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1. Sensor of Touch
-the audience get to feel the rough and soft material that had been used in storyboard

-the fabric used to make the grass and so on
-clay to make the ugly duckling (touching and feeling the ball shape of the Grey)
-cotton used to make the cloud
-feather of the swan

-Roughness of paper
-the egg
-the nest because it brought the sensor of touching the dried thick

2. Sensor of Sight
-colourful vision in every part of the storyline scene
-can tell the differences in each storyline
-use difference material in creating the storyboard
-have a unique colour tone in differentiate the scenery
(Dark blue sky)
(Soft blue of the ocean)


1. The audience can easily understand about the main point that is trying to be conveyed by
the storyteller (emphasized the action of each of the character in storyboard with the
2. Create a stronger imagination of the audience about the character traits (can feel and
develop the real emotion when it comes to happy or sad story plot)
3. Attract the audience attention with variant of style, tools and also with the digital activities
(doing quiz/jigsaw puzzle)
4. Give an extra supporting material like listening audio so that the audience will get a better


1. Listening audio
2. QR Code for the activities

1. Visual/Spartial Intelligent
-Being able to create a storyboard to tell a story
-Storyboard itself represent the visual image and also make the student becomes more
interested and can be imaginative looking at the character image
-Drawing, colouring, and other design are added into the storyboard
-The part of main point of the storyline is being represented in visual to the audience
-Other multimedia thing like the QR code for scanning the activities based on the story

2. Naturalist Intelligent
-the element that had been added in the story which is cloud, rock, tree, grass, nest, duck,
swan and so on.
-can differentiate between the object and animal
-learn new thing or natural element by looking at the drawing material

Year 6 DSKP
1. Able to give main ideas and supporting ideas while listen to the story teller in telling the
(The Kit Presentation with the material is relevant with DSKP Year 6 since it has the
supporting detail on enrich the understanding and also the focus of the student during
activities lesson)

Year 3 DSKP

2. Able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visual and the
(The story teller will represent the stories and at the same time by showing the
Presentation Kit to the student and let them make their own understanding by looking
at the storyline drawing so that they can find out any word that they do not understand
while listening)

Year 2 DSKP

3. Able to describe object using suitable word and phrases

(Learn on how to pronounce the object or thing that they can see in Presentation Kit
while related them with the story)

Year 4 DSKP

4. Able to respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple short chants and
raps, or another imaginative respond
(Student can react while the storyteller is telling out the story and also, they can imagine
the storyline while answering the quiz or the activities after the storytelling end.

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