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Перепишіть речення таким чином, щоб присвійні займенники з відносної

форми перетворились на абсолютну.

This is my book - This book is mine.

1. This is my pen. - 
2. These are his bikes. - 
3. These are her bags. - 
4. This is our room. - 
5. That is their car. - 
6. These are your trainers. - 
7. That is my cake. - 
8. This is his apple. - 
9. Those are her sweets. - 
10. These are their copy-books. - 
11. This is my notebook. - 
12. That is your pencil-case. - 
13. This is her cup. - 
14. This is our exercise. - 
15. This is her arm-chair. - 

Вправа 2. What is Molly saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.

_____ first name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What’s _____ first name?
And what’s ______ family name? I’m married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name
is Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. _____ name is Nickolas. _______
daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married. _____ husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have
got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.

Вправа 3. Circle the correct word.

This is Michael. This is his/her family. These are my / his parents. This is her / their house. This is your /
their pet. This is her / its ball.

Absolute possessive pronouns exercises.

Вправа 4. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate they’re amy’s, I think. Yes, they’re (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: that’s (2) ______ too! Thanks.

Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it’s (3) __________ .

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You’ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it’s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: don’t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn’t (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it’s (7) _________

Присвійні займенники. Mixed exercises.

Вправа 5. Виберіть з підкреслених слів правильні присвійні займенники.

Is this yours / your daughter?

It’s theirs / their problem, not our/ours.

It’s a good idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.

Are these her / hers shoes?

We’re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.

Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it’s not my / mine.

We know their / theirs address but they don’t know our / ours.

That’s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.

His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.

My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?

Вправа 6. Вставте потрібні за змістом висловлювання з (own).

He really loves to have __________ car.

I hope to set up _________ business one day

Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________.

We don’t need your tools, we’ve taken _________ drill.

They інвестувати the money of__________ in this project.

She’s always smoking our cigarettes! Why she doesn’t buy __________.

I have always dreamt to have a room of___________.

Liza has left ____________ child in infant home!

The house was built by ___________great-grandfather. We’re proud of this fact.

We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us.

Вправа 7. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.

Tim: Whose CD is that?

Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It’s (1) _______ . It’s (2) _______ favourite CD.

Tim: it’s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too?

Jenny: No, it’s (5) ________ sister’s. And those on the table are (6) ________ too.

Tim: there’s a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?

Jenny: No, she doesn’t. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.

Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister’s?

Jenny No, it isn’t (10) _________. I’ll have to ask (11) _____ brother. CD is That (12) _______.

Відповіді до вправ на присвійні займенники.

Exercise 1.1 her, 2 their, 3 their, 4 her, 5 his, 6 their, 7 her

Exercise 2.My my, your, your, my, his, our, his, our, her, her, their

Exercise 3.His, his, their, their, its

Exercise 4.1 hers, mine 2, 3 his, 4 hers, 5 yours, 6 ours, 7 theirs

Exercise 5.

1 your 2 their / ours, 3 yours, 4 her, 5 ours, 6 your / mine, 7 their / ours, 8 my / mine, 9 hers / hers 10 my
/ yours

Exercise 6.

1 his own, 2 my own, 3 his own, 4 our own, 5 their own, 6 her own, 7 my own, 8 her own, 9 our own, 10
their own або our own

Exercise 7.

1 mine, 2 my, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 my, 6 hers, 7 my або our, 8 theirs, 9 your 10 hers, 11 my, 12 his

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