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The basic right of employee and employer for me Under the law employers are responsible for health

and safety management. It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their
employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do whatever is
reasonably practicable to achieve this.Workers' rights are human rights, and we have a moral and legal
obligation to protect them.This means that workers' rights, such as freedom of association, the right to
strike, the prohibition of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and the right to fair and just
working conditions, are vital. A policy is a set of general guidelines that outline the organization’s plan
for tackling an issue. Policies communicate the connection between the organization’s vision and values
and its day-to-day operations that connect between the organization’s vision and values and its day-to-
day operations are basically set in place to establish the rules of conduct within an organization,
outlining the responsibilities of both employees and employers.

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