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文を完成 させるために最 も適切 な選択肢 を選び な さい。 6 Evcryonc found(A)I■ Q豊L`[■ 塑I塾 :■ 11幽:≧ ≦:l:L■ 11⊆ 二Q里 旦 (3)Ω ■旦上垂ユ」堕 at the
dancc,so(c)L⊆ 皇11■ k旦 生亘旦笙亜 (D)墜 上坐 lttC■
]. Employees who commute by car or motorbike I]tltst go to the person-
nel office ancl renew their parking permit August 20th.
7 1t is il■ ■Poltant to do volunteCr WOrk(A)1212」 Eユ:LL望 _1:≧l皇 ≡
≧ly it a1lows yOu
(A) until
(B)12 tl■ 11■ 1(」 ⊆
≧星y≦ 2」 LLI旦 ≦
ll」 i nOt aS(C)■ _ニユgl,生 i[≦ 」Li」 ■ビl but aS(D)■ part Of a
(B) to
li:ll:11:`:旦 ]:L≦ :」 ::≧ lil::Ll:ilil::1.:ll.::Ll=!:y‐

(C) bY
(D) irr
S. (A)E、 7⊆ 尋′
ol10_cxc⊆ Pi n〕 C IlaS(3)里 _2 Cal,but inillC iS nOt(C)CnQttgL l二 g」 p

accQIュ n10datc all l)ar5′ 11lelllberS and(D)Ca里 lP二:嬰 ζ_旦 q」 il翌 理£旦1・
2. everyone r,vith cancer lvill have fever at some time, espe-
cially when the cancer or its treatment affects the immnne system. I A-ndrer,r, offerecl te;to shoot a rvolf, tgtbut his brother, (cl]4gk, caught
(A) Almost totthe alit,e ole.
(B) Almost of
(C) Most 10 1tiS(A)ln S量 liCanCC a SOmeWhat fOrmal dOCument,but(B)準
1■ とu arC
(D) Most of cncΩ lllagCd二 21 Cad it WhCn irStjOining thC Clllb,(C)ユ §二 t dOCS

望 ニュiュ
ou arC,and(D)arC_里 pt al10We旦 ,10 dO Wl■ lle On thC
変更すべ き箇所 を一 つ指摘 し、修正 しなさい。 Club's =L what)′
prel■ ■ises.

3. (A)In dlll IIl■ tter We arC gOing tO diSCuSS iS(3)Of ll■ p≦ ≧rtan CC,SO neVer
fail to be (c)lnlbe qlqqtipg room (D)at 10:00 A ⅣI.

4 1f you(Aぇ 19:m_」 :]:Ml`1_」 !三 Q:y:■ _⊆ lll塁 ≦ ,yOu

]L聖 2■ 11_⊆ 1ll止 と Can CIuOy(3)量 』Qrdably
並 [Ω ppl襲 」 (C)at aI単 StOre(D)1聖 tl墜 ⊆ QICICl■ Mooll M■ 11.

5 Verona(A)ls attra塁 童C SuPICmtty ciり (3)塁 tti■笙生⊇ユニhC堕 里ks(c)0■ the

r鯉 止 △並要 ,(D)atlheお ot of the Monti Lcssinl

Chapter 3 1品 詞 2:形 容詞 /副 詞 /前 置 詞 13

'14 Unrlerstanding English Senlence Structure

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