossiliferous, varicoloured & mottled tuff s, porphyritic andesite, basalt and red claystone (0-1200 m).

References: JWajzer et al. ( 1991 ), 2Rock et al. ( 1982, 1983), "Koesoemadmata & Matasak ( 1981 ), 4De Coster ( 1974), 5Wain & Jackson (1995), 6Suwarna et al. ( 1991),
7Simandjuntaketal.(1991), 8 Rosldletal.(1976),
" " ') Kusnamaetal.(1993h), ioo
t J a r o c,.
r ( , I a/. ( 1992c), i IGasparon&Varne(1995). leWilliamsetal.(1995), ]3Hall

et al. (1993). HAndi Mangga et al. (1994a), 15Arpandi & Patmosukismo (1975).

interpreted as m a r k i n g a c h a n g e in the basin-forming m e c h a n i s m the H u l u s i m p a n g Formation. T h e s e volcanic units are c o m p o s e d

f r o m extension in the P a l a e o g e n e , to pull-apart, associated with p r e d o m i n a n t l y o f andesite, basalt, andesitic basalt and rarer
oblique slip, in the N e o g e n e . Volcaniclastic rocks o c c u r in Megase- dacile lavas and pyroclastics. T h e original volcanic centres are
q u e n c e II in the Upper O l i g o c e n e in the A r w a n a - ! well and it not k n o w n , a l t h o u g h Early M i o c e n e subw)lcanic dioritic intru-
appears that volcanicity was c o n t i n u o u s into the Late O l i g o c e n e - sions may mark the f o r m e r volcanic centres.
Early M i o c e n e V o l c a n i c Phase. The Painan F o r m a t i o n includes shallow water sediments, and to
the S W of B e n g k u l u the Seblat F o r m a t i o n represents the remnants
o f a marine volcaniclastic apron w h i c h intertingers with the lavas
Late O l i g o c e n e - E a r l y M i o c e n e Volcanic Phase (Table 8.5 and o f the H u l u s i m p a n g Formation. Propylitic alteration of the lavas is
Fig. 8.5). T h e rise of the proto-Barisan Mountains at c. 28 Ma widespread, and chloritic alteration, sulphides and quartz veinlets
marks a m a j o r tectonic event in Sumatra, causing the separation are reported. T h e s e volcanics host several important Quaternary
of the Forearc and B a c k a r c Basins. V o l c a n i c and volcaniclastic epithermal gold deposits. A basalt flow in the Padang area has
rocks f o r m e d during the Late O l i g o c e n e - E a r l y M i o c e n e V o l c a n i c been dated at 24 __+ 0.6 M a and d y k e s west o f S u n g e i p e r u h
Phase are f o u n d m o s t l y in West S u m a t r a on the rising proto- b e t w e e n 26 and 24 M a by B e l l o n et al. (2004).
Barisan land mass and along its western margins, but also in In the i n t r a m o n t a n e O m b i l i n Basin volcanic clasts first appear in
the Forearc Islands and to a lesser extent in the back arc area the Rasau M e m b e r of the S a w a h l u n t o Formation, increasing in
(Fig. 8.5). In S o u t h e r n S u m a t r a v o l c a n i s m started in the Late proportion u p w a r d s through the U p p e r O l i g o c e n e S a w a t a m b a n g
O l i g o c e n e , b a s e d on fossils in l i m e s t o n e intercalations in tuffac- F o r m a t i o n ( H o w e l l s 1997b); a source area in the e m e r g e n t
eous sandstones in the l o w e r part of the Seblat F o r m a t i o n w h i c h Barisan M o u n t a i n s to the west o f the basin is probable.
interfingers with the H u l u s i m p a n g F o r m a t i o n (Gafoer et al. Further north a linear volcanic outcrop extends s o u t h w e s t w a r d s
1992c). f r o m Sibolga, but individual v o l c a n i c centres have not been recog-
The ' O l d e r A n d e s i t e s ' to the SE of P a d a n g (van B e m m e l e n nized. Pyroclastic volcanics and tufts are c o m m o n all along
1949), n o w k n o w n as the Painan F o r m a t i o n (Rosidi et al. 1976), the western m a r g i n of the N o r t h S u m a t r a Basin. The volcanic
m a r k the m a i n o u t c r o p of the Late O l i g o c e n e - E a r l y M i o c e n e materials o c c u r at the base o f U p p e r O l i g o c e n e - M i o c e n e sedi-
V o l c a n i c Arc and their continuation to the SE is described as m e n t a r y units, and are often reported to be b a n k e d against


~-~\~Bg~ii~XdanV S~ Tigapuluh" ~

X '~ ~ VGum~'B~:r:i!aSUmatra/
~ V andarJay

.~ Bengkul
,. nVu ~, ~S_abu~q'Campang
~Basi Fig. 8.4. Distribution of Late
~ Volcanicand Eocene-Middle Oligocene volcanic
volcaniclasticrocks 200km ~ / JatibarangV
formations and units and dated plutons.
-~ Pluton I "~' . . ~ .~.. -,..
Palaeogcographic outline of Sumatra after
Figure 14.t8a. Volcanic units listed in
Table 8.4.

faults. In the Central Sumatra Basin volcaniclastic sandstones in Oligocene-Lower Miocene Talangakar Formation (Pannetier
the Cubadak Member of the Sihapas Formation were deposited 1994), presumably representing volcanic debris washed into the
in a deltaic environment (Rock et al. 1983). basin from the volcanic arc.
During the late Early Miocene volcanicity continued locally and
reworked volcanic debris is reported in the Kompas Volcanic
Member of the Loser Formation (Cameron et al. 1982a). In the Late Early M i o c e n e - M i d - M i o c e n e volcanic episode
Tapaktuan Quadrangle (Cameron et al. 1982b) the Rampong (Table 8.6 and Fig. 8.6)
Formation is interbedded with the Akul Volcanic Formation, in
which the eroded peaks of three volcanic centres can still be dis- A late Early Miocene Phase of volcanism is distinguished in the
tinguished. On the west coast, adjacent to the Sikuleh Batholith, Meulaboh area of Northern Sumatra where Kallagher (1989,
the paralic to fluviatile Tangla Formation contains localised inter- 1990) mapped volcanic rocks forming two age clusters, the first
mediate volcanic and amygdaloidal basalts and volcaniclastics around the Lower to Middle Miocene boundary and the second
especially in the SE part of the outcrop. Bennett et al. (1981b) around the Middle to Upper Miocene boundary. Additional age
suggest that the volcanic rocks in the Tangla Formation, and data from the Calang are for this volcanic episode are provided
numerous felsic and mafic dykes in the southwestern part of the by Bellon et al. (2004) and summarized in Table 8.1. Kallagher
Sikuleh Batholith, mark a line of former volcanoes. These (1990) states that the commencement of volcanic activity
volcanoes may have been the source of distal Lower Miocene coincided with the uplift of the Barisan Mountains and the
tuffaceous volcaniclastic sediments found in the lbrearc islands, cessation of sedimentation along the margin of the Meulaboh
on Nias (Gawo Formation, N4 foram zone) and possibly also on Basin. Lower-Middle Miocene sediments show evidence of
Siberut (Samuel et al. 1997). only minor contemporaneous volcanic activity, but are faulted
In the Calang area, a basalt dyke has been date at 32 4- Ma by against volcanic rocks of the same age, indicating subsequent
Bellon et al. (2004). fault movements, while Middle Miocene and younger sediments
In the Backarc areas volcanic rocks of this phase have been contain abundant volcanic clasts eroded from the volcanic belt.
not reported within the Central Sumatra Basin. In the South In northern Sumatra numerous volcanic formations belonging
Palembang Sub-Basin of the South Sumatra Backarc Basin a to the late Early Miocene-Mid-Miocene Volcanic Episode have
horizon with volcanic fragments is present in the Upper been mapped. South of Lake Toba outcrops of volcanic rocks
t 08 CHAPTER 8

Table 8.5. Lithologies of the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene volcanic phase having been intruded into hot and plastic lavas (Bennett et al.
1981a). According to Rock et al. (1982) the Raya Stock may be
V o l c a n i c F m or Unit Lithologies the subvolcanic equivalent of the lavas, suggesting that late
Gawo i Early Miocene lavas are present within the Breueh Volcanic
Tuffaceous volcanic member on Nias and ? Siberut.
Tangla2 Volcanic facies of Tangla Formation with volcanic and Formation, which may therefore be a composite unit.
conglomeratic sediments and localised intermediate
volcanics & anaygdaloidal basalts. Minor H i g h - K Series volcanism in the backarc. Eubank & Makki (1981)
intermediate volcanics in the Ligan Member. described volcanic rocks encountered in seven oil exploration
Smeten3,4 Felsic, intermediate pyroclastics. Flow banded welded wells in the Central Sumatra Basin. These wells penetrated
tuff in Langsa quadrangle. small sills, dykes, lavas and tufts of Middle Miocene age in the
Sapi-3,4 Felsic, intermediate and marie lavas & pyroclastics; Coastal Plains Block along the Malacca Strait. Rock types
dykes. include gabbro, micro-gabbro, olivine trachyte tuff and basalt.
Brawan3,4 Massive hornblende andesites, agglomerates & lapilli The extrusive rocks are crystal-lithic, vitric tufts that originated
aggregates with propylitization and subvolcanic from the explosive chilling of gas-rich, partially chilled magma,
microdiorites. The extrusives appear to have been deposited on an eroded
Akul3,4 Andesites, basalts, agglomerates & volcaniclastic surface, and possible pyroclastic cones were identified on
sediments; propylitization. Interbedded with seismic profiles. Uplift and erosion are known to have occurred
Rampong Fm.
in the Coastal Plains area during the Mid-Miocene. Submarine
Kompas Volcanic Andesites & pyroclastics; minor reworked pyroclastics;
basalt flows encountered in the Merak-1 well are interbedded
Member5 thickness 200-500 m. Part of Loser Formation.
with marine sediments of N8 age ( 1 6 - 1 7 Ma) and yielded
Sihapas~ Cubadak Member contains volcaniclastic sandstones
interbedded with limestones above mudstones & radiometric ages between 17.5-12 Ma (no analytical details are
pebbly sandstones. available). Some of the shallower intrusions showed contami-
Sawahtambangv Increase upwards in quantity of volcanic clasts, relative nation by sediment, but there was no significant assimilation of
to clastic& metamorphic clasts in fluviatile wall rock. The chemistry of these rocks indicates that they are
conglomerates & conglomeratic sandstones. K-rich shoshonites, typical of a high-K alkaline backarc associ-
Painan8 Andesitic-dacitic lavas, tufts, ignimbrites, tuff breccia, ation, but no chemical analyses were quoted. A seismic profile
breccia, & minor sediments including arkose, across the Buantan Intrusive Centre imaged a laccolith, about
bituminous shale, shaly coal, andesitic tuff, 4 km in diameter emplaced along the boundary between the
tuffaceous shale & sandstone. Telisa and Bekasnap Formations, occupying a faulted arch in the
Hulusimpangg- ~5 Andesite & basalt or andesite-basalt, rarely dacitic lavas, overlying Telisa and Petani Formations (Heidrick & Aulia
volcanic breccias & tufts. Often chloritised and 1993). High-K series volcanics are present in the Natal area,
propylitised and with sulphides and quartz veinlets where Bellon et al. (2004) have dated an absarokite flow at
(c. 700 m). 18.2 + 0.4 Ma
Seblat 9- ~5 Lower part lenses of conglomerate and carbonaceous Andesitic intrusives and extrusives with radiometric ages
sandstone. Middle part tuffaceous shale intercalated between 18 and 14 Ma (no analytical data given), were penetrated
with limestone. Upper part tuffaceous siltstone & in the Capang-1 and Abung-1 wells in the Terbanggi and Negara
calcareous claystone & glauconitic sandstone. Batin Grabens of the Bandar Jaya Basin of Southern Sumatra
References: JSamuel et al. (t997), 2Bennett et al. (1981b), 3Cameron et al. (Williams et al. 1995).
(1982a), 4Cameron et al. (1983), 5Cameron et al. (1982b), 6Rock et al.
(1983), 7Howells (1997b), SRosidi et al. (1976), 9Kusnama et al. 1993b), Late Miocene through Pliocene volcanic episode
t~ et al. (1994), IIGafoer et al. (1992c), leAmin et al. (1994a),
13Gafoer et al. (1994), J4Amin et al. (1994b), 15Andi Mangga et al. (1994a). ( T a b l e 8. 7 a n d Fig. 8. 7)

Stratigraphic dating of volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic sedi-

ments indicate that the final episode of the Neogene volcanic
become more extensive, with lavas and volcaniclastics forming a activity continued into the Quaternary, represented in southern
discontinuous linear outcrop, mapped as a few aerially extensive Sumatra by the volcaniclastic Kasai Formation. In Northern and
formations (Table 8.6 & Fig. 8.6). Dykes and flows (Table 9.1) Central Sumatra the distribution of Pliocene volcaniclastics
in the Sibologa area have been dated between 20 and 17 Ma; in is obscured by the extensive, younger Toba Tufts; Pliocene
the Kengkulu area between 17 and 13 Ma and between 20 and volcaniclastics have been recognized east of Aceh, where a flow
14 Ma in the Tanjungkarang area (Bellon et al. 2004). Ashes of andesite is dated at 1.76 Ma by Bellon et al. (2004). The
derived from the volcanic arc occur in the forearc islands of Haranggoal Volcanic Formation ( ? M i d d l e - U p p e r Miocene;
Nias and Siberut, and probably also on Enggano, where the tuffac- Aldiss et al. 1982) at Lake Toba has been dated at 1.2 Ma, and
eous Kemiki Formation (Upper Middle M i o c e n e - P l i o c e n e ) was now is interpreted as an early volcanic phase related to the Toba
deposited in a terrestrial environment (Amin et al. 1994a). Caldera Complex (Chesner & Rose 1991). Older a ~ 1 7 6
Acidic volcanic rocks occur in the Calang Volcanic Formation dates for an andesite flow of 2 _ 0.3 Ma and a basalt dyke of
(rhyodacites) of northern Sumatra and in the extensive Bal 1.9 + 0.2 are reported by Bellon et al. (2004) from the Toba area.
Formation (dacites) of southern Sumatra. Otherwise the volcanic Pliocene volcanic centres around Lake Toba crop out as inliers
rocks are reported mostly to be andesites, with some basalts. within the Toba Tufts. These centres are set back slightly from the
Rock et al. (1983) describe volcanic rocks of intermediate compo- continuation of the trend of the volcanic arc in southern Sumatra.
sition from the equatorial sector. Their position and rhyolitic composition suggests a similar origin
Sub-volcanic and other intrusions are observed to be associated to the Toba Caldera system; a relationship to the subduction of the
in the field with several of the Middle Miocene volcanic Investigator Fracture Zone (Fauzi et al. 1996) during the Pliocene
fortnations (e.g. Calang and Saliguro Formations), and have is likely.
been dated by Bellon et al. (2004) (Table 8.1). The Raya Diorite Pliocene volcanics are recognized in equatorial Sumatra (Rock
with a K - A r hornblende age of 18.9 _+ 1.2 Ma (average of six ana- et al. 1983) and an undated linear outcrop of volcanic rocks occurs
lyses) was emplaced within the Breueh Volcanic Formation (Late in the Painan Quadrangle (Rosidi et al. 1976), which includes vol-
M i d d l e - L a t e Eocene) on Pulau Breueh N W of Banda Aceh. The canics of the episode (Bellon et al. 2004). In SW Sumatra volcanic
diorite stock is associated with dykes which are described as centres with a rhyolite association (Pasumah and Ranau) have

/ \

r,.Brawan X
S~ 'T,Smeten

, Lake

O~. \ Tangla
, sj U,s
"%00~ X ihapaI

\ awatamb

\ "-4

v~ !
?Gawo ~,,~ ~~ainan /
"-',~. I , Axial fault of )

I Tufts and volcaniclastic \

T sediments \ simpan
Volcanic rocks with \ --~
lava flows \ ~ . Fig. 8.5. Distributionof Late
Oligocene-Early Miocene volcanic units.
Plutons 0 200km % Palaeogeographic outline of Sumatra after
Figure 14.18b. Volcanic units listed in
Table 8.5.

been recognized and volcanics dated between 5.5 and 2.4 Ma in There is only sparse trace element data for Tertiary volcanic
the Bengkulu area by Bellon et al. (2004) (see Table 8.1). In the rocks from Sumatra. In Figure 8.9(a, b) selected analyses are
extreme south of Sumatra (Andi Mangga et al. 1994a) volcanic normalized with respect to MORB, using the values given by
centres of andesitic lavas in the Sunda Strait at Pulau Sebuku Pearce (1982). The elements are placed in their 'Coryell-
and Gunung Durianpajung are early manifestations of the Matsuda order', as recommended by McCulloch & Gamble
volcanicity in the Sunda Strait which climaxed during the (1991), which takes into account the low mobility of Nb and rela-
Quaternary (see Chapter 9). tively high mobility of St. Coryell and Matsuda spider diagrams
give similar patterns for selected analyses for the Late Eocene-
Early Miocene and Mid-Miocene Volcanic Episodes. In volcanic
Major and trace element geochemistry of the Tertiary rocks from both episodes high field strength elements (Nb, Zr,
volcanic rocks Ti, Y, Sc and Cr) are depleted relative to the large ion lithophile
elements (Rb, Ba, K, Th and Sr), although in some analyses Nb,
There is more chemical data for the Neogene than for the Palaeogene Zr and Cr show a varied behaviour, presumably due to fractionation
volcanic rocks of Sumatra, but the majority of analyses are of major and other magmatic effects during their passage through the crust.
elements only; these have been discussed by Rock et al. (1982). There is some evidence from the Sumatra dataset for the incor-
Analyses of samples for major and minor elements from selected poration of subducted sediment in melts. In Figure 8.10, MgO is
volcanic occurrences are given by Wajzer (1986), Kallagher plotted against the ratio of Zr/Nb, which Macpherson & Hall
(1989), Gasparon & Varne (1995) and Bellon et al. (2004). (1999) consider is relatively sensitive to the recognition of
Samples from the Langsat, Lahat and Tarahan formations, sediment-derived melts that have been added to mantle wedge
forming the Late Eocene-Late Oligocene Volcanic Episode melts derived from N-MORB. Some volcanic rocks from the
(Tables 8.8 & 8.9), are shoshonitic, and other Langsat Formation Late Eocene-Early Miocene and from the Mid-Miocene episodes
analyses fall in the medium and high-K fields (Fig. 8.8a). The bulk have Zr/Nb ratios equal to, or greater than, that of N-MORB,
of the major element analyses (Tables 8.9 & 8.10) are of rocks which suggests that the lavas were derived from the mantle
belonging to the Mid-Late Miocene Volcanic Episode (Fig. 8.8b wedge beneath Sumatra, which was variably depleted with
and see Bellon et al. 2004, fig. 3) which fall in the medium-K and respect to N-MORB. The chemistry of the the Mid-Miocene vol-
high-K fields of Gill (1981). canics of the Sayeung, Mirah and Calang formations of Northern

Table 8.6. Lithologies of the Late Early Miocene-Mid-Miocene volcanic episode comprising the Late Early Miocene and Mid-Miocene volcanic phases

Volcanic Fro/Unit Lithology

Lahomie j Nias, Banyak, Pini; Facies Ll. Tuff Marker Horizon 5 m. Outer neritic tufts.
Salibi 2 Siberut; tufts, claystone & siltstone.
Kemiki j6 Enggano: Tuff, sandy tuff, tuffaceous sandstone & tuffaceous siltstone.
Calang 3,4 Porphyritic, epidotised andesitic lavas with associated feeder dykes & subvolcanic intrusions. Subordinate basalts, microgabbroids,
breccias & agglomerates. Thin sediment interbeds include coals. Unga Diorite possible subvolcanic centre, lnterbedded
rhyodacites, pyroxene andesites & basalts. Some prophylitization.
Woyla-s Eastern unit of Calang Fm. named by Kallagher (1989). Rhyolites, andesites & basalts, volcanogenic conglomerates & lithic tufts.
Sayeung5 Basalts, lahars, tufts & dykes; 14-16 Ma.
Tripa 5 Basalts, andesites, Jithic tufts, lahars and pyroclastics.
Mirah 5 Porphyritic & aphyric basalt & lahars.
Alem5 Basalts, 12-8 Ma.
Muereubo-s Porphyritic basalts.
Kotabakti 5 Base local massive tuffaceous sandstones but predominantly argillaceous and usually calcareous. Top predominantly arenaceous.
Auran 6 Partly propylitised hornblende andesites & pyroclastics. Clasts of dacite & basalt in Agglomerates. Cut by subvolcanic intrusion
dated at 12 Ma.
Trumon 7 Andesitic volcanics, agglomerates & tufts with associated hypabyssal microdiorite & microgranite. Wackes, tuffaceous wackes,
mudstones & calcareous sandstones.
Pinapan 7 Andesite, dacite & basaltic andesite lavas & pyroclastics also 'rhyolite' & 'trachyandesite'. Associated hypabyssal rocks include
diopside vogesite dykes.
Toru 7 Andesitic agglomerates; analysed andesite has shoshonitic affinity.
Musala s Andesites, hornblende andesites, andesitic intrusives, possible subvolcanic diorites with K-Ar age date: 17.2 _+ 5 Ma.
Angkolas Hornblende & plagioclase phyric andesites, ?basalts, volcanic breccias & agglomerates. Volcanics often prophylitized,
Nabirong s Intermediate volcanics, lavas, agglomerates and breccias.
Petani s Sajurmatinggi Member Abundant volcanic debris in paralic mudstones, siltstones, sandstones & conglomerates.
Telisa9 Sigama Volcanic Member Basal Telisa Formation volcanic unit composed of 300 m of tufts.
Saligaro I~ Andesitic lavas and breccias with sediment intercalations of Telisa Formation.
Areas ~o Mostly intermediate volcaniclastics, lavas & minor intrusives & sediments. Hydrothermal alteration/mineralisation in Mangani
Sikakara l~ Aphyric, somewhat brecciated andesites and porphyritic andesites.
Airbangisl~ Lithic crystal tufts, feldspar- & pyroxene phyric andesites & minor sediments.
Lubuksikaping area Ic~ Various outcrops of varied lavas (dacites, andesites & basalts), agglomerates, breccias & tufts considered to range between
Mid-Miocene-Plioccne or Pleistocene.
'Andesite' ~T Andesite (basaltic)microbreccia (age from Gafoer et al. 1992a).
Lemau 12 Volcaniclastic breccia, dacitic-tuffaceous sandstone, luffs & clays.
Balt3-17 Dacitic tufts unconformable on Hulusimpang Formation. T3pe area. Dacitic epiclastic breccia with sandstone intercalations & tuff.
C Sumatra Back-arc Basin Is Subcrop of crystal-lithic, vitric tuff s, olivine trachyte tuff, basalt gabbro & micro-gabbro. Basalt tlows in the Merak-1 well are
embedded in marine sediments of N8 age (16-17 Ma) and yielded radiometric ages between 17.5-12 Ma.
Bandar Jaya I~ Andesitic inlrusives and extrusives (14-18 Ma), in Capang-1 and Abung-1 wells.

References: ISamuel et al. (1987), -~AndiMangga et al. (1994b). ~Bennett et al. (1981a, b), 4Cameron et al. (1983), 5Kallagher (1989), r~Cameronet al. (1982a), :Aldiss
et al. (1983), 8Aspdcn eta/. (1982b), ~Cameron (1983), I~ et al. (1983), J IKastowo & Leo ( 1973), 12Kusnama et al. (1993b), 13Suwarna et al. (1994), HGafoer
et al. (1992c), 15Amin et al. (1994a), I(~Gafoeret al. (1994), 17Amin et al. (1994b), 18Eubank & Makki (1981), I'~Williams et al. (1995).

S u m a t r a with Z r / N b ratios l o w e r than N - M O R B , m a y reflect the pluton, N E of Padang, taken from the analyses in M c C o u r t &
incorporation o f subducted sediment. This s u b d u c t e d sediment C o b b i n g (1993). Piutonic and volcanic adakites are understood
could have been pelagic sediments riding on the o c e a n i c slab, sedi- to be d e r i v e d from m a g m a s rich in residual garnet; the melting
ments d e r i v e d from the uplift of the Barisan M o u n t a i n s and of subducted o c e a n i c meta-crust is a potential source (Juteau &
w a s h e d across the forearc into the trench, or distal turbidites M a u r y 1999), and Bellon et al. (2004) noted the potential contri-
d e r i v e d from erosion of the H i m a l a y a s (Curray & M o o r e 1974). bution of garnetiferous m e t a m o r p h i c rocks in the crust beneath
Schluter et al. (2002) date the initiation of A c c r e t i o n a r y W e d g e Sumatra, specifically in the T o b a area.
II as M i d - M i o c e n e in Southern Sumatra, but the time o f arrival
in the S u n d a T r e n c h of sediments of the N i c o b a r Fan, derived
from the uplift and erosion of the H i m a l a y a s has been revised to
Late M i o c e n e by C u r r a y (1994).
Volcanism, plutonism and subduction beneath Sumatra
Bellon et al. (2004) did not identify spatial or temporal geo- during the Tertiary: summary of Tertiary volcanism
c h e m i c a l trends within their S u m a t r a analytical data, and attribu- and tectonic overview
ted this to the c o m p l e x i g n e o u s p e t r o g e n e s i s involving
contributions f r o m the continental crust, m a n t l e w e d g e and the T h e o r i e n t a t i o n o f S u m a t r a d u r i n g the P a l a e o g e n e
s u b d u c t e d slab. ' N o r m a l ' calcalkaline m a g m a types p r e d o m i n a t e , a n d r o t a t i o n h i s t o r y d u r i n g the T e r t i a r y
but Na-rich variants with SiO2 > 56% and very low h e a v y rare
earth e l e m e n t ( H R E E ) and Y contents, k n o w n as adakites, also N i n k o v i c h (1976) proposed that the long axis o f Sumatra rotated
are present. B e l l o n et al. (2004) identified adakites within the c l o c k w i s e f r o m an e a s t - w e s t orientation to N W - S E during the
Lassi batholith (intruded at c. 56 Ma, I m t i h a n a h 2000). E x a m p l e s Tertiary, c e n t r e d on the S u n d a Strait. It is n o w confirmed by
of N e o g e n e plutonic adakites in Sumatra i n c l u d e the Lolo batho- m a r i n e g e o p h y s i c a l surveys that extension in the Sunda Strait
lith (intruded at c. 15 Ma, I m t i h a n a h 2000), the W a y B a n g b a n g was facilitated by m o v e m e n t s b e t w e e n o v e r s t e p p i n g strike-slip
granite near K o t a a g u n g (intruded at c.20 Ma) and in the Anai faults ( H u c h o n & Le P i c h o n 1984; L e l g e m a n n et al. 2000) with

) \...
~ K ~ Offshoreboreholes ~ '~
Calang-~V vy.l~yla,^_ ~'~ "4" + r) (
" ~..'~,',~L,, h,~ Q.
-,-.7-^V-Meureubo ~ \) J

~ ~aM
r~li ' ~ :O~ k ~" uor a n ~ ~ Z ~ ~....~ ~

-,,., .usa.M:N,: .a0i oo/ .\

L.~a,~rn,e~ ) \ •... \,-• ;: ,elisa Centffl/sSumatr
,, a (~
~o\ ~ Sikakara\~XVSalig arc ~ Q~
N~ ~ '"-V Lubuksikaping uantan~'X_.
~O. ~ ' ""x' xx
b~ / %Air Bangis~ ....~,:V::Ames ~ ~ {'---..
%,\ j~ "Andesite';'"\~ ~ e/~~'~'~

~ Salibi ~ x ~.~ . ~

[__T___}Zuffs and voiceniclastic~ '- ~ L;:

Lemau :2IT......... "L ~
I ' I sediments~ ~ (~Bal (
Volcaniclavas \ ~.i-~Lemau ~ B~2dgr
~ Plutons ~ ~~al , [
]" "1"l in outcropandin boreholes ~ ENGGAN~~ I /
Fig.8.6. Distributionof Lower-MiddleMiocene
volcanicunitsin Sumatra.Volcanicunitslistedin

no evidence for the sphenochasm proposed by Ninkovich (1976). west prior to the collision of Greater india, and predicts the clock-
The problem of the rotation of Sumatra during the Tertiary is dis- wise rotation of Sumatra in response to the impact. The subsequent
cussed in detail in Chapter 14 where it is concluded that palaeo- anticlockwise rotation of Sumatra, together with the rest of the
magnetic data from Borneo (Fuller et el. 1999) and Malaysia Sunda Microplate, cannot be due the extrusion of crustal blocks
(Richter et el. 1999) demonstrate the anticlockwise rotation of in response to the collision of India.
the whole of the Sunda Microplate, so that Sumatra, together
with Malaysia, has rotated c. 15 ~ anticlockwise since the Mid-
Miocene. If this c. 15 ~ anticlockwise rotation is reversed, the
long axis of Sumatra was oriented approximately north-south Subduction, volcanism and plutonism, continuous or episodic?
during the Palaeogene, as proposed by Davies (1984) and mod-
elled by Hall (1996, 1998, 2002) in his reconstrucuons of Van Bemmelen (1949) suggested that volcanism occurred con-
Tertiary plate movement and palaeogeography of SE Asia. tinuously in Sumatra during the Neogene. Subsequent study has
established time ranges for distinct Tertiary volcanic episodes
and volcanic phases. It is evident that volcanicity and the accom-
panying plutonism waxed and waned several times during the Ter-
tiary. It is probable that subduction was taking place continuously
Tertiary volcanism in Sumatra, extrusion tectonics and the
beneath Sumatra during the Tertiary, but that subduction did not
collision of India with the Eurasian Plate always lead to volcanism and plutonism. It has been suggested
that volcanic activity is most intense during subduction roll-back
In this account, following Davies (1984) and Hall (2002), it is (cf. Hamilton 1995). This was the situation in Sumatra for most
proposed that Sumatra, forming the western margin of the Sunda of the Neogene (Macpherson & Hall 2002). The process of sub-
Microplate, was orientated north-south during the Palaeogene, duction roll-back ensures that fresh mantle material is continu-
at the time when Greater India, on the western side of the ously brought into contact with the subducting ocean slab,
Ninety East Transform Fault, passed the latitudes of Sumatra on facilitating magmatism.
its northwards course towards its collision with the southern
margin of Eurasia (Patriat & Achache 1984) (Fig. 8.11). Pre-
viously it has been suggested by Daly et el. (1991), Hutchison
(1992) and Packham (1993, 1996) among others, that the exten- Palaeocene volcanic episode (Kikim Volcanics) ( 6 5 - 5 0 Me)
sion which formed the Sumatran backarc grabens could be
explained in terms of the tectonic extrusion model of Tapponnier The Kikim Volcanics and contemporaneous plutons form a mag-
et al. (1986). However, backarc extension, and the associated Late matic arc in Southern Sumatra, the Java Sea (Hamilton 1979)
Eocene-Early Oligocene phase of volcanism, occurred before the and in Southern Sulawesi (Langi Volcanics of Wilson &
collision of Greater India with Eurasia, rather than after this event. Bosence 1996) (Fig. 8.11). Evidently a volcanic arc was active
The extrusion model, like the lithospheric thickening model of along the southern margin of the Sunda Microplate in the Palaeo-
Dewey et el. (1989), assumes that Sumatra was aligned east- cene. In northern Sumatra there is evidence of a second inner arc

Table 8.7. L i t h o l o g i e s in the L a t e M i o c e n e - P l i o c e n e volcanic episode

Formation/Centre Lithology

Siap ~ In part volcanic pebble to cobble conglomerates, sandstones & minor mudstones.
Seureula 2 Upwards-fining soft andesitic sandstones & conglomerates; also calcareous mudstones.
Takur-Takur 3 Variably propylitised andesites, dacites and pyroclastic hb andesites and dykes. Local rhyolite. Andesitic to dacitic pumaceous pyroclastics
and lahars.
Simbolon 3,4 Andesitic lavas and pyroclastics, three possibly four flanking plugs of subvolcanic porphyritic hornblendic andesites. Subvolcanic intrusions
of Mendem Microdiorite.
Surungan 5 Plagioclase and hornblende-phyric andesites, often agglomeritic and propylitised. More acid types present and hypabyssal equivalents
Sihabuhabu 5 noted.
Mangani 6 Acid to basic lavas including basalts and andesites, volcaniclastics and associated minor intrusives.
Undifferentiated7'8 Rhyolitic, dacitic and andesitic tuff, breccia and lava; welded, hybrid, lithic and pumiceous tuff with breccia and lava.
Rhyo_andesites9 i i Rhyolitic, dacitic & andesitic lavas, wclded tuff, hybrid tuff, pumiceous lithic tuff & volcanic breccia.
Lakitan io- J4 Conglomeratic breccia alternating with tuffaceous sandstone & tuffaceous clay.
Kasai]O.~ ~,J3-~5 Tuff & pumiceous tuff with intercalations of tuffaceous claystones & tuffaceous sandstones. M a n n a Dacitic lava (20 m) in breccia unit.
Pasumah I 1,12 Horizontally bedded welded tuffs with columnar jointing.
Ranau 12-15 Rhyolitic-andesitic pumiceous volcanic breccias and tuffs.
Lampung ~4,15 Pumiceous tuff, tuffaceous sandstone locally with tuffite intercalations.
Andesite lava 15 Andesite lavas with sheeted jointing.

References: tBennett et al. (1981a), 2Keats et al. (1981), 3Cameron et al. (1982a), 4AIdiss et al. (1983), 5Clarke et al. (1982a), 6Rock et al. (1983), 7Kastowo & Leo
(1973), SRosidi et al. (1976), 9Kusnama et al. 1993b), I~ et al. (1994), I IGafoer et al. (1992c), 12Amin et al. (1994a), ~3Gafoer et al. (1994), 14Amin
et al. (1994b), 15 Andi Mangga et al. (1994a).


~~~-~o~Ta k~.r'~aku'
~ ~Simbolon ~ /
i ' La'ke "'~- L ~,.
"~' VSurungah~~ ~.

| ,,
r I I

". ; ' A

0 , ....

-~Tuffs and
~ R~aana ~ A i ~ t l ~
~ Volcaniclavas
R Rhyolite
# Dacite
A Andesite 200km Fig. 8.7. Distribution of Upper Miocene-
Pliocene volcanic units and dated plutons in
B Basalt I
Sumatra. Volcanic units listed in Table 8.7.

Table 8.8. Major and trace element analyses of'Langsat Formation volcanics

No. R6029 R6030 R2785 R2786 R6028" NR125A NR128 NTI98 NT217

Ref. 1 2 2 2 l&2 3 3 3 3

Lithology Pyroxene- Pyroxene Pyroxene- Pyroxene- Average 3 scans Porphyritic Porphyritic Porphyritic Porphyritic
rich fragment plagioclase plagioclase ground mass clinopyroxene clinopyroxene basalt basalt
basalt in 6029 absarokitic transitional R6028 basalt basalt
basalt Alkali basalt

Location 5287 0630 5287 0630 5276 0626 5263 0634 B. Natal B. Natal B. Natal Batu Gajah

SiO2 47.9 52.16 46.7 49.99 46.6 51.74 52.62 49.8 50.26
TiO2 0.49 0.44 0.84 0.84 0.86 0.71 0.88 0.84 0.65
AI203 10.4 8.6 12.88 14.37 10.9 15.8 16.27 14.31 11.96
Fe203 11.6 9.85 12.34 10.43 11.9 8.93 9.92 10.69 10.69
MnO 0.17 0.29 0.22 0.34 0.17 0.19 0.2 0.19
MgO 13.2 7.44 9.48 6.87 13.8 7.81 6.85 8.77 10.54
CaO 8.24 12.97 11.72 10.2 11.7 8.75 7.32 10.73 8.94
Na20 2.85 3.6 1.9 3.92 0.82 1.15 1.65 2.16 0.78
K20 0.6 0.44 1.68 1.13 2.53 4.91 4.6 3.57 3.67
P205 0.39 0.13 0.2 0.2 0.87 0.35 0.26 0.33 0.37
CO2 0.02
N20 4.73
Total 100.59 98.92 101.36 100.79 99.98 100.11 100.56 100.92 98.05
Rb 25 35 51 14
Sr 312 623 587 260
Zr 78 82 58 57
Y 21 29 18 22
Nb 1 2 1 <1
V 150 150 225 225 150
Cr 400 370 140 80 400
Co 73 15 32 28 73
Ni 175 47 30 23 175
Cu 170 30 125 85 170
Zn 90 50 90 100 90

References: l, Rock et al. (1983); 2, Rock et al. (1982); 3, Wajzer (1984).

beneath what later became the North Sumatra Backarc Basin. In (Cloos 1993) provides an alternative explanation for the pause
Sumatra the majority of the plutons associated with the Palaeocene in volcanism in Sumatra at this time.
Volcanic Episode had solidified by c. 50 Ma (Table 8.2) and the The Bangkaru Ophiolite Complex in the Outer Arc Islands
youngest volcanics have been dated at c. 55 Ma (Table 8.1). (Samuel et al. 1997) contains igneous components formed at an
ocean-spreading ridge and from oceanic fracture zones containing
shear fabrics, low temperature hydrothermal metamorphism (pre-
hnite-actinolite facies) in metagabbros and metadolerites and
The 5 0 - 4 6 M a n o n - v o l c a n i c interval later brittle deformation and brecciation. Rare volcanic rocks on
the Banyak Islands and in m61anges were interpreted by Samuel
This interval coincides in part with the Chron 24 ( 5 9 - 5 6 Ma) plate (1994) as being derived from oceanic islands and seamounts.
reorganization event, which led to the formation of the combined The Bangkaru Ophiolite Complex represents components of
I n d i a n - A u s t r a l i a n Plate and the commmencement of spreading Indian Ocean crust accreted into the accretionary complex at the
along the I n d i a - A n t a r c t i c Ridge. Volcanism resumed at subduction zone.
c. 46 Ma, but Davies (1984) has questioned whether subduction It may be that the components of the Bangkaru Ophiolite
was active beneath Sumatra between 55 and 44 Ma, and has Complex are the product of a short-lived 'hot accretion' episode,
suggested that at this time the continental margin of Sumatra in which ridge crust was incorporated into the accretionary
was a transcurrent fault zone facilitating the northward passage complex, because it was too hot and buoyant to be subducted,
of Greater India past Sumatra during that period (Patriat & while arc volcanism was suppressed, because the subducted
Achache 1984). Alternatively when subduction was not operating lithospheric mantle was not sufficiently hydrated to generate
beneath Sumatra the Ninety-East Ridge transform fault became melts in the overlying mantle wedge.
temporally the western margin of the Sunda Microplate (A.
J. Barber pers. comm.) and exerted an anticlockwise couple on
the Sunda Microplate. Late Mid-Eocene volcanic episode
According to Marshak & Karig (1977) during the Early to Mid-
Eocene the Wharton Spreading Axis lay in the latitude of Sumatra, Volcanic rocks of late Mid-Eocene age are distributed in an arc
forming a triple junction with the Sunda Trench (Fig. 8.12). The parallel to the west coast of Sumatra, showing that subduction,
difficulty of subducting young, hot, buoyant ocean-ridge crust with the generation of melts, was quickly re-established along

~ _ ~ - ~ - _ ~ - ~ ~ . . . . . .


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and shoshonitic lavas and agglomerates of the Langsat Volcanic

9 0 Formation were extruded and the Air Bangis granites were
9 Shosho
intruded (c. 3 0 - 2 7 Ma Wajzer et al. 1991). This magmatism
4- ($ was anomalously close to the Palaeogene trench.
HighiK @ Reconstruction of the palaeogeography of Sumatra in the Late
Eocene-Early Oligocene, by reversing the movements along the
Sumatran Fault (Fig. 8.4), places the Bandan Formation caldera
complex close to the outcrop of the Langsat Volcanic
Formation. This caldera was an important centre of explosive
"2 acidic volcanism, and appears to be the source of the ashes
~ [] Hulusimpang Formation which are interbedded with the sediments in the southern part of
~ (~) .TahahaFnorFm~
ra~a~i~ the Central Sumatra backarc basin, the Tigahpuluh Mountains
1~ " - 9 9 LangsatVolcanicF o r m a t i o n ~ and the South Sumatra Basin, an area of dispersal comparable to
that of the tufts of the Toba Caldera Complex in the Quaternary
(see Chapter 9). The association of uplift, volcanism and pluton-
ism in the forearc close to the trench, and faulting and explosive
(a) 50 60 si02 70 80 volcanism inland, are features consistent with the concept of
'slab window volcanism' suggested by Thorkelsen (1996). A
'slab window' occurs where an active, or recently inactive, spread-
9 SayeungFormation ...... ing ridge passes down a subduction zone, the crustal part of the
9 Mirah Formation bnosnonl[IC/ ridge is removed by accretion at the trench while the underlying
/~ Alem Formation
V Calang Formation J Hiah-K asthenosphere is subducted in direct contact with the base of
[] TanglaFormation / Hlgn-I~ the mantle wedge. In Sumatra the slab window was due to the
9 BrawanFormation J ~--,
* Sikaraka Formation ~ V subduction of the Wharton Spreading Centre.
+ SandudukFormation / / According to Liu et al. (1983) the Wharton Spreading Ridge
Q PinapanFormation / ,__,/
3 X ToruFormation /~ / /V- was actively spreading at a rate of 30 mm a-1 shortly before it
9 O AngkolaFormation/.~ X expired at c. 45.6 Ma in the late Eocene. The pattern of magnetic
~ Medium-K anomalies in the Indian Ocean crust indicate that the Wharton
2. Spreading Ridge lay offshore Sumatra and was orientated at
about 9 0 -~ to the Sumatran margin at this time (Fig. 8.12).
Davies (1984) suggested that the Wharton Spreading Centre was
dextrally transcurrently faulted along the continental margin of
v Sumatra during the Oligocene, instead of being subducted.
However, Clure (1991) has suggested that a segment of the
Wharton Spreading axis which lay to the east of the Investigator
50 60 70 80
(b) SiO2 Fracture Zone was subducted at 5 0 - 4 5 Ma beneath the south of
Sumatra, which he shows orientated east-west during this
period. The concentration of Oligocene igneous activity in the
Fig. 8.8. Diagrams of SiO 2 (wt%) versus K20 (wt%) for low-K to shoshonitic Sumatran Forearc (c. 38 Ma), anomalously close to the presumed
Tertiary volcanic rocks from Sumatra. The classification scheme is by Gill (1981) position of the subduction trench at that time, strongly suggests
and the analyses by Rock et al. (1982), Wajzer (1986), Kallagher (1989) and that the spreading axis was subducted beneath Sumatra in this
Gasparon & Varne (1995) are given in Tables 8.9, 8.10 & 8.1 I. (a) Upper period, as proposed previously by Marshak & Karig (1977).
Eocene-Lower Miocene volcanics; (b) Middle-Upper Miocene volcanic Other volcanic centres related to a linear volcanic arc are
marked by outcrops of Oligocene lavas in the Gumai Mountains,
possibly in the Garba Mountains and in west Java.
The waning of this volcanic phase in the Early Oligocene
the full length of the subduction zone at this time. Volcanic rocks coincided with the change in motion of the Indian-Australian
in the Aceh area may represent back-arc volcanism (Cameron Plate from northerly to north-northeasterly, which Davies (1984)
et al. 1980). Marshak & Karig (1977) suggest that volcanic suggested was responsible for the anticlockwise rotation of the
rocks in the Tapanuli area, offshore Sibolga, were due to subduc- Sunda Microplate relative to the Indian-Australian Plate with
tion of the Wharton Spreading Centre, inactive by this stage and the formation of wrench faults parallel to the coast of Sumatra.
sufficiently hydrated to induce magmatism in the mantle wedge. Palaeomagnetic evidence for the Palaeogene anticlockwise
Uplift of the whole of the forearc occurred in the Late Eocene rotation of the Sunda Microplate has been documented in
producing a regional unconformity (Samuel et al. 1997). This Borneo (Fuller et al. 1999), but not yet in Sumatra, although
phase of uplift coincides with the age of 40 ___ 3 Ma obtained wrench faulting has been identified during this period. A transition
from the Bangkuru Ophiolite Complex in Simuelue (Harbury & from extension to pull-apart and wrench modified-rifts in the
Kallagher 1991), which Kallagher (1990) attributes to deformation Ombilin Basin was dated as mid-Oligocene by Howells (1997b),
of warm oceanic crust during accretion. at c. 33 Ma in the Central Sumatra Basin by Packham (1993)
and at 3 4 M a in the Bengkulu Basin by Hall et al. (1993).
Davies (1984) related the formation of grabens and highs in the
North Sumatra Back-arc Basin to zones of tension and com-
Late E o c e n e - E a r l y Miocene volcanic episode pression between right and left stepping wrench faults (see
Chapter 14). This phase of transcurrent fault movement most
Late Eocene-Early Oligocene volcanic phase (c. 37-30 Ma). Over a likely reflects the change in the direction of motion of the
short period the linear volcanic arc contracted to a few centres of Indian-Australian Plate relative to the continental margin.
volcanism, the most important of which were in the Natal area of
the forearc (Fig. 8.12). Contraction in the extent of volcanism was Late Oligocene-Early Miocene volcanic phase (30-24 Ma). A late
accompanied by faulting and a regional unconformity throughout Oligocene tectonic event caused fault inversions and unconformi-
the forearc. In the Natal area K-rich primitive basaltic, tholeiitic ties in all the Sumatra backarc basins between c. 28 and 26 Ma


1 " - - ~ : 3 ~ t " ~ : 2 ~ ' ~ t " - O ' ~ - ~ r162 ~





Hulusimpang Formation(2) X alang Formation
, O~ Lahatgormatior~(2) Alem Formation
9 Mirah Formation
Sayeung Formation
80 [] Hulusimpang Formation
~ Lahat Formation
kangsat Volcanic Formation

o 60
E~ T

I i I i I i i i ' 75246 20 V
(a)0lRb Ba K Th Sr Nb Zr Ti Y Sc Cr

1oo <>
w WoylaUnit, Calang Formation 0
,_~ Alem Formation i I I i I I I I I I
\ / ~ ~ Mirah Formation 00 2 4 6 8 10
O SayeungFormation
MgO (wt%)

Fig. 8.10. Plot of MgO (wt%) against Zr/Nb for selected analyses of Upper
Eocene-Middle Miocene volcanics from Sumatra. The Zr/Nb ratios higher than
the range for N-MORB infer derivation from the mantle wedge, while Zr/Nb
O ~ / >CUT45
{ ratios lower than the range for N-MORB imply dilution of mantle wedge magma,
8 probably by subducted sediment. The low Zr/Nb ratios coincide with the Middle
rr <
Miocene Volcanic Phase but the source of the suspected subducted sediment is
1.0 <2z
not certain. Range for N-MORB from Sun & McDonagh (1989).

(see Chapter 7). This event has been attributed to the effect of
0.1 I I I I I 'dl t I ',1 '~
(b) Rb Ba K Th Sr Ce Nb Zr Ti Y Sc Cr
collision of fragments derived from Australia with the Sunda
Microplate, as marked by the accretion of ophiolite bodies in the
Fig. 8.9. MORB-normalized trace elements for selected Sumatra Tertiary
East Arm of Sulawesi (Hall 1996). At the same time, folding of
volcanics. Normalising factors by Pearce (1982) and trace elements plotted in the the Meureudu Group in northern Sumatra was accompanied
order recommended by Coryell & Matsuda (Elburg & Foden 1998). (a) Upper by limited plutonism (Cameron et al. 1983). In the Sumatran
Eocene-Lower Miocene volcanics. Analyses by (1) Wajzer (1986) and (2) Forearc sedimentation continued in the Bengkulu Basin (Hall
Gasparon & Varne (1995). (b) Middle Miocene volcanics. Analyses by et al. 1993), accompanied by volcanism which extended into the
Kallagher (1989). Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Volcanic Phase.

AGj~V~ N~i~'l~G%N. ~/~ __ \




Fig. 8.11. Reconstruction of the Palaeocene

volcanic arc along the margin of the Sunda
v Volcanic rocks Microplate between Sumatra, the Java Sea
9 Plutonic rocks (Hamilton 1979) and West Sulawesi (Wilson &
Bosence 1996). Adapted from Hall (1998), Clure
(1991) and Figure 14.18a.
1 18 CHAPTER 8


:"!': SUMATRACENTRALBAsIN/'.~"~'::':~:~
Trt }'

LANGSAT io: :,:


~BASIb - -
IMA,\ ~)I~

i va "--

(~) Tufts and volcanoclastic rocks '"~7o~ i~, ''' ~ /'

Volcanic rocks ~ '.,.; ) ~ . ~ t , ~ / _ ,, ~
(lavas) \ "",,"N \\ - \~..-~' .... '-. ".~
0 0 Plutons ~ '"-..~ ,,~7/'"- ,i"~.
I I Marine and lacustrine " ~ r " ~--~".~'/q~'%./~.)
I I environments ~ N . ;'~ .&~.~ATIBARANG Fig. 8.12. The subduction of the Wharton
Ridge, the short-lived Natal Slab Window
Eroding landmass ~ "',,~'.~ / v v

and other volcanic centres in southern

~NNNNi Ridge and ,Slab Window' ~ 200km Sumatra during the Late Eocene-Early
Oligocene Volcanic Phase. Palaeogeography
/ adapted from Figure 14.18a.

Following the fault inversion event the rate of oblique subduc- Semangko Segment of the Sumatra Fault Zone. A fault of
tion beneath Sumatra accelerated to 5 cm a -1, with the formation similar age and orientation also probably occurs in the southern
of an uplifted volcanic arc. Lavas and ashes were voluminously part of the outcrop of the Painan Formation where Rosidi et al.
erupted in a linear arc parallel to the west coast of Sumatra, (1976) show several elongated granitoid intrusions. The amount
with tufts and volcaniclastics being deposited to the east in the of displacement along this dextral fault zone is not known. The
backarc basins. Lavas were accompanied by sub-volcanic intru- Raya diorite and the associated dyke swarm on Pulau Breueh,
sions such as the Way Bambang Granite pluton which solidified off northern Sumatra, are also associated with this intrusion phase.
at c. 20 Ma, and was intruded co-magmatically into volcanics of In the mid-Oligocene uplift and erosion in the Outer Arc Islands
the Hulusimpang Formation (Amin et al. 1994b). This granite was reversed, subsidence led to the resumption of sedimentation
was intruded into into a fault zone parallel to, but predating the above an unconformity (Samuel et al. 1997). In the Sumatran

backarc basins the formation of the rift grabens was followed by a Serpentinite diapirs emplaced in strike-slip fault zones in north-
Sag Phase marked by a marine transgression. In the Central ern Sumatra have been considered previously to have been derived
Sumatra Backarc Basin sedimentation was accompanied by from ophiolite bodies in the Woyla Group, and this may be the
wrench-fault tectonism which continued until c. 21 Ma (Kelsch case (Cameron et al. 1980; Cameron et al. 1983--Takengon geo-
et al. 1998). logical map). However, it is possible that some of these bodies rep-
resent 'push-up blocks' and slivers of serpentinised mantle wedge
intruded into releasing bends in the deep crustal Sumatran strike-
Late E a r l y - M i d - M i o c e n e volcanic episode slip fault and thrust complex, due to disturbance of the mantle,
caused by distortion of the oceanic slab (Karig 1979; Mann &
The late Early to Mid-Miocene volcanic episode is composed of Gordon 1996).
two phases. A linear elevated volcanic arc was formed parallel Late Miocene-Pliocene volcanicity was particularly active in
to the west coast, and there was magmatism in the Central southern Sumatra, and the development of the volcanic arc was
Sumatra Backarc Basin, where high-K and shoshonitic igneous contemporaneous with inversion of the backarc basins c. 5 Ma
rocks were intruded and extruded. Similar igneous activity which caused 'Sunda-style', N W - S E folds and associated faulting
occurred in the South Sumatra Backarc Basin between 17 and (Eubank & Makki 198 l). At the same time the Barisan Mountains
12 Ma. reached their maximum elevation due to the combination of
Several plutons were emplaced into the volcanic a r c . 4~ magmatism and tectonics. In the Forearc region the redistribution
ages obtained by Imtihanah (2000) from the Lolo Batholith show of mass in the accretionary wedge (Matson & Moore 1992)
that the Sumatra Fault Zone was active during the latter part of the resulted in uplift of the outer arc ridge and a phase of fault inver-
Late Early-Mid-Miocene volcanic phase (Fig. 8.6). The Lolo sion on the outer arc islands (Samuel et al. 1995). Intrusive
Granite was previously thought to be a composite intrusion m61ange diapirs, carrying blocks of the Bangkaru Ophiolite
(McCourt et al. 1996) within the Sumatra Fault Zone, emplaced Complex, Tertiary sediments and samples of the continental
at c. 9 M a ( K - A r on hornblende) and c. 6 M a ( K - A r on crust buried beneath the Forearc, were initiated in the Pliocene
biotite). The new 4~ age data (Table 8.1) shows that the and continue to the present day represented by mud volcanoes
Lolo Granite was emplaced within the fault zone at c. 15 Ma, on Nias (Samuel et al. 1997).
the K - A r mineral ages are considered to indicate that differential Page et al. (1979) suggested, and Fauzi et al. (1996) using
uplift occurred close to the fault zone (imtihanah 2000). The seismic data have confirmed, that subduction of the Investi-
15 Ma intrusion date for the Lolo Granite indicates that this gator Fracture Zone beneath Sumatra was the trigger for the
sector of the Sumatra Fault Zone is older than previously esti- development of the Quaternary Toba Caldera System (Chesner
mated, and provides information on the rate of uplift of the & Rose 1991). How far back in time volcanicity in the Toba
Barisan Mountains. The K - A r mineral ages (van Leeuwen et al. area can be attributed to the subduction of the fracture zone
1987) for the Tangse stock (Table 8.2) indicate that uplift in north- is debatable. The Mid-Late Miocene Pinapan Formation
ern Sumatra preceded that in southern Sumatra, but the time of contains acidic volcanics, the Toru Formation is intruded by alka-
intrusion of the Tangse stock is not known sufficiently accurately line and High-K hypabyssal bodies (Table 8.6) and the Nabirong
to date the fault movement. Formation contains intermediate volcanics. These occurrences
suggest that the influence of the subduction of the Investigator
Fracture Zone may extend back into the Mid-Miocene.
Late Miocene through Pliocene volcanic In the Backarc the Asahan Arch, which separates the North and
episode ( 6 - 1 . 6 Ma) Central Sumatra Backarc basins is parallel to the Investigator
Fracture Zone and may be related to its subduction. De Smet &
Oblique subduction of the Indian-Australian oceanic plate beneath Barber (Chapter 7) report that the Asahan Arch formed a topo-
the Sumatran arc resulted in extension and the commencement of graphic feature from earliest Miocene times.
sea-floor spreading in the Andaman Sea at c. 13 Ma. The develop- The Investigator Fracture Zone is not the only transform fault in
ment of transform faults from the Andaman Spreading Centre, par- the ocean plate subducted beneath Sumatra. Unnamed fracture
ticularly affecting northern Sumatra and the Forearc (see Chapter zones in the northwestern Wharton Basin to the south of Pulau
13), and caused displacement along segments of the Sumatra Enggano (Liu et al. 1983) impact with a gentle restraining bend
Fault Zone in the Mid-Miocene. In northern Sumatra volcaniclastic in the subduction trench, and project northwards beneath southern
rocks occur close to the present day coastline and were derived Sumatra and intersect the Sumatran Fault Zone. Shallow earth-
from buried Pliocene volcanic centres, which probably occupied quake epicentres (Nishimura et al. 1986) and the Pliocene
a similar position to the Quaternary volcanoes. It has been High-K Ranau and Pasumah Tuff fields lie along the northward
suggested that the Quaternary volcanoes adjacent to the north projections of these fracture zones. These alignments may be
coast of Sumatra are related to the southward subduction of coincidence; these occurrences of the rhyolitic tufts may have
Andaman Sea oceanic crust (Rock et al. 1982; Chapter 9). other explanations, related to the complex tectonics and
However, Sieh & Natiwidjaya (2000) have shown that in the north- Quaternary volcanicity in the Sunda Strait to the southeast, as
ern part of the volcanic arc, the subducted Indian-Australian ocean discussed by Gasparon in Chapter 9.
slab has a shallow angle of dip, so that the 100 and 200 km contours
are deflected eastwards beneath the volcanoes of northern Sumatra.

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