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M.aldi (101117011)
Friski Duwita Mayang .S. (101117043)
Muhammad Imam F. (101117049)
Sthevanie Dhita S. (101117026)
Liberte Iusti De Dili (101117044)


PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

1. Create a cross section explaining the petroleum system in the area
 To point out to the cross section: hot rock, reservoir, seal and conceptual model

Figure 1.Peta Geologi Lembar Kota Agung, Sumatera

Figure 2. MT Resistivity cross-section of Ulubelu

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

 Explain timing of the generation of the geothermal system

As geothermal system data that given to us. The TOMH structure is formed first,
because it was an old one among any structure that we had. Therefore, TMGR was an
intrusion structure that have cut the TOMH and then, for many years, the top of
TOMH structure got fallen (erosion) but Tmgr structure was not got erosion because
Tmgr are granite structure that very strong enough to not got eroded. Then, the QHV
structure was formed that filled the basin that are made after the erosion from Tomh
by Tmgr. The QHV structure was an earliest structure among any structure. From the
cross section, we can determine the parts of geothermal system as the reservoir, heat
source, cape rock, recharge, and discharge of the geothermal system. And all of the
parts of geothermal system were founded in QHV structure, why all of the parts were
founded in QHV structure? Because they were parts of one mountain body. The
resource Was located 1500 m under Rendingan mountain ( JSDG Vol 20 NO 2 April
2010 ). And then, the cape Rock was located 1000 m under Rendigan Mountain.
Tectonic processes in qhvt occur tectonic processes and normal faults are formed. The
normal fault part is qhvt as a reservoir. The heat source is near the surface of the
mountain because there is magma activity there. Recharge flow comes from meteorite
water. The recharge flow is on Mount Rending and the Gunung Kukusan. This
recharge flow is exposed to the heat source due to the movement of magma in the
mountain were rafted and steamed. The hot water were discharged. Based on the
geophysical method (MT), the discharge flow flows out of the surface and in the
middle between the Rendingan Mountain and Kukusan Mountain and next to the
Kukusan Mountain. Then the conclusions we take are : The Geothermal Potentional
were between Rendigan mountain and Kukusan mountain.

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

2. Table

Geothermal system Lithology/Formation name Age. (Ma)

Heat source Qhv (t) (Young Plistosen – Holosen
Quarteranary Volcanics)
Andesite to basaltic breccias,
lava and tuff
Reservoir Qhv (t) (Young Quarteranary Plistosen – Holosen
Andesite to basaltic breccias,
lava and tuff
Caprock Qhv (t) (Young Quarteranary Plistosen - Holosen
Andesite to basaltic breccias,
lava and tuff
Recharging From Meteorite water Plistosen – Holosen
Qhv (t) (Young Quarteranary
Andesite to basaltic breccias,
lava and tuff
Discharge/manifestasi Hydrothermal manifestations, Plistosen - Holosen
between rindegan mountain
and Kukusan mountain, and
next to Kukusan mountain.
Qhv (t) (Young Quarteranary
Andesite to basaltic breccias,
lava and tuff

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4


1. Briefly explain all the methods which have been conducted in this geothermal field
a. MT

Figure 1.Resistivity Traversing Map for AB/2 = 1000m

MT method has been used in geothermal exploration at Ulubelu, with the MT method
will get physical properties in the form of resistivity, Electrical resistivity traversing
data measurements using Schlumberger configuration were carried out for AB/2 = 250
m, 500 m, 750 m and 1000 m at 137 stations covering almost 85 km 2.The first, a low
resistivity anomaly (10 Ohm-meter) is distributed around Mt. Kukusan (Kukusan
Block) from the central to the southern part of the Ulubelu area and covering 25 km 2,
low resistivity shows that around MT. Kukusan is caprock. The low resistivity anomaly
is associated with active surface thermal manifestations such as fumaroles and
solfataras, The second, a low resistivity anomaly, occurs in the southern slope of Mt
Rendingan (Rendingan Block) covering 3 km2. inspection of the apparent resistivity
map for AB/2 = 250 m and 500 m (Daud, 1995a) indicates that the low resistivity
anomaly does not exist in the southern foothills of Mt.Rendingan. However, an
indication of such a low resistivity anomaly first appears on the apparent resistivity map
for AB/2 = 750 m. This indicates that its source is deeper.

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

b. Gravity

Figure 2. Residual Gravity Anomaly of the Ulubelu Geothermal Field

In Ulubelu geothermal exploration also uses the gravity method, the gravity method
used to search for structures and heat sources through physical properties, namely
density. Based on the figure, there has been extensive negative anomalies occurring in
parts of the Ulubelu geothermal area (to the north of Pagaralam and Mt Duduk)
indicating a concealed graben structure and positive anomaly that is on the north side
of Mt rendingan which indicates a large density contrast which indicates a heat

c. Self-Potential

Figure 3. Self-Potential Anomaly of the Ulubelu Geothermal Field

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

Self-Potential data can be used to assist interpretation of the possible up-flow and out-
flow zones in a geothermal field (Corwin and Hoover, 1979; Ross et al.,1990), It can
be seen that a positive anomaly with an amplitude of about 70 mV and approximately
2.5 km wavelength occurrs in the central part of the study area. Since the positive
anomaly has a good correlation with low resistivity anomaly (10 Ohm.meter) it can be
concluded that such an anomaly is probably caused by uprising fluids to the surface
(up flow zone) which we can call a discharge, it is proven by geological data that
there are manifestations in the form of fumaroles and solfataras, a negative anomaly
with an amplitude of about 20 mV and wavelength of 1.5 to 3 km is also found in the
western part of the study area. This anomaly may be caused by descending fluids
which acts as a recharge.

2. Integrated and Identify the main components of geothermal system in this field.

recharge recharge


Heat source
Figure 4. MT Resistivity cross-section of Ulubelu

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

3. Identify the prospect area, draw on the map (topo or geological map).

Figure 5. Peta geologi daerah prospek panasbumi Ulubelu ( M. Masdjuk, 1990)


Figure 6. reservoir formation geothermal of Ulubelu

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

a. Set Casing Depth

Figure 1. Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Plot Figure 2. Set Casing Depth
b. Mud Weight
Based on the chart of casing setting depth, the mud weights are:
1) Density of the mud from 0’TVD to 1840’TVD
ρ f 1=8.14 PPG
2) Density of the mud from 1900’TVD to 4000’TVD
ρ f 2=8.84 PPG
3) Density of the mud from 4000’TVD to 8000’TVD
ρ f 1=9.7 PPG
c. Reservoir Pressure
ρi=Mud Weight ×0.052 × Depth
1) Reservoir Pressure of Casing Shoe in 1840’TVD
ρi1=8.14 ×0.052 ×1840=778.84 psi
2) Reservoir Pressure of Casing Shoe in 4000’TVD
ρi2=8.84 ×0.052 ×4000=1838.72 psi
3) Reservoir Pressure of Casing Shoe in 8000’TVD
ρi3=9.7 ×0.052 ×8000=4035.2 psi
d. Excess Pressure
E p =( Mud Weight−Pore Pressure)× Depth
1) Excess Pressure in 1840’TVD
E p1= ( 8.14−7.54 ) ×1840=1104 psi
2) Excess Pressure in 4000’TVD
E p2= ( 8.84−8.24 ) × 4000=2400 psi
3) Excess Pressure in 8000’TVD
E p3 =( 9.7−9.1 ) × 8000=4800 psi

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

a. Potential Area
From Geology and Geophysics Data, Reservoir of Ulubelu field located in Kukusan
formation with the temperature 220 ℃. And the assumption potential area in the
kukusan formation like a sphere.

A=4 π r 2 A=4 π r 2 A=78.5+12.56

A=4 (3,14)(2.5)2 A=4 (3,14)(1)2 A = 91.06 Km2
A=78.5 Km 2 A=12.56 Km 2
Lapangan 1 Lapangan 2 Luas total

b. Power Density
From paper (Daud, 2000), we get the temperature of Kukusan Reservoir is 220 ℃.
Based on other literature (BSN,2000), the power density can be determined
according to the reservoir temperature. And for temperature 125 ℃−225 ℃ power
density is 10 MWe/km2.
Qel = 10 MWe/km2
c. Resource Power
We can determine the Resource ( H el ) used formula from literature (BSN, 2000)
H el =A ×Q el =91.06 km2 × 10 =910.6 MWe


Based on literature [1], Ulubelu field has two types of SAGS. SAGS of Unit 1-2 is a
hybrid system between centralized and satellite. Otherwise, SAGS of Unit 3-4 is a
centralized system.
The SAGS in Unit 1-2 consist of Cluster B (4 wells), C (4 wells, 2 separator units), D
(3 wells and 1 separator unit), A (2 wells), and F (3 wells), Two-phase and steam
pipelines, Brine and condensate reinjection line, steam scrubbing line, and vent stations.
Two-phase fluid from cluster-B is transported to separator at cluster-C. The steam from
separator flow to the scrubbing lines, then flow to one single steam line direct to the
power plant. Otherwise, the separated brine along with condensates from power plants
injected into wells in cluster-A. Meanwhile, two-phase fluid from cluster-D flow and

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

separated in the separator on cluster-D. Then, the separated steam flows to the power
plant while the brine is reinjected into the wells in cluster-F by gravity.
The SAGS in Unit 3-4 consist of production well cluster I(3 wells), G(2 wells), K(3
wells), C(1 well) and H(4 wells), separator area, scrubbing line, steam vent station,
reinjection wells, steam-field drainage system, and inter-connecting pipeline between
unit 1-2 and unit 3-4. Two-phase fluid from all production wells (cluster G, H, I, K, C)
transported to the central separator station through pipeline. The central separator station
consists of three separator vessels. Each separator is provided with Pressure Safety Valve
(PSV) in the steam line of the isolation valve to protect the equipment from overpressure,
where the discharge pressure of PSV is set higher that control valve in vent station. The
produced steam is transferred through scrubbing line to the power plant. While the brine
is transported to the reinjenction wells in cluster R1 and R2.

Figure 3. SAGS Unit 1–2 of Ulubelu Field (Mubarok, 2015)

Figure 4. SAGS Unit 3–4 of Ulubelu Field (Mubarok, 2015)

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4


Badan Standarisasi Nasional. 2000. Standar Nasional: Angka parameter dalam estimasi
potensi energi panas bumi. No. SNI 13-6482-2000.
Daud, Y., Sudarman, S., and Ushijima, K. “INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES OF
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2000. Kyushu – Tohoku, Japan: May 28 – June
10, 2000 2014. ̏Casing Seat Selection – How To Select Casing Setting Dept ̋.
Retrieved from
casing-setting-depth/ (2018/12/05)
Mubarok, M.H, and Sadiq J. Zarrouk. “STEAM-FIELD DESIGN OVERVIEW OF THE
Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Auckland, New Zealand: Nov 18 – Nov 20, 2015.

PEPE – GP 2018 – Group 4

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