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Inglés Académico CTP Puriscal

Profesora MaJo Angulo Fallas

Monday May 30th ,2022.
12th Grade

Student´s name: ______________________________________________________

• Identifies key words when people speak at normal speed on familiar topics
Identifies main ideas in factual text and simple reports on familiar topics. (Simple past)
• Recognizes key words of audio text if the topic is familiar and the text can be replayed
Pass or fail?
Success, failure, choice, pass, fail.

The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now.
How to Formulate the Simple Past

For regular verbs, add -ed to the root form of the verb (or just -d if the root form already ends in an e):

Play→Played Type→Typed Listen→Listened Push→Pushed Love→Loved

For irregular verbs, things get more complicated. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs looks exactly like

the root form:

Put→Put Cut→Cut Set→Set Cost→Cost Hit→Hit

For other irregular verbs, including the verb to be, the simple past forms are more erratic:

See→Saw Build→Built Go→Went Do→Did Rise→Rose Am/Is/Are→Was/Were

The good news is that verbs in the simple past tense (except for the verb to be) don’t need to agree in number with

their subjects.

Useful Vocabulary:
• to attend classes: to go to classes
• bachelor’s degree: an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years
• boarding school: a school where students live during term time
• distance learning: a way of studying where tuition is carried out over
the Internetor by post
• face-to-face classes: as opposed to distance learning the
traditional way ofstudying in a classroom with colleagues and a
• to fall behind with your studies: to progress less quickly than others
• to give feedback: to offer guidance on a student’s work
• a graduation ceremony: an event where a successful student
receives his or heracademic degree
• higher education: education, usually in a college or university, that
is followedafter high school or secondary school
• an intensive course: a course that offers lots of training in order to
reach a goal inas short a time as possible
• to keep up with your studies: to not fall behind
• to learn something by heart: to memorize it
• a mature student: a student who is older than average and who
has usuallyreturned to education after a period at work
• master’s degree: a period of study which often follows the
completion of a bachelor’s degree or is undertaken by someone
regarded as capable of a higher-level academic course
• to meet a deadline: to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed
• to play truant: to stay away from classes without permission
• private language school: an independent school run as a business concern
• public schools: exclusive independent schools in the UK
• a single-sex school: a school where only boys or girls attend (as
opposed to amixed-sex school)
• to sit an exam: to take an exam
• state school: a school paid for by public funds and available to the general public
• subject specialist: a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about
the subjectthey teach.
• to take a year out: to spend a year working or travelling before starting university
• tuition fees: the money paid for a course of study
• to work your way through university: to have a paid job whilst studying
to supportyourself financially

Warm up

In groups, learners are given the following questions to reflect on.

1. Have you ever failed any subject in school?
2. Have you ever failed a game?
3. Have you ever failed at something that was important to you?
4. How did you react to that failure?
5. Did something positive come out of it? What?

1 Pass or Fail?

Match these words with the definitions 1–8.

assignment course lecture notes research term tutor tutorial

• a piece of work that you have to do as part of your studies______________________

• a lesson where a small group of students discuss something with a


• a lesson where a large group of people listen to an expert talking about a


• a period of time that the school year is divided into

• the study of something to discover new facts _________________________

• a teacher at university

• a series of lessons in a subject

• things that you write down to help you to remember

2 Listening Exercise

1. The girl's teacher seems _______.

a) irritable
b) fascinating
c) considerate

2.The girl feels that ________ in her Spanish class.

a) the exams are quite confusing

b) the assignments require too much time
c) the teacher doesn't explain things well enough

3.The girl is _______ in her algebra class.

a) doing average work

b) getting excellent grades
c) failing

4.The girl likes her history class because _____.

a) there isn't any homework

b) the tests are easy
c) the teacher rewards students

5.The girl has to _____ after she comes home from the movie.

a) read her history book

b) practice her instrument
c) finish her algebra homework

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