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(SEl\1 Ill) TIIEO RY KXAM INAT ION 2020-21
Total Alarks: JOO
Time: 3 1/011r.-.
Note: 1. Attempt all St•ctions. If rcquirl' 1111 y 111 issing d:it:1; 1111.:11 choose.: suitc1bly.

I. Atkm pt "" 1111t•slions in hrld'. 2 X JO =-


a. ·· 'rnnsform the f)Oint / 1-2

()ucslin 11
1 4) 1· 1 , • 11ral
11 o cyl111d
• •
c.:oord111atc sys l<.: rn . :; _;rir
. -.;. .
( wn two vectors as, P
'-. , - ,
(0 6-9)
.111 , 1,l
' '\
.. l
. .
2, () ,.1J ) . 1'llll f)f'OJ C..:C 1J0/1 0
f' 2 ,,r'
PonQ...- - @
1--- --t,--- -· -
f-c_._,o,1;a,-- ':~ivc Poisson a11d Laplace equations. ~
1-d--~-+-W ·
~h._1t_are the time varying (iclds? Give examph!.-
~~~~ 1~1ve n, V 4xJy2 - 3xy; Determine the Eat (3,-4,5).
f Dcfinq relaxation time. -- ··
g. .W t is Lorentz force?
h. 11y the closed surface integration of m~1gnctic flux density is zero and
of electric flux dens it is c ual to flux.
i: cf e skin depth.
-"""tc-..c...__ _ _-=----,-.lll. . _ _ _ - - -
J. iven, T\ 1 = 100 0, 112 = 300 0 ,

2. Attempt any three of the following:

Q no. Question

a. erify the divergence theorem for the D = p2 cos2 <p ap + z sin <p a<p
over the closed surface of the c linder 0 :.:; z S 1, = 4. 2
b. A wire of diameter 1 mm and conductivity 5 x 107 S/m has 1029 free
electrons per cubic meter when an electric field of 10 mV/m is appli ed.
(i) Charge density of free electrons
(ii) Current density
· ·i Current in the wire 3
c. State Biot - Savart law and derive an ~xpres sion for Lhe magnetic field
intensit due to infinite strai ht line current ca in conduc tor. 4
coaxia l
d. Derive the expression for inductant?~ per unit length of
nductors. 5 _J
77 12
e. Show that the intrinsic impedance of free~ e is 3 or 0n.


3. Attempt any one part of t~ '.e_' _ro_i~_ow~~1;~':_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

1 GMA-:i:-;:;rk~-sTrc¾

G' fi .

of 1 µ~~~1~~\t(O 0,0), (0, 1,0), (0 , U ), (0,0, l) \ 10

l ~
a. 1vcn, our pomt charges ' ' •
1-.J L--- ----- -- - - - - - -
respectively. Find E at (I , 1 I >age
Pr int ed I>

--....-~,,-T-,,r =s::..:u:::b,,J~·e~c~tCo d llge : 2 or2

Ill\\ 111111111111111 Ill II1111111111111111 II Ill
PAPER ID-311110 Ro II No: _ [I I I I I I I ~

~ in an ..:lcctric field
~ -:- - the c:xprcssion for ene rgy and energy ucosi 1)
11ri n :
~ ~ •:

.... At tem pt an y one pa rt of the

folio\\ ing: i\farks co
Q no. nt
ren t den sity . J ~ cos 0 a, + sm O a~) A lm ~. fin d curre
a. GiYen the cur
thr oug h a s herical she ll of
r =f 0cm. ic int erfa ce.
ele ctr ost atic bou nda ry con dit ion s for con duc tor -di ele ctr
b. riYe

5. At tem pt any on e pa rt of the ~Iarks co !
Question 10
Q no. inity alo ng x axi s.
rr-,-ent-,t-o_f_l_O_A_is_fl_o '
_\\_ i_n_g_fr_om--o-ri-g-in-1~ neg ativ e inf
f-a -_- -1- ---
b , it at -2, 3. 0).
the ma gne tic field rod uce d 10
pla cem ent cur ren t density.
Ex pla in the sig nif ica nce of dis

6. At tem pt an y on e pa rt of the :-larks co
Qn o. kep t 10 ➔
on a cur ren t car ryi ng loop.
De riv e the exp rc;ssion for ma gne tic force ~

a. •
1vithin the _magnetic field. 10 1-+ -1~ )
fic atio n of ff agnetic uat eri als.
b . .........-piVrite a not e on cla ssi
7. Attempt any one pa rt of the :-1arks co
Question i
Qn o. exp lai n the j I0
is Poy nti ng vec tor ? DeriYe the Poynting theorem &
a. hat
al involved in it.
h sical meanin of each integr 5
b. ve in fre e spa ce is giv en b)' E = e~..f) e--'":( ~-f)
a )·. Fin d the · I 0
Di e E of an EM wa '-"

Maxwell e uations.
ex ression for the H b usin
Printed Page: 1 of I
1111,11 \ llt\~ IIIIIII IIll I1111111111111111111111
. PAPER ID-310906
Roll No: l.i-:3J CJ J6j~l3-~ 0
!} 'i TC:I Me>H ~ Mtv\~ D t-l)(JJH~£ 'Z
Subject Code: KOE037

O/O; 0 !Ir?=/
(SE;\l-111) fllEOR\' E~A\IINA I JON 2020-21
Ii" nt: J I-lour., Total ,Uurk\ : ,'00
:'iotc: t. Attempt all Scc1tons. lfreq\11re an~· rm . sing dulo. then choose sullab ly.

2 X

IO ~ 20

. Explain bias ~tabilj\\ .

'hat are the factors a!Tccting stabil,ty of operating po 111 of a transistor'?
etinc phase margin.
C. iat arc the advantage5 of crystal oscillators? 2 3
!-t-:-"__--c.+-:,,o-11_1_p-ar-e-=Rc;,~::..r~._:o_:s_:c.::·il.::la.::t:Ol:.:•::.·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - :.i
- ----\-:;:--
\ ' hat is ICMR i:, op-amp?
2 '
iv<: few arf,Jications of current mirror. I::, 14
l. List any five ideal characteristics of op-amp. 2 5
j. ist the applications of op-amp 2 i s
2. Attem t any three of the follo\\ino:
Q no.
Question Marks
a. With the help of a neat diagram, explain the small sign~ 1 model of FET. I0
b. An amplifier having an input resistance 4kn has a voltage gain of 200. If a series negative 10 12
feedback with P=0.01 is introduced, determine the value of input resistance of the feedback
amplifier. If the amplifier in its open loop configuratim had cut off frequencies f,= 2kP...z and
f2= 500kHz before the feedback ath was added. whats th~ !'C'N bandwidth cf:hc_r',r..:c~
·u~i!.:,?'----+- ----t--:;--
C. Draw the circuit diagram of Colpin's Oscillator and ex)lain its principle of operatioi, l;) 1
u. Di~cuss basic structure and principle of operation of di Terential amplifier.
1 I0
f--~--- -+-Why is op-amp not u,cd in opi,~oop for most of the q,plications? Deduce
the expression ,-o~\10
closed loon volta e ain ·ot non-'nver:ing anu,li"cr __,, -=----- -------- - ,
3. Attemot any one art of the followino: --------: ::---:--: --------, ,----..-- ---,--~
· it of a BJT in potential divider bia, co~:iguration, Derive the expression for Q l O
nd current.
· · amplifier 1 a multistage amplifier. what is the 10
c signal s?

ack and draw the schematic diagrams of four basic IO

e expression for conversion efficiency of a transfom1cr
am ofwein b Oscillator :md explain its principle of operation,
Explam the Barkhausen criteria for oscillations. A Wie,1 bridge oscillator has the followin
10 3
con:iponents R, = R2 = R.. = 5.6 kQ, R3 = 12 Ill. and C = C, = '>000 F C I I
oscill· . 1 h! IC
- - P , a cu ate t _
6. Attcm t of the followin :
ite s ort notes o · 1·) CMRR 11··) I ·· ") · · ·
n. sew rate Ill .om~on mode gam 1v) Differential mode 10 4
~at is currc1:t mirror circuit? Why is it used in tid f':rential amplifier? IO
Attcm t any one j!art of the followino: 4
Design a three-ir:put summing amplifier using OJh111p ha•, ing gains of 2, 3 and S respectively Io
for each m ut. 5
Explain the operation of Op-Amp integrator. Abo give its applicztions. IO

lf Pade
Sub· 1nted Page: l of2
Ill 111111111 !~!lllJl1l~!ll~~~11,11111111111111 ,-.---.-~-..----.--r-r 11ect Code: KEE302

(SEM-111) TlmOHY EXAMINATION 2020- 2 !
Time: 3 Hours
Totul Marks: I 00
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data ; !hen choose suitably.

I. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 X JO = 20
Q no. Question M~rks CO
a. asurement? Explain measurement system with appropriate block 2

tc between Accuracy and Precision. 2

at is the difference between an ammeter and a voltmeter? 2
at are the applications of bridge circuits? 2
Draw the phasor diagram of hay's bridge. 2
xplain the meaning of "burden" in case of instrument transformer. 2
plain the advantages of digital instruments over their analog counterpart. 2
hat you mean by smart sensor? 2
at is the need of ADC in DAS? 2
J. Why reference junction compensation is necesRary in thermocouple? 2
2. Attempt any three of the following:
Qno. Question Marks co
a. in the principle of working of a Kelvin's double bridge for JO 2
measurement of unknown low resistances. Explain how the effects of contact
resistance and resistance of leads are eliminated.
b. The inductance of a moving iron ammeter is given by the expression L= 10 + l0
30 - 02 /4 µH where 0 is deflection in radian from the zero position. The
control spring torque is 25 * 10-6 N-m/rad. Estimate the angular deflection of
the pointer for a current of 5.0A.

C. · tis an instrnment transformer? Derive the transfonnation ratio of PT. 10

d. Discuss the working of a wave analyzer. 10
e. ain the construction and working principle ofLVDT. 10

3. a y one part of the following:

Question Marks

xplain the principle construction and operation of Attraction type moving 1O

irQll instruments with neat dia am.
Determine the dimensions ofµ (r and L are radius and length, P 1 and P2 are 1O
pressures and Q is flow).
7 3
Ifr = 0.5 ±OQJ . Pl = 200±3 kPa; P2= 150±2 kPa; Q= 4* 10- m /s and
. mm, . . . 4(Pl
L=lm. Calculate the absolute error in µ. Given expression 1s µ= 11:r -

1 I Page
IIIIII IIIII ~1!!!/!l1
11 1 1 11
1t'J111111111111 11111 Sut j
....,.. 'tuc
l'rint 1
ti l'agc: 2 of 2
. rule: l<F.:£302
Holl No: f l l l . rl .----,
' j_J

4. Attempt any 011 rt of the followini:-.

. !i! pn
- ·"rC. _ -
i ',farh r (I) l
a. A !S,Wcll's 1nduc;Wnce capacJtancc bridge 1; u~ed t1J mc;i~ure a unli:nrn1n 1 I() • +
911ttive impedance. The hri dge con1itant, al bridge balance arc J'ure
cs1stancc arms 2.5 k!l and 50 k!! In between these two rcmt<ir,, the thiriJ
ann has a capacitor of value 0.012 µf in 1,cr,cs with a resistc,r of value 235

. ___,/
kf2. Find the senc~lcnt o~thc ll.!.1_~nr,wn imp~~a~. ~- l
b. Derive an expres~ion for the unknown high rc;si~tancc measurement using, fo -+
L___ __J....:t::.:h..:.e..:.lo::..:s:.:s...::of charg.e~od --~ l

5. Attempt an one part of the following:

-Q - ----

i/Tcrentiate between CT and PT.

--- ----- ~-h, 5'.T_~ri_rs........_c_v~
ii Ex lain the characteristics ofC_
T_._ _ 5 -~
A bar-type CT has 300 turns in the secondary winding, An ammeter JO 3
connected to the secondary has a resistance of l n and rca-:,ifnce of 0.8 !'2,
and the secondary winding impedance is (() .5 ... j0.6J Q. Th·; magnetizing
MMF requirement for the core is 6() A and to supply the iron loss the current. '
required 1s 25 A. (i) Find the primary winding current and also determine the
ratio error when the ammeter in the secondary winding shows 5 A. (ii) How
many turns should be reduced in the secondary to bring down ratio error to
'------'--'7ero at this condition?

6. Attempt any 011e part of the following:

Q no. Marks
a. be the working of ramp type and Du:~! slope type DVM with suitable l0 4
m. I
., n with the help of a functional blri..:l: diagram, the principle of I0 ·4
o era ti on of di meter.

7. Attempt any one part of the following:

- - - -()uc~tion
Qno. Maries CO

a. Der' expression for gauge factor of strarn g.,uge ,A resistance strain gaug::. I0 5
th gauge factor 2 is fastened to steel subjected to stress 500 kg/sq. cm ·11
modulus of elasticity of steel is 2 * l Or, kg! cm' ,calculate change in resistance
if strain au ,e clement a lied due to a lied !.tress. ----+----i
b. (i) What is an electrical transducer? What .::c the basic requirements of a ' I 0 5
transducer? Give the classification of a transdL,cer.
(ii) Why is platinum considered most suitable material for RTDs for moSt 5
laborato work and for industrial material measurements of hr h accurac ,?

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