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AC Rarallel Circuit

~- -~247
.. 'fbe•two coils 1 and 2 are,connected in ·
(!1) total admi~ce of-the circuit is the ph!arallel. F~r a.parallel c;ircuit, the.,
. h . all . . or sum of the dmi
various branc e~ m par el. , ~ , ~ ~ces of _the
l II ' total admittance of the circu• 1
rf'hus ·t., Y-
y1 + y ...•
= (0.043,9 - j 0.0828) ( 2
. = J).~187 - j 0.1581 +·,o.ol 79.7-:- i 0.07529)
Total current drawn·~y the circuit= w
=·200 [0.06187•-j 0.1581] ,_ (. -
::::, 12.374 - j 31.62 .
= ,J ~12.3~4) ~ q1.62)2
. ,,/' .. I, •
= 33.95 A ' '

p wer factoti of the circuit, cos ~ · Active .~?mpon~~t of tqtaj cuiie~t' ...
· ·' · TotaI'curr~Qt ·
12.374 .
= 33.95 = 0.364 (lagging) ,r•

(iii) Power= VI cos ~

= 200 X 33.95 X 0.364 = 2471.56 W
iv) A• single coil bas
b to take the same current' as such its lillp
., :i ed.ance
· · ,.,.m
_· ..mag-
· .•:. . '
ru~de _~u~h .e, ~u~ to the ,t_mal i~~edan~e ,of the . original,; circuit.
.. . 1t ~all.. to t~e Qie_ same
. power
. ,, ,from
_ the. suppl'
. y;,0•th-at. means
· " '"•!'·' its ·
.· J'
I ,
ge ~e same
as the total risistance·
_, , · .
of th'e'" : ·"' -i i:: .· ..,
, ., _. , ~~S1P"'i,CJ!-
C~!· fr~~-~~ ab~ye, 1fbeco,mes q~te ~l~~ ~art~e -~auctiye fea¢taitde bf
s~g!e c?il_will be ~u~ fO the total mduct:Ive reactailce of the original cir7 ',
cwt.- .. . . ' . · '· .. · ., ·. · -1 ·r •

Impedance of the ·orig:al ~~~uit, .z ~· -~yi ~-0,06187·-1 ·· · · · .

' ' ' ' I• j 0.1581
z= 1 .. X 0;06187 + j 0.1581
0.06187 - j ,0.1581 0.06187 + j 0.1581
_ 0.06181 +:} 0.1581
l ' -:- (0.06187) 2 +(0.1581)2.· ' .
= 2.146 + j 5.485 n
Hence, resistanae of single coil, R = 2.146 n
Inductive reactance of single coil, XL = 5°.485 0
' 85
. t f th.
Induc ance o e smg . 1e co1·1 L = - Xi = 5.4
' 2rrf 2rr x 50 .
= 0.0175 H


Two methods ha~e a)ready been suggested for the, solution of ·parallel circuits.
~owever, both the suggested methods suffer from·the serious drawback'th~t the
b~~ent does not get a ·better insight into the .solution of the.problem. ~e-sy~~
,U: mettio~ (Of,l<)lviµg Pfll"allel cir~uits is more genem and ~ysiemallc. s:~·· :
· ts can also be solved usmg this method. Complicat~d.crrcwts contammg1.
80tne b • parallel and others !.11 senes · (senes-par
· alle1crrcmts
· · ) can also
ranches m
248 l Basic. Electrical
. d The basic rule of ~s method is to express· ~
be solved by this metbo_ · ts at right angles. For example, a curre any I>\
sor in tenn~ of two co~ponen · nt Phas;.
expressed m the fonn. =IR+ j I~ .
1 ~
. . used here is an imagin_ary quantity, but it indicate
Th~ qu~tlty J a_s f the phasor Ix in a cou~ter-clock,wise directions a r~
operatlon, 1.e. rotatlon ° .b li th
. • quite important m sym o c me od and
900. As such the operator J is . to the details of this method. lllust be
explained first, before proceeding .

8.6.1 Importance Of Operator 1· in ac Circuits

Simple alternating . current circ~ts. can be solved with the aid of Ph
d' N0·rmany· an ac circmt impedance has two components n ilSOr
ia~ams. d tance ·,,.,otal impedance of a circuit containing resistan.iilneiy,
resistance an r~ac. . · 1 ' ce and
reactance in senes is given by, -
Impedance, Z = ✓ (R) 2 +(X) 2

· 't I = V
· cvcm,
Current 4rawn by_~~l z- '
For such fairly simple.circuits, this meth?d of finding o~t the impedance
then the current dra\Yn, e~c. 1S qui~e satisfact0!?7, However,with complicatedand
circuits, for ·exa@pl~ a series::-parallel cir5utt, calculatio~s can·~e simplified~
using tQe operator j ._lt ~s q~_sed upon tbe id~a th~t a PAas?r cap_,b~ expr~ssed in
terms of two components at right angles to each other. Thus, the length of the
impedance phasor Z can now be expr~ssed in the form,
. Z=R+j-X=2L0

.'The quantity j has been used here tp indi~at_e a real operation. This quantity,
when applied to a phasor indicates the rotation of that phasor in a counter-clock-
wise direction through 90°, without
altering its length. As such it has been· y
referred as an operator. In the above
equation, the operator j appears in front
of X (y - component of Z), which
means that this component is leading
·. the other component R by 90°.
Figure 8.9 shows a phasor A in A'.,
phase with the x-axis. This phasor when • ·\. I

... repr~s~ilted by 'jA' shows, that the ,pha-

s~r A'.·, ha~ •been rotated ,in anti-clock-
wise,~rrection by an.angle of 900 and as
. its .phaser along the y-
axis,,,If the operator again applied to . ' Fig~8.9 'Operator }
AC Rarr.ule,l Circuit
' ..
~ · .t I
it tums m coun er-c 0~ kw' dir
basorJn, . . . ise ection through another 90° ' thus ' giv-
p basor /A which IS equal and opposite to th~ pbaso'r ft:.: . ,;;' .
iJ)g a p .2A -
} -- A
{ , =- . ., andj= R
or, frorn the ab,;,ve di~c~~sions it is concluded that the quantity j is an imagiria,y ·
1111,er rather than a ~eal numb~~- .However, it represents a ph~sor alon~ ~ .e
nu .5 whereas the teal number 1s,represented along the x-axis. Its importance

y-:b~ more clearly seen wh~n P~all~l anq series-parallel ac circuits are solyed
w. this concept. As per this concept any complex number (impedance, ,cur-
us~!r voltage) can be represented in any of the ,followUig fo1:'Jitis,J r .', \,;.\ · •• •
ren Z = R+'X[ tan 1· · ., · ·
J rec · gu ar or.<tarte~1an notation] ., ..,, t · 1:.
r· ,
1: : •:·. •

= Z (cos 0 +j sin 0)-H,rigonometric notation] . · · .

= Z L0 [pqlcif notation] . . . .' ' i' ,. 11. -;' .1• .;. t": ,·n{:< •:.:, ·
For solving complicated ac circuits: any oneJorm of representing th~ c?m-
number inay ·~e adopted. . ·
p1eX .. -. ...
8.6.2 . Soluti~ri ~f·Parallel Circuitt RA ''
X,4 ·..
•I I

Figure 8.1 Osho~s.: ~·g~n~ral P_~ ~el .d.rcuit : .i,} , ',,, •II

Onsisting · of tltree··, bran,ches m parallel. · , •. · A RB Xn ·. ' '

. ! ,,,

C • b h . h .
Branch A is~ indupt1ve· ranc wit. re~11~~7, ,. \' -JB ,--.,-----,--f I-~--+-,-:,
"' '
·.•· .,
ance RA and mducuui~-~ .LA- Bran~h B· ~s a XL · Xe
capacitive branch, whereas C re~re.: ',;: .' ' I ', '' j,'.:
,, ,C ,, ' I ,,i
sents RLC, seri~~1.circuit/ fhtf tot~l eurtent. : ; r ',· ·:..:• '(t'. ·:r;\. •·'·:. 1·.J:·:_::t:~i-•:: t' ·1-

drawn byt,this. aµq1it ~iU.,J>~.1equal...t?, the '

phasor sum ,~(t~~ J~~(~ .b~ancp_icurr~p.~.s. . ~ volts;Jiiz 0
· _- - - - , - - , ~

Hence,_ branch currents .~!l~(be.~ete~~-~ · Fig; 8. Io Symbdlic method for · ·,

first usmg the operatOf'J. ' '. d . i . ..• ' . ' .' . '.. . ' , '.:,./ r .e~·~allfl-f-.i'1c~._it ' '; ·, . . ' 'I '

.. ,i ' ' . ,, . '

Current in Branch A .
r /,'
• • • I
. . .
-~ ", •/ • •

Impedance of branch A, ZA =.RA+ j'X~ (inductive br~ch). Taking the vol~ge·. '
applied to the circuit as refere~ce phasor, Voltage a~ross any branch =. V ·t j~ . · .
. . V+ jO ·.t
Current in branch A, IA = RA + j XA

. ' ' V ' .,,.: ·. · .'CD1 , , . __. 1·· ,v ·) ,, . ..(\ .., '·•'" ' '
•\.L" A ·' ..A.A , .. ' -.. ' ' · · '· ,·
= ----x-:.=----=- I I

RA + j XA (RA - j XA) . l • ' ' '

I, ~, ',

. I . '
. Elec
B as ic __trical Engin_eering
~_._- - - -
V+ jO
current in branch B, IB == ~
V (RB+ jXB)
== RB - iXa X (RB + jXB)

== -2 X2
RB + B
J R2 + X2
= 13 +jl4

Impedance of branch C, Zc =Re+
i<Xc- Xe)
V+ jO
Current in branch C, le= Re+ j(X
L - Xe)_
V Re - j(X i ,...Xe)
= Re+ j(X L - Xe) X Re~ i _
(XL - Xe)
VRe _ . . V(XL :-X e)
=· (R el + (XL - Xc l 1 (R el
+ (XL - Xcf
= 15 - jl6 - . (8.1~
Total current Drawn by the Circu
The.current drawn by the circuit,
I= IA+ 18 + le (phasor sum) .
or, I= (Ii - j12) + {/3 '+ j/4) + Vs -j/
= V1 + 13 + ls) - j(l2 - 14 + I~) - ]/reactive .
Angle of lag or lead of this curre
nt is given by,
~ :;: tan -1 Ireactive

tan ~ =
I .
i.e. react\ve

power factor of the circuit, cos ~ 1

= ac;ve

_ j Examples ·on Symbolic Method

~m pl e 8.6 An inductive coi
l with impedance z = (5 + jlO
· ed in parallel with a capacitive 1 ) 0 is coD:Ilect·
If the total current supplied to the

to the crrclll•t, (.11•) power factor
circuit having an impedance of
com bination is 20 A, fin
Zi. == (10 - jlS) _od
d (i) the voltage applie ·
of the total current and (iii) pow
. __ ."""" ,\ .,
er taken by each
AC Parallel Circuit ,
~----:-- --.:..:... :~~:__: __ _~~~2~61

/ution: .
So . Let the voltage applied to the circuit be v Vt .
(i) as the reference phasor, it may be exprcss:i~~ Taking the voltage applied
Voltage applied = V + j 0
Jrnpedance of inductive branch, z1 = 5 +jl0

current in the inductive branch, 11 = V + j O

, 5tjl0

:::; V+j0x5-j10
5+ jlO 5-jlO
= V(5-j10)
•t '
(5)2 + (10)2
11 = 5V - . lOV
125 J 125
Impedance of capacitive br~ch, = 10 -jl 5 .zi
· Current in capacitive branch, / 2 = V t j 0 ..
. .,· . _ 10 _- j 15

I ' . 1 - ,..

. .
=. 0.07845 V.
Total current supplied = 20 A (given) · :
Thus, 0.07845 V = 20 1

Applied voltage to the circuit, V =· 0.~~ ~· = 254.9 V


(") Ti - . 115 V . "55 V

625 - ~ 'i 625
u otal current supplied, / = 1' I.· '

Angle of lag of this current with·~pplie~ yoltage,

"' - tan-1 55 = 25.560
.,, - 115
Power factor of the circuit as a whole, cos tp =:= cos 25.56° ., ·( ··.; · _. ··
. = 0.902 (lagging)
' •
I • 1' f
Basic Electrical Engineering
~252iji- -~ ~:..:= .:-__: ::..---~
5V · 10V
(iii) Current of inductive branch' I 1 = 125 -.1 -
, j . 10 X 254.9
- -X 254.9 - J 125
- 125
= 10.196 - j 20.392 = 22.8 A
Resistance of inductive branch = 5 '°\
Power taken by inductive branch= l1 R1
= (~2.8) 2 X 5
= 2599W
10 . 15
Current in capacitive branch, lz = 325 V + J 325 V

10 . 15
=-325 X 254.9 + J
X 254.9

= 7.843 +)11.764 = 14.14 A

Resistance of capacitive branch = 10 n
Power taken by capacitive branch= I/R 2 -
- = (14.14) 2 X 10 = 1999.2 W
Example 8. 7 Coil A takes ·2 A at a power factor of 0.8 (lagging) With
applied voltage of 10 V. A second coil B takes 2 A with a power factor of 0.7 (l ~
ging) with an applied voltage of ~ V. Wh~~voltage will be required to produ ag
total current of 2 A (i) with A and B in•sp$s and (ii) with A and B in paran:~?a
·. Solution: . , : ..1 • •.
~ .. • • r
· Voltage coil.A, VA = 10 -y
Current taken by coil A_! IA = 2 A ·
Power factor pf.the cuqe~t = 0.8 (lagging)
Curre~t in cojl A; IA= IAcps q,- i!A sin q,
= 2 X 0.8 - j2 X 0.6
. .= L6 -•j1.2· A
_ I ,4 j '. _.., I

Impedance of coil A, ZA = V +-j O = 10 + j 0

_ IA _ 1.6 - j 1.2
,1 ' ·:

10 1.6 + j 1.2
- 1.6- j 1.2 X ,Y.6 + j 1.2
_ 16 + j 12
- , (1.6)2 + (1.2) 2
. , • l I)
= (4 +j3) n -
Current in coil B, 18 = 2 cos q,- j 2 si~ q,
' . = 2 X 0.7 - j2 ~ 0.714
= l.4-jlA28
Voltage applied to coil B, VB =•5 V

Impedance of coil B, z = .5 + j 0
. . · . , 1.4 - j 1.428
= ~ X 1.4 + j 1.428
1.4 - J l.4~ l:1,± j 1.428
AC: ~aratlel_Cirouit

= 7 + j 7.1
(1.4 ) + (1.428)2
= 1.75 +f~.77 Q
. . .
s, the total impedanc e of the sene
W}len the two coils arezin_serie z (
z + 11 phasor sum) s crrcwt
(a) - 11
= (4 +j 3} (1.75 + jl.77) +
= 5.75 + j 4.77
= ✓(5.75)2 +(4.7;)2 =7. 5Q
current in the series circuit= .2.0A . .
= _y
Voltage required acro~s ~e ~eries circuit= 2.0 x 7.5 15 0
(b) When coils A and B are m paralle1, the equi
valedt imp~dant e 'ofihe iir'J
. , .
. , .; . , ·' ,
cuit, Z = ZA + ZB

z= (4 + j3)(I.75 +.jl.77). '"_:. .; '

5,75 + i4,77 I •t '

1 ' I I !
I ',,
! f' ., 1

·,•'I 5.75 - 1'4.77

~ ·1.6,9.+ )12.33 x-__ , ;; • •

_::._ __:_ ,
5,75 + j4,77 ' 5.75-'}477 .1i ·: :/ t' !tr :
I ,
t:. ,./.
~. J ~1 ' ,
:I I
', '

' t·' ·,,~ ,.: ,68..53 _+ j62.836 :, ·,;; :./;;',·,: ',;:,.:·:,/ ,'...', .,,i~,.r 1,: ,:,:::;·,t''·...
' ' ~· '(5:15?,+ (4) 7)2 ;', '.· . ' ·,. ' ·, ''
, .·, i;· ·i,,,· 1 /.!·,· ~. .i:lr· ·:·'.t•'·• lt,,.:1}:,)1 ., I,
:H... ', : ,,;· , 1,,'} r.,:... •/1 ,
,_ .'··
.;a , . =. ,1..'.7,.Q , ,.''' / ..i-' .. l i,·i' . )_" ,
'"''', ~ .•.~ =. 1.22 8,f jlA 26 -o
... ,:. -· . ,J
. . • ., , , ,: it. 11 , . ti;11r , i~ ' • :,, : •.1• ,

r,, .: . _, .. ,'. ,n ;\ :, . ·/. · · ·


Total current in the parcµl~I'.pµ-cuj _tf 2 A . ·:1•:.;. ' : t'r) 11

-~ §'-4,;v '.· ":\'· if ''[ ···,· :

Voltage required acr9~s the par ~d circuit= ~ x•-1.7 1:1,• \, r,..' , ,~:']: 1:._,i·,"' ··~, 1
•..... . ~•... · ·- .

Example 8.8 A resist~ . of•, 30' ~. and .a capa~ c;itoi

o~ f'unkriowti v1,alue
.: ·, 1_,'1·►1

-con~ ,, •t• ~; ·1-, ' ·, r···!·' F;., .i ~··

are ( • t •,

binatio1i,draws acq~e'nt
', , •t.
,1 ·
, , I • ( , , ••• ,:" ,;• , ' I' J, ' ',/, ,/,' lJ ,

nected in parallel across a llijY,-50,1Iz supply: The ~om

capacitance. ' ·. '., '. : '° ':;i, ·. · ,
of 5Afrom the supply. Finci- (;i) ,the"value .'of unknown
supply oi ~n;Jm~wp fre-
This combination is again·co~ected across .a) i OV
quency._1t is observed tlfanhe tqtaj ··c~ ent draw ~ Jro~ ~p~ /J~~~ .f.~!~}9:~ ·~~· 1

' · ., , . , , ", , .i
Deternune the frequency of the supply. tt' ,.
I •I

'., ,· . ,' '

~itor by Xe ·.Q. Current in t,he resis ·-':
(i) Let the capacitive reactance of.the capa . '; . "

. b 110 3 67 A .· ' ' I ' ' '
"' . / •;", ·, .:. ' ·c·~ 1•,:.,,/' "., 1
t.lve fapch1 IR C: 30· ,~ ) 1-fl't ,' ' ...,. ' ., . .,, '

This current will be in pha~e ~i~ .the wltag~-- ~~~g' ~ppli~_d, r~isti~~,:
branch). Thus, this current-•can reptese~ted as, ' be
' I ' '. I I . ,, ., I

. '..JR = 3.6~'" + j O' ',, . ", ; . ,'' /
1; 1

· . ''. 110 •·,

Current in the capacitor branc~, !e :::; _,,i Xe _., _ , , ,.
ely ,~apaci~v~:·:
This current will · lead the app~~d ~o~tage .by ·90.~ (pur
branch). Thus, it can be writterr as; · 1
•'. • , ' , , • • •

. 110
le= 0 + j Xe
. Engineering
Basic Electnca1
254 ! .
the circuit, )
Total current drawn by / = IR + Ic (pbasor sum

= (3.67 +} 0) + (0+.llOJ

= 3.67 + lx_c

= (3.67/ +( ~:J
. cuit has been given as 5 A
Total current dJ:awn by th~ err
67)2 + _ll0) = 25
Thus, (3 . ( Xe

llO = 3.395

X _ _!!Q_ = 32.395 Jl
C - 3.395

Frequency of supply = 50 Hz 6

. c_ -_ 2n x 50
. Capacitance of the capacitor, ·10x 32.395 µF = 98.26 µF

(ii) Now the above Parallel circuit with,~e~ist~r of 30 n

and a capacitance
· of
~t the
98.26 µF is connected across a 110,V, varia~l~ ~equency supply.
frequency of the supply be f Hz. . ' · · · · ' . ·
· . :· · . · · · · 106 · · ·
Capac,i~ve reactance of capadt?~-~ranc~, '¥cz ~ 2,r/ x 9K26 .

·:·.· · . . 1619.7 _
... =. f . fl

· . . · · .•· 110 110/ _

Current m this branch, Icz = 1619 _7 = _ _
1619 7

=-0+ 1·· 110/ .·

of same
Current drawn by the resistive branch remains the same, because
applied voltage,.i.e. IR = 3.67 + JO.
Thus, th~ totai current drawn by the circuit unde~· this condition
. ,

= (3.67 +JO) + (o + j 1619

l IO f )
= 3.67 + . llOj
], 1619.7

= 3.67)2 +( 11 Of )2
~ 255
• • AC Parallel Circuit
~ di . .
As per the_con t:J.ons mentioned in second case, total current drawn from
the mains is 4 A. .

'fhUS ,
(3.67)2 + ( 110 f
)2 -- (4)2
1619.7 = 1. 59

f = 1.59 ~llgl9.7 =23.42 Hz

Hence, to decrease the total current to 4 A, the frequency of the supply
should be adjusted to 23.42 Hz.

n,ple 8. 9 A resistor of 12_Q_ and~ inductance of 0.025 H are connec.ted
~ •es across a 50 Hz supply: What values of resistance and inductance when
. have the same resultant impedance and power factor- as
ected in parallel w1H
these0-es arrangement. Find the current in each case when the voltage of the sup-

ply is 230 V. _;.,

Solution: . . . . ., .
Jnductive reactance of the senes circuit, X1_= 2n x 50 x_0.02?
- -. =7.85Q
~ -·
1J11pedance of the series circuit, 2 1 = 12 + j 7:85 ,. '. ,__
. = ✓ (12)2 + (7:85)2
= 14.34 Q
· · . . . ·, R .. . ti. ·..--
power factor of the senes circuit, cos cf, = Z ;=, ( ·
1 34
=·0.837'-{lagging) . , .. - ..
Now an unknown resistor Rand .inductive ~~actah'ce
. XL are..connected in par-
• ~, • • I ' I ' ,.

~L . . .
Impedance of the resistive branch, ZR =.R ~ jO.g _
Impedance of the inductive branch, ZL = 0 + j_~L ~ · : ··
Thus, the total impedan~e of the parallel combmatl_on, , .,
. ZR ZL .. ~-- R('j XL) ··
li = . ZR + ZL - R + j XL

I •

1' ,

- ___: =--:
- -X·
--Rr-.+ Xi-2·-. ~ ✓~
lx<~ ,:- XL
· . L ,,. .' ~ I
1 · , '\J~
LCR+ 2
As per the given conditions, _the 0
inJpedallces and .power factors
and paraJlel cireuits at< to be thesaIIl'· /
. . . . "' ' . . : , . the serie,
Thu s, IZ21:::: IZ I 1

-✓R2R Xi+
:::: 14.34 i (i)
or, xI. \

COS ~ :::: CQS ~l . , I, , ~ 1

Also 2 1 ,

JR'X: xf = 0.837, (ii)

Sub stituting Eq. (ii) into Eq. {i),

RX 0.8'.l7 =: 14.34 - ' ·. · ;G _

Unknown resistance ' R _· -.-J4

. .34
- =,Fl 13· Q
subst1t. uting the 0.8
value of R in37
Eq. : (i~)-· . , ,t i,. ..r1;, ! . - .
X ,
✓ (17.13)2
L ,
= 0.837 · .... )'_-: .
+XL2 . I_, . \ • ~ . ,J 1 u ' ' '~\ I - J' j ', ,
';Jt .
or, x2L I- - •I. , .' 'I II ! ;
(17 .13)2 + xf ·=_(0.837)2 / \
• I -•

x2L -- 205.57 + 0.7 X 2

XL = ✓ 205.57 . . .
· . 0.3 = 26.17? n
lnductance L - - X: _,.
, - L 26 .
Ji) Cunent. • series - . 2,r f = 2,r .!11 = 0.0833 H
x 50
E circuit I 230
quiva\ent un
. '
' , l = - Z - 230 - ·
Curren, d pedance of th 1
rawn b
= 16.04 A 14.34
. e Pa rallel .
YParallel cir
- it z' 2 = 14.34
. cuit::: 23
~ I l., I
14·.34 ;::: 16:04 A
AC Parallel Circuit
~ 257
s.1 S 1 shows a series-~arallel circuit consisting of three branc~es A, B and
. tlfe 8. l A and B bemg m parallel and branch C in serie·s with the parallel
f ig J1es ~ b. t ' · · df ·
,-bf~c .00 _Tbe co~ ma 1?0 _Is en~r~I.ze . ro?1 a supply1 of Vvolts at/he~. A_
C~1b1oan ethod of solvmg such Circmts Is the ·symbolic method using J
co1 1·ent in · I ·t· ·
co 1vefl first, the eqmva ~n. Impe d~"'~, ,.. · bf th b ·
e r~ches A and B ~hich ~e' m
,,erator.. ,aJculated. This ·eqmvalent impedance Is added vectonally t<,> ·the
or- I I 1s {; • b . h C th I.. • • •
aral e ' of the senes r~c us oytaimng· the impedance of the entrre
1~ 1pedanc_ e S.12). Once the tlnpedance ~f the entire circuit is kn~wn, the ,total
~(cuit (fig. by the circuit from the supply can be·determined irt the us_tlal
cu drawn . - b
current owing the total curren~, the currents rn parallel branches qm . e
manner.!;:'. A systemaqc prof edure for ~-e ,solution of the circuit sho~ ID
detef1111° . g symbolic methqd has been given below. / -
8 11 us111 A Z R
fig. · d ce of branch , Jt = A + J A . · . X i
· /
JIIIP:d:ce of branch B, ZB = RB - j XB . '. . /
ImP_ al t impedance of the parallel branches, ,
.EqUlV en . ' ' '
z = ~-ZA ZB
.,, I r' I. • ' • ,

'AB ZA,'t:~n.; , ,. , . . '·,i ,

( ' - 1 1' ·~ ~ / ~·! . ;
(RA+ j XA). (RB - j XB )
= (RA ,+·/ X;. )+(RB:- ~ fXp) ' '
. (RA Rn: -/ i xB }~.J. ci~ J?.B RA 7 xB) ·
= - (RA +) ?B) +j (XA ~-XB) ' , , ·r ·
' ~~ . 'T • .'I' ~ •., • 'i 1.'j • ·,, 1 ' ' .. l ' I, .. • • r-

!\ r , ••f! ;
', '
I ,. ! ~

·. %r . Xe
lj • , 1 ; , •
) 1 __. 1 1;

. ~ I, A ' . I . \'(' ' ' ' ,. r ,
. a

,. i; ,
• t
r,•· t

6--- ---;--:--:--
' ,, -Vvolts,./H. z ;__--,--!-..:::..---;--
-. ...
: ·,, • I
j • ~• .'' ./'~·,
- ,

' t; .
. · 8. I I
Fig. Series-paraMel
·, circuit

Xe I,.
"' ~ .·
:1 '1 .., C 1 ~, 1,., I il '• ~ ! ,
a ' '
,, .I'
,. ,.

l ~• r
' ,. ·~ ( \' . .. ! ~ : : I I : ii ' , , 1


0---~- _ VvoH~,fijz ----- -

. . . . f ce of series- parallel circuit •
Fig. 8. I2 Series eqwva en
Basic Electrical Engineerin
uivalent impeda nce of tbe parallel branch
After rationalizing, the eq esi~ec.
be put in the form= R1 ±
j X1 ~
serie s bran ch C, Zc = Re +1 (XL - Xe)
Impedance of the
cuit, Z-= ZAB + Zc
Impedance of the entire cir -X e) ]
= (R1 ± j X1) +[ R e+ j (XL
± Xi]
= (R 1 + Re) +j [(XL - Xe)
Fig. 8.1 2
it with such an im pedance has been sh~wn in ellee'1"
A circu
s no w be en redu ced to a Slillple series ci.qC. UJ· _ff
series-parallel circuit ha
entire circuit, I= ;
Total current drawn by the
V+ jO
e )± X1J
= (R1 +Re)+ j[(XL -X
= 11 ± j 12
• /

Power factor of the circuit,

cos ~ = -j-
across the para llel bran ches, VAB = Ix ZAB Volts
voltage across branch A
Current in branch A, IA = A

= ----'-=- =-ZA XI

B, IiJ = ~~ x I
Similarly, current in branch B

C, I e = I
Current in the series' branch series-parallel circuit can be
clearly indi cates that the
The above procedure eters of vario us branches are known.
the param
solved completely, once

Exa _
m k_~ _
_·s _
e ~
n_ ~
--- ro ~_l_C_~_m_i_~_ _ _ _ _,L_ ~_..__c~l
_ j_
all the param-
Fig ure 8.13 show s a series-parallel circuit with en
Example 8. JO
the im peda nc e of the overall circuit, (ii) current tak
eters marked. Calculate (i) ed by ea ch branch and the total po
wer con-
po we r consum
by the circuit and (iii)
A, ZA = 2 +JO= 2.0 il
(i) Impedance of. branch
= 3 + j4 = 5 .Q
Impedance of branch B, Z8
branches A and B, zAB = ZA +Zs
Equivalent impe dance of

= 2 (3 + }4) = 6 + JS
2 +3 + J4 5 + }4
'· AC Parallel Circuit ~ 269_


l,4 3 '2 A 4 '2


110 V, 50 Hz
Fl_g. 8.13 Circuit diagram for Example.8'.1l0

••'It • '1,'


• •• , .~ ••, 1 I; .. ,,1•
'· :,1. : .1:,, ,, .. · ,,
.• ~1
ti.A· · ,r i,

(111) C . I ',,,. ,, \•''' ',. I' i1' ,.,. ' ' . ·•

tl\e,.s~ri~,;~r,,Pf.R ~. fo:r ·li,=.4~.6 t ,'
,, 1',
U~ent m 1,

ReSistance of this btanch = ·i ,.0 · . ' );


Power consumed',by branch, D = {47,6)2 ~ 1' , · ·

= 2265.8 ,W
' I,,,
':,I !°1 'j; I I
' f
,,'· ·1 I ,. I' ' '
Current in branch A, 1A = IZ.
47.6 x 1.142 = 7.18 A
= 2 2

Current in branch B, 1B =
- 47.6 X1.142 , = 10.87 A
- 5
current in branch C, le -= IZ
- t

- 47.6 .X1.\42 ::: i9 ?2i A

- 2.83 I . -;

Resistance of branch A, RA
. ...
Power consumed by branch
=2n , .
\ I .•
A = (27J.8)2 x 2 =• 1477.5
' -• •

,{ · Resistance of branch W
B, R8 r,3 n _
· ·· · Power consumed by
branc? B = (10.87)2 x 3 =
354.5 W
· Resistance of l:}r~':h C,
Re·= 2' n
• i} ~ Power consum ·l
ed by branch C = (19.21)~_
· _• Total power consumed x 2 = 738 W
- ' by -th e circuit = 14?7-.5 + 354.5 +·738 + 22
. · ·· =·4835.8 W 65 .8



All the fundamental laws, th

at is O ~ s law ·.and Kirchh
!}leorems like Superpositi off's law and netw~
on theore~, Thevenin's th
~-~-...- are applica. ble to ac circuits with 'fo eorem, Norton'~ theorem,
llowing changes in their sta
:~ JD Resistance is replaced by im . - tements. .
pedance ~of .the ac c~cuit._
. - -) .In/ stead of algebraic sum of v·oitages '°an -· _
·_-. d currents, phasor sum of the volt-
- . · age and current. is taken. · , .
. "-

.8·!8,.1 Kirchhoff's Current La

tt ~states in any electncal ne
twork the phas~r .sum of
. is zero. · ·
no the currents meeting an

..,1:-:,- L i= 0
.. -
~--~:2 Kirchhoff'-s Voltage La
w { -~ 1
·it1. ~~tes that t~ phasor sum of the vo
C,~"'·sed ltage drops across various
mesh o· f ~ rrc
·· u1·
t plus t_!lqlhasor-sum of th
branches~ ~
equal to zero~ ,.
e ethfs m that co · l s ed roes
... -
' , .. -. • 11 •o
i.e:.:: !.I.Z !.E = 0 + ~
• • I
AC Parallel Circuit ~ 261

~ n i n ' s Theorem
8.s.3 .
. weorern sta~es that the ~urrent through any load impedance connected
fb1S any two pomts of an active network can be obtained by dividing the open
acros~ voltage between these two points with the load impedance disconnected
circ~•talent Toevenin's voltage Vth) by the sum of load impedance and the
. edance of the network measured between·these two points with load imped-
unP disconnected and source of emf replaced by their internal impedance
ance_ alent Toevenin's impedance, Zth) i.e.
I= Vth
:lL + :lth _
Similarly, the other th~orems· can aiso be stated for ac networks with similar
changes of resistance by}~pe.danc~ ~P;~ alge~r~c s~m by phasor sum. Al~o, the
}1niques used for solvmg de c1rcmts, that 1s Maxwell mesh analysts and
:dal analysis can also be used to solve the ac circuits.

Example on.Ac ·N~twork.Theore,·s/

ExaDlPle · 8.11 Determine the current through the ·branch· AB shown in
Fig. 8.14 using (i) Maxwell's mesh analysis, (ii) Thevenin's theorem .

F D•
i----o A .
8 !t
l •

,I '._j4 Q
lOQ · 4Q
24V L0° "--' :) j8Q ,· '
IJ· j6Q

E C··

Fig. 8.14

(i) Using Maxwell's mesh analysis· .
The circuit shown in Fig. 81 1.4, has two ~eshes FDCEF and ABCDA and
let the current flowing in them be / 1 and / 2 respectively.
Considering the mesh FDCEF,
11 X 8 + (/1 - /2) (10 + )8) = 24 LOO
8/1 + 10/1 - 10/2 +)8/1 - )8/2 = 24
(18 + j8) /1 - (10 + )8) /2 = 24 (i)

Considering the mesh ABCDA, ..

/ 2 x (- )4) + /2 x 4 + / 2 xj6 + (12 -11) xj8 + (/2 - / 1) x 10 = 0
- (10 +)8) 11 + (14 +)IO) / 2 = 0 (ii)
2e~L - -~
Basic Electrical Engineering
From Eq. (u) , we get the value of /1 in terms of 12,
14+ jlO )
11 = ( 10 + j8 12
On substituting the value of 11 \
in Eq. (i), we get
·s) (1 4+ ) l2 -(1 0+ j8 )l2
0 8 +J 10 +jl0 j8 =2 4

(19.69\ z196o)}s.660 2 -(1 0+ j8 )1 2 =·24

(26.46 \ 20,83°) 12 - (10 + j 8) Ii

= 24 I
(24.73 + j 9.4) /21- (10 + j 8) 12 =
(14.73 +,j 1.4) 12 = 24

12 = 14 .7 9~
=J.§2 -l- 5.4~ A
Thus, the current in branch AB of
the circuit shown-in Fig. 8:14 is
. lagging the applied voltage by 1.62 A
5.43°. . . ·
(ii) Using Thevenin's theorem . .~ ~
For calculating the equivalent Th
evenin's impedance Zth, open the
AB and short cir~uit the voltag branch
e source as shown in ·Fig. 8.14(a
resistance is ,in parallel with (10 < ). The 8Q
+ j 8) branch and the combinatio
. series with the (- j4) branch, i.e. n is in

Z _ 8 X (10 + j8) .( . )
lb - 8 + (10 + j8) + - 4

80+ j64 ·4
- 18 + j8 - J

- 102.45 \ 38.66° .
- 19.69 2196° - 14

= ?·2 \14.7° - j4
zth = (s.02 + j 1.32) - f 4
= (s.02 - i 2.68) n ·

Av----:-..- -- -1 1- -- pA
lO Q ·


Fig. 8. l 4(a)
AC Parallel Circuit
calculating the equivalent Thevenin's Volta V
th• open the branch AB
• 8.14(b) . The current I flowm· ge. th
for bown .mFtg.
given hy, gm e branch (10 +j 8) is
241 oo I
8+ (10+ j8)

18+ Ji
=. 24L! '
_ 19.69 l33.9~ ~ l ,22 l-23'..96°

8Q ,'. I I

+ lOQ
l'\.J 24V LOd' I" ' .,.

.,·.,, I

I ,•1


;1!.'.• I If


' ,, .
\ ',
I, ''
· ,. 5.02 ri '"
f' t 1


/' I h'
I '6'2 ', I, ' ~

I !•1 ~ L' 'i J • ,, 'I •' J '' ',,, ' ,1 \ , '

' ,. '1 I I''''. 111 ; t ~

• ) I 11 t I I

·B ' 't •. I I .. ) , I : • ''

i'i \
·-. ·' · · ,. Fi'. 8. I 4(c)
! • I

, '
1 •
'I , ;1 'l •i !•' •} '.. r I ,
I'1, g_ / I 1l ,: I ,,1·
'• \, I,I 1"-''• '\ -
I ' { ( ., fl', ' I I ' ' ' :
I' ·.j•r I •1 1
,, \,I I

' I 15(6 1 ~ . 1 I 1
I= (4 + j6) (5.02 '- }2.68) Ji
= 9.02 - j3.32
264 ~
Basic Electrical Engineering ~

= 1.62 I - 5.5° A


In series circuits consisting of a resistor R, inductance L and
resonance takes place when the voltage across the inductanc: ~aPacitanc
voltage across the capacitance, that is when inductive reactan Is equal toe C,
-· ce X ~
equal to the capacitive reactance Xe, In other words, resonance take L bec°illee
the power factor of the circuit approaches u~ty.. The basic condi s_ Place Whe
nance, that is power factor of the entire circuit being unity, rem!l; ... tion of re,.n
. . al so. Thus, resonance w1·11 occur ma . parallel cirw.tt1S the s
parallel crrcmts . illliet""'
. . 'b . CUitWh Or
power factor ofh t e entire crrcmt ecomes urnty. .• ' en ~e



a - -', v volts,fHz --,--a

Fig. 8.15 R~sonant circuit , ·. "I

Figure 8:15 shows a -parallbl'. circuit · · .s :I f/J
consisting of an inductive coil 10··p~allel .._,....:i ~
with a capacitor. The phasor diagram of I
this circuit with .applied voltage as the . I

reference phasor has been drawn in

' ·------------
fig. 8.16. The ;current . drawn by the
inductive branch lags the applied volt- Fig. $.l 6 Phasor diagram of
· resonant circuit
age by an angle~. It can be resolved into
two -components, an activ~ component of current and a reactive component as
shown in Fig. 8.16. The ·:cup-ent drawn by the cap~citive branch leads the
applied voltage by 90°. The power factor of the circuit becomes unity when ~e
total current drawn by the entire circuit is ll,lPhase with the applied voltage. 'Ibis
will h~ppen only when the current drawn by the capacitive branch le equals tbe
reacti\re component of current ·of the -inductive branch (Fig. 8.16).
Hence, for resonance in parallel circuit, ., -
le= Ii sin~
AC Parallel Ci fcuit---. ~ 265
~capacitive branch, le= _£_
c11rrenl I
0 Xe

•o the inductive branch, IL= ~ Zl

Cllffeot I
z is the impedance of the inductive branch •
Where, L . .
dance of the mductive branch ZL = R +j l
= ✓ R2 + (Xl)2
t, with respect to applied voltage,
Angle of lag oftbe inductive branch ·c;urren
tp = tan-I.&.
sin ti>= XL
fhUS, Zl
IL sin"'== . V X XL == vxl (8.19)
zl. . zl .z2
.., L ,

9), resonance in parallel circuit

Substituuiig Eqs (8.1? and 8J8 ) into Eq. (8.1
· ·
will occur when,
• -~V -- \{XL .
Xe - , Zz
or XL Xe == z/ (condition of resonance)
1 1
·(m l) X ~c ,:.:-R7 +:(mL)2
\ I


. (8.20)

is the resona nt freq uen cy in her tz, H

_ enc e, the expression for the reso-
uen cy in paralle l circuits is differe nt ·than for series circuit. . However,
~ant freq
if eresistanc~ R of the inductive branch
is negligible, then the expression for
the resonant frequency reduces to,

+0 ==_I_ ✓ LC (same ·,as·for. the series

1 resonancef
Jc 2,r
~ - - ~~~---- Basic Electrical Engin
. . .
From Fig. 8.16 it is uite clear, that the current in the induct
q times greater than th ive
tive ~r.anches may be
condition of resonanc
m;!resultant current is m
e resultant curr ¾d
in im um unde
r e~t '1tld~~,
F th hove discuse.. . ·t . observed that the curr
1om e a sion, 1 is ent taken frthis C()ll.n:
can be greatly ma gnifi d by means of a parallel O tn th 'lllt
magnification in para ie . . resonant circuit "t,_
llel circuit is given b e s\1~11.
y, . J. ne c q1\y
. '1tte~t
Current magnificatio IC .:.. IL Slil "' .
n == IL cos q, - IL I

cos q, = tan ~
Xi 21tf0 L
==· -
R =·-R- ::;: Q-f·actor-
. . . ,
Hence, the Q-factor of the circuit is .a mea (&.il)
parallel resonant circui sure of current magni
t. 1 fi .
cati011 .
Resultant current, lll a
I' == 1L cos '1>
However, under the co
ndition of resonance, 2
ZL = XL Xe
. 1 L.
= C O L X -=
On substituting the va roC C
lue of zf in Eq. {8.2
resultant current, I , = V x R
- - = -V-
L it : L/CR
Thus, the impedance
offered by a resonant
parallel dreuit = l: _
This impedance is pu ·, CR (8 .24)
rely resistive a!!d ge
ance of the circuit. A ner~ly termed as dy
s the resultant curren namic imped-
is minimum, the circui t dra:N~ b.y a resonant
t is normally called re parallel circuit
is quite useful in radio jector circuit. Such a
work. The phenomen type of circuit
is normally termed as on of resonance in pa
current resonance whe rallel circuits
in series circuits. reas it is termed volta
ge resonance
Figure 8.17 shows th
e characteristics of. th
inductance L and capa e parallel circuit cons
citance C in parallel isting of an
age applied being cons plotted against freque 1
tant. ncy, the volt· suscep
tance =.·- 1 =· -1-
Xi 2n:f L
: · Tous, m· duc ·
tive suscepta ·
1s represented by a rect nce is -inversely ·proportional to the frequ
angular hyperbela. ency andit
. . ;. .
Capacitive ·susceptance
=_.l . =_2n:fC · ' · ~:1
Xc -

Capacitiv~ s~sceptanc . i.;., - .

e is .difectly proportio
sented by a straigbt lin nal to ,the frequency
e passing through the and is r~P:~
origin. The total susc
eptance 15
:AO Par.allel ·Circuit, I., •

~ r i v e and capacitive
,,fll of
sv tance. As the conductance ,in the I• ' I I I.' I

susceP1·t is. zero ' the total suscept

, ance is
,~cU al to the tot~ ~dmtttance of the.
~so ~ufbe total current is zero (mini- i ,: ,;

circ01\,ben the total admittan~~ ~of ~~

(llurn! t,ecoroes zero. The ~equency at
ci~u~ the total ' bec<:>mes mini-
1vh1c . the resonant ,frequency / .
Ill JS . 0
the reson,ant frequency, the
acloW d .
~ crive sqscept~ce . J?~e. o~mat~s,
1ndu aking the circuit current to be
1h . rng whereas beyond / 0 cap~citive
1aggin ' . ,
tance predommates and the cur-
suscep . 1
leads the apphed vo tage. At reso-
rent , f th .. .
ant frequency Jo, . e current 1~ m I

;hase with the applied volt~~e:

· Fig.
' '
a..l 7. , Resonance characteristics ·. •.

,, I
,, __ :tf\- :;_.r• (-<!rl;t:~~ht - 1~_;';;(;-,~,~''"' I. .., .~ ' ; ' I ,1 '
_ l,_~mples on Reso11:an(?~J~ f1,nll
' .
' I.
i •

Example 8.12 , ~ inductiv~) ::oil ofl esistance t 0 Q and inductanc~ ·0.1 H is I I

.. . I
connected in parallel with a 150 µF capacitor' to ,.l;l·y~abl e frequency, ~ \Y..S.PIJt' ·; . 1·,
4 ·, ui i I •'
ply. Find the fre~uency, (r~sonant) ~t which the total curreilt t&k~n from 'the ·sup~ '...:.Ji", II
' :~
ply is in phase with the supply, voltage. Al~o .find ·the v~ue . of.this ·current. :, , ,.
Solution: . · :· · · .
(i) Let the frequency of the applied voltage be f ijz. t ,. '

Inductive reactance of branch A,XA = 21Cjx 0.1

·:,,·/ . . .'.: . := Q.62,8 / ..
Imredance 0~ b!ai,.ch A, , ZA ~ 1,0,.+j 0.628 f
, . 200+jQ ,
I ,I

Currep.~m-braQ~h.A,IA= lb'+J0:

. .. · ,: .·.,:•· 6281
I. 'I', ' 'M 1, ' ' 1•1,'. ; ' '., fn ',. , I ·.

:,. •Tl , \.,. 1 ~:-, .:·• 200 - ,"1 X)Q-;-j,0:p28( , •11 .'' ,.' 1

. ? ,, · '! ,,'C.J j ., 10+ j0.628. f

10-:j0. (>28/ ,.. ,.', .
1, /\l,.•, • ,' I ' 2000 ' .. • •' i'25,6J' · >., •i
'.,-. f / ' 'l'hl• i·,. ·1:7 ,(10)2+(0'.<528 1])2- 1 ·00)2+(b:i,2s')')2-',.
Capacitive reactance of branch B1 XB.. = ,r f ~
2 150 1 ,,
r~#- !~t
J • ' \: l I ,1• J

'I ·i,

Impedance of branch B Z =
, ' B
o·- 1· 106
. l En<1ineering ~
~~- --= -=---_;
288 l
current in branch B, IB-
ic Electnca

'~:- -
+j O =j '!!!U-
' . .'

-J f
by the clfCUl , 1= I +18 (pbasor sum)
. . 't
Total current drawn 125.6 f . 200 f
2000 j · 2 +1- --- ·
= (10)2, +(0.62s tl- (10)2 + co.6~s n 106~ .
2000 --j (
= (10)2 t (0.628 j)2 2
125.6 f 200
2 -1 0
(10) +(0.628 f). · . 61
As per the condition mentioned' the total.
current has to be 10 phase With
. ,,. _ 0 As such tlie reactt.Ve component. of
the total
the supply voltage, 1.e. .,, - · . .
current must be equal to zero, i.e.
. . 125.6 f _ 200 f = O
(10)2 +(0.628 /)2 1061
125.6 f ..200 f
or (10)2 +(0.628 !)2 = 106l .
2 _ 125.6 X 1061
(10)2 + (0.628 f) :-- _ 2QO _ _

!o.6_Z8f =:: ._ (_1~5-~~106i -~100) ;

Thus the frequency of the ·supply,'f = 37.9 ·Hz · .'. ·
This ~ill also be the resonant frequency of the circuit.
(ii) Total current drawn by the·cir'cuit at-200 V, 37:9-Hz is~
= (10)2 +_(0,628 n+ ', l · .1

= (10)2 +(0.628 X 37.9)2 _
Example 8.13 A circuit of resistance 15 ' Q and inductive r~actance
' 12 n:is
i: •
connected in parallel with another circuit consisting of a resistor of 25 .

Q in series
with a capacitor of capacitive reactance 17 Q. This combination is energ
ized from
a 200 V, 40 Hz mains. 't~ind the branch currents, total current and powe
r factor of
the circuit. It is desired to raise the power factor of this circuit to unity
by con-
necting a capacitor in parallel. Determine the value of capacitance of
, • the capaci-
tor. • •
· ·
I .

. Solution:
-. / . '

· (i) Impedance of branch 1', z1 = ✓ (l )2 + (1 )2

5 2
= 19.21 Q
Current in branch 1, / = 200
= 10.41 A

AC Parallel Circuit
,,,,, ---- -- . . - ~26~
/ b 1 being an mducttve branch the
8f1lllc to applied voltage is, ' angle of lag of current 11 with r--
re5pect _
"' - tan-1 I5 :: 38.66°
'f'l -
{l!lpedance of branch 2, Zz = .✓ (25)2 + (17)2 = 30.23 Q
· h2 / 200 .-
current in branc , z = 30.23 = 6.61 A
. · .
.5 isa capacitive branch, as such the angle uf le d this current with
fbJ t to applied voltage, a of r
"' -117 ·
'f'2 = tan 25 .~ 34.210

. S Ill of active co~ponents- of branc h currents

(ii) u . . , ' \
- 11 cos </>1 + f 2 c·os </>2 ., . ·.

= 13159 A
cos 38.660 + 6.61 cos 34.210
sum of reactive components of branch.~UJTents,
1 f7·- /1sin </>1 + /2 ,sin <f>2
·:=_~,l0_. 4l i;in.38.~6°. + 6,61 sin 34.21°
=-2. 79 A
_ . I I'.!, _ .

Total current dra,wn by the circujt,/ = ✓r(l-3-.5-9)_2_+_(_
= 13.87 A
Angle of lag of this current with the applied voltage,.
</>' ·=·- tan-I ,( 2,.79_) · •\ .,

. . , .~ . . ?~.5.9 ..,' ,.
. ~· = _ll.6° lagging (r~a~tive comp. bejng negative)
Power factor ofi the circuit, cos </> =cos 11.6° : ,_
· · · ·· -· == 0.98 lagging :
(iii) It is desired torafse the1power factor of this,circuit ·to unity. A capac
has ·to be ,connected·'in ·parallel t<>'-the·~above ·circuit in order
to ·raise its
power factor to 1unity. tet' ttie capacitive. reacta. nce of the tapadtor. be
' -
. I •,

..,. . '--

Current dra;n ~y ihe capacitor bninch, Ic"= ~~ '

~ rep-
This current wilf be leading the applied voltage by ~0°. Thus it can '
resented ·as ·· · ·
. 200
Ic = J -
Current drawn by· the circuit without capacitor br~ch, i.e. (/1 ~ 12)

. / 1 + / 2 = 13.59 - j 2.79

Total current drawn by the circuit with capacitor in parallel, - -

· -,.._.
· I = 1 + 1 + fc (phasor sum) ·· · •'\
. 1 2 . \ .
210 l Basic Electrical Engineering

. 200
= 13.59 - j 2.79 +J Xe

= 1359-j (2.1 9-~ ~)

. conditions the power factor of the circuit With
As per the given . '
in parallel must be unity, i.e. the phase ang1e between the totatcapa .
cu c_,tor
drawn and th e applied voltage shou ld be zero. rten1
Hence, 2. 79 - Xe = O

200 - ., • I

or capacitive reactance, Xe = .79

= 11.68 n
Frequency of the applied voltage ~ HZ' ·
The value of capacitance of the,~apa~itor,
= . , - I

C~ 106 . .µF
21t X 40 X 71.68 · .
=55SµF ·· ·~ '·. ., ., •,;.
Hence, to raise the powerfactor of the circuit to unity (for
resonance con.
dition), a capacitotof capacira_nce 5~.5 ~ must be connected
in Parallel
with the two branches of the given crrcmt -
.. ' . r..
I ''

c). Summary

In this chapter, a simple circuit consisting o.f. ~e basic-circ

uit elements _R, L and ccon-
nected in parallel is considered, so that the fundamentals of
parallel circuit are clear in
simpler way. FUrther; various techniques for sdlvinfthe ac paral
Le. phasor method, admittance methog, symbolic or j;o~rator.lelmeth circuits are depic~
od, W}lile solving
the ac circuits by phasor methrnl either graphical method or
the analytical method can
be used. •ln,a~ttance_method, the calculations ai:e quite
tedious_,and,tinJ,e consuming
and is normally not a very convenient method.for ~olving .paral
le1-circ.uits. Th~ symbol-
ie,meth()!i for solving parallel.~ir~uits is.J!lore.gen~ral and syste
matic. Even the compli-
cated series-parallel circuits can also be solved using this meth
All the fundamental laws and de theorems are applicable to
ac networks except that
instead of resistance, impedance is ~on~idered and instead
of talcing algebraj.c sum of
voltages and currents, phasor swii is taken. Resonance will
occur in a parallel circui~
when the pow~r fa~tor of.the ~ntire circuit becQ!Iles unity and
is norm~y ,:ermed as cur·
~ent resonance. Finally, the variation of inductive susceptanc
e and G,apacitive .sus~
tance against frequency, keeping the applied voltage constant,
is discussed.

· c> Points to Remember · "'t u

j '

. (i) Solution of a~ parall.el circuits ·can be found ,usin~phas

or method, adlniltBllt°C
· method, symbolic method. . ·
l ,. • . J~
(ii) Conductance G is the reciprocal of the resistance.
(iii) Susceptance Bis the reciprocal of the reactance.
AC Parallel Circuit ~ 271

/~ r.ciprocal of the impedance,

/ Ad[1111 UU1 e triangle
/i'') pedanc - - -
('') J(11 z == ✓R2 + X2 z X

cos¢== z
. le R
·rtance tnang
r,,il p.dnu y == ✓G2 + 132 .
G .-
cos¢== y B
· etwork theore~s ,re.member ,
for ac n , . ., . ..
(,,ii) . Resistance is replaced•by impedance.
~~) Algebraic sum ~s replaced by phasor sum. ~ ,'
. -G
(JJ) /"l .. . .

. · . ~curs
· para·11·eI CffCUlt at fo = .- 1 /_ T
I•_· _R~l
ance in
·•u') Reson ., · . 2n LC L2
(VI • · .
., I

. At Resonance . . . . I ·, .- f ;f• • Ii •
(ix) (i) power factor of the c1~cmt 1s ~mty · ·
''1 I

,, · l1
2 . . I' ' ,
(ii) Zi == XiXc . ·
• I
I' .
1 ,.! i· ' J,,.•·• , I
• I ~

" ' !
(iii) Impedance is max4num = 'CR . 1, •: · ..•,.,

!' ~ ,


I I •
'.)11 ~
I I'
' •~~ij ,II•'
;·_..! r,.. . . , •,t ,,
' .... ~- I 'i1 J l (.. I ' .I. t:. I ··,.~
j,I: '•,,
,. (.."'R_ ,,
(iv) Resultant current 1s mimmum·=
i • .• ·- • · .
v,, -,. L .:,...· , . !··.r · · .' · 1 •. ·,.' .:! .. . .
- ' · J, I J ; , 1 j_ .. I ..
" 1/(' •J I
' I ! J,, •
•• ,,,- ,, '• ! . ., / , , • .J •' ,.,' lj'.,..,

. · . . ·.• 2i kV , . ; :· . , I[ ,- I.
(x) Current magnification=:, .. Ro ., =: a ::fact9r , , , .I

i • r .! . ·,!.·· .

1. ::
. ' \ I I ,. JI

t? Problems · '' . '

8.1 (a) Explain the ·term' admittance, conau,cttmce:ahd. ~iisceptan~e i~·applied to ac

parallel circuits, (b)'Three impedances, (4 }3); (8 - }6); (4 ,.- )3) are con- +
nected in.parallel across a .100 V, 50 Hz ·supply. Calcufate . (i) ad1I11ttance ,
conductance and· su·sceptance.o f ~ach .branch, (ii) current,an'.d 'power in each
branch,.Jiii) total current, power and power factor of the··combined,circuit,
(iv) value of a sipgle imp~danc~ which will talce the(same tile
same current from ·the ,~upply . as is tak~n .·by the comt>inec,1 <;iircµ.it .and ·
(v) draw a phasor _diagram show1.qg µIe branch, currents;·aQd the ~Ptal ,current.
[(i) ,Y1 = 0.16 -j 0.12, Y2 =.0.08- + j 0.06, Y3:;:: .OJ 6-+ j 0.12

(ii) /1 = 20 A, 12 = 1q A, /3 = 20 A, wt'== '1600 ·w, W2 =

800 W, W3 = 1600 W · · ,·: ·
(iii) ··40.45 A , 4000 w, 0.9888
r- .. t "

(iv) · Z ; 2.45 - j 0.367 OJ · r .

8,2 rw . I ;
. ' ' I . ' I
' '

01nd es IO and 5 Q , and inductive.r eact~ces':o f 7.225

uctive coils of,resistanc
and 1
...__ o.995 il are connected in paral)el across a 200 ·V: 'ac mains. C3lculatc

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