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Puberty is a clear course for most furs.

However, dragons have a peculiar and sometimes

unpredictable growth cycle. Cygil was no exception to this rule. He was a small dragon, even by
regular standards. When he was in grade school, he was a measly five foot four. Dragons his
age are at least six and a half feet tall, and he was often bullied for his size. If you could
overlook his size he was quite a handsome dragon. Blue with white scales on his stomach, and
white spines coming from the back of his tail which eventually arched into a heart at the tip. The
older furs and dragons alike didn’t seem to care about Cygil’s markings, only that he was
smaller, and an easy target. His father, who was much bigger than Cygil at the time was no help
either, telling him to just ‘tough it out’

A particularly embarrassing situation the unfortunate runt had to go through still haunted him to
this day. He had spent weeks getting the courage to ask his high school crush out, and
surprisingly she had said yes. He spent virtually every spare minute leading up to the date
planning the perfect evening. He was one scaley step away of planning a schedule out
completely when she canceled. Cygil was surely upset but her reason was valid enough -
babysitting. The small dragon already had the night planned out so went off to the date by
himself, only to find the girl of his pubescent dreams with her arms around his high school
nemesis and bully. This was not an uncommon experience for him, so needless to say his high
school experience left something to be desired.

When Cygil graduated he moved into the country with his father, and did his best to isolate
himself from not only the horrible people he grew up with, but the city itself. Years passed, and
as time went on Cygil remained the same size. It was frustrating, and he could tell his father was
disappointed. Dragons were fierce creatures, but it was difficult for him to be fierce at his size.
Every day he would train more, lift weights, eat right, but nothing seemed to work. After yet
another long day of grueling exercise and training Cygil went to bed, completely unaware of the
powers at work inside his body.


There is something inherently magical about dragons, and Cygil was about to find this out first
hand. Cygil was unclear as to why he was waking up to the sound of hay and farm animals, but
as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings he realized he was no longer inside of the house, but
was instead in the barnyard. He groaned, and as he turned to his side to fight waking up the
ground shook. Cygil panicked, thinking it might be an earthquake and immediately woke up
completely. It was slowly becoming clear to the dragon that the ground shaking was not a cause
of earthquakes, but was instead him. He slowly stood up, taking in his surroundings. His house
was tiny, or he was giant. He could see overtop of the treetops in the countryside, all the way
into the horizon. The massive dragon was worried yet amazed. He stepped over his house with
ease and into the wide fields which ran parallel to the road. There, he sat for a moment to get
his head in order. He had heard of this sort of thing happening to dragons in the past, but he
had just assumed it was some kind of myth. He looked down at his massive claws, clenching
them and opening them repeatedly. Just to make sure, he pinched himself. “Ow!” He cried out,
the ground shaking around him. This was most certainly real.

He stomped over to the nearby lake, and walked inside. Although the lake was deep, it hardly
went up to his waist. The dragon was easily over 100 feet tall. Whatever had made him grow
like this had made him thirsty. He cupped his hands together and pulled a sizable amount of
water from the lake, pouring it into his maw. Water dribbled out, sending large droplets into the
water, splashing several feet into the air. As the dragon drank and bathed in the lake, he
thought of what he was going to do with his newly found power. A few things came to mind
before his thoughts gripped on one place in particular, and a few select memories. Energized
and ready to go the dragon left the lake, shaking the water off of him, making massive footprints
and mud puddles as he walked onto the highway and back towards his home town.

The walk down the highway was long, but entertaining for the massive figure. The cars that
were driving down would do one of several things. Some people were on their phone, or texting
and hardly even noticed the over 100ft dragon. The last thing they saw was usually their own
insides as he crushed the vehicles like pancakes, leaving a trail of blood and destruction behind
him. Others would try and swerve out of there way, or get out to take pictures. Those were his
snacks. He would lean down and grab them between his fingers, being careful not to crush
them before they were in his maw. They would wriggle around for a moment, occasionally make
it to the front of his slippery tongue and bang on his teeth. One or two even managed to escape,
only to meet a 100ft drop in front of them. The bloodshed didn’t seem to bother Cygil, nobody
was ever nice to him so he saw no reason to be nice to other furs, especially ones as small and
insignificant as them. The power and strength he felt was nothing compared to that that he felt
when he approached the city. There was a river and a long suspension bridge connecting it to
the countryside. As he walked towards the city he could see cars attempt to speed past him,
turn around, or just stop in place on the bridge. Everyone was terrified of him, the feeling was

Knowing that their cars couldn’t get past him, or seeing their fellow civilians get turned into
dragon pancakes several furs tried to get into their cars and run. Cygil picked one in particular
and pinned him under one of his toes. Mud and filth caked the back of the small fur, but that was
the least of his concern. Slowly, Cygil pushed more and more weight onto the tiny fur beneath
him. He left a small percent of his weight on the tiny body, twisting and kneading himself into
him. Every time the body underneaths lung’s compressed he could feel it. Every time it coughed
a little bit of blood out, or a rib snapped, it sent a sense of total ecstasy through the dragon.
Cygil could feel the life leave the fur, and a certain bloodlust ignited in him. He walked onwards
into the city with a complete disregard for the lives he was taking.

Soon he was in the downtown area, the area was so densely packed Cygil had almost too much
choice. Almost. He began to scan the streets, picking up any furs that looked particularly
delicious. If upon closer inspection they looked sickly, old, or unappetizing he would drop them,
watching their bones snap on the pavement, and the blood staining the streets. The rest would
have a slightly longer life, Cygil would toss several furs into his mouth at a time, he kept his
mouth shut but perfectly still, listening carefully to the pleads of desperation before opening his
mouth for just a moment, letting the desperate furs clamber over his teeth before snapping
down, his sharp fangs eviscerating his helpless prey. He would continue doing this for a while,
walking down the street, stuffing handfuls of helpless furs who were nothing more to him than
snacks into his maw.

Cygil continued to walk through the town, slowly growing bored of snacking on the helpless
townsfolk caught a familiar smell of perfume, and a memory of the raging monster’s childhood
came back to him. Young, small Cygil had saved up his allowance for months to buy a particular
perfume for his sweetheart. He had wrapped it up in a fancy box and psyched himself up to give
it to her. However, on his way to give her his gift he was stopped by his bully, who, after
hassling him for what was in the box pulled the perfume out and drenched Cygil in it, the stench
lingered for days. This memory triggered something in the now massive dragon. He grabbed a
handful of furs and stuffed them under his arm pits, despite the lack of fur dragons have he had
built up a decent scent from rampaging through the city. He could hear the desperate furs
gagging and coughing before bringing them slowly down his chest, the lucky ones were crushed
against his scales, the remainder were tucked underneath his sheath and forced to endure their
last moments in an intense stench. Those who did not suffocate from the intense musk were
turned into mush when the powerful dragon clenched his legs, causing a small trail of mixed
blood to run down his leg and onto the pavement.

The feeling of furs rubbing against his skin and sheath filled him with an intense arousal. His
whole body quaked and he decided to lie down right there in the street. He could feel the odd fur
or car bumping against his scaly body, but could feel no more than a tingle. He was truly all
powerful over these people. Slowly, his member creeped out of his sheath, the power was truly
arousing. He gripped a few furs in his hand, soaking them with pre to stick them on and began
to slowly stroke. The poor souls trapped in his grip were suffocating, but Cygil’s breathing only
became quicker and more erratic. He sped up, clenching tighter, bringing himself slowly closer
and closer to orgasm. When he heard the bones snap on one of his subjects he removed his
hand, stuffing the likely dead furs into his mouth and chomping down, only to replace them with
fresh ones, resuming stroking. As the dragon’s cock began to pulse and throb, and he became
closer and closer to release he clenched down tighter now than before, blood mixing with pre on
his cock as the poor micros were smashed against his ever growing rod. Just as the last of his
subjects took his last breath Cygil shot, his cum spewing up, landing all over the street, trapping
dozens of street goers in his sticky ooze as hundreds, if not thousands of gallons of cum landed
on the civilians of his home town. All the people who had tormented him, now suffocating in his
discarded fluids. Pathetic, Cygil thought to himself.

Cygil whipped the last little bit of blood and cum from his body, not regarding where it landed
before standing up, peering over the city looking at where to attack next. A building stood out to
him, he recognized it as the house his old school bully lived at and wondered if he still lived
there. Regardless, he started off in that direction. He wondered how he would react, if he would
be scared, begging for forgiveness. Cygil found himself replaying this situation over and over in
his head as he walked across the city. As he walked, however, he found himself needing a
different kind of release. All that water he drank earlier must have caught up with him. He looked
around for a suitable place to go, no bathrooms his size were nearby but something else caught
his eye.

Slowly, he approached the monorail station that had been put up in his town. He wondered how
watertight some of the trolleys were. Cygil waited around for a moment, flicking the odd car or
civilian with his toes as he waited for the next tram to run by. As it did, he grabbed it. Sparks
flew off of the tracks and he could see people panicking inside the trolley. It looked quite full of
furs, this would be perfect. He lifted the cart up, and as he did he saw furs tumble to the bottom,
and others hold on to the rails for dear life. He heard them pleading, but their words didn’t
matter now. He extended one of his claws and cut a hole in the top of the cart, leaving a sizable
amount of space for his stream. He pulled the entire cart off, it was surprisingly long, and held
the opening out in front of him. With one hand, he balanced the cart and with the other he held
onto his cock as a thick stream of piss filled one of the carts, drops of water leaked out of the
windows but it held a surprising amount. As it began to reach capacity the doors connecting the
trams cracked open, flooding the entire vehicle with piss, drowning those inside with his hot
liquids. He felt an intense sense of relief as he filled it up, and an intense sense of power as
hundreds of furs again fell victim to his fluids. He could torture furs like this for hours, but he had
more pressing issues on his hands. He dropped the cart on the ground, and several furs
spewed out of the top. None of them alive. He stomped the cart before leaving to get any

Now completely relieved and comfortable, much to the dismay of the townsfolk he continued on
towards his old nemesis’s house. At this point the authorities were aware of his presence, but
the helicopters and squad cars were completely avoidable by the monstrous macro. He simply
batted the copters out of the sky, and enjoyed a snack of german shepherds every time a car
would come closer. The bullets simply bounced off of his scales, and when the odd one would
slip between and sting him he would wreck havoc on the one responsible. He had gotten to the
point in his rampage where he had only one thing on his mind - revenge. He trucked onwards
towards his destination, and as he came closer the city became more and more empty. He
figured the people were evacuating when they heard news of someone as powerful as him in
the area. By the time he reached his destination, nobody could be heard. Cygil hoped his target
had not left the area yet. Much to his delight he didn’t even have to check as he came out of the
door. He looked like nothing more than an ant to the massive dragon, and just as he was about
to crush him then and there, a woman came out. It was his high school crush.

“Cygil!” the voice was hardly recognizable, but it was definitely female. “Don’t do this!”

Cygil completely disregarded his high school crush, and, ignoring her picked up what he could
only assume to be his highschool bully, or her current partner. Cygil placed him gently on the
palm of his hand, and held him in front of his face.
“Remember me?” Cygil’s voice almost knocked his captor off of his hand

“S-s-sure thing Cygil, I’m surprised you even remember me.” Cygil could tell he was hardly able
to speak coherently

“Remember you?” Cygil chuckled, almost knocking him off again “You made my highschool life
hell.” Cygil used both of his claws to lift him up, dangling him above the ground. If he had said
anything else, Cygil had ignored it completely. He let go, letting his bully drop several dozen feet
before landing in his hand. He coughed up some blood, and it was clear some bones were
broken. He could hear his crush pleading from down below.

“Well, too little too late.” Cygil kept picking him up and dropping him “He’s at least paralyzed by
now, I’ll save you the burden of looking after him your whole life” and with that Cygil clenched
his fist together, feeling the bones, fur, skin, and clothes mesh together into one lump. He rolled
it around in his hand like one might do with rubber cement before dropping the ball of bully
down, it landed with a horrifying -plop- beside his crush, who began sobbing incoherently.

“Just be lucky you were nice to me.” Cygil finished before stomping off, leaving her to literally
pick up the pieces of her lover.

A sense of total relief set over Cygil, and his walk out of the town was relatively tranquil.
However, when he reached the end of the bridge he saw hundreds of cars in a massive traffic
jam to flee the city. It seems that the huge amount of people trying to run had clogged up the
interstate. He took this opportunity to savor every moment back. Stomping on cars, picking little
snacks out yet again. When he was almost back to the lake he attempted to be a little more
secretive, as to not lead people to his home. Macro magic did not last forever. He bathed in the
lake, washing bodies and blood off of him before walking back through the countryside to his
home. There he saw his father looking up at him. The two said nothing, but exchanged a
knowing nod. Cygil wasn’t sure how, but his father seemed intensely proud. The relationship
between dragons and most other furs is predatory at best, and he didn’t think his rampage
would be too much of a problem at home. After all, dragons had been eating humans and furs
alike for thousands of years. Cygil curled up behind his house by the barn, unsurprisingly tired
from the huge amount of energy it would take to destroy a city. And, as he suspected, the next
day he was no longer massive. He let out a small sigh before walking into the house, ready to
go back to a life of disappointment. Surprisingly, however, he banged his head against the
doorframe of his house, and had to duck to enter. When his dad saw him his mouth went agape.
It had seemed that some of whatever had made him grow lingered over, and Cygil had finally
had his growth spurt.

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