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OBJETIVO: Utilizar adecuadamente las expresiones de cantidad para sustantivos contables y no contables y las
involucran dentro de su comunicación oral y escrita en inglés con seguridad y fluidez.

How much/many, few, Little, etc.

Countable nouns  - We can count them
- We can use a/an and numbers before them
- They have singular and plural forms
One carrot five oranges an apple

Uncountable nouns  - We cannot count them

- We cannot use a/an before them
- They have only singular forms
Rice salt water

NOTE: Sometimes we use different adjectives and adjectival phrases with uncountable nouns (salt, rice, money, advice),
and countable nouns (friends, bags, people). There are some which can be used with both countable and uncountable


How many…? How much…?
A few/ few A little/ little No/ none
A number (of) A bit (of) Not any
Several Some (any)
A large number of A great deal of A lot of
A great number of A large amount of Plenty of

A majority of A large quantity of Lots of

Example: There are several students in this classroom

We were running and we saw a lot of policemen in the park
Yesterday a few English teachers had a meeting in this town.
The police found some new cars in the car parking.
I saw a large number of red chairs in this classroom.
My father was thirsty and he drank a lot of orange juice.
I saw a bit of water in the small bottle
There is a little cheese, we need to buy some
My mother gave us a great deal of bread for breakfast
There isn’t any sugar in this cup.

Pay attention: much and many are used in negative and question forms.
How much milk did you buy?
How many apples have you eaten?
There's not much meat in the fridge
There weren't many guests at the party

They are also used with too, (not) so, and (not) as

It's a problem when there are so many people.

There's not so much work to do this week.

In positive statements, we use a lot of:

I've a lot of work this week.
There were a lot of people at the concert.

“Few” y “Little” sin el artículo “a”, da la idea de algo negativo.

These expressions show the speaker's attitude towards the quantity he/she is referring to.

A few (for countable nouns) and a little (for uncountable nouns) describe the quantity in a positive way:
"I’ve a few friends" (= maybe not many, but enough)
"I've a little money" (= I've got enough to live on)

Few and little describe the quantity in a negative way:

- Few people went to the concert (= The concert wasn’t as perfect as they want)
- She had little money (= almost no money)

I can’t buy that car. I have little money

The party wasn’t funny. There were few guests

También podemos emplear “NO” , para indicar la ausencia de algo en oraciones afirmativas
- We use NO (= not any) with uncountable or plural countable nouns in affirmative sentences.

Example: There isn’t any water = There is no water

There weren’t any boys = There were no boys

Complete with much, many, a lot of, lots of, a little (little), a few (few)

1. Andy: How __________ sugar do you take in your strawberry juice

Jenny: I want __________sugar, please. I am overweight
Andy: What about milk? How__________ milk do you want in your juice?
Jenny: I want _______ milk. I love it!
Andy: Would you like some cookies?
Jenny: Ok, but only _________.

2. Albert: I like this fantastic blue shoes, but I’m afraid I don`t have ________ money on me. How_______ money can
you give me?

Ricky: Sorry! I only have ________ money, but we can come back tomorrow.

3. Patrick: Don’t invite your friends this afternoon. We don`t have _________ bottles of soda for them
Angie: Yes, We do! Have a look in the kitchen. There are __________ bottles of apple soda.
Patrick: Oh, you’re right, but they are for your brothers and sisters. They are going to come tonight.

Taller de comprensión
1. Read the following dialogue. Select the knowing words and choose them in your dictionary.

Berta: Excuse me; can you pass me the sugar, Carmen? There isn’t any sugar in my juice
Carmen: Here you are. How is your hamburger?
Berta: Not too bad. What are you eating Alice?
Alice: Well, in my plate there are some vegetables: peas, carrots and broccoli.
Berta: I don`t like vegetables. They are for rabbits!
Alice: Don´t pull my leg! How is your pasta soup, Jorge? Do you like it?
Jorge: It’s seafood casserole, actually. Well, I am not sure about that
Alice: What do you mean?
Jorge: I mean there isn’t any seafood in it!
Alice: I see. Let’s order some for dessert
Berta: Good idea. Let`s call the waitress. Oh, there she is.
Waitress: What would you like for dessert? There is strawberry cake and cherry ice cream
Berta: Some cherry ice cream for me, please.
Alice: And strawberry cake for me.
Jorge: I don`t want a dessert. Can I have some coffee, please?
Waitress: Certainly.

2. Match the expressions with the corresponding meaning

A. Here you are a. No moleste

B. Not too bad b. Aquí tiene
C. Don’t pull my leg! c. No tan mal.

3. Write B (Berta) C(Carmen) A (Alice) J(Jorge) according the reading

a. ___ is eating hamburger

b. ___ wants some coffee
c. ___ doesn’t like vegetables
d. ___ has beans, broccoli ant carrots in his/her plate
e. ___ is having seafood casserole
f. ___ wants strawberry cake
g. ___ wants some cherry ice cream

4. Complete each sentence. Use some, any, no.

a. I only saw ___________ of her friends in the party. Not all of them
b. There isn’t ___________ cheese in my hamburger
c. She is broke. She has ______ money.
d. My father bought two pounds of cheese and _______ bread at the supermarket yesterday.
e. We don’t find ______ coins on the floor
f. I am busy. I have _____ time to go out with you nowç
g. ____ matter what she does, they hate her and won`t accept her in their group.

Corregir gramática
Los estudiantes leen y analizan cada una de las siguientes oraciones para determinar si hay errores gramaticales y

Read the following sentences and correct the grammar mistakes that you find. (Some sentences are correct)

1. Fortunately, there was little cold water in the fridge because I was too thirsty.
2. I always eat some vegetables with every meal. I just love them!
3. There is only little milk in the carton. We need to buy some
4. Andres didn`t drank many beer yesterday. He was sick and tired, so he went home early.
5. My mother drinks a cup of tea every morning and a few bread every afternoon.
6. The police caught a lot of thieves yesterday. They hadn’t stolen much stores but they were dangerous.

Answer key PRACTICE 1: 1 (much, a little, much, much, a few) 2 (much, much, a little) 3. (many, some)

Answer key: 1 (There was a little cold) 2 (No mistakes) 3 (No mistakes) 4 ( much beer)
5 ( a little bread) 6 (They had stolen many stores)


OBJETIVO: emplear eficientemente las unidades de medida para expresar cantidades exactas tanto con sustantivos
contables como con no contables, involucrando este vocabulario en su comunicación oral y escrita en inglés.

Unidades de medida (bottle, pound, bar, cup, etc)

To mention a specific quantity of a noncount noun, we use units of measure such as:

Bar Gallon Piece Sheet

Bottle Glass Pound Spoonful
Bowl Loaf Quart Tube
Cup Carton Packet Kilo
Can Slice Gram Liter, etc

I drink three glasses of water every day

My brother bough a pound of flour yesterday because he wanted to make some cookies
My mother has a bowl of delicious soup for lunch
This morning Antonio ate one piece of toast

Complete each sentence. Use the words in the list

Bowl Hungry Cake Dining room Cheese

Bars Carton Recipe Pound Money

1. We eat meals in the _____________________

2. I don’t have much _______________. I can’t pay this bill
3. I am ___________. I haven’t eaten lunch yet
4. My mother has a special ____________ for making __________ cake

5. You need two __________ of butter, a __________ of sugar, a ___________ of milk and a __________ of flour if
you want to make a delicious ______________.

Answer key: (1. Dining room – 2. Money – 3. Hungry – 4. Recipe, cheese – 5. Bars, pound, carton, bowl, cake)



Colombian food can be a very delectable adventure for your taste. There are some types of Colombian food where guinea
pigs and roasted ants are served as a meal and considered a delicacy. Most dishes consist of meat products such as
chicken, beef, fish, pig, and, as stated before, even guinea pigs! Colombian cuisine is marked by indigenous flavors and
traditional etiquettes. Colombian cuisine has rich European and African influence.
Specific areas which are near the beaches often offer lobster, shrimp, and different types of seafood.

Some traditional Colombian dishes are:

Ajiaco: A traditional Andean dish that originated from Bogotá. Basically it’s a chicken, corn, and potato stew with a hint of
guasca (a local herb).
Bandeja paisa: It combines white rice and red beans with ground beef, plantain, chorizo, chicharron, arepa, avocado and
a fried egg.
Sancocho - This stew originated from the Cauca Valley, but can be found around the country. Ingredients vary according
the region but usually contain some form of meat, fish and vegetables such as potatoes, yuca, corn and green bananas.
Tamales - A corn “cake” is wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed. It is filled with meat, chicken and vegetables like
carrots, peas, onion, etc.
Fritanga: It is a plate full of grilled meat like beef, chicken, ribs and sausages and fried cow intestines (chunchullo) which
get served with little potatoes, arepas, bananas and yuca

Changua: It is a soup made with milk, water, eggs and scallions. The eggs are dropped into the mixture without breaking
the yolks. It is served with cilantro. Sometimes a piece of bread is soaked in the mixture.
Ants: Some special ants are soaked in salty water and roasted in a ceramic pot. People eat them as snacks.

1. Write T (true) or F (false) according the reading.

a. ___ Colombian food includes meat in the recipes

b. ___ Guinea pigs are considered a delicacy
c. ___ Colombian cousine has rich American and Australian influence.
d. ___ Ants are eaten in Colombia as snacks
e. ___ “Changua” is a soup.

2. Answer the questions

a. What ingredients does “ajiaco” have?

b. Which Colombian dish is full of grilled meat?
c. What meal does areas near the beaches offer?
d. What ingredients does “Sancocho” include?
e. Which dish is wrapped in a banana left?

3. Write the word according the definition. Use the list given

Lobster delicacy delectable stew guinea pigs

Beef rib shrimp cuisine yolk

a. ___________: Delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting.

b. ___________: Animals who have long ears and short tail; some domesticated and raised for pets or food.
c. ___________: The quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance, refined taste.
d. ___________: Meat from an adult domestic bovine
e. ___________: The practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared.
f. ___________: Any of several marine crustaceans.

g. ___________: small slender – bodied chiefly marine decapods crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of
pincers; many species are edible
h. ___________: Food prepared by stewing specially meat or fish with vegetables.
i. ___________: Any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or towards the sternum in
most vertebrates.
j. ___________: The yellow mass of a bird or reptile egg.

Answer key: 1 ( a. T – b. T - c. F – d. T – e. T)
2 ( a. “Ajiaco” has chicken, corn, potato and guasca – b.”Fritanga” is full of grilled meat – c.
They offer lobster, shrimp, and different types of seafood – d. “Sancocho” includes some form
of meat, fish and vegetables such as potatoes, yuca, corn and green bananas – e. Tamales)
3 ( a. delectable – b. guinea pigs – c. delicacy – d. beef – e. cuisine – f. lobster – g. shrimp – h.
stew – i. rib – j. yolk)

Escribir una descripción del plato o algunos platos que más consumen en su casa. Para ello pueden tomar como base,
algunos de los platos descritos en el texto de comprensión de lectura.


OBJETIVO: Adquirir habilidad al establecer comunicación oral y escrita relacionada con el uso de sustantivos contables
y no contables empleando eficientemente las respectivas expresiones de cantidad que corresponden a cada clase.

How much – how many
Recuerde a sus estudiantes que cuando preguntamos por cantidad podemos emplear “ how many” o “how much”,
dependiendo de si preguntamos por sustantivos contables o no contables
Remember these rules:

- We use "How many" for questions using countable or plural objects

Example: How many books do you have?

- We use "How much" for questions using a non-countable or singular object

Example: How much juice is left?

- How much is used to ask about the price of something

Example: How much is it?
How much is that jacket?

Write and read three examples for each rule studied.

Estructuras: Expresiones de cantidad

Read and circle the correct words

1. A: Could I speak you for few/ a lot/ a few minutes, please? I have a little problem
B: I don’t have much/ many/ some time now, but we can have a coffee this afternoon.

2. A: Can you go to the supermarket? We need few/ a few/ a little things

B: Yes, I can
A: Get much/ many/ some chocolate cake. There is also little/ any/ few milk. Get three bags.

B: OK, I will… but give me many/ much/ a lot/ lots of money because I want to buy any /much/ some candies and
chocolates too.

3. Many/ a lot/ much Latin people live in USA but very few/ many/ little of them can speak English.

Crear diálogo
Los estudiantes escriben un diálogo que represente alguna situación cotidiana que se desarrolle en la tienda de su barrio
o en algún otro sitio comercial.

104 - HOW MANY TIMES . . . ?

OBJETIVO: Los estudiantes incorporan y emplean fluidamente la expresión “how many times..? dentro de su
comunicación en inglés y responden a preguntas que la contienen.

How many times…? Once, twice, etc.


If you use the construction How many times…?, you want to know about the specific number of occasions
something has happened or happens in an specific period of time

- How many times have you called him?

At least ten times

- How many times a week do you go to the gym?
I go to the gym twice a week.

Times = veces
Once = una vez
Twice = dos veces.
Not many = no muchas (pocas)
Just (two or three) = solo dos o tres.
A day, a month, a year = Al día, al mes, al año.
Once in a while = De vez en cuando
Hardly ever = casi siempre
Almost never = casi nunca

EYYYY!!!!!!!, one time and two times are incorrected -------- the right thing is: once (una vez) twice (dos veces)
The construction “how often..? is used more frequently than “How many times…?”. When you use it, you are asking
about how frequently something happens.
- How many times…? Usually refers to past occasions
- How often…? is used to refer to past, present and future situations.

Example: How often do you plan to go to the disco this vacation?

 As often as possible
 Every day, If I can.


Ejemplo: - How many times have you traveled by plane this year?
- This year I have traveled by plane twice.



You are what you eat, so if you eat healthy, you are healthy. If you're just starting to have a healthy lifestyle, you probably
don't know healthy food. Take the following quiz and discover how healthy your nutritional habits are.

1. How often do you have fast food for dinner?

a. Never
b. Once in a while
c. Twice a week
d. Three or more times a week.

2. How many times a year do you visit your nutritionist?

a. Twice
b. Once
c. Almost never
d. Never

3. How many times a week do you eat vegetables?

a. Every day
b. Hardly ever
c. Not many
d. Never

4. How many times a day do you eat service of fruit and vegetables?
a. Two times a day
b. Many times a day, when I have the opportunity
c. Once a while

d. Rarely or never

5. What kind of snacks do you usually eat?

a. Fruit, nuts or yogurt
b. Bread or cookies
c. Any dessert
d. Anything fried (potatoes, cracklings, etc)

6. Which dairy products do you eat regularly?

a. Vegetables and fish
b. Rice, vegetables and any kind of meat
c. I don’t care about that, I just eat that there is
d. Everything, without green things.

7. What do you usually drink during the day?

a. Water
b. Juice, tea or coffee
c. Soda
d. Beer or anything with alcohol

8. How many teaspoonfuls do you have in your tea or coffee?

a. None
b. 1 teaspoonful
c. 2 teaspoonfuls
d. 3 teaspoonfuls
9. Where does most of your food come from?
a. We make our own food at home
b. From a restaurant

c. It doesn’t matter. It comes just from any place.
d. The nearest fast food

10. When you eat out, which do you usually have?

a. Green or fruit salads
b. Beef, steak or any special meat
c. Any dairy food like rice, vegetables, meat, pasta, etc
d. Pizza, hamburger, hot dog or any kind of fast food

Review your results and assign the following score to each letter, next add all the scores.
a= 1 c= 3
b=2 d= 4

Your results

10 points
You take care of yourself, that’s why you eat only healthy things, so you have a healthy life and probably you will live so
much because illness don`t affect people who eat healthy things. However, Perfection is too difficult. Are you sure about
your score?

From 11 to 20 points.
You are careful about your food, but sometimes you allow some temptations. Don’t worry! It doesn’t matter! Because your
body needs those little doses of sugar and fat too. You can continue your nutritional habits like until now.

From 21 to 30 points.
Your healthy habits are a messing! You should take care about things you eat because you could have big troubles. Your
health isn’t a game, so you must eat a rich vegetable and fruit diet every day.

From 21 to 40 points.
Remember! Eating vegetables, fruits and some meat is a good option if you want to have a large and healthy life. You
must change the food which you eat before it’s too late

Now design your own quiz.

1. Select an interesting topic for your test

2. Start by writing your introduction and your questions and answers.
3. You can choose from 10 to 15 questions. For every question you must give three to five answering options.
4. Introduce the evaluation system
5. Give three or more options in the grade
6. When you finish, let your classmates answer your quiz.

Read the following text, next write T (True) F (False) or IDN (It doesn’t mention) according the reading.


Leonardo Da Vince, famous Italian painter and inventor
Tracy Chapman, famous singer and songwriter
Alicia Silverstone, actress
Albert Einstein, renowned scientist
- Well, they are/were all vegetarians and even vegans.


The most appropriate answer to this question comes from the Vegan Society; these are the words from Donald Watson,
its founder: "A vegan is someone who tries to live without exploiting animals, for the benefit of animals, people and the
planet. Vegans eat a plant-based diet, with nothing coming from animals - no meat, milk, eggs or honey, for example. A
vegan lifestyle also avoids leather, wool, silk and other animal products for clothing or any other purpose."
People have different reasons for becoming as vegans; they can be ethical or moral convictions, the environment, human
health, and spiritual or religious concerns. Being a vegan is a lifestyle and the main purposes are taking care of animals
and respect their lives.

Write true or false according the reading

1. Albert Einstein was very intelligent and famous because he was a vegan
2. The Vegan Society was founded by Donald Watson
3. A vegan doesn’t eat anything from animals
4. Some vegans eat eggs and fish but not beef or steak.
5. Some people become as vegans because religious convictions

Answer key: 1. False – 2. True – 3. True – 4. False – 5. True.

Esta semana, escriben un texto donde hablen sobre las principales comidas de su
pueblo, ciudad o departamento.


Imagine that you have been asked to write an article about food in your town, city or department for a magazine. Read the
clues and write your article. It should be between 100 and 120 words.
- Before you start, write down some ideas
- Organize your ideas into paragraphs.
- Think of an interesting title

- Use a variety of adjectives.
(Colombian cuisine reading can be use as a model for this writing)


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