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Analyze the readings and videos for this unit.

  Select an educational aspect from IB that

you found uniquely different from your own experience as a young student growing up.
Compare and contrast IB programming today to your own educational background in
your early years.  Provide examples and citations as appropriate. 

My philosophy in education is PROGRESSIVISM because it provide the learning environment of the

students that will be focusing on the construction of ideas or knowledge through the interaction with
the social groups inside the classroom setting. The progressivism is the most recent trend in the
teaching profession due to its purpose to provide the continuum learning during the social interaction
of the students with one another. It can be in a form of peer-to-peer interactions, small-group, or
large-group in which they are aiming to reach the particular competencies or standards of the lessons
or topics. No man is an island. It is highly recommended that each student should have the
collaborative or cooperative learning so that they could be able to learn from each other. Focusing on
this progressivism, it is mostly observed when the students are doing the learning activities especially
when they are brainstorming or sharing new ideas with the peers. 

More over, the progressivism could be applied in the classroom situation in which the students should
have to engage in the process of learning by means of discussion in one group. Like for example, the
teacher presented the learning activities and the students are required to form at least 5 groups. Each
group needs to collaborate with one another so that they could make it possible to present their works
in the class. They will be sharing ideas with one another so that it would helps them to understand
and analyze the lessons well. This is the essential or the integral part that needs to be trained to the
students on how they will interact with one another and share their knowledge and ideas to the
particular topic. In this way, the teacher could make it possible to enrich the learning experiences of
the students because they have given the opportunities to present the ideas of each group during the
discussion. It would also be easier for the teacher to provide or elicit feedbacks regarding the ideas of
the students so that if they have the misconceptions in the topic, it would be corrected immediately.
This philosophy enhanced the learning experiences of the students because it is purely
PERFORMANCE-BASED of one social group. The goal of education is to guide the students on how
they will be collaborating with one another in order to achieve the desired goals or outcomes.
Therefore, the progressivism is the new trend that can be used in the classroom setting so that it
could provide the meaningful and holistic learning to the students. 

We could be able to assess our growth and progress toward actualization of personal philosophy of
education by using the assessment tools such as the checklist method. In the checklist method, there
are indicators for the professional growth and development of the teachers that must be assessed in
order to fully determine your progress in the field of teaching profession. The assessment tools will
also be administered to the clienteles (students), colleagues, and the high-ranking officials of the
school and you will be evaluated by them. You can also use self-assessment wherein you can reflect
your progress toward the actualization of your philosophy in education. Like for example, if you
preferred the PROGRESSIVISM as your philosophy in education, then you should be RESULT-
ORIENTED and utilize the PERFORMANCE-BASED tools that would help you to assess your growth
and progress. In this way, the various assessment tools could be used so that it would provide the
most reliable and accurate result of data and your performance rating must be validated by the

I would be able to teach students to develop a growth vs. a fixed mindset by means of providing the
best learning experiences which strengthen the mind, skills, and values of each student in class. In
this way, to develop a certain growth, the teachers should have to provide other learning activities
suited for the development of each student. The teachers should be knowledgeable enough on the
learning styles and multiple intelligences of the learners so that they could be able to provide learning
activities suited to the learning preferences of the students. With this, the teaching method should be
STUDENT-CENTERED and PERFORMANCE-BASED so that it would still abide with the principles
of the Outcome-Based Education. The learning of the students will be measured through their actual
involvement in the classroom setting and they will be assessed using the various assessment tools
that evaluate the learning outcomes acquired by the students. 

Here are the citations: 

Adams, M.J. 1990 Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print. Center for the Study of
Reading, The Reading Research and Education Center. Urbana-Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois.

Alkin, M., ed. 1992 Encyclopedia of Educational Research, 6th Edition. New York: Mac-Millan.

Alexander, L. 1991 America 2000: An Education Strategy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of


Because it creates a learning environment for students that is centered on the construction of
ideas or knowledge through interaction with social groups within the confines of the
classroom, progressivism is the educational approach that I subscribe to. This is why my
philosophy of education is progressivism. The progressive pedagogy movement is the most
recent trend to emerge in the field of education. This can be attributed to the progressivism
movement's goal of offering students a continuous learning experience through their
participation in social interactions with one another. It could take the form of peer-to-peer
interactions, small-group discussions, or even large-group discussions, all of which are geared
toward the students achieving the specific standards or competencies associated with the
lessons. No one truly lives on their own. It is strongly recommended that every student
participate in either collaborative or cooperative learning so that they can learn from one
another. This will allow them to learn faster and retain more information. In terms of this
progressivism, it is most often seen when the students are engaging in the learning activities,
particularly when they are engaging in group brainstorming or when they are discussing new
ideas with their classmates.

In addition, progressivism could be implemented in a classroom setting in which students are

required to actively participate in the learning process by means of group discussion. This
would fall under the category of "active learning." As an illustration, the instructor has
presented the educational activities, and the students are required to break up into at least five
separate groups. Each of the groups will need to coordinate their efforts with one another in
order to successfully present their respective bodies of work to the class. They are going to
discuss their thoughts with one another in order to improve their capacity to comprehend and
critically evaluate the content of the lessons. When it comes to training the students on how
they will interact with one another and share their knowledge and ideas regarding a particular
subject, this is the most important or integral part that needs to be taught to the students.
Because of this, the instructor has the ability to make it possible for the students' learning
experiences to be enriched. This is due to the fact that the students have been given the
opportunities to present the ideas of each group while the discussion is taking place. It would
also be simpler for the instructor to provide or elicit feedback regarding the ideas of the
students, which would make it possible to immediately correct the students if they had any
misconceptions regarding the subject matter. Because it is based entirely on the performance
of a single social group, this philosophy made the students' educational experiences more
beneficial. The purpose of education is to instruct students in a manner that will facilitate their
ability to work cooperatively toward the accomplishment of a set of objectives or outcomes of
their choosing. Therefore, progressivism is the new trend that can be used in the setting of a
classroom in order to provide the students with the meaningful and holistic learning

By making use of the assessment tools such as the checklist method, we might be able to
evaluate our development and the steps we've taken toward the realization of our own
personal philosophy of education. In the method of using a checklist, there are indicators for
the professional growth and development of the teachers that need to be evaluated in order to
fully determine your progress in the field of teaching profession. These indicators must be
evaluated in order to fully determine your progress in the field of teaching profession. The
evaluation tools will also be given to the clienteles (students), colleagues, and high-ranking
officials of the school, and all of these people will evaluate you as well. You could also use
something called self-assessment, which allows you to evaluate how far you've come in terms
of putting your educational philosophy into practice. If, for instance, you favored progressivism
as your educational philosophy, you ought to be RESULTS-ORIENTED and make use of the
PERFORMANCE-BASED tools because they will assist you in evaluating both your development
and your advancement. In the same vein, if you favored constructivism as your educational
philosophy, you ought to be PERFORMANCE-BASED. Your performance rating must be
validated by the authorities, and this can be accomplished by making use of the numerous
assessment tools that are available. This will ensure that the data obtained is both reliable and

I would be able to instruct students to develop a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed

mindset by providing the most beneficial learning experiences that would strengthen the mind,
skills, and values of each student in the classroom. Therefore, in order for there to be a certain
amount of growth, the teachers should be required to provide additional learning activities
that are suited for the development of each student. Teachers need to have sufficient
knowledge of the multiple intelligences and learning styles of their students in order to be able
to provide students with learning activities that are tailored to the students' individual
preferences for how they prefer to learn. In light of this, the instructional approach ought to be
STUDENT-CENTERED and PERFORMANCE-BASED in order to continue conforming to the
tenets of Outcome-Based Education. The learning of the students will be evaluated based on
their actual participation in the classroom setting, and they will be graded using a variety of
assessment tools that evaluate the learning outcomes acquired by the students. The students'
learning will be measured through their actual involvement in the classroom setting.

Adams, M.J. 1990 Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print. Center for the Study of
Reading, The Reading Research and Education Center. Urbana-Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois.

Alkin, M., ed. 1992 Encyclopedia of Educational Research, 6th Edition. New York: Mac-Millan.

Alexander, L. 1991 America 2000: An Education Strategy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of


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