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Dosen : Dr. SRI PURWIYANTI, S.T., M.T.,Ph.D

Nama Kelompok : Risnalia; 1915031060

Rifky Aditya Wijaksana; 1915031058

Mencari jurnal penelitian yang relevan dengan topik penelitian berjudul ”Perancang
Prototype jemuran pakaian otomatis menggunakan Arduino Uno”

Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia

Judul : Rancang Bangun Sistem Jemuran Otomatis Berbasis Arduino


Nama Penulis : Yosef Cafasso Yuwono, Syah Alam

Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Kajian Teknik Elektro

Tahun Publikasi : 2018

Tujuan : Memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarat yang akan bepergian

atau ada pekerjaan lain sehingga tidak usah khawatir dengan
jemuran yang takut kehujanan dan Memanfaatkan Arduino
sebagai alat pengendali jemuran pakaian otomatis, apabila
terjadi hujan makan jemuran akan masuk.

Metode yang di lakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi studi

Metodologi Penelitian : literatur, analisa permasalahan, perancangan desain dan
system, implementasi sistem, pengujian sistem, evaluasi dan

Penggunaan :

Abstract: By utilizing current technological developments, we can use them to protect our
clothesline from rain or hostile weather. By using the Arduino Uno as a control center, we
can design a prototype for an automatic clothesline system. We do not need to worry about
clothes that are in clothes because it has been protected with an automatic clothesline system
where the clothesline will automatically close when the weather is cloudy or when it rains. In
the results of the design that has been made there are 4 conditions. In condition 1, when the
light sensor detects bright conditions (Lumen = 914), while the rain sensor detects bright
conditions, the clothesline roof will open in +/- 3 seconds. At condition 2, the light sensor
detects bright conditions (Lumen = 914), while the rain sensor detects rain conditions, the
clothesline roof closes in +/- 3 seconds. At condition 3, the light sensor detects dark
conditions (Lumen = 891), while the rain sensor detects bright conditions, the clothesline
roof will close in +/- 3 seconds. In condition 4, the light sensor detects dark conditions
(Lumen = 891), while the rain sensor detects rain conditions, the clothesline roof will close
in +/- 3 seconds . For the humidity sensor shows a 75% indicator shows wet clothes, while
when the clothes are dry the humidity indicator will drop to a minimum of 53% within 90
minutes, the switch will automatically turn off.

Jurnal Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Automatic Clothesline Retrieval Prototype with Humidity Alert

System to Aid Clothesline Drawbacks for Reducing Laundry

Nama Penulis : Siti Nur Aisyah Abdul Hei, Effa Nadzirah Nazri, Nurin
Faqihah Mohamed Rafik, Mazniha Berahim

Nama Jurnal : Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation

Tahun Publikasi : 2021

Tujuan :

Metodologi Penelitian : Dengan menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai pusat kendali, kita
dapat merancang sebuah prototipe untuk sistem jemuran
otomatis. Penelitian ini, desain jemuran otomatis dilengkapi
dengan sensor cahaya, sensor air dan juga dilengkapi dengan
sensor kelembapan untuk mengukur tingkat kekeringan
pakaian. Jadi pakaian yang berada di jemuran sudah dilindungi
dengan sistem jemuran otomatis dimana atap jemuran akan
otomatis menutup dikala cuaca dalam keadaan mendung
ataupun saat hujan turun.

Penggunaan :

Abstract: The Automatic Clothesline Retrieval System with Humidity Sensor is an innovation
whereby the user’s clothesline will be retrieved and be pulled out when the system detects the
change in surrounding weather. This Internet of Things (IoT) project was developed to
resolve the problems of people too busy to retrieve their clothesline. The main objective of
this project is to enhance and develop a prototype ACR system with Humidity sensor and
application. The methodology used is the prototype model. Some of the hardware used are
DHT22 Humidity Sensor and Micro Servo with connection to a laptop as its power source.
The results from this project showed that the prototype acted accordingly with its respective
surrounding’s humidity and light reading. After implementation, the ACR prototype system
returned results of 100% success in achieving its objectives with minimal room for error. As
for commercial value, this project has been successfully tested and can be commercialized to
potential users, which are students. From the survey, 100% of the respondents are interested
in the ACR prototype system. The contribution of this project is impactful to students or
people who are busy by relieving their worries about their clothes outside, allowing them to
focus on other important business.

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