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Paper 1
2 ½ hours

End of term one Examinations 2018





Answer all questions in Section A and any Five questions from Section B.

Any additional question(s) answered will NOT be marked.

All necessary calculations must be done on the same page as the rest of the answer . Therefore, no
paper should be given for rough work.

Graph paper is provided.

Silent, non-programmable scientific calculators and mathematical tables with a list of formulae
may be used where not prohibited.

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Answer all questions in this section
1. Given that b
(a) Evaluate 12∗6
(b) Find the value of t when t∗3=17 (04marks)
3 p=
2. Make A the subject of the formula √2 A+7 (04marks)
3. The pie chart below shows the different regions in Uganda where the 3000 students at a
certain University come from.

Determine the number of students at the university who come from Western region.


4. Find the inverse of the matrix A=

−2 −2
) (04marks)

5 x−7 6 x−2 5
− =
5. Solve the equation; 3 4 6 (04marks)
6. In the diagram below, O is the centre of the circle. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and the
obtuse angle AOC =124.

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Calculate the angles marked m and n. (04marks)

7. A translation ( )
followed by a translation
y () ( )
gives the single translation of

thevalues ofx and y. (04marks)

8. Use factorization method to solve the equation:
2 x +3 x−14=0 (04marks)
9. From the top of a building of height 30 m, a cat is seen on the ground at an angle of
depression of 250. Determine how far the cat is from the building. Correct your answer to 3
significant figures. (04marks)
10. Determine the inequality which is represented by the unshaded region on the graph.

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Answer any five questions from this section.

11. (a) Given that matrix A= ( ) (

1 2 B= −2 3
4 3
2 1 )
and C= ( −10 4
5 9),find matrix M

such that M = A 2+2 B−C (06marks)

(b) Solve the following simultaneous equations using matrix method:
5 x+2 y=2
5 y+3x=24 (06marks)

12. A cook spent shs. 30,000 to purchase 5 kg of posho and 8 kg of rice. Later he increased
each of the above quantities by 2 kg thus increasing his expenditure by shs 9,000.
(a) Write down two equations that represent the cook’s purchases. (03marks)
(b) Use your equations to find the cost of posho and rice per kilogramme.

(c) How much would the cook pay for 9kg of posho and 14 kg of rice?


13. The table below shows the marks scored by a senior one class in a Mathematics test.
Marks 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89
Frequency 4 6 8 10 9 6 5 2

(a) Calculate the;

(i) Mean mark
(ii) Median mark (10marks)

(b) Find the probability that a student picked at random from the class scored below 40.


14. Using a pencil, a ruler and a pair of compasses only;

(a) (i) Construct a triangle PQR in which PR=9.6 cm, QR=8.7 cm and angle
PQR = 900.
(ii) Measure angle QPR. (05marks)
(b) (i) Construct a circle which touches all the sides of the trianglePQR.
(ii) Measure the radius of the circle

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(iii) Calculate the area of the circle you have constructed.[Take π = 3.14]


15. (a) Copy and complete the table below for the function.
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
x 4 4

x2 – 3 1 1

(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on the horizontal axis and 1cm to represent
1 unit on the vertical axis, draw the graph of y=x 2−3 for −4 ≤ x ≤ 4 .

(c) Use your graph to solve the equation x 2−3=0 (02marks)
(d) Use your graphs to solve the equation x 2−2 x−4=0 (03marks)

16. A triangle ABC with verticalsA(0, 1), B(3, 1) andC(3, 3) is mapped on to triangleA1B1C1 by a
positive quarter turn about the origin. Triangle A1B1C1is then mapped on to triangle A”B”C”

by a transformation whose matrix is (

−2 −1
4 3
. )
(a) UseI(1, 0) and J(0, 1)to find the matrix for a positive quarter turn about the origin.

(b) Find the coordinates of :
(i) A’, B’ and C’
(ii) A”, B” and C” (06marks)
(c) Determine the matrix for the single transformation which maps triangle A”B”C”
back on to triangle ABC. (04marks)

17. The senior four students of a school are to visit a nearby zoo. The school plans to hire a bus
and a van to transport the students to the zoo. Each trip of the bus costs shs. 90,000 and that
of the van costs sh 60,000. The bus has a capacity of 54 students and the van 18 students.
All the 180 students of senior four in the school contribute a total of shs 540,000 for hiring
the two types of vehicle and must all go to visit the zoo. The van has to make more trips
than the bus because it travels faster. If x and y represents the number of trips made by the
bus and the van respectively;
(a) Write down five inequalities representing the above information. (04marks)

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(b) Plot the inequalities on the same axes and by shading the unwanted region, show
the region satisfying all the above inequalities. (05marks)
(c) Find the number of trips that each vehicle should make so as to spend the least
amount of money. Hence, find the amount of money saved. (03marks)

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