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I GATE - 1992 I U( (I

SECTION A cent excess reactant supplied is

(SO Marks) c. A gaseous reaction A - t 28 + C takes.

place isothennnll) in a constant
Fill in the.blnaks . pressure reactor, Starling With u
a. '!'he steps 101oiled in the manufacture gaseous ュゥセエオイ・@ containing S<l% •A

of pbenol by chlorobenzene caustic (res1 onens), the 111ll0 of final to 111ttial
jャt\ Icセ@ are chlorination or bon7.Cile. volume is round to he 1,6 The
and pcrcentagecorwersoon of A is
:T:::-he_ p_ro_ce
_ss-:-is- -compe-.ti'"'ti"',.e- "-:1,-en
. -,l;o--11· (A) .30
cost cltloMe Is avrulable, T1us means (B) 50

!hal the process must be coupled lo a ((') (i\)
セM⦅L ーャ 。ョエ@ (D) 74
b. For manufacture of slyrene the maJOr d. A multiple effect <.waporator bas a
rs11 mstcnals are and capacny to process 400tl kg of solrd

-;:---- One rmportant copoly mer caustic soda per day " hen it is
of styrene IS Which IS 」 ッ ョ 」オ ョエイ セエゥ ョァ@ Iron ltl'}o tQ 2.5% solods.
111ddy us<.\d in the manufacture or The water el'nporated in l.g per day is
nut!)mobile tyres \A) 600
raec Select the appropriate name from the
rigbl hi111d colunm. against the
processes memiorted : (D) 48.Wil
(1) H, from light セ・エ イッャ・オュ@ stock 3. Choose the correct alternate •
(II) Hrgh oetanegnsoline from nnptha il. The ml!l:hanicnl energy equaOun
(lU ) g。ウッィョセ@ frtlrn g11s oil
(TV) Petroleum Cl)ke from resodue (-(.2'-t•f.i- •-'''l' ); ('''
- +w +p)
- - tlrl'. - ,,,,
P , c.lm <lm

(A) Pyr'Olysis hns peen obtained under 1vhich of tM

( l:l) Catnly tic ctacking follo11ing assur'nptions
(C) Platfonning. (A) the llaw is stead)
(0) Steam rcfonnin.g of napiba (B) the ll ow rs incompressoble

d. An electrostatic prec1prtator ts (C} no viscous work is being done

normally used lor separating particles (D) (Joints 2 and I are on the same
from gases \\hoo streamline.
(A) PartlCie s1ze IS greater than Lmm

b_ A spherical partide 1S ヲゥャオセァ@ slowl)· Ul

\B) Particle SIZC IS less UUIO I micron a viscous liqwd such セG セ@ Revnolds
(0 Gases contain セオ ァ ィ@ c<mcenlmtlon nwnber Is less than 1. Wh1ch s1aiemenr
of carbon monoxide

is correc1 for this SJhlahon'!

( D) Gases contaon 'erv hrgh (A) Inertial and drag rorces are
concentration of solids, • 1mponant
Fill in the blunks

(B) Drag, ァ イョ |イャセ エイ ッ ョ。ャ@ Md 「オッケ。セ@

:1. It is desired 10 rnnke I (lO kg or u forces are important
solution containing MQP セ@ salt b)' mixing (C) Drng ヲッイ・\セ@ and gra1 ltat1onal forres
solution A 」ッョセ。ゥァ@ 25% salt and ana imporlant
ウッャオエゥセ[^ ョ@ B cool!llni'ng 50° % salt. The
(D) one of ibe abore
mass In Lg of solution A rcquored IS c. As the veloc1l\ V nnd Utus the
Re)'l10ids ョオ ュ「 セ イ@ of u Oow past o
b, 1.2 g 1\toms of carbon and 1,5 g moles sphere increases from very lo11 'ruues.
or セク IG ァ・ョ@ are reacted to gil'e I g mole the dras, force for Re << I
or carbon dioxide. The limitin& (A) increases linenrl) 11 iib\1
reactant is . The per
J Ut i)
ffi} 、セ」ウャヲョ・イカ@ with V tltc lemperoture of the exit liquid will
(Cl decre;,se. as v > · bl>
CD) none ofUtooc. (A) l<:s• thon 45°('
tl. Titc W"bcr numlx" CAn be usell I!! (B) 」セオッャ@ •WC
<l111imate (C"l greater rh•n 4S•C
(.\) mliQ ッヲゥョ」Zイエセ ャ@ セョゥャ@ surfac<>tensinn {0) ャQゥエセケ@ dctrl:!k'C$ and rtmain•
forces conswut ll•cJttJ/lc,r.
(B) rntio of in<:rlin and NZ」^ッョーセᄋゥャエケ@ b. Indirect 1.'>:11ltnc1 hcot excltongc't" 01-c
forces preferrtd over 、ゥセャ@ heal e.>«:.ftangers
(('I rAtio uf' mortial and ccnltifugal bCC.1USC

「ゥエ・セ@ (I\ ) heat エュョセヲ」イ@ 」\^・ヲャェゥョエセ@ are high
(C") t:ttin 1•f セBG@ ..""" and \'iurfacc (B) エャセ・イ」@ i• no risk ()f cmttnm in•liQn
ten$ion fnn..'ef;. {(') then: i• n11 mist l'nrmntil)n
+. ChtJQsc tile correct J Item ate ; (lJ) 」 Q セエ@ of "'JUipmen t i; lowc:r
n. A partl<!lo A of tlinmoter 10 micro&. <:. To JniliAtco boiling of n liquid. iャセ@
setllos 111 an oil llf spedlic grnvity 0.!1 tcmpornl\111! of tho heoled surface. if

nnd \iscoshy 10 poise under Stokes smooth will be
Law. A pat tide B will• diameter 20 ( higher/lqwer) lhan for • commercial
truc.rom •ottling in the セ ュ ・@ oil will or a roughened s ucfaco.

have a settling Yelocity d. 'l'he ndvanl.lRe of backwMd-foed
tA) s;une n• that of A multiple-etl'ecl ・カ。ーッイ セエ ッイウ@ oYer
(B) ッセ ヲ ッオ、j@ as that orA forwnt'd· foed unit; ls tbnl
ra twic<: •• th.1i of,\ (A) heal scnsltiyc matcrinls can bc
(0) four-times o.• tltai of;\, h•ndled
b. \Vrile ・アオ セエゥ ッセ@ J'or : IBJ there is no additional cost of
lA) Bnud's lllw ofsi:a: t·oductiou
1B) Filtration under constant pressure セ c I@
mo•t セッョ ッ」 ョャイ。エ ・、@ lic1uor is nl
c. M•tclt the following : bighestlemperattlro
II) Cut diameter (D) equnJ be.'lt trnnsf.:r oo<:fficients
(ll) Spccl!io セZ。ャ\・@ r.:;s-ist:mee セクャウ エ@ iu ••nrious effects.
(ill) Sfzc Reduction ャセエゥッ@ G. rnthe blanks :

(1\' ) Angh: offntemni Friction a, In •trying ·a セッャ ゥ、@ conhlinin.g moi•ture
(A ) Filtrnti<m uoov< the eritii!ul mol,w.rc cOntent, the
(131 Cyclone separllli!O• number of Jee.rec:s C)f f,-.,edom IJ
(C\ Stomgc ofgolids

(IJ) Q|ゥ 、 [ G セ@ iセB@ b. In the 1\ iセ c ョ「・NM l'hlclc tliagram fvr

<I During |ZャNセィゥョァ@ 11f ャゥエᆱセ@ the end uf blnacy dis tillation. \'t:l1lcal feed line
セョMャ^ ョャ@ ーッZN\セ]@ nltroiiiJU, the rot.c of ョZーイ」エNセ@ teed und

wn•hing t.'<lttals lhc huri2onlnl feed ャゥョセ@ ttprel!ellb

(I\) rltte offillr.Hi<m セi@ エゥュセ@ zem teed.
(Bl rate qf llllr•tion at the end c)r c. - - - - number in mass transfer

Liltrllllon eom:spon!L• to Nt1!15elt number iu 「ッセャ@

lt l tote of fiHrotion whc:n half エィセ@ lt311sfer and numllCr I()
ャゥエイョセ@ ィセウ@ be."' オ セエNゥョ」Z、@ l'randt hlltm b<:r.

CO) rule of Glttali<m at the end of d. Ill small cblumn.1- local elfodtncy i•
Liltrntion. but d<Jc"""""" 1vitl• time Murphree ・ヲャゥ」セ ョ 」ケ ェ@ tn
subse<(lltntJy, '"
lo-rg_e_ --;
- ns lcoe•l elfioieJ><Y is
Choose tlte correct セ ャエ・イョ。 ・@ I 1\ lurplu·ee efficiency,
a. In • heal cxch3ngcr Will>•L:3m out>lde 7. Cbo-o-$o....,.
_ r:rccl
_ :.ltcrnnl• •
the tubes. • Liquid gel• bcnluct to セウ ᄋ 」@ a. Write "''P"'•••ons.for
when ill! now Yelocity 111 the tub ... IS 2 (A) Van·, Hon· oquahon
mls. ·tftlJe. now velocity is •educed to I (.B) Vander Waals "'ruat iou S tole or
mls. otl1cr tJ1ings remaiuiH!!, same. b. Durmg Joulo-Tiwm e:xpon3io11 of
3 ei' 6
セ BNI@ Entlllllpy remains consiBnt (Aj Fnst;er ruid osci.ll MOJY
()3) Llnll'OP¥ イセGャエ。ゥョウ@ COJI!itartl (B) Fmller and no.n-QScillitlory
(c;) Temperature Temalns c'Qn$tant (C) Slower and osdlhllory
(D) None of the above (p) Slowennd non-oscillatory,
c. Tba necessllty and sufhcient c<lttditiott b. ReiU:rllllgc i.ttto an ¢qllivalant llllity
for equ.ilibrill111 between two plll1Ses is fet!dtiadt di セッュ@ :
(A.) concentrdtion Qf each contponenl
should be same in tlte two phases
(ll) エィセ@ lt'tllperature of <>ach phase
セィ\ャエ ャ 、@ bes•me

(C) the 11re!;Wre should be S<une in 1he
two phases
(D) tlte clumlical potential of eaclt c. An integrating ーイッエ\・ウセ@ [lfl',sj -ill
cゥュャー|vj・ョ セ@ s'l\ou)d be S<mll! in Llte conlroU"'i by a llr<lflor\ional .:inttroller
tlyo phases [K.;} The ュ・ョウセ@ instrument and
d. For a single. component, two-phase tho. futal control olentent resp<md

ュゥクャセ@ l}w nunlbat <lf itlih:penJent it\stanmtteo\lllly_ Firld li\e o ffset
カ。イゥh「ャセ@ properties ate tollowing a unit sler) ohange in load,
{.b,.) two d. Slate. whether tlte fol.lowing systems

(B) ーゥエセ@ IJJ'e stable orunsmlile :
(C) ?.ero (i) t G{im) = -110" when .IGCiMI= I
(D) three (i0 1. G()<O) =-180° wben IG (io:>)I=0.588,
Choose Ute c'Qrrectalll"l1lule :
ra 10. (]ive HteMSwers •
a. 'Tite conversion
.reaf.)tllnt;,of n a. ャ。、ゥセエッ@ tlte lllOSt apprQPriste material
undergoing a JID.-1-order -reaction, at a for tlte hanJling of (he 」ャエ・ュゥセ。@ as
lima equal to rlwe- DJUCS .half life me given below ·
ofUte reudioJil is o エ 」ュゥ。ャセ@
(A) 0,875 (!)' Dilute Sulplmric
(B) 0.5 (ll) Cvrlcentrated FlydrochloricAdd
(C) 0.425 (Ill) Wet chlonne

(D) not possibl<> lo c' hooanse of (f\!) Com::entrated Caustic Soda

ュセオヲゥ」・ョエ@ data, Mattlri.'ils
U. The llluts af frequency fuctoc in (A) kセ イ 「。エ・@
Ac:heniLJS equati<111 Ol) Nkkel
{A) are l'he ·as th(ll;e e>f.tlte rare· (C) Lead

conslrutt (D) Ti taniwn

(B) depend em the·order "ffbe l'l'Sction 'b. FO!: pi]>" lines ihmdling fluid under
((.' ) depenft <trl tempe.r'J.lllre, rm•ssure presstlle, t:irctUnferential ウエゥヲ・イオョセ@

etc of the reaction ring> are used for higher

セI@ arc eyolcs per unit rune. intel1bl1Jlre<..J<IU'e, { l'nte or Fills e).
l!. Fill ill the blanks:
c. In 1he. layout plan; lor, a vacuum

l'ramition state 'theozy npproaclm oエセ@ dlstillabQlL 111UI:, operating at @ .tum

problem of calculating reaction rates Ilg, suppott<!d by a blilt>metrie
by concentrating on, tlte ldeaof._ __ N ttdenser, ヲセ・@ \IJ)iJTCipriul.e vJuce for

d. rill1ll the blanks: the location of VllCUUlll drum fpr

h1 a ru'St-Qmer reactio,., coUecliiJg tlte cHsMI1<Jtewl11 be
aセpイッオ」エウ@ (A) at grnund Jevel
the reaction bECOmes ウャNッキセイ@ >1s it (B) 2111 111><1\\t> gt'Oun'll
l)r<t<:eeds, because Ute concentration of (C) .5 m abQve ground
A artd tlttnltle is (D) I0 m above gml'md.
9 Choose th<>right answer; d. m。エセャ@ Ute. following :
a Vllten a bare titcnnocouple is cowered (I) c。ーゥエャコセ@ cc'st
by a protective sh<!atiL t11e- response- (ll) \Jnnmortized vulua
bec<>me:.; (nl) Payout pmod
I of6
(lV) Coet index 0.15 lT''tsec ihrouglt pipe A, wJtile oil
(A) Comparing alternative1nveslnwnl of specific gravity ().8 for,-ed in ill the
chuit.!es rate of O.OS m1/sec through lripe B. If
(B) Uprt1tmg CtlSI dnln of eq1UJlll1enl セィ・@ liqnid• .are ITIC<lmprem'ble and
(C) Profttabilily ev-aluation lom1 a IJ.omogeneous mixmre of oil
(b) CQsl ncootmbitg gl<•bules in ·wale,, wh>.tl i;· llie liVernge
(F) Rep)acemenL 、BャNセゥッオ ャイ@ カセッア ェ jケ@ and densi ty of [he m.biture
leaving throll!!l• pipe C havmg a
(F} Working capital di;uneter of " 7 / 22 J11
ᄋセ M For Oow over a llal plttle where'JJ, a

SECTIONB laminar bP!lJld.'JJY layer 1• present for
th,. 」セ・@ nh :tero presS1.1fl> gradien1; the
fllli"Jbotic llfOfile lbr \teloci ty U;,. given
I I. 'J1u•' ooncentration of SO, in the lltUHillle!< by
オ ] 。N Q ケ M 。 R ケ セ@ for y s 8
from a 'boiler tV'SS fowd to be 0.2 kg!';;\' at

u =Vu ヲッセ@ ;y 1!0
N.T.P. Detern;i.Jle the concert1J)IJ:i:On.ofSO:.
in paris per millicm by カッ ャョエセL@
Ass•Jme エィセ@ the gil.•es are perfe<;t..
at QG N セ ᄋ@ P.
r ind a; artd ,.,.

12. .Answer Uie fllllowing iスtィAsQッイ」セ@ :

ᄋ Gl Z セ@
a. The Qnalysill C 1f ャゥエセ@ J!.aS entering- the
sec'Ondaf)' C1Jnver1<!r in 9 CQfllact
snlphur.ic ncirl pl811t .is 4% S02. J3%
\INセL@ エ u |セ@ 1:'3% · , (l•olume %). In the
ra <:Onvet1er ウッ セ@ is ,ucidised to so,. 'l'lie
gases l eavmg !he converter contaln ]<I i\llliWSr
& . ..
; セウN@
_ ...
. ..-:..,..

0,45% SOa on au SOt free basis a. Prutit:lcs o.f sve1'age .feed size R セ@
{volume %). Calcnlate 1he percent 1 0 m are crushed to an average
w nversion <:>fS01 prnilu{'t sizt- of) •<. J0'"' 1T1 nl the ml,e of
b. D.ry methane is bii.Oled with. dry air. l5 t.ons per hoOT. AI Ihilt rnl.e the
Both are at 2s•c initially. 'rhe llame crusher consun1es 32 kW ofpower of

tempe.ranue 1s 1300 C, 1( complete w.hic;h 7 kW me fllil'lired for 11111ning

combustion. Is assumed how Jnuch tlte mill empty. what wollld be 01e
axcess air is being used? 'lite reaction power & wn;mmption if 40 tolL!' _per
ゥセ@ hllut of this. product is .further oru£ltcd

cエlA K zo セ@ 4 セ K@ R h セo L@ to I ' 10_. ru ウゥコセ@ .iu ャィセ@ Slllne mill1

Standard heat of エセ」ゥPQ@ "' -8.028 セ@ Assrune llllll Rittinaer·s law is
I 05 J/g mole of OH. :reacted. Mean applicable. -
b. A tillerl)ress oonlai.ns- 2() frames, each

molal specific heats of gases betWeen

25°C and 1300•c &'!' .in J/(g. mole) of 0.6 m. by 0.6 m f11Slde duneJtSion
("K) : '111e- .6'llll.1es ate 1'>.02.5 m !luck. 'rltu
press l• equiwed wiLI1 l il!ld S M セオャエッョ@

COa- 51.88
I·h0 - 40.45 plates for The カセ ャオキ・@ of
セ] STNqャ@ wrt$h water nsecl is l 0% of lhe filtrate
per cycle, The time required fur

N2= J2.2 1
13. Aru;.w er th<t followiltg : filtering, nt ,'On.stlmt. pressrn:e, is 2
tt. Wallrr Is forced h;to 1he device showrt hOUJJi oy wJiich time !he IDUtle.< ·are
mヲゥ ァャエイ・「 ッ wセエ ャ ィ・イッ ャ ・NLヲ@ fuU, Washing .is done ·at dte same
ーイゥッAセiuG・@ as filtering and tile viso;osity
of wash water .is nearly HZ|Qセ@ same as
tru!t of the Jj.Jbute. Wltat l.s the time for
washing? Thc:re is 0.05 m' of セ@
cake per m 3 of illlrate, Neglect the
rc.-islmtce of the 1ilter medium.
15. aオNセ|カ・イ@ tlte following questions !.
, ur ll
ot. Comider エィイ セ@
infinite pmllel ーャ セ ャ ᄁQN@ {ii) the composition of-v:apor ・ ョエ エM イゥョセ@ thai
Plate I is m:nnL1.ned • I 1227"C and pla1e from 11hich liquid Hw セ Vw@
plate 3 il mtuntained ot M QWセB c@ cOr\tuin$ 0. 7 mnlo l'raotiun Qf the mbl'o
Euti.8ivilics ure equ• l to thM <Jl" a hlack ' ul•lile co エー ッョ オセ@
hlldy. PI ole 2 ゥ セ@ pl•ced between plnre, c. セ ィ ・ ャュ セ ャ 」 イゥ ッャ@Z (),S セ ュ@ Chick CQnl:tining
I :mel 3; :md receive,; t"' hent li'CJm SOt) ャ アセ@ ol' dry セ ャ ッ」ォ@ m·1 of original Wtt.
セエ」イオ ャ@ セ ッオエ Gcoゥャ N@ Wllttl is Ute セャoエ セ@ ii to be dried al CQnownt dtying
ltmtpCI'aiUrc of pinto 2 'I w nditiOnM. Th<' initiJ>l drying mte is セ@
ll A nickel steel rod S セ ュ@ OJ) ongjnnlly kgl(hr) (m1 ) at dtc initio! ュ ッャセ エオイ・@
al n b:mJlomirun; セッ イ@ 31)0"(' i> セ オLw N エ ョャ ケ@ セ \ ャョ 」ョ ャ@ <l l' 33°0. The lin" I dl)'ilig rotc ill

imoocr.<cd iu • li4uid ol h ャ ッセ 」@ ror I kgl(ltr) H ュ セ I@ JJl Vセ@ final mvislw e
wlticb lh<> L'OliVtdivc heat transfer contanL The CtjUilibrium moisture
coallici;;nt is 10\J \\11m2 K. Dele111tin« content is negligible. If drying is from
Ute timc-l'e(IUired for Ihe rod to teach 3 - エ「 セ@ two htrge surl'a= o il セN@ iltld if cbe
A 」 ューッオエイ セ@ of 150"C. (Hint: C•kulote dryin,g イョャ セ@ in エィセ@ filling rntc p<riud t.
the Bioi number nnd nuke tho prnportionnl to the lh:c moisture

necessary assumption). セ ッ ョエ ・ョャL@ o lcnlate the lolnl drying time,
p イッ エ セ・エ ャ ャ\ZD@ of nid,"el steel A.IJ mois luo'e conlenls ore OJI the dry
K SOW/ru. K : セN N N@ .

t> - 81100 kglm1 :
I ' p = 0.5 J/kg. K. Two, e ... & sax MAJUtS
16. Answer the rollowing questjons :
<L Equilibrium re.lllliCJI\$hir f()t' Lbe ウセ
ra エッュ@ QUDTIONa (17-20)
lt"J)· •ir iS givcu by Y : 2.'( (Y
and X nre kg-hepume!kg.nir 。ョセ@ kg- 11. All.\<wcnl!c following :
heptaneik&"Qil re• pectivcly). f'HI •· 106 Joules of ィ 」 セャ@ ate ャ イ。オセ ャ ゥZ ュZ、@ ti·om
ッセ ョエNッゥ ョァ@ 0.005 ォァ Mィ ッ ー「ョ セᄋオ ゥャ@ セ セ@ • "'-"t:niOir al SBR WG 」 セ@ to ll1l .,gffie lh;,t
being U!led as セッ ャ カ・ ョャ@ ll>r reducing tht: ッ イ ク Zイッエ セ@ on lhc C'a mol cyd o. Th .;.
hep!Ani! content or セ ゥイ@ from \),10 to cop oc rejects hQnl to • r(.-,urvuit ol
().021.:g-heplnnclkg-sir in • cooltlnuo\1$ 27"C. Determine d•e tbetJn"l
effiaiency of the cycle セョ、@ the worli;

counter-current ーセ 」 ォャ、@ hed セャNA ッイ「」 イ N@

wィ セ ャ@ column ィ ・ゥァ ィエ セ@ n:quired to trcot don" by Oce cnglM. 13 nwrks)
1400 kW(hr) (m1 tol' "'"PLY luwer cross b. An tnvo::nto r clnims 10 how duvoloJ"'<<
セ ・」エ ゥエャ I@ of pure nir «mlilining iO<:(> o rofnserntion unit whcch mnint:>in• lhe
if Uoc tl"cull !!"" nln.!l• transll:r rd h genned spa.:<> at - 3"(" while

cnefficienl is セRP@ kgl(hr) lm'1) p<:r unit opor3tinj! in • room "'lu:rc tlce
セQ 、 ゥ エZョ@ of Y 'rhc: oil raa.: cjtAi I i ッセ \ャ@ l• tcmpct:alun: it 21°C. nnd wloi.::h has •
3 100 \4!i(br ) {m1) . ooefficient of perl'oml3nce of 9,5, How
do you evaluate-his claim? {3 marks)

Solve セ ョ B ャ ケ エゥ・。 ャ ケ N@
h. 'l'he following iltformntion l• av:ulublo .:. Consider the compt'tssion of ail' from
lrum Ute record, of a binlll') UY Pa ;\( 27'C Ill 3 106 pセ@ In •n iuo•l
」ッ ョエーュ セッイ@

Jracliouatiug <:Olumo: twll-•lt{ge with

Fwd 180 kg-molelltt and VPセ@ inl.:t'C!Wiing, ッ|NLセ オュ ・@ U1lll th"
yaporosed; エ 」 ュ ェャ ッイZセャオ イ エ@ .. r lht: uit lcnvinJ! the

DlstiiJ,,te = 100 kg-mole!br wlUt 0.9!C intctCAlulor is aiM> '27"C. •nd thnt lloc
mole froctioo of tho moro カッ ャ ャゥ セ@ op1imu111 ゥ ョエ ュ 」 セァ・@ ᄋ ー ョZNセ オイ\Z@ is used,
component Tbc; 」ッエョ ーイ 」セ[ イ@ i.< キ 。 エN[ イ セ セ 、[・ エ ・ 、@ 3nd
Reboiler st...,m demand = 420 kgtlu-; Ult I>Oiyltt)l)iO CXfl()lleni ii is [ ,31) fhr
U.tent b«ot of column liquid = 3 10' both ウ オエ ァ ッセ N@ d・エッイュ
ゥ ョ セ@ the \\ Ork of
Jig nlOic! lloHI セ ュー イ・ウゥッ ョ@
per kg of air, (tl mnrks)
U.lent ィ セ ョエ@ or.,teauo u•o<l in rohuili:r - IK Answer tho ll>lluwing -
22(!0 J/j!. a. & plsin in nne or t"o li<nlcncc.,. why
('nlcuiUie Ute ヲッ ャ ュカエ ョ ァセ エッ 」Zイョ・ ョエャッ@ .,.., ゥオ 」ッ イ」 」 ャ セ@
(I) IJ)e Qpotatin£, Q GP L P セ@ r.uin :tnd ( i) 'f]le セ セ ・ セ、 ケ Mウエ。 ・@ •pproxim;tlinn iq"
rodtcal c)twq mcchanunt illvolv"" (i) I = OJ mm
エィセ@ ll$SWnption that since tlte (ii) I = OA min. (6 marks)
roncentrnli oll of any particular b. d・エセョゥ@ :
all1mic or radical セー・」ゥ\ャA@ is oo (i) The ma."mum 1\IDII for l111lb1e
im!all 111at tl can be taken to be operntiC'Il.
セ・イッ N@ (2 tnad:s) (ii) 11te COrre!!JlOPding frequency Qf
(i:i) Coal f\)nJI$ !lfl inLoxpl<:lsive mixture セ・ゥuオ エゥ ッョ N@

witlt air at ordimuy ternperatntes
whenlt li 111 finely diVtdcd form.
(2 marl:s)

(ill) lnltibition JB the Jli'OCCfS where the
rate-of reaction 11 、セGrN。s」@ by
( (> 1TlJ!1b)
lowt'riug tho tcmJX:nuuro.
20 Amwer tlte fullowmg •
(3 marks)
b. A llomogeneooEliquid phasd reaction a Give the e;>.."]J.t'l$8tC'Jtt ヲ セ@ the two
principal stresses for a セケョ、」。ャ@
aセ@ R; ,.. .. kc ..=

ーイ・ウセオカャ@ closed at boUt ends.
Iukes place witl1 SO% conven;ion Ul a
(2 marks)
weU ュセBエ・、@ reactor ojャヲGセ@
b. For a sas cylinder, dcStsncd 011 the
isolhermally. Whul will be r.he

•'fhin Cylinder Principle'·, calculate
conv<mm:m it Ute reuctN ts replacYd by the- tlticl:ness of o acnmless cylinder
n v!ug flow lyl'e of <'<\lUll size all else
under the f<lilowhl8 condition.! :
remairung the same1 (3 rnas:ks) pイ・ウョエセ@ of N. gas in dte eylutde. =
o Cmstdel: tbe l'el ·\lf elemental)•
ra 100 105 n ャ ュ セ@
Telliile stre!'S ー・ッョャDQ「 ッ セ@ 1200 105
A -'4 JJ N/m.:.
.-1 - n......:.......c !ilternal diameter of cylulder = 25 em
a セ d セ GRe@
('I marks)
At time I = 0, n batch reactor IS filled c. 11te pl!lllt of o 」ャセjuゥョ@ coruprury 'has
with a mixture of A and 0 What is ilie 1111 initial wo1ili of Rli SO l:lkbs, and au
relstim bctwCCII th<' oonccntratio!IS of l'!lrimaled ウ。ャv^エァセ@ value ofR.B. 2 lukhl!

B andD after n time I? (3 marks) itt a s-ervice life of8 yenrr.

A.n.-wer tbe f<ilowllll! qu..'Stions (i) Given 8 」ャエ ッ ゥ セ 」@ bel wee11 the
a, A thCilliOmcter foDov.-s tim-order sirnight-llne and declining-balance
dynamics with a time oonl!1anl 0.2 min. utethods of depreciation. \Vluclt

lt is ーゥ。セ@ i11 11 teJnpernrure ballt at method would you recommend to

Joo•c and is aUowl'll tn reach ste-ad)' •-ave tall w1d why? (3 marl:s)
stale. lt is suddenly b·uusfencd to (ti) '&ttmate U1e l>ook value of the plant
unoll1er ba.lh ul 150"C n.l time I = 0 and at the end.of •I yenn f<'r each. of Ute

is leJ1 tht)J:'e f11r 0 2 min II ゥセ@ two methodP. of doproclnticn.

ゥョュエ・、。セ ャ ケ@ returned to Ute original (3rnarks)
bath at 1oo•c.

C'alculate ゥセ@ rending' at


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