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Founding Ideals

Brooklyn Knurr
What we'll discuss
Insert a catchy quote or
valuable sentence here
In 1967 President Johnson had a special message to
congress for equal justsice and to expand the oppertunity
in the community. In 1967 that's when things got turned
around and now men and women were equal. When
Johnson made his comments about the workforce being
racialy motivated. The National Orginization of Women
(NOW) took a stand then too. The women took a stand to
be able to work, to work like men, be able to do a mans job.
Thanks to NOW we were able to get it to work and thanks to
that, today women can work like men and do the jobs a
Defination: The condition of
man can do too.
being equal
Definition: Basic conditions gaurenteed
to each person

The Rights Movement was finally over in 1968. It started in 1954, so it needed to be
over with. The Rights moement was caused by racism, segregation, Jim Crow laws
and Inequality. To try and get peoples attention about this matter they had
protests, meetings, and large gatherings. The Rights Movement was not 14 years
straight, yes some of it was, but most of it took a break and ended up coming
back again until they finally got what they wanted.
The freedom prayer was a The freedom prayer was one
prayer stating that of the best things we could
Americans are now free and have gotten. In my opinion
are able to be happy again. with the freedom speech we
We are free to speak up and were able to do so much
out and we are able to more things and it was good
worship in our own ways. for everyone.

In the 1970's women put up a stand to be able to vote. With this there were protests
and lots of fighting for it. Men thought that this was a bad idea. I think that men
thought this was a bad idea because then they had to share something. When men
had to give up some of there manly jobs so women could work like a man too, it
made them mad then too. So when women got to vote I think men got jelous that
they were not doing something for just men anymore.
In 2016 President Trump was elected president. This
was originally a case of full democracy, but then got
moved to a flawed democracy. It was put at a
flawed democracy because they used elected
officals. Most people found that when Trump was
president he was able to get alot accomplised
others did not. Sometimes things work out, others
do not.

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